☆ Introduction
Please make sure you read first before voting also make sure to explain why as voting is only one part of the feedback. 
☆ Season 1
☆ Season 2
☆ Season 3
☆ Season 4
Skeltons,Armor Damage And Unarmed Combat
Loading Screen Makeover,Difficulty Slider And PVE Currency
Custom Name Plates,Emblems,Show Titles And Names,Preview Armors And Weapons, Asia And Oceanic Mega Servers And Crafting - Experience
Crafting Titles/Titles,Inspecting Players,Connecting Characters,Achivement Slots And World Bosses
Festivals,Feminine Armor,Traps/Puzzles And Racial Walking
☆ Season 5
☆ Gidorick's Repository Of brillant Ideas
Environmental Concepts:
UI Concepts:
Game Systems:
Player Options & Items and Systems:
Crown Store/ ESO+ Centric Concepts:
Silly odds and ends:
☆ Some Music While You Read
☆ Forum And Game Interactions
Creating a more socially active game requires connections both in game and out side of the game.
First off bloody brillant improvement step was just made with the new Community Ambassador Program.@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom this is a really good idea and deserves a bro fist bump.

I don't give these often good job and elected Ambassadors remember to always be truthful and not blind followers. For a game to truly progress both sides of feedback are always needed. Also Gina and Rebecca if the idea below is introduced a title should be given to your selected ambassadors (see below).
2nd A mobile app [SEE HERE] is a good start to keeping players minds on your video game even outside of the game (Destiny's app is proof of this).
Step three would be creating ways to then link your forums into the game. Now i have an idea on how to create a more social aspect of the forums as well as reward users for using the forums.
The best thing about it is you guys have already done alot of the hard work for this.
Starting with:
☆ Forum leveling
You guys have done really well here but what if you were to set up a link to the game for this?. By creating account wide tabards into the collection tab.
You guys already have the forum accounts linked to game accounts. So it shouldn't be too difficult to then set up something like this.
All account wide tabards should be able to be dyed any colour they have unlocked.
☆ Star Level
-In game tabard with your forum handle plus ☆ star down the flap of the tabard with a oroburos on it (see below).
☆☆ Star Levels
-In game tabard with your forum handle plus ☆☆ stars down the flap of the tabard with a oroburos on it (see below).
-1000 gold
☆☆☆ Star Levels
-In game tabard with your forum handle plus ☆☆☆ stars down the flap of the tabard with a oroburos on it (see below).
-A stack of 10 soul gems and 10 potions rewarded.
☆☆☆☆ Star Levels
-In game tabard with your forum handle plus ☆☆☆☆ stars down the flap of the tabard with a oroburos on it (see below).
-500 crowns rewarded
☆☆☆☆☆ Star Levels
-In game tabard with your forum handle plus ☆☆☆☆☆ stars down the flap of the tabard with a oroburos on it (see below).
- A special Title i.e (Mentor) Or (Elder)
● Ambassador Ranked
- A special in game title is rewarded "Ambassador".
-A special in game tabard with a mega star inside the oroburos
● This is a badge of honor and they should be rewarded for it.
Of course as you guys stated:
In the situation that one of our Ambassadors breaks our Code of Conduct, they will be removed from the program immediately.
Then the title is also removed as it's a special privilege much like their forum avatar and forum title.
This will help encourage more forum activity and reward forum users for spending time getting involved. It should also encourage new people to come to the forums and meet new people especially from the console side.

Extra Food For Thought ZOS
I pulled this from another thread for you to also think about.
Gratz to all you new Ambassadors!
@ZOS_GinaBruno are there any plans for further forum progression for the rest of us? For example, more than 5 stars, better avatars or maybe dare I say....veteran ranks

Cuyler i know you don't like some of my episodes of Improving On ESO but you may enjoy the latest one as it is about just that.
I've glanced at the series. I'll need a big breakfast, a whole pot of coffee and a day off of work to go over it all

Jk Great job presenting all the ideas in one spot.
Yeah sorry had to make sure all sides were covered but i do agree that they have the perfect set up with the star system to progress this further and bring the game and forums closer together.
Very very curious though because they may have something like this already in the works and the ambassador system is phase 1.
Yes the star system specifically would be very easy to elaborate upon. I'm interested in seeing who would have 10,15, 20 stars by now (maybe every 5 stars = 1 vet star?).
Well i have only been on the forums for about a month and a bit and ive been 5 stars for awhile now.
Im curious as to how they are based?.
When you earn a Badge you get points (5, 10, 25, etc.) You get a star when you reach a certain amount of points.
Then i guess 5 stars must be 1000 points and based off that
Sooo what if ZOS reformated the star system to go:
Bronze 1-5 stars = a total of 1000 points
Sliver 1-5 stars = a total of 2000 points
Gold 1-5 stars = a total of 3000 points
Each 1-5 requires 1000 points
And each lot of badges give more and more points the higher they go atm i think they cap out at 500.
Also S05E02 would still work and each new set gives a better set of rewards than the previous.
Just a thought though 
I know i will 

☆ Unlock able Avatars
Then you can go a little bit further by offering new avatars that are given to people for use on the forums for doing certain things in the game.
Just a few examples:
Rescuing The Prophet

Completing The Fighters Guild Quest Line

Completing The Dark Brotherhood Quest Line

Defeating Molag Bal

Gidorick's Opinion On This
Foum And Game Interactions
Personally, I do not care for the idea of forum/game interaction. I like to keep my gaming experience contained within the gaming and my exploits here shouldn't impact my characters. That being said, nothing you've suggested would result in in-game advantages over other players, so a player wouldn't be required to participate on the forum and it would encourage player inside the game to visit the forums.
Titles that the player can choose from would be fine but I don't think names on tabard would be a good idea. A little too much like a jersey. Perhaps ZOS could include the title "Forum Member" along with other higher ranking titles.
I mocked up your tabard logo design:

and am adding my own thoughts on a design:

Just put me down in the "Wouldn't use, but can see why people would enjoy" on this one.

hmmm... Perhaps ZOS could even associate specific dye colors with forum achievements.
☆ Two Or More Player Mounts And Different Mount Arrivals And Departures
☆ Mounting And Dismounting
so the way mounts spawn in and disspear could use an improvement. As @Gidorick and i keep saying "remember that the littlest features can have the largest impacts".
Short but sweet:
Beastial Mounts: you whistle to your friend and just off the screen. Your mount runs towards you and stops close by as it waits for its master to mount up. should you not mount up after 30 seconds or move out of range of them they run off.
Magical Mounts: Like your *Flaming Horse* and soon to be added *Frozen Horse* should have special mounting and dismounting effects.
First of all i am disappointed in your lack of ideas for these or putting the work in.
Colouring different mounts is the easy path but if you really want to increase sales you need to go a step further.
Starting with entering and disappearing take your new frozen horse.
Your character places one hand on their chest and closes their eyes. A blue mist starts forming infront of you and quickly starts forming the frozen steed. The magical beast then waits for you to get on.
This beast shares a deep bond with you and knows when you wish get off. The magical steed shatters underneath you as the mist slowly dissappears. The beast is apart of you and awaits your call again.
Gidorick has added:
Different animations for each mount to help add that special something to them.
The ice horse could have little spikes of ice form beneath it that it SMASHES when in comes back down.
The fire horse when it rears flames could shoot from its mouth.
Also make sure to see Gidorick's Tangible Mount Thread Before voting for this especially because of his idea of mount armor.

It means you have to put in a little effort but the result should be better mounts,happier players and better overall sales.Even i would buy one of these if you at least gave it a unique theme like this.
☆ 2 Or More player mounts
This one is a no brainer and i dont want to hear it's not possible as other mmo's can do this. But ZOS think about the money you would make from these. I enjoyed using these in world of warcraft especially when i wanted to go for a smoke.My brother would just take us both to the start of the raid instance or what ever we were doing.

Gidorick's Opinion On This
Mounting And Dismounting
Tangible Mounts concept would work really well with these ideas, but your thoughts would work well with how mounts are currently handled as well.
If we're going to have special mounts... might as well make them even more special! hehe.
2 Or More player mounts
I think you have the right idea here about how these mounts would be added to ESO. People have been asking for 2 player mounts for a while but horses aren't designed for 2 players. ZOS could release a horse specifically for 2 players or, as I would prefer, ZOS could release 2 player saddles for certain mounts. Mount's stay the same, saddle changes.
☆ It's Your Birthday And Zenimax Cares
A good way to improve your relationship with your player base especially if some are taking a break from ESO. Is to make them feel you care about them and this can be done in many ways.
One way is to wish players a happy birthday and a few crowns as a birthday present doesn't hurt and might just encourage more spending. 
See below a mock email:
Gidorick's Opinion On This
It's Your Birthday And Zenimax Cares
This would be a nice little touch, but it would HAVE to be automated and there would have to be a way for ZOS to lock the birthday. Being that some people consider a birthday sensitive information, and some players would try to change their birthday to get the goodies, it might be better to use gameplay anniversary date.
Some ideas out of left field
@Heromofo! Keep 'em coming!
We Heard It Was Your Birthday Today
(Insert Players Name)
So another year has passed for you and we here at Zenimax Online Studio would like to wish you a happy Birthday.
We also have a gift of 500 crowns for you to spend in The Elder Scrolls Online TU.Make sure to claim your Birthday Present Within 30 days otherwise the link will expire.

Make sure you receive your email from ZeniMax. Add email@mailer.elderscrollsonline.com to your address book.
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