I like the idea of fences costing less than guards. 75% seems a bit high... it shouldn't be so much that no one will ever want to pay the guard. I think close to 90% would make more sense within the mechanics of the system.
Cool idea though!
traditionally in the Elder Scrolls games fences could pay off your bounty for half of the fined cost
I like the idea of fences costing less than guards. 75% seems a bit high... it shouldn't be so much that no one will ever want to pay the guard. I think close to 90% would make more sense within the mechanics of the system.
Cool idea though!
Zershar_Vemod wrote: »Why didn't you just add this to the monetization thread you created not long ago begging ZOS to charge us money on things that should be included on purchase of the game?
snowmanflvb14_ESO wrote: »The issue with the OP's idea is that it would be a P2W feature as opposed to what is currently in the store.
How so? Are there in game achievements based on bounty and heat? Escaping the law, sure. Killing a bunch of people, yea. But specifically tied to bounty amount?
Players relieve absolutely zero advantage over other players by paying off their bounty with real money. Maybe if the PVP aspect of this ever gets released. I could see an issue where players use the heat relief to get out of pvp... but that could be taken care of by having any time a player is engaged in pvp they are flagged for that match unless they "escape", they are able to be attacked by the specific player with which they are engaged.
Bringing my question back around, what about this is Pay to Win?
dwemer_paleologist wrote: »i dont understand why the guards just dont believe me that it was enmtirely and accident that i killed all those nords and argonians and khajiits ....
GrimGryphon wrote: »
I would like it if they added the ability to reduce or in rare cases eliminate your bounty by having additional dialog options for persuade and intimidate.
snowmanflvb14_ESO wrote: »it is P@QW
Simple it would allow you to rack up the skills in ledgerman without the in game penalties of having to deal with bounties. The fact that you want this feature shows that you want your cake ( the skills from stealing pick pocking and killing) and to eat it too (not having to deal with the penalties by simply using rl currency to avoid the penalties. Since the sneak/stamina benefit would help in pvp your idea is just P2W