Improving On ESO S04E02) Loading Screen Makeover,Difficulty Slider And PVE Currency


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☆ Loading Screen Makeover

I have to admit the ESO loading screens are plain and boring but offer some appeal.
You guys just need to add your own personal touch something that other mmo's do not do.
So i figured i would let the community throw out some ideas and leave an idea my self on how to add that personal touch.

In other games especially mmo's there are things that set them apart and i gotta say warframe does a good job of this.
By letting you customize your ship and control it in part in the loading screens and as others join you their ships appear as well and its just great.

But to keep the loading screens down and still have that personal touch that other games dont do i suggest something like.

Character Loading Screens:

The idea is to keep the loading screens as they are now but change the way they phase into the game based off the class your playing.

-Dragon Knight: As the loading finishes the middle of the loading screen ignites from an ember and burns the page from the middle to the outskirts of the screen
revealing the loaded area.

-Templar: As the loading finishes the entire screen starts to glow and grow in brightness until you can only see the light then fades into the loaded area.

-Nightblade: As the loading finishes the screen gets rip to shreds by an invisible blade and the shreded remains fall off the screen revealing the new loaded area.

-Sorcerer: As the loading finishes a rune appears and lighting strikes the middle of it and then the page disengrates revealing the new loaded area.

Do you the readers have a version of a new loading screen?, if so place it below and i will add it here.

Important Video For You Zozies
Adding a personal touch to loading screens.

☆ Gidorick's Opinion On This
The loading screen idea sounds cool but unnecessary. It would offer a bit of dynamic flair to the UI. I'd group that in the same category as the unscrolling map and the journal that looks like a book. It would add a bit of atmosphere but it should be pretty low on the priority list.

☆ Difficulty Slider

First i have to say i enjoy leveling in ease but i have noticed a lot of the community ade asking for a slider as its too easy for them.
This got me thinking about Diablo and the slider style they use and how it could be applied to ESO.

First you have to give a reason to why:

Easy: 75 percent of the current experience gained.
Normal: 100 percent of the current experience gained.
Hard: 115 percent of the current experience gained plus 50 percent bonus gold gain.
Nightmare: 125 percent of the current experience gained plus double gold gain.

The next step is to figure out how to make it work into ESO.

First way could be to split the channels into 4 groups and depending on your difficulty chosen it would put you in the difficulty you chose channels.
Then should you change the difficulty it forces a reload and places you in the new difficulty channel and also bases it on the best channel for friends and guilds.
Should say nightmare difficulty contain most of the player base you have to have in place a way to make channels from the other difficulties swap to that difficulty.

So for example the numbers could start looking like this:

Easy: 20 percent of the channels.
Normal: 12 percent of the channels.
Hard: 16 percent of the channels.
Nightmare: 52 percent of the channels.

Next is simply to increase the damage and health of each difficulty and possibly the loot rarity of each difficulty.

Just for some information on how Diablo scales:

☆ Gidorick's Opinion On This
I would love a difficulty slider. It's actually a pretty standard feature in The Elder Scrolls. ESO should handle this by decreasing the effectiveness of the player. Easier equates to a player buff with lowered experience. Harder equates to a player debuff with increased experience. If this is done then we should have the level range that awards us XP alerted as well.

XP rewarded for killing mobs
Easy: 2 levels below
Normal: 5 levels below
Hard: 8 levels below
Nightmare: 12 levels below

A level 40 player playing on nightmare should equal the power of a level 33 player playing on normal. Kind of like a voluntary scaling mechanic.

☆ PVE Currency

The RNG system is almost as bad as Destiny's one to try and get the right weapon/armor and then get the right buffs you want on it.
But a simple PVE currency system can help to aleviate the pain of the rng system and provide a feeling of player control.
A token system helps to guarantee loot after so many runs even if you have to do it 60 runs to get the amount needed but it gives players a feeling of hope.


☆ Gidorick's Opinion On This
At first I was 100% against the PVE currency idea, then I read your explanation and discovered why we should read an idea before coming to a conclusion. :wink:

I agree with the core concept but would prefer if there is never any way for a player to 100% guarantee a drop. Perhaps a Luck Meter that increases with each subsequent play. The meter could top out at 85% chance or so and Nocturnal's Embrace potions could be sold in the Crown Store that gives the player a greater chance of getting the drop. It should never be 100% chance though.

Of course, people would likely call that pay--to-win so... :shrug:

Edited by Heromofo on June 5, 2015 11:21AM

Improving On ESO S04E02) Loading Screen Makeover,Difficulty Slider And PVE Currency 9 votes

I Agree To All (Explain Below)
SpazzKidd3Heromofo 2 votes
I Disagree To All (Explain Below)
WodwoBloodfangLord_Kreegan 3 votes
Agree To Some of This And I will Explain Below (What You Like/Dont Like)
GidorickLeijonaKorprokb92303008rwb17_ESO 4 votes
Agree To One Or More Here But I Have A Different Take On it (Explain Below)
  • Wodwo
    I Disagree To All (Explain Below)
    I personally believe the loading screens are breath-takingly beautiful in the game ATM, and to be honest would rather they fixed the "infinite" (or at least occasionally very long) loading screens. I like the fact that this game only has one currency, it stream lines the system and makes it feel more Elder Scrollsy to me. Not saying that I enjoy RNG (I hate it), I would just rather ZOS implement some other form of guaranteed loot drops (I like the weekly coffers from the Undaunted Trials that always give pretty good stuff). In terms of difficulty- I would agree the solo levelling is way too easy, however as a Veteran player of the game I know all of the ins and outs, how to spell weave, when to block, dodge etc. For a new player, I can see how it would be confusing. I enjoy stuff like Trials and Vet DSA that offer me a bit more of a challenge, I don't really feel like a difficulty slider would add anything to the game. I would rather ZOS added MORE difficult content to the game than adding in a slider to make the old stuff more challenging. And besides, the population is already pretty small, dividing it into 4? That sounds like a recipe for never seeing anyone at all. That's just one man's opinion though.
  • Heromofo
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    Wodwo wrote: »
    I personally believe the loading screens are breath-takingly beautiful in the game ATM, and to be honest would rather they fixed the "infinite" (or at least occasionally very long) loading screens. I like the fact that this game only has one currency, it stream lines the system and makes it feel more Elder Scrollsy to me. Not saying that I enjoy RNG (I hate it), I would just rather ZOS implement some other form of guaranteed loot drops (I like the weekly coffers from the Undaunted Trials that always give pretty good stuff). In terms of difficulty- I would agree the solo levelling is way too easy, however as a Veteran player of the game I know all of the ins and outs, how to spell weave, when to block, dodge etc. For a new player, I can see how it would be confusing. I enjoy stuff like Trials and Vet DSA that offer me a bit more of a challenge, I don't really feel like a difficulty slider would add anything to the game. I would rather ZOS added MORE difficult content to the game than adding in a slider to make the old stuff more challenging. And besides, the population is already pretty small, dividing it into 4? That sounds like a recipe for never seeing anyone at all. That's just one man's opinion though.

    Unfortunately i cannot help with the population dilemma thats kinda on them lol.
    But it does feel like and seem that there is about 10,000- 100k left.
    These are just ideas for them to consider especially with the release of the console versions i expect to see the console versions have populations that outnumber the pc population 100 fold.
  • Heromofo
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    Just so people understand i just added a video to the thread.
    Now this video is only about how different companies added a personal touch.
    To loading screens over the years and the top ones that really helped to make the game.

    Make sure to watch it to the end as even skyrim gets a shout out for its beautiful loading screen.
    Also if you have any suggestions for loading screens post them below and i shall add them up above.

    Your Forum Lunatic
    Heromofo :D
  • Gidorick
    Agree To Some of This And I will Explain Below (What You Like/Dont Like)
    I'm torn with these ideas @Heromofo.

    The loading screen idea sounds cool but unnecessary. It would offer a bit of dynamic flair to the UI. I'd group that in the same category as the unscrolling map and the journal that looks like a book. It would add a bit of atmosphere but it should be pretty low on the priority list.

    I would love a difficulty slider. It's actually a pretty standard feature in The Elder Scrolls. ESO should handle this by decreasing the effectiveness of the player. Easier equates to a player buff with lowered experience. Harder equates to a player debuff with increased experience. If this is done then we should have the level range that awards us XP alerted as well.

    XP rewarded for killing mobs
    Easy: 2 levels below
    Normal: 5 levels below
    Hard: 8 levels below
    Nightmare: 12 levels below

    A level 40 player playing on nightmare should equal the power of a level 33 player playing on normal. Kind of like a voluntary scaling mechanic.

    At first I was 100% against the PVE currency idea, then I read your explanation and discovered why we should read an idea before coming to a conclusion. :wink:

    I agree with the core concept but would prefer if there is never any way for a player to 100% guarantee a drop. Perhaps a Luck Meter that increases with each subsequent play. The meter could top out at 85% chance or so and Nocturnal's Embrace potions could be sold in the Crown Store that gives the player a greater chance of getting the drop. It should never be 100% chance though.

    Of course, people would likely call that pay--to-win so... :shrug:
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
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  • Heromofo
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    Gidorick wrote: »
    I'm torn with these ideas @Heromofo.

    The loading screen idea sounds cool but unnecessary. It would offer a bit of dynamic flair to the UI. I'd group that in the same category as the unscrolling map and the journal that looks like a book. It would add a bit of atmosphere but it should be pretty low on the priority list.

    I would love a difficulty slider. It's actually a pretty standard feature in The Elder Scrolls. ESO should handle this by decreasing the effectiveness of the player. Easier equates to a player buff with lowered experience. Harder equates to a player debuff with increased experience. If this is done then we should have the level range that awards us XP alerted as well.

    XP rewarded for killing mobs
    Easy: 2 levels below
    Normal: 5 levels below
    Hard: 8 levels below
    Nightmare: 12 levels below

    A level 40 player playing on nightmare should equal the power of a level 33 player playing on normal. Kind of like a voluntary scaling mechanic.

    At first I was 100% against the PVE currency idea, then I read your explanation and discovered why we should read an idea before coming to a conclusion. :wink:

    I agree with the core concept but would prefer if there is never any way for a player to 100% guarantee a drop. Perhaps a Luck Meter that increases with each subsequent play. The meter could top out at 85% chance or so and Nocturnal's Embrace potions could be sold in the Crown Store that gives the player a greater chance of getting the drop. It should never be 100% chance though.

    Of course, people would likely call that pay--to-win so... :shrug:

    Yeah but i try to cover all forum topics as best as i can. :D
    Btw i have updated the thread to include your opinions.

    Also Gidorick why did you not tell me your going to ps4 as well?. :D
  • Leijona
    Agree To Some of This And I will Explain Below (What You Like/Dont Like)
    Loading Screen Makeover: Really not necessary. Maybe nice, yes, but I already like the ones we have.

    Difficulty Slider: Way above ZOS abilities. Sorry to say, but that's just what seems to be a fact, as they already were not able to implement zones for roleplayers, zones for different languages, or zones were you will see friends and guild mates more then other players. Was to difficult for them, so a difficulty slider would be ways above what they are capable to do.

    PvE Currency: Totaly agree and with the imperial city we seem to get the first one.
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