• Endgame content for us solo players with gear that matches up
That's about the only portion I don't agree with. I don't feel solo content should have very significant rewards. At least nothing on par with what is attainable at the highest tier for group/raid content. Some purple piece or maybe a green/blue set piece is fine if it's random but I wouldn't feel very good about doing group content only to have some person who solo's able to have the same gear.
I LOVE the grouping concepts you brought up though, housing meh imo but I know people love to play house in a virtual world so cool cool. Lastly I Couldn't Agree with you MORE on the need for instanced PVP! I used to lose myself in games for hours on all the other mmo's I've played. Capture the flag or objective based pvp in a smaller scale is so fun that the rewards wouldn't even need to be very large for me to play it constantly. I'd just do it for fun ha-ha. not saying I wouldn't love decent rewards for it though.Great post man.
Agree to all. Good session, @Heromofo... you dirty consoler, you.
timidobserver wrote: »I need an I agree with some of this but decline to explain below option.
Aah your new to my series then i ask that people do not vote if they cannot back up the vote.
Because the vote might as well be a donkey vote but thanks heaps for checking out my thread mate.
timidobserver wrote: »
Well your request is denied.
Or are you? You know Nas its still not too late to join us on the console side lol.
But even if you dont you never know we could see cross platform one day.
Aah your new to my series then i ask that people do not vote if they cannot back up the vote.
Because the vote might as well be a donkey vote but thanks heaps for checking out my thread mate.
NewBlacksmurf wrote: »I really liked the WoW group finder BUT this game isn't set up right so until VR levels are removed and until ppl stop fighting using all the game systems....baaahh
Trust me if this mmo did not wear the skin of Elder Scrolls it would of died by now.
The incentive to log-in daily is very much needed now that ESO's income is crown-store dependent. This is actually the reason that having holidays (lore-friendly, of course) is so important to ESO. Giving players a reason to be in Nirn increases the chances of selling content to players.
Oh and...
really is spot on. They have used The Elder Scrolls name to be able to keep an MMO alive that, in all honesty, is trounced by the competition. I 100% guarantee you if a NON-TES MMO pulled this no-content for 8 months while console is worked on, the player base would just be gone... totally gone.
Yeah I'd say the remaining player base would be heavy Elder Scrolls fans supporting the title.
Also @Gidorick i totally believe in the daily rewards plus weekly also holiday seasons lore ready of course.
Hence why i made this episode:
@Gidorick Sounds right to me. I probably wouldn't have heard about/researched further if it didn't boldly boast the TES badging...
Yeah I'd say the remaining player base would be heavy Elder Scrolls fans supporting the title.
Also @Gidorick i totally believe in the daily rewards plus weekly also holiday seasons lore ready of course.
Hence why i made this episode:
I spoke about Holiday events in my post Environment & Weather Systems Overhaul Concept , but the idea gets kind of lost in the post so I pulled out the excerpt and just posted it here: Day Length Adjustment & Holiday Implementation Concept.
I really think Holidays should be one of the TOP priorities for ZOS... For player retention, for crown store sales, for in-game immersion. There is literally NO facet of ESO that couldn't be enhanced by Holidays.
The mobile app looks gud, i'd love to be able to speak to guildies via phone >.<... probably be a bit weird/difficult to create but meh.
While i'm here, i feel the need.SpoilerSpoiler
Np @Gidorick i am in the process of revamping the threads and answering questions.Awesome! Thanks @Heromofo