Improving On ESO S03E02 Ft @Gidorick)Over Encumbered,Tweaks To The LFG,Small Life Changes


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☆ Season 1
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☆ Gidorick's Repository Of brillant Ideas
Environmental Concepts:
UI Concepts:
Game Systems:
Player Options & Items and Systems:
Crown Store/ ESO+ Centric Concepts:
Silly odds and ends:

☆Some Music While You Read

☆Over Encumbered

Encumbrance affects the number of items a character can carry in The Elder Scrolls Games . Maximum carrying capacity is a crucial element of all Elder Scrolls games. Exceeding this limit causes the Character to become encumbered, preventing them from running or sprinting. Additionally encumbered individuals cannot Fast Travel (Wayshrines for ESO).

A simple yet easy way to bring more of that Elder Scrolls feel to ESO. :)

For the readers:
What would Change is:
• Instead of not picking something up when full bags you will just move very slowly until you lower your bag space.
• You wont be able to pay to teleport to Wayshrines you can walk to them and then use them to teleport to a town.


☆Gidorick's Take On This
]Inventory continues to be an issue in ESO, but this doesn’t mean that everyone can’t be given an opportunity to benefit from a few items that could be added to the crown store.

Crown Store Inventory Items suggestions
  • No-Restriction Inventory Bags: These bags provide a set number of inventory spaces and consume one space in the player's main inventory. These bags cannot contain other bags and should be allowed to be placed inside a player's bank, but not sold.
    1. Backpack (1250 Crowns): Provides 20 inventory spaces
    2. Heavy Sack (1000 Crowns): Provides 15 inventory spaces
    3. Sack (750 Crowns): Provides 10 inventory spaces
    4. Small Sack (500 Crowns): Provides 5 inventory spaces
  • Crafting Material Bags: These bags have enough spaces to hold one stack of every type of material for the specific craft. Only the specific craft’s materials can be placed within the corresponding bag.
    1. Alchemist Satchel (1500 Crowns)
    2. Blacksmith’s Haversack (1500 Crowns)
    3. Clothier’s Tote (1500 Crowns)
    4. Enchanter’s Purse (1500 Crowns)
    5. Provisioner’s Knapsack (1500 Crowns)
    6. Woodworker’s Duffel (1500 Crowns)
  • Potions of Feather: These potions allow a player who is over-encumbered to alleviate the symptoms of being burdened.
    1. Bargain Potion of Feather (Craftable): Relieve one level of over-encumbrance for 10 minutes, stackable for longer duration.
    2. Cheap Potion of Feather (Craftable): Relieves two levels of over-encumbrance for 10 minutes, stackable for longer duration.
    3. Quality Potion of Feather (Craftable): Relieves three levels of over-encumbrance for 10 minutes, stackable for longer duration.
    4. Exclusive Potion of Feather -Pack of 3-(400 Crowns): Relieve one level of over-encumberance for 10 minutes, stackable For multiple levels of relief.
Over-Encumbrance: This new inventory mechanic will allow players to pick up MORE than their inventory space permits. This allows players to temporarily over-burden themselves so they are not strictly limited to their inventory space. Since Over-Encumbrance only occurs when a player exceeds the number of inventory spaces they have available, players are able to purchase bags and immediately relieve themselves of their Over-Encumbered status.

There are three stages of Over-Encumbrance. Players are only prompted of their Over-Encumbrance during the third stage, Heavily Over-Encumbered.
  • Slightly Over-Encumbered
    • Players who are carrying up to 5 more items than their inventory allows
    • Players cannot use “go to”; paying to travel to a Wayshrine costs 10X more than normal
    • Players cannot sprint on foot, but can run normally
    • Players can use their mounts normally
  • Moderately Over-Encumbered
    • Players who are carrying up to 6-10 more items than their inventory allows
    • Players cannot use “go to” and cannot pay to travel to a Wayshrine
    • Players cannot sprint or run normally on foot, they can only walk.
    • Players can use their mounts, but cannot sprint. They can run normally
  • Heavily Over-Encumbered
    • Players who are carrying 11-15 or more items than their inventory allows
    • Players cannot use “go to”, cannot pay to travel to a Wayshrine, or use a Wayshrine.
    • Players cannot sprint, run normally, or walk. They cannot move and receive the prompt “You are Encumbered” when they attempt to move.
    • Players can use their mounts, but cannot sprint or run normally. They can only walk.
A player who is Heavily Over-Encumbered would have to use 3 Exclusive Potions of feather in order to become completely unencumbered.

I believe these additions will give players what they desire, more inventory, while providing ZOS with another means for revenue. Thoughts?

☆Changing The LFG System A Little

First off i would like to say bloody well done with the LFG console version it is really put together .
I hope you guys plan to bring it to the pc players as they need a better system. But there are a few things that should be implemented to set up better groups starting with.
1. Selecting multiple dungeons at a time so i could choose a few non vet dungeons and a few vet dungeons at once.
2. A ILVL is needed say you have two healers:
Healer a) all his gear and stats are focused on magicka and health so he has an item level of 390.
Healer b) his gear is in abit of everything and he normally goes in dps so his item level is only 175 if he wants to heal but his dps item level is 370.

They both want to do (X) Veteran Dungeon but the item level for a healer for this Veteran dungeon is (266) minimum.
So Healer A meets the requirements and can sign up buy Healer B cannot sign up for the Dungeon Via LFG for this dungeon as a healer but he could go in as a dps.
He is still able to do it with guildies or friends but he must gear up better to use the LFG for this dungeon as a healer.

This system should save your LFG system atm as its falling to bits.

A Way To Boost LFG numbers
Zos offer them simple bonuses for doing LFG.
X amount of gold
X amount of exp
And a daily award of one champion point for doing first dungeon of the day.

☆Useable Furniture And Small Changes Of Life

I know old news but hey for the sake of it lets go over it anyway. :D
I know things like sitting down in a chair, Sleeping in a bed, Climbing a ladder,Carrying a torch (covered very well by @Gidorick ).
Simple animation but alot of work to implement but the small things go a long way to making the world that much better.

Not much else to say on this matter but something to think about. :D


@Gidorick Ideas On This Topic If You Missed Them
Immersive Darkness
Through some discussion on other threads there have been some desires regarding the darkness of ESO’s game world that has come to light. (pun intended).


ESO could have more dynamic environmental light levels with tools and skills that can be used to cope with the darkness.

Immersive Darkness
Some players would like to have darker environments in which to play while other players do not want to have mechanics such as torches forced upon them. There can be mechanics introduced to support both types of players and would allow players to switch back and forth between the two types of play styles.

First and foremost let’s address the environmental light levels. Many players feel as if the overall darkness levels within ESO are entirely too high. Players are able to navigate and see it the darkness without much effort in ESO and a decreased light level would increase immersion and would enhance some of the gameplay mechanics.

For the purpose of this concept, the current levels of darkness are to be considered the measuring stick of the brightest it should naturally be at night.

As suggested in my Environment & Weather Systems Overhaul Concept thread, the over-world lightness levels could be governed by the weather.
  • If it’s storming and raining, the light from Masser and Secunda cannot shine through, making it difficult to see.
  • If it’s is overcast, the moons of Nirn peek through the clouds to gently light your way.
  • If the night is clear the moons shine bright and you can see the path before you easily.
Dungeons and delves could be the areas in which most heinous of the darkened environments are experienced. The light levels of some existing and new dungeons could be lowered so players without illumination assistance would have difficulty.

Radiant Night Vision

Every player that wishes to not use any illuminators should be able to do so, but this decision should come with some consequences. With the exception of specifically designed dungeons and delves, all players should be able to make their way in the dark. A radius of dull illumination should surround the player. As the player moves, the illumination should fade and the radius should decrease. The faster the player moves the more quickly the radiant night vision should diminish. Once the player stops or slows it should take a moment for the character’s eyes to reacclimate to the night by the radius and the illumination increasing.

The radiant night vision of a normal player who is walking under a clear night sky should be very similar to ESO’s current night illumination. A player that sprints at full speed in the dark without any illumination would find themselves running blindly, unless they are under a clear night sky.

Radiant night vision would effectively encourage players to act more carefully while it's dark out and they are not using illuminators.

Night Eye Ability
Khajiit, Vampires, and Werewolves should all have an innate Night Eye ability that enables them to see more clearly in the dark. This is not an activated ability and activates when the illumination of an area is under a certain threshold.
  • Khajiit: +50% Illumination / +25% Radius
  • Vampire: +40% Illumination / +20% Radius
  • Werewolf: +30% Illumination / +15% Radius
Night eye should cast a dull gray light into the dark making everything illuminated appear in a sort of gray-scale.

Khajiit’s Racial Passive Stealthy could be changed to:
  • Night Stalker
    • 50% visibility at night (as outlined above)
    • Increases Damage done while in stealth by 3%

The darkness could also be kept at bay by using any of the following:
  • Torches: Consumable item varies in illumination, radius, and duration. Casts natural light to illuminate the night.
  • Magelight: Cast-able Mages Guild Skill, casts a piercing white light into the darkness. The greater the skill the greater the effect.
  • Almalexia’s Enchanted Lantern: A trophy that creates a blue light that washes into the black abyss.
  • NightEye Potion: Consumable, higher quality increases illumination, radius, and duration.
  • Ring of the Night-Eye: Special rings which can grant Night Eye when worn. +20% Illumination / +10% Radius.

The most natural light available should be through the torches. A player using multiple illumination methods wouldn’t have a combined illumination effect but would instead see the effect which takes precedence.

Nighteye<Magelight<Almalexia’s Enchanted Lantern<Torches

Torches and Night Eye Potions would both be bought from merchants and through the Crown Store while Rings of the Night-Eye would only be purchased through the Crown Store.

Torches would be the most powerful of all the illumination methods and Nighteye would be the ONLY illumination method which cannot be seen by other players.

A current discussion on torches can be found here:


Exhaled Breath Condensate
Exhaled Breath Condensate.

I didn’t realize Coldharbour was supposed to be… well… cold until I saw ice floating in the water. If they just added a puffs of breath in both third and first person when the player is in a cold zone it would really add to the atmosphere of those locals.

Useful Torches
We have discussed it before but there hasn't been a thread dedicated to it.

The mechanics for torches already exist in game. The /torch emote produces a torch that is functional. A slight tweak to the radius and intensity of the torches and they will be ready to go for dungeon delving. To accommodate this, darker nights and darker delves would be a good idea.


Torches should be acquired through the following means:
  • NPC Merchant
  • Looted from containers
  • Pulled from sconces
  • Crown Store Torch Pack

Torches could eventually be added as a Craft-able item but this wouldn't be necessary. Other Elder Scrolls Games didn't allow Torches to be crafted so ESO could follow suit. There could be different torches of differing quality.

Torch Qualities
  • Duration of flame
  • Radiance of flame

Torch Types
  • Junk: Radiance the same as the current Torch Emote. 60 second duration.
  • Normal: Radiance twice as powerful as Junk Torch. 60 second duration.
  • Fine: Radiance twice as powerful as Junk Torch. 150 second duration.
  • Rare: Radiance twice as powerful as Normal Torch. 150 second duration.
  • Epic: Radiance twice as powerful as Normal Torch. 300 second duration.
  • Legendary: Radiance twice as powerful as Rare torch. 420 second duration.

Torches packs purchased from the Crown Store should be those of Legendary quality.

Illumination duration would be total time used, so if a player puts the torch away for any reason, the timer pauses. This could be supported by torches that have been used at all being converted to "Used Torch" with a consumption bar similar to an enchantment. Once consumed completely, the torch disappears. Players would want to keep a small stack of torches on them and when one torch is used up, a new torch is auto-equipped in its place.

Torches should be able to be equipped as a one-handed weapon. This way, a player could wield a sword and torch, a torch and shield, or just a torch by itself.

The bottom image would be the Legendary Torch.


Edited by Heromofo on June 5, 2015 11:31AM

Improving On ESO S03E02 Ft @Gidorick)Over Encumbered,Tweaks To The LFG,Small Life Changes 15 votes

I Agree To All (Explain Below)
GidorickSavettiLeijonaAnath_QChuggernautShiunTrazeDrazhar14azoriangamingMarenneHeromofo 10 votes
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Valen_ByteRomoArtjuh90 3 votes
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KorprokFfastyl 2 votes
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  • Heromofo
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    Changes made
    Edited by Heromofo on May 15, 2015 9:13PM
  • Heromofo
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    Is anything missing that you wish to add to life changes?
  • Gidorick
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    looks great @Heromofo! And I don't mind one bit. These ideas belong to the community and they're offered up to ZOS in the hope that they'll make it into the game. It'lI take more than one or two of us to get ZOS to notice!
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Heromofo
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    Gidorick wrote: »
    looks great @Heromofo! And I don't mind one bit. These ideas belong to the community and they're offered up to ZOS in the hope that they'll make it into the game. It'lI take more than one or two of us to get ZOS to notice!

    Lets just say i have a strong feeling they read the series and i wish to make sure your ideas are not buried. :)@Gidorick
  • Heromofo
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    BTW ZOS lol please bring the mobile version back up asap lol
    I have to do all these episodes by phone and its a real pain in the full site. :D
  • Drazhar14
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    I really like your series of threads you have been doing. If ZOS were to implement it all, ESO would go from being a good MMO and an okay Elder Scrolls game to an amazing MMO and great Elder Scrolls game.
  • rb2001
    Dear ZOS: Please implement all this weekend. Thanks.
  • Heromofo
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    Drazhar14 wrote: »
    I really like your series of threads you have been doing. If ZOS were to implement it all, ESO would go from being a good MMO and an okay Elder Scrolls game to an amazing MMO and great Elder Scrolls game.

    Thank you mate that really means alot as it makes this all worthwhile.
    I can't begin to tell you how hard it is to do all of this on a phone without the mobile version lol. :D

    Thanks again bud

    Your forum lunatic
  • Heromofo
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    rb2001 wrote: »
    Dear ZOS: Please implement all this weekend. Thanks.

    Love the enthusiasm lol
  • Heromofo
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    Thread updated
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