Transmorgrifier: Not really necesary as in WoW, it could be a better option make somekind of adition to crafting to make costumes.
Im always on costume =P so i never see how my sets looksolemanwinter wrote: »
I feel very happy for you that the sets you found that work for your build don't look like total stinky arse.
If only it were that way for everyone.
Transmorgrifier: Not really necesary as in WoW, it could be a better option make somekind of adition to crafting to make costumes.
Personal merchant: Can become a huge advantage, specially for grinders and farmers, maybe with a big cooldown timer....
Children: BIG NO to those pesky critters!!!! I hate them in skyrim, really annoing, thats why my fav mod for skyrim was Killable Children.... finally able to get ride of that girl in Whiterun without need of console command...
I recently noticed that Archeage's sub benefits have been given a bit of an upgrade...
And I've been thinking about The Secret World's subscription too...
Those Exclusive Items and Store Discounts are really enticing.
When compared to what ESO+ gives you...
There's just no doubt that ESO+ is lacking... Now, that being said... The Secret World doesn't give subscribers access to their Expansions (They call Issues, like a comic!)... so the more DLC that comes out for ESO, the more enticing the Subscription will become. Right now, there's just not much to make a person go "yea! That's worth it!"
@olemanwinterolemanwinter wrote: »Everything except the children. Now, I'm not going to pitch a fit if they put kiddos in the game, BUT....
The more NPCs running around that very likely lack quests, can't be killed, can't be stolen from, etc...does not add to my immersion, it detracts from it.
@Medivh50I agree with the idea of a transmog but is there enough armor, weapons skins in the game to warrant it right now?
Children, sure. Honestly does not make that much of a difference to me and how I play the game. Love the idea of a personal merchant for sub!
- Mudcrab Merchant Whistle with a 36 hour cooldown (
- Creeper Summoning Relic with a 48 hour cooldown (
- Goblin Banker Bell with a 72 hour cooldown (
@GidorickI really like how closely we think @Heromofo.
Summonable Beast Merchants:
and this is a snippet from my "ESO+ Subscription Benefits Suggestion" Thread
The Transmogrification really should be "Reforming" armor to where players can use some crafting materials to reform their existing armor into new armor. This should require that the player be able to normally craft in that style. Perhaps it could even need a "Reformation stone" in the process that can be found from destruction of materials (VERY rare) or a pack could be bought from the Crown Store.
Children. Yes.
We do indeed bud and thank you as usual i have added you into the thread i really find your reforming idea brillant and a good way for them to make money if they choose.
Awesome, thanks! I find myself always asking the question "And how can ZOS make money from this?" heheh.
@Ketta, In my Summonable Beast Merchants concept I include a Banker... and a fence!
Summonable Beast Merchants:
The ONLY feature I don't think should be summonable is someone to remove your bounty... that seems like it would be horribly abused.
@Ketta, In my Summonable Beast Merchants concept I include a Banker... and a fence!
Summonable Beast Merchants:
The ONLY feature I don't think should be summonable is someone to remove your bounty... that seems like it would be horribly abused.
Well then, that's just peachy! Please forgive me for not reading through everything initially, it's early on a morning I wish I could have slept in and I'm still cleaning out eye boogers and clearing my head with some tea....
Powtreeman wrote: »This isn't WoW and I would like it to be less like WoW. There are too little gear sets that are easy to get to want transmogrify and it would make costumes pointless.
Traveling merchants would just give botters an easier time and would make people stay in caves way longer. They already just mail themselves the gear.
Goblin banker? Goblins are not smart in ESO like they are in WoW. They would just lose or steal your stuff.
Kids? why? Pointless NPCs
Ahah aaah winter i dont think they could bring in killable kids lol it may be frowned on lol.
Powtreeman wrote: »Goblin banker? Goblins are not smart in ESO like they are in WoW. They would just lose or steal your stuff.
newtinmpls wrote: »
I realize that the most of the goblins met in the course of ESO speak "english" (or whatever your default language) poorly, but that does not mean they are stupid. If you notice, there is a relatively high proportion of spellcasters per populace as compared to the "civilised" areas, and there are also many blacksmithing stations in goblin lairs. So these are people with advanced and even esoteric knowledge.
On the other hand, given the poor treatment of them by some races (I'm looking at you, Pirondil) I could see the whole "goblin banker" as a setup to rob those who don't expect "simple goblins" to come up with such a convoluted plot.