Merchant Specific Perk Suggestion

I have a feeling this is going to be one of those universally hated ideas… here goes nothing.

The fact that every merchant will buy my items kind of bothers me but I understand and am thankful for this necessary design decision. It would be horribly inconvenient if you HAD to find a blacksmith to sell your weapons, chef to sell your provisions, enchanter to sell glyphs, etc.

I do, however, think that specific merchants should offer more for their specific trade’s goods. A chef should offer more for food ingredients than a blacksmith. A clothier should offer more for a jerkin than a Carpenter.

The traveling, generic merchants should remain the same and not offer any extra for any specific items.

Likewise, we should be able to purchase services from the merchants as well. Upgrading weapons, enchanting armor, cooking food. If I don’t have the skills myself I should be able to pay a merchant who does have the skill to perform that task for me. The price of the service would depend on how much of the materials the player provides. The cheapest option would be when the player has all the materials needed and just needs the skill. If the player has none of the materials, the merchant would be providing them and the service would be considerably more.

Also, not every single merchant should be able to repair my equipment. Specifically: Alchemists, Brewers, Chefs, Enchanters, & Grocers shouldn’t have the skills necessary to fix plate mail or mend robes.

Along the thought process of the initial suggestion of this post, the merchants that can repair items should be cheaper if that item is specific to their skillset. It should be cheaper to get a Carpenter to repair my shield than it would be to have a Clothier repair it.

Alternatively, maybe merchants that are repairing items that are of their specific skillset are more expensive but they can repair items PAST 100% durability to give the item a durability boost. Which would be preferable?

Just a few thoughts, any feedback is appreciated.
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  • Gilvoth
    i should get better prices and higher return costs for items i sell and buy to the same exact merchant because i allways go to the same exact merchants for my repairs and sales and purchases.
    just exactly like in morrowind we would get lowered prices and higher returns for allways visiting the same vendor.
    and eventually able to begin also "investing" in thier store.
  • Gidorick
    I would like the idea of a "loyal customer" bonus... good one.
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  • Gidorick
    An added thought to this would be to have guild merchants (in game guild, like fighters & mages) give more money/discounts based on guild rank. Those high in the guild get waaaaaay better discounts to low level guildies, who pretty much should pay what everyone else pays.
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