ESO Live - Ask Us Anything!

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
  • kazzarack
    Soul Shriven
    For the love of god, can anyone answer this. I have he beta on my ps4, do I need to download the whole damn game again?!?!?!
  • Enodoc
    kazzarack wrote: »
    For the love of god, can anyone answer this. I have he beta on my ps4, do I need to download the whole damn game again?!?!?!
    @kazzarack Unfortunately I believe so. I think I read somewhere that it is not possible for the beta client to become the live game client on console.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • Qyrk
    kazzarack wrote: »
    For the love of god, can anyone answer this. I have he beta on my ps4, do I need to download the whole damn game again?!?!?!

    Enodoc is correct @kazzarack , the launch version of the game will require the full install. The beta client will not be updated, therefore the full download is necessary (Source: ).
  • Monty9
    Soul Shriven

    Bought and downloaded for Xbox One, only to find there is no Southpaw controls so I really can't play it

    Are Southpaw controls going to be added please?
  • Takllin
    I was wondering if you had any update or could give a statement on whether or not faction change is something you would be open to implementing? Thank you.
    Jadokis - AD Redguard DK v16 AR 18
    Jàsènn - AD Orc Templar 47 AR 10
    Jessèn - AD Dunmer DK v16 AR 9 - Former Empress of Blackwater Blade

    Tekllin - AD Altmer Sorcerer v16 AR 18 (Ret.)
    Tekklin - AD Bosmer Nightblade v16 AR 12 (Ret.)
    Jasenn - DC Imperial Templar v16 AR 18 (Ret.)
    Jasènn - DC Orc Sorcerer v16 AR 15 (Ret.)
  • tigerhaawk904
    Soul Shriven
    i payed for the $80.00 pack on xbox but have nothing from it no white mount no crab pet no imperial to start the game with an no ring there a place i must go to collect this stuff or what?
  • KkaosReinz
    Console Question

    I understand the idea behind making all characters display under our gamer profile, but that kind of kills role play all together. On my PC account, I have 8 distinct characters with 8 different names and backgrounds. On my console I have 8 characters that all display as Kkaos Reinz....

    Would it be possible to give us some kind of display option where we could choose to display either our gamer tag or the actual character name that we've given our character?

    Kkaos Reinz
    Pack Leader of
    The House of Reinz
  • cmetzger93
    Been asked 1000 times but I'll add my voice to the chorus. Any chance of allowing character transfers to console at some point?
  • Enodoc
    i payed for the $80.00 pack on xbox but have nothing from it no white mount no crab pet no imperial to start the game with an no ring there a place i must go to collect this stuff or what?
    @tigerhaawk904 There is a bug in which some console players are not receiving their Imperial Edition/Explorer Pack bonuses. ZOS are looking into it.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • auoron
    Soul Shriven
    Hey guys been checking forums and left two tickets but I can't log into the na server and can't play my already made characters on the European server so please someone give me an estimated time you guys might be able to look at this was really hoping to play today and thanks
  • spazunite
    Soul Shriven
    auoron wrote: »
    Hey guys been checking forums and left two tickets but I can't log into the na server and can't play my already made characters on the European server so please someone give me an estimated time you guys might be able to look at this was really hoping to play today and thanks

    I'm in the exact same boat. I'd play EU for a little but I don't know if it would interfere with my error resolution.
    Edited by spazunite on 9 June 2015 23:24
  • auoron
    Soul Shriven
    Yeah I would to but same problem
  • jonbonethin
    Soul Shriven
    are you going to put a solo session, private and public option for the game
  • Roland.Krivda
    Soul Shriven
    Hey, the digital Imperial Edition for PS4 is much more expensive than the Standard edition + imperial upgrade. And if you buy it, your PS4 only downloads the standard edition + you will have the imperial edition upgrade through Crown store. IT DOESNT EVEN SAY IMPERIAL EDITION nowhere, not even the Game Icon.

    I made a huge mistake buying the imperial edition, I was deceived, please dont make the same mistake.

    Just buy the standard edition, buy 3000Crowns, then upgrade to imperial edition for 2100Crowns and it will be cheaper for you, plus you will still have those additional 900Crowns.

    This is a total nonsense. I have reported to the developer and noone even cares.
  • zardenurghanb14_ESO
    @Gidorick ok so read your whole post and some things came to mind one thing was youre talking about 2 different time periods separated by 900+years geography changes (lore reason) and another thing was the maps in eso are a lil different then skyrim. skyrim is one giant map with things that are for the most part built to scale for eso its a lil bit different themaps are a lil smaller so of corse they'll be out of place if you take a look at the skyrim map with the eso maps overlapped you'll see the map from skyrim is actually smaller then the in game maps for eso this is due to the eso maps being smaller then the whole of skyrim in tesv if you were to shrink them both down to the map size displayed they would prolly be more accurate

    20120124124624!Skyrim-map.png as you can see from this image eastmarch isnt directly to the south of winterhold but rather to the south east winterhold being in the north west next to the pale and dawnstar in fact the map you posted isnt even completely filled by eastmarch some parts are actually missing from the red line which are the borders. Now if you look at the side by side map you can see winterhold and its broken off pieces where as in the eso map theyre in tact because it hasnt fallen into the sea of ghosts partly due to it being the second era. Anyway point is the maps are accurate for the in game time period just remember TESV 4th era ESO second era and all will be good.
  • ChefFattyBoy
    Soul Shriven
    Seems to be lacking sound effects when hitting enemies with melee weapons. Also noticed no sound effects of clipping when a sword impacts the environment (buildings etc). Plans to patch this??
  • Gidorick
    @Gidorick ok so read your whole post and some things came to mind one thing was youre talking about 2 different time periods separated by 900+years geography changes (lore reason) and another thing was the maps in eso are a lil different then skyrim. skyrim is one giant map with things that are for the most part built to scale for eso its a lil bit different themaps are a lil smaller so of corse they'll be out of place if you take a look at the skyrim map with the eso maps overlapped you'll see the map from skyrim is actually smaller then the in game maps for eso this is due to the eso maps being smaller then the whole of skyrim in tesv if you were to shrink them both down to the map size displayed they would prolly be more accurate

    20120124124624!Skyrim-map.png as you can see from this image eastmarch isnt directly to the south of winterhold but rather to the south east winterhold being in the north west next to the pale and dawnstar in fact the map you posted isnt even completely filled by eastmarch some parts are actually missing from the red line which are the borders. Now if you look at the side by side map you can see winterhold and its broken off pieces where as in the eso map theyre in tact because it hasnt fallen into the sea of ghosts partly due to it being the second era. Anyway point is the maps are accurate for the in game time period just remember TESV 4th era ESO second era and all will be good.

    As I see it there is less landmass in ESO than there is in Skyrim. I was thinking that maybe the water level at the time of ESO was higher and some of the landmass was underwater, then @Ghrimn informed/reminded me that the college of Winterhold was known to exist during the first era... that it couldn't be under water. (that was a forehead slap moment for me. lol)

    Also, you're forgetting Blacklight. where's Blacklight going to go if they don't alter the map?

    Below is a graphic of the discrepancy in the map:

    @Ghrimn and @Enodoc's collaborative map shows how the "problem" can be solved.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • drdrew1214
    Soul Shriven
    in the game my friends cant see me online and i dont see anyone either just in the game but when u send a invite in the party chat it saying character not found anyone knows how to fix it or having the same thing going on
  • Enodoc
    Hey, the digital Imperial Edition for PS4 is much more expensive than the Standard edition + imperial upgrade. And if you buy it, your PS4 only downloads the standard edition + you will have the imperial edition upgrade through Crown store. IT DOESNT EVEN SAY IMPERIAL EDITION nowhere, not even the Game Icon.

    I made a huge mistake buying the imperial edition, I was deceived, please dont make the same mistake.

    Just buy the standard edition, buy 3000Crowns, then upgrade to imperial edition for 2100Crowns and it will be cheaper for you, plus you will still have those additional 900Crowns.

    This is a total nonsense. I have reported to the developer and noone even cares.
    The Digital Imperial Edition is exactly the Standard Edition with the Imperial Upgrade, the only difference is with the Retail Imperial Edition which also comes with physical items (and costs more). The price discrepancy is a local currency/retailer issue, due to the fact that the more Crowns you buy at once, the cheaper it is. Previously, the overall cost was exactly the same, as the Standard Edition was $60, the Digital Imperial Edition was $80, and the Imperial Upgrade was $20.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • marshi1981
    I have a simple question. Can we please join friends mid quest and be able to see the quest happening on our screen? And vice versa?
  • brassmaster12
    Are there any plans to have an in game calendar within the Elder scrolls online? And some Lore friendly events and festivals that can happen on different days e.g New Life Festival.
  • Varicite
    Man, I feel like there needs to be a separate Ask Us Anything thread for console players. <.<
  • ElderAngel777
    Soul Shriven
    Are you going to update the graphics they are not next ten quality, please update them like Destiny's Bungie has done, need more vivid images, like in armor and scenery, Witcher 3 done it right gold looks like gold not like a tainted version of the color gold.
  • MystixCZ
    Why, why, why developers destroy my favorite game??? Why?

    1. Bugs, Bugs ... after one year from release? Why?

    2. Lags, Lags and Lags ... PvP, Dungeon etc. Why? Developers doing, then lags doesnt exists or lags are very rare ...

    3. Tooltips in game ... example ... Offensive scroll bonus I - Increase spell power ... what is spell power? Spell damage? Or other tooltip, where is writing ... increase Armor and spell resistance (Resolve - passive from heavy armor) ... now Armor add spell resistance and physical resistance together, so tooltip mean Increase armor (physical and spell resistance) + other spell resistance? What? Developers change mechanics of game, but do not change tooltip and then is big chaos in game.
    These bad tooltips in game is very very much.

    4. Where is manaul for game? I don't know mechanics of game ... I must learn everything alone. Example what is penetration, what is desease kind of demage ... physical or magic, what resistance is against desease damage and more and more other things. Why is not official wiki from developers?

    5. And much other bad things ... game have big potenical ... where is example arena 1 vs. 1 ect.? Look on Guild wars 2. Same paymant system, but content of game is abnormaly big against ESO. Every month new living story ... very much mini games ect.

    Sorry for my frustration, i am big fan of Elders scrolls and TESO ...but this game go to hell. :-(
    Breton | Templar | CP 700+ | Achiv point 23K+
    Soul Shriven

    I have been logged out of my game now for about 5 times, loading twice has taken forever and whenever I try to go to the khajit land the server times out stating that I may not have a valid connection. My internet connection works fine, no problems with any other games.

    Any advice?
  • ZOS_JasonLeavey
    Hey, everyone. Here's your *better late than never* Ask Us Anything from our previous episode of ESO Live. We'll make sure to get these up sooner.

    @Screamer19b14_ESO: Going forward, do you plan to have cycles of items leaving/returning to the Crown Store, and do you plan to hold corresponding sales at these times?
    During the planning of this past event, there were a lot of good reasons to hold a corresponding sale (a big one being that the console copy was coming up). We can’t say that this will always be the case, though. You should expect to see items coming and going from the store, and want to keep it new and interesting. We do plan to let everyone know when we intend to remove an item from the store.

    @TomUchia: Will all weapons get their own animation one day? It looks weird to “stab” with your mace as if you’re wielding a dagger.
    We agree this would be an improvement, though it isn’t likely to happen in the near future.

    @Pema: Dear ZOS, please tell us why the game time cards are more limited than the dwemer style book? I've been asking about making them available for quite a while (January this year) and everywhere I look they are out of stock. Could you elaborate what is going on?
    Next week when ESOTU launches on consoles, there will be a variety of crown cards added to select retailers. You can purchase crown cards and ESO Plus cards for PS4 at Best Buy, Amazon, and Gamestop, and crown cards for Xbox One at Best Buy, Amazon, Gamestop, and Walmart (ESO Plus cards will be available for Xbox One a bit later). ESO Plus cards for PC will be available again in the coming months.

    @Chufu: Do you still plan to improve fishing?
    Yes, absolutely. We are currently exploring some incremental improvements we can get online in the near to mid-term, while larger scale improvements will be further out.

    @Screamer19b14_ESO: Now that the blacksmithing and provisioning costumes have been removed from the Crown Store, are there any plans to create costumes for the other 4 professions?
    We would like to offer everyone something for each profession. With that said, we want to improve working with the community as a whole to find out what you guys want to see in the store. We have been reading! Expect to see more proactive communication about this in the near future.

    @Enodoc: If Upper Craglorn is the "third region of Craglorn", per its promotional materials, that means Lower Craglorn is made up of two regions (presumably the region to the west of Belkarth, and the region to the east of Belkarth). Do these two regions of Lower Craglorn have names?
    Phrastus of Elinhir says, “Here in Craglorn, we refer to those areas as the ‘Belkarth Region’ and the ‘Elinhir Region,’ for reasons that should be obvious. Are you in the Elinhir area now? Stop in sometime and buy me a drink!”

    @Randolphbenoit: With more and more players joining the game, competition for traders has gotten crazy. The cost of bid vs money made from sales has greatly widened. Guild traders are now costly due to small amount of traders available. It comes down to rich guilds pushing out smaller ones. What are some suggestions for smaller guilds to compete, and are there future plans to add more traders?
    We plan to continue to add Guild Traders along with new content like we did with the Outlaw Refuges, provided the demand continues. This is something we are continuing to monitor, and will adjust for as needed. In terms of suggestions, we’d advise smaller guilds to look at some of the more out of the way Guild Traders, as the competition for high traffic locations is extremely fierce.

    Solace of Shadows: I heard that there was an "Ancient Bosmer Cookbook". I haven't seen it anywhere and I think I either misheard or someone was joking.
    While we can’t give many specifics, we are looking into the possibility of adding culturally influenced recipes that expand upon the traditional dietary needs in order to provide opportunities for you to observe your character’s heritage. For example, Bosmer characters might feel more comfortable crafting and enjoying a wider array of food types (and their associated benefits) exclusively from meats while they are within the Valenwood.

    @schonwiederichb16_ESO: If/when shields can be dyed, will we be able to add guild heraldry to them too?
    While shield dyeing is something we are looking to get in soon™, it will not include guild heraldry.

    Solace of Shadows: Will having pets ever give you slight bonuses (+1% dodge and -1% attack for fox, +1% piercing and -1% defense for cat? +1% speed and -1% Alchemy for raven)? They could be familiars instead of pets and add to the customization of a character. So far, as I can tell, pets are nothing but cosmetic and while that's fine for some, it would encourage others to spend crowns if there was more substance to them.
    While we like substance, we’d prefer pets to remain as fun cosmetic items. We don’t want you to feel forced to use certain pets for certain situations or become blocked due to not owning one, and don’t want those who love cats to feel like you have to be surrounded by dogs due to a bonus. That said, making pets more compelling is something we continue to explore.

    @Varicite: Is there a reason that using the Major Expedition buff from Double-Take while stealthed makes you move SLOWER than using Major Expedition buff from Rapid Maneuver while stealthed? They both say 40% faster movement speed, but using Double-Take while stealthed is noticeably slower than Rapid Maneuver.
    Good catch! That’s definitely a bug. Double Take will give the same amount of movement speed increase in our next major update.

    @Chufu: Can we expect to see additional symbols for guild heraldry?
    While we don’t have anything in the pipeline for this at the moment, it is something we will likely expand in the future in one way or another.

    @Nahz: Do the channeled heavy attacks from restoration and lightning staves proc the daedroth summoning effect of the Maw of the Infernal set, or is the proc chance only on the final "blast" of those heavy attacks?
    All ticks of restoration and lightning staves have a chance to summon the daedroth. Enjoy!

    @TomUchia: Will we be able to fight and defeat other Daedric princes in the future? (Spoiler: After we defeated Molag Bal, Meridia tells us that we have to prepare for coming conflicts and that our real enemies aren’t mortal.
    Sir Cadwell says, “Odd’s Goose! I’m counting on it! I’ve been practicing, you see, at fighting Daedric Princes by knocking melons off fence posts with a garden rake. That’s how it’s done, isn’t it? Just line them up: Clavicus Vile, Mephala, Nocturnal—I’m ready for them! Tally ***!”
    Jason Leavey
    Community Coordinator - The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited
    Facebook | Twitter | Google+ | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube
    Staff Post
  • LadyScarlett
    I have been waiting for 2 hours on the load screen. Am I missing something, a secret trick to log in for the first time and actually play this game? As it looks now, the spinny thing in the corner and the music has lost it's appeal. I just want to play, not sit and wait on a load screen.
  • keonimeyer
    Will there be another chance to transfer our pc characters to console? Many people (my self included) qualified for the transfer and didn't get an email which in turn, people had no knowledge of such an oppertunity. I've been a member of eso since launch btw. Many thanks.
  • Huggernaut
    When are we actually going to get some playable content?! That's all I want to know.
  • SplendidAngharad94
    When're you going to implement the patch that
    a) Allows us to choose whether we want our name to be displayed as our player name or our gamertag
    b) Allow us to use text chat boxes if we really want to
    c) Removes area-wide voice chat, none of us want to hear teens with a bad microphone every 5 seconds
    d) Remove the emperor trophy from the trophy list or majorly tweak it so more can attain it?
    e) Ban the player on EU AD who became Emperor with a score 60,000 higher than the 2nd place. Yeah that looks legit :L

    So there's my questions, not like I'll get a response
    The amount of hate I see over the Emperor trophy, the fact I know 10 people who cancelled their pre-order of the game and won't play it due to that trophy needs to be an eye-opener
    YOU DO NOT; make a trophy that is unattainable to all but the most pitiful no-lifers who'd rather sit in, not working, not sleeping, not having a social life
    Get your heads out.... you've messed up
    Patch all the things I mentioned
    Remove the trophy, and maybe, just maybe; you'll have a decent turn-around on your hands after the huge flop the PC version was
    1 year and your game is F2P, other than the buy-in
    Well done guys, you failed once, you're failing twice
    For; lack of text boxes, lack of character names, lack of listening to complaints, awful trophy list
This discussion has been closed.