Improving On ESO S03E03) Transmogrifier,Summon A Vendor And Children

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☆ Gidorick's Repository Of brillant Ideas
Environmental Concepts:
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Player Options & Items and Systems:
Crown Store/ ESO+ Centric Concepts:
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☆Some Music While You Read


Transmogrifier will present players with a new interface that will allow them to change the appearance of an item while retaining its original stats.
That line comes right from the World Of Warcrafts version of *costume making* and is something that would improve ESO alot by making everyone different.
Imagine you come across a beautiful set that you like but the stats are just not worth having so you take the set to the mage guild.
You walk up to a mysterious enchanter who offers to enchant your gear to make it look like the armor you want for a small fee of course.

•Enchanters added to each mage hall
•Will let you wear the armor you want always
•Will let you change your look without affecting stats
•Will let wear what you want without losing the armor skill line you want


☆Gidorick's Opinion On This Topic
The Transmogrification really should be "Reforming" armor to where players can use some crafting materials to reform their existing armor into new armor. This should require that the player be able to normally craft in that style. Perhaps it could even need a "Reformation stone" in the process that can be found from destruction of materials (VERY rare) or a pack could be bought from the Crown Store.

☆A Small Addition To Subscription

It is no surprise that that the community has been asking for a better ESO+.
I happen to agree with this and with any luck your looking at the multi tier system but i have an idea.
A simple idea that is sure to help boost subscriptions of course not as much as dlc lol but hey it should do well.

The idea is:
Giving people that subscribe a horn to use.... but! This is no ordinary horn no this horn calls forth a traveling merchant to your location.
Only the subscriber can see this merchant as he slowly makes his way towards you horse and carriage by his side.
He will be able to repair your equipment, sell you reagents and take all your unwanted items for gold of course. :D

• Subscribers will get a horn to summon a vendor in the mail.
• Should your subscription lapse you will lose your horn until such a time as you resub.
• Only the subscriber can see the vendor
• The horn can have a hourly cooldown

ESO+ needs things like this as it lacks advantages over not subscribing.


-Drawing is just to give you an idea of it.

☆Gidorick's Idea Similar To this Please Read ZOS
The idea of beast merchants isn't anything new to the Elder Scrolls. Morrowind has both the Mudcrab Merchant and the Creeper. The Crown Store could sell items that would allow players to summon these beast merchants while out and about.

Each item should be a one time use consumable item that should be sold through the Crown Store and obtainable once through in-game questing. The player could even be required to complete the quests before they can buy the Summoning Items from the Crown Store.

Mudbrab Merchant Bait: One time use. Players pull out some crumbs, scatter them on the ground and the Mudcrab crawls out of the ground, ready to buy, sell, or repair!

Creeper Effigy: One time use. Players pull out a little scamp effigy and burn it. The Creeper merchant appears out of thin air through a puff of smoke, ready to buy or launder your stolen items.

Goblin Banker Coin: One time use. Players pull out a coin purse, retrieve one gold coin and toss it into the air in front of them. A well dressed Goblin (well, for a goblin anyway) riding a Bristleback trots up. Behind the Goblin, on the back of the boar, is a lockbox while various bags and satchels hang down its side. The Goblin is there for you to access your personal bank only.

NOTE: I find it funny that when I was looking for "Goblin Banker" images I discovered there are goblin bankers in WoW. I don't think this means ESO can't have a goblin banker also.

These would be very useful items that many players would be grateful to be able to have with them.


The world is just not the same without them, the innocent little children seem to have vanished from the world even World Of Warcraft had children.
Of course you cant have people killing them so why not just make them invulnerable to damage.
This would help to bring life to the world and make it more of a happy place in this time of destruction.


Edited by Heromofo on June 5, 2015 11:30AM

Improving On ESO S03E03) Transmogrifier,Summon A Vendor And Children 35 votes

I Agree To All (Explain Below)
GidorickRazzPitazzMisterBigglesworthLeijonaSpazzKidd3AH93AldarennHomerSamsondsalterShiunTrazeCaspurShepsie89EarelithsadownikHeromofoMedivh50Torbschka 17 votes
I Disagree To All (Explain Below)
MercyKillingVegarothPowtreemanRomoMario80 5 votes
Agree To Some of This And I will Explain Below (What You Like/Dont Like)
KettaFrenkthevilePBpsyStranglehandsTierbookolemanwinterP3ZZL3MyNegationlihentianKalifas 10 votes
Agree To One Or More Here But I Have A Different Take On it (Explain Below)
Everdeenpaulsimonpsdafox187 3 votes
  • RazzPitazz
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    Transmorg: I get it and I do not think this would adversly affect anything. However, I believe this should be a crafting skill rather than an NPC driven market. Another gold sink wouldn't exactly hurt.

    ESO+: Personal traveling merchant to dump your junk and fix your gear? Why not? There are already traveling NPC merchants, they are just unreliable to find and usually inconvenient.

    Children: I agree 100%, with the addition that children can not be counted as crime witnesses. They should rwact accordingly, but should not count against you as a witness since there would be no way to ensure their... departure from the scene. Oh, yea; DON'T give them annoying lines to repeat every 30 seconds. Sure they can have lines, hell they can even have annoying lines, just make the annoying ones few and far between.
    PC NA
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  • Medivh50
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    I agree with the idea of a transmog but is there enough armor, weapons skins in the game to warrant it right now?
    Children, sure. Honestly does not make that much of a difference to me and how I play the game. Love the idea of a personal merchant for sub!
    Stam Sorc ~ Ride Simpletree
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    "I used to be an adventurer like you. Then I took an arrow in the knee."
    —Every single guard, everywhere.
  • Vegaroth
    I Disagree To All (Explain Below)
    Transmorgrifier: Not really necesary as in WoW, it could be a better option make somekind of adition to crafting to make costumes.

    Personal merchant: Can become a huge advantage, specially for grinders and farmers, maybe with a big cooldown timer....

    Children: BIG NO to those pesky critters!!!! I hate them in skyrim, really annoing, thats why my fav mod for skyrim was Killable Children.... finally able to get ride of that girl in Whiterun without need of console command...
  • olemanwinter
    Agree To Some of This And I will Explain Below (What You Like/Dont Like)
    Everything except the children. Now, I'm not going to pitch a fit if they put kiddos in the game, BUT....

    The more NPCs running around that very likely lack quests, can't be killed, can't be stolen from, etc...does not add to my immersion, it detracts from it.
  • olemanwinter
    Agree To Some of This And I will Explain Below (What You Like/Dont Like)
    Vegaroth wrote: »
    Transmorgrifier: Not really necesary as in WoW, it could be a better option make somekind of adition to crafting to make costumes.

    I feel very happy for you that the sets you found that work for your build don't look like total stinky arse.

    If only it were that way for everyone.
  • Vegaroth
    I Disagree To All (Explain Below)

    I feel very happy for you that the sets you found that work for your build don't look like total stinky arse.

    If only it were that way for everyone.
    Im always on costume =P so i never see how my sets looks

  • Heromofo
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    Vegaroth wrote: »
    Transmorgrifier: Not really necesary as in WoW, it could be a better option make somekind of adition to crafting to make costumes.

    Personal merchant: Can become a huge advantage, specially for grinders and farmers, maybe with a big cooldown timer....

    Children: BIG NO to those pesky critters!!!! I hate them in skyrim, really annoing, thats why my fav mod for skyrim was Killable Children.... finally able to get ride of that girl in Whiterun without need of console command...


    Added in hourly cooldown but compared to other mmos ESO + is the worst subscription service.
    This feature is used in alot of mmo subscription services but your right a hourly cooldown would be good for it.

    - Pesky Critters lol image of kids crawling up the wall is now freaking me out. :D

    A quote from @Gidorick
    Gidorick wrote: »
    I recently noticed that Archeage's sub benefits have been given a bit of an upgrade...

    And I've been thinking about The Secret World's subscription too...

    Those Exclusive Items and Store Discounts are really enticing.

    When compared to what ESO+ gives you...

    There's just no doubt that ESO+ is lacking... Now, that being said... The Secret World doesn't give subscribers access to their Expansions (They call Issues, like a comic!)... so the more DLC that comes out for ESO, the more enticing the Subscription will become. Right now, there's just not much to make a person go "yea! That's worth it!"

    Add in the fact in the long run it might be worth just buying the dlc instead of going through ESO+ that only lets you (RENT) the dlc. If you stop paying for eso plus you will loose all your dlc same goes if you lapse a month.

    If the dlc end up been 20-30 dollars a pop
    Over 15 dollars a month
    They said it takes at least 4 months to make a new area
    So at the very best 5 months after testing
    5x15 75 dollars
    Or 20-30 dollars one time payment

    So as it stands the best option is to just not to give zos any money and then just buy the dlc every 5-6 months you would be saving alot and only missing out on 10% exp bonus that you dont even notice.
    Edited by Heromofo on May 17, 2015 11:47AM
  • Heromofo
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    Everything except the children. Now, I'm not going to pitch a fit if they put kiddos in the game, BUT....

    The more NPCs running around that very likely lack quests, can't be killed, can't be stolen from, etc...does not add to my immersion, it detracts from it.
    Ahah aaah winter i dont think they could bring in killable kids lol it may be frowned on lol. :D
    Edited by Heromofo on May 17, 2015 11:53AM
  • Heromofo
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    Medivh50 wrote: »
    I agree with the idea of a transmog but is there enough armor, weapons skins in the game to warrant it right now?
    Children, sure. Honestly does not make that much of a difference to me and how I play the game. Love the idea of a personal merchant for sub!
    There is Med but it will also apply to the so called *end game gear sets* but maybe you dont like the look so you change the look to say orc plate armor and a fierce headpiece.

    It could also be used by say a cloth wearer who wants to look like their in plate armor but wants the benifits of the cloth line.
    We can do this now wearing the costumes but there is no options to make the style yours.

    Edit: New explanation added to the end of the post.
    Edited by Heromofo on May 17, 2015 11:43AM
  • Gidorick
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    I really like how closely we think @Heromofo.

    Summonable Beast Merchants:

    and this is a snippet from my "ESO+ Subscription Benefits Suggestion" Thread
    Gidorick wrote: »

    The Transmogrification really should be "Reforming" armor to where players can use some crafting materials to reform their existing armor into new armor. This should require that the player be able to normally craft in that style. Perhaps it could even need a "Reformation stone" in the process that can be found from destruction of materials (VERY rare) or a pack could be bought from the Crown Store.

    Children. Yes.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Heromofo
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    Gidorick wrote: »
    I really like how closely we think @Heromofo.

    Summonable Beast Merchants:

    and this is a snippet from my "ESO+ Subscription Benefits Suggestion" Thread

    The Transmogrification really should be "Reforming" armor to where players can use some crafting materials to reform their existing armor into new armor. This should require that the player be able to normally craft in that style. Perhaps it could even need a "Reformation stone" in the process that can be found from destruction of materials (VERY rare) or a pack could be bought from the Crown Store.

    Children. Yes.
    We do indeed bud and thank you as usual i have added you into the thread i really find your reforming idea brillant and a good way for them to make money if they choose.

  • Gidorick
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    Heromofo wrote: »
    We do indeed bud and thank you as usual i have added you into the thread i really find your reforming idea brillant and a good way for them to make money if they choose.

    Awesome, thanks! I find myself always asking the question "And how can ZOS make money from this?" heheh.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Heromofo
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    Gidorick wrote: »

    Awesome, thanks! I find myself always asking the question "And how can ZOS make money from this?" heheh.

    Yes i do as well but that was out of the park on that one. :D

    People still need to figure out that nothing is free in ESO especially with this new system.
  • dafox187
    Agree To One Or More Here But I Have A Different Take On it (Explain Below)
    they kids need to be pickpocket for all there dolls and wooden sowrds ALL OF THEM

    don't get mad at my spelling, autocorrect doesn't cover fantasy.
    Why couldn't the Khajiit go to the party? She had to be Elsweyr.
  • Ketta
    Agree To Some of This And I will Explain Below (What You Like/Dont Like)
    I'm definitely in support of a transmog option for weapons and armor. To me, this should include costumes or parts of costumes (or an entirely separate paper-doll for costumes, so you would have the option of a costume appearance or showing your armor; either way, you look how you want without losing any benefits to the actual gear you've equipped). All parts, including costumes and weaponry/shields, should be dye able.

    I've personally never needed and instant-merchant nearly as much as I needed a wandering banker. I usually only acquire a small handful of items that are truly 'vendor fodder'. Bank-able items on the other hand...that's what makes me have to stop my adventuring or wandering and have to warp back to civilization. So, I'd rather see a summonable banker (with access to my guild kiosks), and would place great value in a perk like that.

    Like many playing ESO, I've played MMOs for a long time, and I've played and even tested many. One thing I've never 'missed' (in that I find their absence affecting immersion) is children. Yes, I understand that their presence in games would make a town/city more 'realistic', but I honestly don't care. I've played one game where children were implemented, but they were just a visual feature that looked like mini-adults (children would require a different model...they aren't simply mini versions of adults...they are proportionally different). Perhaps it's because I'm not a 'kid person', perhaps it's because I'm so used to not seeing them in MMOs, or perhaps I find most MMO environments complete enough without them. It could also be that because I'm not a 'kid person', I don't often find myself in situations where kids are (I work at a university and really only leave home for work and to run errands). Anyway, I don't miss children in the game at all and don't feel they're worth the time and effort involved when that time and effort could be put somewhere more needed.
  • Gidorick
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    @Ketta, In my Summonable Beast Merchants concept I include a Banker... and a fence!

    Summonable Beast Merchants:

    The ONLY feature I don't think should be summonable is someone to remove your bounty... that seems like it would be horribly abused.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Heromofo
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    Gidorick wrote: »
    @Ketta, In my Summonable Beast Merchants concept I include a Banker... and a fence!

    Summonable Beast Merchants:

    The ONLY feature I don't think should be summonable is someone to remove your bounty... that seems like it would be horribly abused.

    Ketta hls idea is on that post as sell that includes that. :)
  • Ketta
    Agree To Some of This And I will Explain Below (What You Like/Dont Like)
    Gidorick wrote: »
    @Ketta, In my Summonable Beast Merchants concept I include a Banker... and a fence!

    Summonable Beast Merchants:

    The ONLY feature I don't think should be summonable is someone to remove your bounty... that seems like it would be horribly abused.

    Well then, that's just peachy! Please forgive me for not reading through everything initially, it's early on a morning I wish I could have slept in and I'm still cleaning out eye boogers and clearing my head with some tea.... :)
  • Gidorick
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    The Transmogrifier, if added, should be a crate that your character climbs under, and there's a dial on the side of the crate that you turn to your choice. A buzzing sound activates and ZAP.... all the armor on that character is changed to whatever style you wanted.
    tee hee

    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Gidorick
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    Ketta wrote: »

    Well then, that's just peachy! Please forgive me for not reading through everything initially, it's early on a morning I wish I could have slept in and I'm still cleaning out eye boogers and clearing my head with some tea.... :)

    heh. totally understandable. The sheer amount of concepts the community has put out here on the forum is staggering... no one can read all of it.

    Well, no one but the folks at ZOS... right @ZOS.... Right?
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Powtreeman
    I Disagree To All (Explain Below)
    This isn't WoW and I would like it to be less like WoW. There are too little gear sets that are easy to get to want transmogrify and it would make costumes pointless.

    Traveling merchants would just give botters an easier time and would make people stay in caves way longer. They already just mail themselves the gear.

    Goblin banker? Goblins are not smart in ESO like they are in WoW. They would just lose or steal your stuff.

    Kids? why? Pointless NPCs
  • Earelith
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    Powtreeman wrote: »
    This isn't WoW and I would like it to be less like WoW. There are too little gear sets that are easy to get to want transmogrify and it would make costumes pointless.

    Traveling merchants would just give botters an easier time and would make people stay in caves way longer. They already just mail themselves the gear.

    Goblin banker? Goblins are not smart in ESO like they are in WoW. They would just lose or steal your stuff.

    Kids? why? Pointless NPCs

    I dont think that the botter care to make frequent visits to vendors because well they dont do it..they are sleeping or watching a movie while the bot do the work for them..

    If there is a transmog/wardrobe feature, people will still use costumes if they like them.

    Also transmog is not a wow priviledge..many games before wow already had a transmog feature.
  • PBpsy
    Agree To Some of This And I will Explain Below (What You Like/Dont Like)
    TRANSMOG TRANSMOG TRANSMOG NAO!!!!!!! Put it behind Crown store but put the damn thing in the game already.It shouldn't be such a great programing endevour considering that skin changes were in the game since launch with imperial.

    Rest is inconsequential.
    Edited by PBpsy on May 17, 2015 6:26PM
    ESO forums achievements
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  • Tierbook
    Agree To Some of This And I will Explain Below (What You Like/Dont Like)
    I agree to some of this on the basis of children.
  • Kalifas
    Agree To Some of This And I will Explain Below (What You Like/Dont Like)
    All sounds like gravy except the children. If children are that important to some in a video game besides a baby designed game. Let them get married in game and have a child with someone then keep it in their house.
    Edited by Kalifas on May 17, 2015 8:10PM
    An Avid fan of Elder Scrolls Online. Check out my Concepts Repository!
  • MercyKilling
    I Disagree To All (Explain Below)
    I applaud that you care enough about the game to want to see improvements to it.....but these threads/polls are actually becoming bothersome to see on the front page all the time.

    Perhaps one a month?

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Trolling & Baiting]
    Edited by ZOS_UlyssesW on May 17, 2015 9:42PM
    I am not spending a single penny on the game until changes are made to the game that I want to see.
    1) Remove having to be in a guild to sell items to other players at a kiosk.
    2) Cosmetic modding for armor and clothing.
    3) Difficulty slider.
    4) Fully customizable player housing that isn't tied to anything in the game other than having the correct resources and enough gold to build. Don't tie it to PvP, guild membership, or anything at all. Oh, make it instanced so as not to take up world map space, too. Zeni screwed this one up already.
    Any /one/ of these things implemented would get me spending again, maybe even subbing.
  • Natjur
    They have not added anything new for a long time (besides crown store items)
    Maybe by the time I finish Witcher 3 there will be something worth looking at in this game again.
  • olemanwinter
    Agree To Some of This And I will Explain Below (What You Like/Dont Like)
    Heromofo wrote: »
    Ahah aaah winter i dont think they could bring in killable kids lol it may be frowned on lol. :D

    Well, I ought to be able to at least push one around a little and take his milk money, yeah?
  • newtinmpls
    Powtreeman wrote: »
    Goblin banker? Goblins are not smart in ESO like they are in WoW. They would just lose or steal your stuff.

    I realize that the most of the goblins met in the course of ESO speak "english" (or whatever your default language) poorly, but that does not mean they are stupid. If you notice, there is a relatively high proportion of spellcasters per populace as compared to the "civilised" areas, and there are also many blacksmithing stations in goblin lairs. So these are people with advanced and even esoteric knowledge.

    On the other hand, given the poor treatment of them by some races (I'm looking at you, Pirondil) I could see the whole "goblin banker" as a setup to rob those who don't expect "simple goblins" to come up with such a convoluted plot.
    Tenesi Faryon of Telvanni - Dunmer Sorceress who deliberately sought sacrifice into Cold Harbor to rescue her beloved.
    Hisa Ni Caemaire - Altmer Sorceress, member of the Order Draconis and Adept of the House of Dibella.
    Broken Branch Toothmaul - goblin (for my goblin characters, I use either orsimer or bosmer templates) Templar, member of the Order Draconis and persistently unskilled pickpocket
    Mol gro Durga - Orsimer Socerer/Battlemage who died the first time when the Nibenay Valley chapterhouse of the Order Draconis was destroyed, then went back to Cold Harbor to rescue his second/partner who was still captive. He overestimated his resistance to the hopelessness of Oblivion, about to give up, and looked up to see the golden glow of atherius surrounding a beautiful young woman who extended her hand to him and said "I can help you". He carried Fianna Kingsley out of Cold Harbor on his shoulder. He carried Alvard Stower under one arm. He also irritated the Prophet who had intended the portal for only Mol and Lyris.
    Order Draconis - well c'mon there has to be some explanation for all those dragon tattoos.
    House of Dibella - If you have ever seen or read "Memoirs of a Geisha" that's just the beginning...
    Nibenay Valley Chapterhouse - Where now stands only desolate ground and a dolmen there once was a thriving community supporting one of the major chapterhouses of the Order Draconis
  • Heromofo
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    newtinmpls wrote: »

    I realize that the most of the goblins met in the course of ESO speak "english" (or whatever your default language) poorly, but that does not mean they are stupid. If you notice, there is a relatively high proportion of spellcasters per populace as compared to the "civilised" areas, and there are also many blacksmithing stations in goblin lairs. So these are people with advanced and even esoteric knowledge.

    On the other hand, given the poor treatment of them by some races (I'm looking at you, Pirondil) I could see the whole "goblin banker" as a setup to rob those who don't expect "simple goblins" to come up with such a convoluted plot.

    Have to call in Gidorick here to answer this.

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