With the addition of regular clothing to Elder Scrolls Online through the justice system, I think it would be quite beneficial to add tailors to the game to handle the construction and distribution of casual clothing in ESO.
ESO should have systems in place for players to buy and/or craft casual clothes within ESO.
Here is an overview of the sections of this post:
- The Clothing
- The Benefits
- The Materials
- The Skill
- The Patterns
- The Merchant
The Clothing
Clothing could provide players with many different options with which to outfit their character. All clothing needs to be able to be dyed and will take the place of armor if worn. Players should be able to wear a mixture of Clothing and Armor. All clothing should continue to be unisex.
- Head = Hats, Crowns, and Masks
- Torso = Shirt/Blouse and Underwear Tops
- Hands = Gloves and Bracers
- Waist = Belts and Bandoleers
- Legs = Pants, Underwear Bottoms, and Skirts/Kilts
- Feet = Shoes and Sandals
- Shoulders = Backpacks, Bags and Capes/Cloaks (eventually)
The call for different underclothing could be satisfied with making underclothing garments act as normal garments. This would leave it so that if a player removes all of their equipped garments, they will still see the Underarmor-inspired underwear we all wear now.
The Benefits
Currently, clothes have very little benefit for players. Most players use clothes for RPing more than anything else. There could be some benefit to clothes having an actual advantage within ESO. Here are a few ideas:
- Passive XP: What if each article of clothing awarded a player passive XP while they wear it within ESO? It wouldn’t have to be much. Perhaps there are 5 levels of clothing and the lowest levels (1-10) only offer 1xp per minute while wearing the clothing and the highest level (50+) offer 5xp per minute of wear.
7 articles of the lowest level of clothing would yield 420XP per hour. 7 articles of the highest level of clothing would yield 2100XP per hour.
If a level 25 player were to wear 7 articles of clothing they would earn 1260XP per hour and would have to stand around in that clothing for about 26 hours to get to the next level.
To combat players completely abusing this system, the amount of XP earned through passive means for each level and each CP could be capped at 25%.
- Crafting Inspiration: Another option would be for clothing to increases the inspiration gained from crafting tasks. This system could again, work with 5 levels and each article of clothing could increase the inspiration gained by 1% at the lowest level and 5% at the highest.
Using this system, someone who is level 40 who is wearing 7 articles of clothing that are level 40 would gain an additional 35% inspiration. Someone who is level 8 would gain an additional 7% inspiration.
- Sprint Buffs: Increased Sprint speed could be an alternate option for clothing buffs, 1-5% per article of clothing.
- Swimming Buffs: Increased Swimming speed could be another option for clothing buffs, 1-5% per article of clothing.
- Stealth Buffs: Thieves would enjoy a stealth buff which could increase pickpocketing change, 1-5% per article of clothing.
- Regen Buffs: Players could wear clothing in conjunction with their armor to increase Health/Stamina/Magica regen, 1-5% per article of clothing.
- Capacity Buffs: If my Bags and Encumbrance concept was implemented clothing could increase bag capacity by 1-5 slots per article of clothing and removing that clothing could cause the player to become over-encumbered.
To prevent any of these from allowing a player to become overpowered, each clothing article type could offer players a different type of buff, so instead of a player who is only wearing clothing getting 7 different 5% sprinting buffs totaling a 35% speed buff, the player would receive a speed buff only for his or her Footware.
Taking this idea farther we could have specific types of clothing with specific buff types. This could be so that players could stack a few of the same buffs, if they wish, but it wouldn’t be to an extent that would cause the buff to be overpowered.
Some ideas on what article of clothing could provide what buff:
- Head articles of clothing = Inspiration Buff
- Torso articles of clothing = Passive XP Buff
- Hands articles of clothing = Stealth Buff
- Waist articles of clothing= Regen Buff
- Legs articles of clothing= Capacity Buff
- Feet articles of clothing= Sprint Buff
- Shoulder articles of clothing= Swimming Buff
Clothing could be allowed to be enchanted in the same manor, and using the same glyphs, as armor. Armor Enchantments add to max Health, max Stamina, and max Magica, which wouldn’t conflict with any of the suggested buffs.
Clothing could also have a base armor value that is much MUCH lower than any armor, but still present. This could be the trait that is increased when Clothing is improved.
The Materials
Since the Clothier uses some of the materials that would make sense under the Tailor skill, a completely separate set of materials would need to be added to ESO to facilitate the Tailor skill. Real world plants such as cotton and moss as well as Elder Scrolls specific plants such as Marshmerrow and Kreshweed could be used to make fabrics. There could also be a selection of animal materials, such as wool, fox fur, rabbit fur, and different types of silk added for the different fabric types.
The materials within the Tailoring line should be refined into some sort of fabric. There could be different leathers added to ESO or the Clothier materials could be recycled. Multi-craft materials are not currently present in ESO but that doesn’t mean they’re an impossibility. Mult-craft materials could also open up the possibility of using alchemist materials in poisons or blacksmithing materials in jewelry. The Raw material could just be processed into a different material. Jute could be refined using Clothier skills into Jute, but using Tailoring skills it could be refined into Jute Linen.
Mercerizing agents could be used to take Clothes from Normal to Fine, Superior, Epic, and Legendary. The items used could be fasteners, buttons, oils, balms, solvents, soaps, or any number of items that could us used to improve clothing. Improving the quality could improve the armor rating. A legendary article of clothing should be comparable to a normal piece of light armor.
Clothes should be able to have traits added to them in the exact same manner as armor, even though some of the traits would cause doubling up of some buffs.
The Skill
The Tailor skill-line should contain passive skills very much like the Blacksmith, Clothier, and Woodworker.
- Weaving: a 9 level skill allowing players to use more clothing materials and allowing players to make higher level clothes.
- Keen Eye: Textiles: 3 level skill to help spot Tailoring materials.
- Scavenger Hireling: 3 level skill for a Tailoring hireling.
- Cutter: 3 level skill increasing the chance of extracting tailoring ingredients.
- Altering: a 4 level skill reducing research times.
- Mercerize Expertise: a 3 level skill increasing the chances of improving the quality of clothes.
The Patterns
Unlike armor, clothing shouldn’t be separated by racial style and players should need to find and study patterns to make specific articles of clothes. Each article of clothing should have its own pattern. In this way, patterns are more akin to recipes than they are motifs.
Once a pattern is learned, players will need to gather the correct fabrics to make the specific article of clothing. The simpler articles require only one fabric, more complex clothes can require four or maybe even more fabrics.
Patterns should be able to found in much the same way that recipes and motifs can be found. ZOS could even take it upon themselves to release quarterly pattern packs for each season.
All of these items should be available at a new merchant type that would need to be added to ESO, The Tailor.
The Merchant
The Tailor would, ideally, be situated inside a store. They could use a cart, but would need to have a privacy screen for customers. After all, players will be changing clothes and that requires a modicum of modesty.

Players should be able to buy and sell materials, patterns, and completed clothes from the Merchant. Unlike when players are crafting their clothing, players who are shopping for completed clothes should be treated to a preview of the clothes. This should function similarly to the Crown Store preview but could place the player in a specific area of the store, such as a dressing room or behind the privacy screen.
Players should also be able to ‘flag’ items for purchase. That way they can mix and match their clothes before they decide on a specific outfit. Only one item type should be able to be flagged at a time.
The materials Tailors sell shouldn’t be the raw materials, the merchant should sell the finished fabrics for players to use while making their own clothes.