This is actually a tweaked and expanded excerpt from a larger post of mine,
Environment & Weather Systems Overhaul Concept, but I feel these particular suggestions should be implemented ASAP to help create a more sustainable future for ESO. As much as I want content, holiday events really are an expected part of MMOs and ESO should be no different.
ESO should have the length of it's day adjusted, along with a dynamic day/night cycle and should implement a calendar, which should be observed in-game.
Day/Night Length Adjustment
The total amount of time it should take for one day/night cycle on Nirn should be 10 Earth-hours. This would mean every Earth-day=2.4 Nirn-days. More on why later.
While the difference in length between the day and the night in ESO isn’t exactly unrealistic, ESO includes mechanics for Werewolf and Vampires that could involve more interesting night elements and should offer a completely different level of gameplay at night.
There are two options of enhancing the day/night cycle.
- Equal Day/Night Lengths: Adjust the length of day and night to be the same length of time, giving equal time for creatures of the day and creatures of the night. This would offer an even “fair for everyone” approach to the length of the day and night.
- Variable Day/Night Lengths: Dynamically adjust the length of the day and night to change over time. At one point the day is longer, then the day and night equals out, then the night is longer than the day. This would also be “fair for everyone” but over a long period of time.
I personally prefer the Variable Day/Night length concept as it would make it so players that have bonuses at night would have a period of time that they have an advantage and a period of time they have a disadvantage. Using this concept, the maximum difference between day and night should be 2 hours. This would allow the maximum difference of a 10 hour day to be 4 hours day/ 6 hours night on one end and 6 hours day/4 hours night on the other.
Within each 5 month year we would see a complete day/night cycle, taking approximately 5 weeks to shift between a Solstice and an Equinox.
- Summer Solstice (6 hours day/4 hours night)
- Fall Equinox (5 hours day/5 hours night)
- Winter Solstice (4 hours day/6 hours night)
- Spring Equinox (5 hours day/5 hours night)
ZOS could decide to have every nirn-day shift in length just a tiny bit (about 1.43 minutes) to be as realistic as possible, or just have the day-light extend/constrict by 24 minutes every week. Either way, the end result would be the same: a variable, dynamic day/night cycle.
Following the Calendar and Holiday Events
Using a 10 hour Tamrielic day we arrive at a 365 day Tamriel year clocking in at just about 5 months. If this were the case, in 10 years we would have 24 Tamriel years pass. This isn’t an unrealistic amount of time to have passed in an MMO’s ‘lifespan’. If ESO turns out to be wildly successful and lasts for 20 years, only 48 years would have passed on Tamriel. Being that ESO takes place in 2E 582 and Tiber Septim wasn’t born until 2E 828, there are over 250 years of the Faction War that can be fought. If each of those years takes 5 months we have 104 earth years before “lore” becomes an issue. Lol.

Most importantly though, we could finally have exact day/month of each Tamrielic day in ESO. We could know that the current day is Middas, Second Seed the 14th. Why would THIS be helpful? Well, aside from guild event scheduling and the creation of ESO clocks, it would allow ZOS to incorporate the Tamrelic holidays that so many players are longing for, but in a realistic way that has absolutely no adherence to the Gregorian calendar.
For the 10 hours that is Morning Star the 12th, the people of the Alik’r Desert could offer prayers to Stendaar. Shops could be closed in observance of the holiday and NPCs could be seen praying at the temple and all Redguard players could get a buff on that day.
For the 10 hours that is Frostfall the 13th, also known as the Witches Festival, the Mage’s Guild could offer a ½ off sale, as is tradition. Also, as is tradition, the night of Frostfall the 13th should be filled with an unusual amount of mobs and daedric creatures.
Certain festivals could last longer than the day they are on. Just as in our world, people in Tamriel like to Celebrate their favorite holidays for more than just the one day. They could celebrate a holiday an entire week (about 3 days) or even a whole month (about 12 days)! Festivals could be regionalized and they could include sales, contests, and player items and could all be part of the festivities, both in-game and in the Crown Store. If a player misses their favorite holiday, that’s ok… it’s coming back around in 5 months.
Additionally, Having holidays observed in Nirn could open up the possibility for a little bit of real-world Crown-Store-only holiday observance. While holiday specific items (such as new-life festival items) should be relegated to Tamrielic holidays which, if the above is implemented, would be offered multiple times a year, certain Crown Store sales and limited time events could be offered in observance of Earth holidays.
- A Halloween costume event where certain polymorphs are on sale.
- A Christmas "Feast" where all food items are on sale.
- A Valentines day observation where Rings-of-Mara are on sale.
- New Years celebration where Crown Store respecs are on sale.
- A Summer "Vacation" where XP-pots are on sale.
These holidays wouldn't be observed in-game in any way, shape, or form. They would, however, encourage Crown Store sales. When a Tamrielic Holiday actually synchs up with the Earth-equivalent holiday, ooh man... we should be in for a treat!
Like if The Witches Festival (Frostfall 13th) happens to occur during October 31st, talk about a celebration! New Costumes in the Crown Store, old costumes on sale, sales from a host of in-game merchants, not just the Mages Guild. Increased hauntings could include ghost versions of wild-life that could be hunted for ectoplasm. We could have increased Werewolf and Zombie activity across the board, and from every single dark anchor, Mephala could send her spider-kin in wave after wave of spider-Daedra and spiders ending in a holiday event where players receive a special spider-themed weapon or armor piece from the Dark Anchor's chest. Lastly, for these special synching Holiday Events, super-exclusive items could be available in the crown store, such as a bone-fire Senche-tiger mount. These items would ONLY be available when the Nirn Holiday syncs with the Earth Holiday, not only adding to their exclusivity but also, to their price.

What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
That's right...
HERE to discuss.
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