No, but soon we'll have fluffy kittens you can buy from the crown store and collect all the colors.
I'd buy that for a handful of crowns...I'd totally pay for a Brutality pack.
TheShadowScout wrote: »I'd buy that for a handful of crowns...
Seriously, now that the game is reset to 18+, I'd love to have more 18+ content in it. And while there are some trophies (rare drops from monster types to collect), I wouldn't mind seeing more of that for characters who feel like playing that way...
Also, some more "deathblow" animations. The ones we have for elemental/magical damage are neat, but I'd want the occasional decapitation or such too! Blood splatters. A bit of gore now and then, when it fits. I mean, if years-old Age of Conan could do it... why not ESO?
4/5 @Gidorick , 5/5 had you used Grumpy Cat.
Assassin's Creed meets the Witcher...definite potential there.TheShadowScout wrote: »I'd buy that for a handful of crowns...
Seriously, now that the game is reset to 18+, I'd love to have more 18+ content in it. And while there are some trophies (rare drops from monster types to collect), I wouldn't mind seeing more of that for characters who feel like playing that way...
Also, some more "deathblow" animations. The ones we have for elemental/magical damage are neat, but I'd want the occasional decapitation or such too! Blood splatters. A bit of gore now and then, when it fits. I mean, if years-old Age of Conan could do it... why not ESO?
Merlin13KAGL wrote: »Assassin's Creed meets the Witcher...definite potential there.
Merlin13KAGL wrote: »4/5 @Gidorick , 5/5 had you used Grumpy Cat.
Merlin13KAGL wrote: »
I've been eagerly awaiting the Cat-a-pult. Nothing will crush the spirit of your enemies faster, I tell you.
A single strike death blow by me shoving my sword through someone's back and it jetting out their chest as they lurch backward and shove off their mortal coil? Yes please!
Then let my take their tongue.
Hmm.... racial specific trophies would be cool... if you kill a Man, you take their tongue. Kill a Mer, their ear. Argonian or Khajiit, the tip of their trails. Orc, their teeth.
What do you think Meatbags are made of?
PPTTTHH... I'd rather a Cowtapult.
Merlin13KAGL wrote: »
Take it a step further, if you will. Make armor from your enemies...
May not make you the most well liked among your people, but I suspect you should get +1 to fear simply by stepping foot on the battlefield.
What do you think Meatbags are made of?
I just want to see the look on the full Heavy Armor DK on the wall when he takes a kitten to the face!
Attorneyatlawl wrote: »
Guy with 20 ears on a necklace steps onto the field.... "10% miss chance debuff" activates on all nearby enemies.
Taking armor in pvp? Would the deaf player lose that armor, or would the armor be duped?
Merlin13KAGL wrote: »
@Attorneyatlawl has the right idea.
Merlin13KAGL wrote: »
Not taking armor from your enemies, making armor from your enemies...
@Attorneyatlawl has the right idea.
mlstevens42_ESO wrote: »I remember the head trophies not that I took them but some were given to me. "That guy over there he killed you? I will be right back." Five minuts later is handed a head. "Here ya go I do not think he will bother you again."UO pre Trammel days.