ZOS_JasonLeavey wrote: »Sorry for the delay, @randolphbenoit. We'll be posting the AUA questions and answers tomorrow. If you want to catch the recording, our YouTube video of last week's episode is live.
Here s a hot topic rehash. Since 1.6, are the any plans to address spell weaving / animation canceling? It's a problem when players macro it to one button on their keyboard, which isn't being banned as stated. See PvP burst dps.
Given that even the most vocal supporters of the guild kiosk system are now complaining that it is broken, are you willing to acknowledge that you need to host a proper discussion of the changes necessary in the trading system to allow it to be open to all players without artificial barriers such as guild membership or individual wealth for sellers together with level and faction restrictions for buyers?
Attorneyatlawl wrote: »
I haven't ever even heard of someone using a "macro" for anything to attack weave with how large the timing window is on it in the first place. I can't imagine why anyone would even want to, as they'd then also be giving up finer control like hesitating a second on the release for PVP to shift the timing against an enemy waiting to try to block your hits. You'd also make it unwieldy to stop the weave to remove being snared with the medium-attack weave for a half second for movement needs like avoiding a World Shaper in SO or a siege weapon shot in Cyrodiil, using a "macro". In short: macro'ing it would hurt more than it helps anyone in the first place, and people are playing the game as intended for animation canceling/light-or-medium weaving.
ZOS_JasonLeavey wrote: »Sorry for the delay, @randolphbenoit. We'll be posting the AUA questions and answers tomorrow. If you want to catch the recording, our YouTube video of last week's episode is live.
So, have these been posted anywhere yet today?
ZOS_JasonLeavey wrote: »Here ya go, guys! Below is the Ask Us Anything segment from our latest ESO Live. Apologies for the delay.
@Soulac: Are Concealed Weapon (NB) and Whip (DK) supposed to completely ignore Dodge?
No, they are not. Thanks for the report! We’ll make sure this is fixed in our next content update.
ZOS_JasonLeavey wrote: »@Emid: Have you considered making a proper in-guild mail system? There's no way to mail all guild members when needed.
Yes, it’s something we’ve discussed internally that we’d definitely like to add to the game. While there’s no immediate plans for it, we would like to get it in at some point.
I guess the natural follow-up to that is: why was a game that is designed to have guilds of up to 500 members allowed to launch without the most basic of guild mail tools in place? Is there any kind of ETA at all?
Is there any hope for some day getting Secunda' s reflection added?