Lockpicking is one of the mechanics of The Elder Scrolls that was a delight to see in ESO. I know I’m not the only one that was happy to see ESO’s lockpicking take a form closer to Oblivion’s than Skyrim’s. There are, however, a few tweaks and additions that could really enhance the lockpicking experience because picking a lock seems WAY too easy in ESO.
Lockpicking additions:
- Resetting pins
- Two-Stage locks
- Seizing locks
- Traps
- Fortify lockpicking
- Lockpicking tools
- Busting a lock and unbreakable locks
- Tool selection
- Security skill
Resetting Pins
If a player doesn’t properly set a pin, there could be a chance that adjoining pins, that the player has already set, may pop out of place. If a lockpick is broken there is a 100% chance that adjoining pins that have been set will pop out of place and an additional chance that all set pins will pop out of place, resetting the lock.
Much like the 4 levels of lock difficulty, the chance of popping set pins could also be broken up into 4 categories.
- Loose: Low chance of adjoining pins resetting
- Relaxed: Small chance of adjoining pins resetting
- Stiff: Moderate chance of adjoining pins resetting
- Tight: High chance of adjoining pins resetting
Two-Stage Locks
Once all the pins have been set, it would be an interesting mechanic if there were certain locks that required a
SECOND lockpicking. Without exiting the player from the lockpicking minigame, the timer could reset, a “locked” sound effect could play, and the pins could require a SECOND pick from their first stage lock-picked positions.
Coupling this concept with the resetting pins would create some pretty complicated and frustrating locks. If a player is picking the second stage of a lock and they break a lockpick there could be a chance of the second stage resetting. Additionally, there could be a chance of the lock resetting all the way back to the original state. Lastly, there could be a chance of an individual pin resetting to the first stage, while all other pins remain at the second stage. If, while setting a two stage pin, the player fails, there could be a chance of resetting adjoining pins to the first stage as well, leading to a weird mix of one and two stage pins.
This would make lockpicking considerably more difficult, more complicated, and admittedly more frustrating than it currently is. Frustrating in a GOOD way though.
Seizing Locks
Currently, when a player fails picking a lockpick they have the option to try again. This concept adds the chance of the pins seizing and the lock not being able to be picked again by that player. This could also happen if a lockpick is broken, but at a much lesser percent chance.
Much like the 4 levels of difficulty, and the pin stability, a lock’s chance of seizing could also be broken up into 4 categories.
- Pristine: This lock will never seize
- Tarnished: This lock has a low chance of seizing
- Dirty: This lock has a moderate chance of seizing
- Rusted: This lock has a high chance of seizing
Similarly, if a player fails to pick a lock or breaks a lockpick they could be treated to a tipped trap. These traps could vary in their delivery from physical damage to poison damage to magical effects such as fire, lightning, or ice. Just because a lock’s trap has been tripped doesn’t mean the lock has to seize. The player could be given another opportunity to pick the lock but would be subject to the same damage if they fail again.
Trap damage uses the same enchanting Glyph magic that enchants weapons with various elemental effects.
Fortify Lockpicking
The Fortify Lockpicking Potion and Enchantment could make lockpicking easier by lessening the chance of breaking a lockpick, resetting adjoining pins, seizing a lock, finding a two-stage locks, or finding locks with traps. A player could stock up on potions and drink a potion before they attempt to pick a lock or they could enchant a piece of armor to give them a more permanent boost in their lockpicking chances.
Lockpicking Tools
Using the above mechanics for expanding the lockpicking mechanic of ESO would open up the possibility to add different types of lockpicks to ESO, similar to Morrowind’s lockpicking toolset which included lockpicks in five variations. I suggest ESO have six:
- Layman’s Lockpick (the lockpicks currently in the game)
- Apprentice’s Lockpick
- Journeyman’s Lockpick
- Master’s Lockpick
- Grandmaster’s Lockpick
- Secret Grandmaster’s Lockpick
Each progressing level of lockpick could not only increase the ease of setting the pins within the lock but could also decrease the chance of a pin setting failure and could decrease the chance of a lockpick breaking.
One additional lockpick style,
The Skeleton Key, should only be able to be obtained through the highest levels of the Theives Guild (once that surfaces) through a specific mission. The Skeleton Key should have a 100% chance to open any non-booby-trapped lock immediately. If the Skeleton Key is used on a lock with a trap it will set off the trap and unlock the lock. The Skeleton Key should have a limited number of uses before it breaks, but should be a high number of uses (50 or so). They should be hard to get, unsellable, and easy to use.

With the inclusion of traps, there could also be the addition of the six variations of lock probes, the same probes that can be found in Morrowind:
- Bent Probe
- Apprentice’s Probe
- Journeyman’s Probe
- Master’s Probe
- Grandmaster’s Probe
- Secret Grandmaster’s Probe
Probes will tell the player if there is a trap attached to a lock and the greater quality the probe, the more information the player receives. Additionally, a high-quality probe has a chance of disarming the trap. A Bent Probe will simply reveal the presence of a trap. A Secret Grandmaster’s Probe will tell the player there is an ice trap that will deal 200 damage with an additional 10 damage per second over 5 seconds, that the lock is a two stage Tarnished lock with Relaxed Pins.
After the lock stats are displayed, the player is given the option to attempt to remove the trap. Removing the trap doesn’t involve any mini-game and is based on a player’s Trap Removal skill and the probe they are using. If a player fails to remove the trap they do not automatically set off the trap. However, there is a VERY unlikely chance of setting off the trap if the probe failure is critical.
Only the attempt at removing a trap will consume a probe. Simply examining the lock will not consume the probe.
Using this information, the player could choose to not remove the trap and to use their Master’s Lockpick to only slightly decrease the chance of seizing the lock and resetting the pins.
After using a probe, a player must again select the lock to pick the lock. Using a probe and using a lockpick are two separate activities. This does leave possibility of a player moving a trap and another player coming up behind them and unlocking and stealing the treasure... but that's a risk the player will just have to take.
Tool Selection:
Managing these tools could be accomplished with an automatically filled radial wheel much in same vein of Fishing with a “Hole E to select tool” when the player’s cursor hovers over a lock.
Busting a Lock and Unbreakable Locks
The last tool in the lockpicking arsenal is the Awl and Hammer. Similar to the Skeleton Key, the Awl and Hammer is a tool that should have a limited number of uses (10 or so) and should be able to be bought from any two-bit merchant in thieves dens.
EDIT: or in the crown shop!
If a player chooses the Awl and Hammer they have a chance to bust open the lock without using a lockpick. Think of it as “The Poor-man’s Skeleton Key”, except the chance to open the lock should depend on the Lockbuster skill.
Certain locks should be unbreakable with the Awl and Hammer but should still be able to be opened with the Skeleton Key.
Security Skill
The Security World Skill would be the fuel that fires this lockpick flame. The skill would be passive and would unlock in the same way all other skills are unlocked, through skill-points.
- Lockpick/Probe: A six level skill (Every player starts with the 1st skill). Each skill allows a player to use the next level lockpick and probe
- Lockbuster: A 3 level skill that increases the chance of Busting a lock by 25%/50%/75%
- Treasure Hunter: A 3 level skill that will make treasure chests more visible from 20/30/40 meters
- Trap Removal: A 3 level skill that increases the chance of removing traps by 25%/50%/75%
While it’s true that these mechanics will make lockpicking
MUCH more complex, it would make the system a more engaging part of ESO and would be yet another area we could dump our earned rewards into. ZOS would have the option of keeping locked chests around Tamriel just as they are now. They could, however, tighten the security of the chests owned by nobles and kings, as well as making delve and dungeon chests harder to get into. This increased difficulty could lead to greater rewards in chests that have greater security.