We all know many of us desire a mobile app for ESO. We also know this is on the back burner in terms of ZOS priorities. This doesn't mean we can't discuss what features we'd like to see in such a release.
I'll start us off!
I'd like to have a library of all the books I've opened in ESO available to read on the go. This could also include an interface showing the books I have not yet found.
*EDITS: So, after some input we have the following features that would be welcomed in a mobile app!
*EDITS: Added Crown Store items!
*EDITS: Added Second Screen indicator
(SS). These are functions that should also work as real time extensions of ESO while in-game. Second Screen functions should not work while in battle.
Account Functions
- Account Management
- Check to see the status of the server
- Read the latest ZOS news
- Read patch notes from the latest update
- Official ZOS Twitter Feed
Crown Store:
- Able to buy Crowns from the Crown Store (SS)
- Browsing, preview and purchase of Crown Store items (SS)
Character functions:
- Read Lore-books & Notes you have discovered
- Open, read, send and manage your email and collect attachments (SS)
- View achievements
- View your journal and current quests (SS)
- View character sheet and apply any un-used points (SS)
- View a 3D model of your character
- Rearrange your skill bars (SS)
- FULL Inventory management (SS)
- A build planner
- View a fully functional map (SS)
- Access to the Collections Tab with full preview and set-active options. (SS)
- view and distribute Champion Points (SS)
Social Functions:
- Access to friends list.(SS)
- Manage guild options.(SS)
- Text Chat with Friends & Guildmates.(SS)
- Ability to offload (PC) or have (Console) Zone & Area Chat.(SS)
- Quick Emote Menu.(SS)
- Check the stats of the Alliance War with displays total score, keeps/scrolls/resource owned, population, leaderboards, emperor status all with an Alliance War map (SS)
Town Functions (could require player to log-out in a town/inn to use)
- Manage and access guild store
- Sell items in your inventory in the guild store
- Arrange inventory and Bank with the ability to swap between
- Access merchants to sell/buy/repair
- Access crafting stations to craft
- Check on and manage research progress
- Use of the Dye station
- Riding Lessons availability
Edited by Gidorick on July 31, 2015 11:31AM
What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
That's right...
HERE to discuss.
Want more crazy ideas? Check out my
Concept Repository!