Improving On ESO S04E05) Festivals,Calender,Skimpy Armor,Traps/Puzzles And Racial Walking

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☆ Introduction

Please make sure you read first before voting also make sure to explain why as voting is only one part of the feedback. :D

☆ Season 1
☆ Season 2
☆ Season 3
☆ Season 4
☆ Season 5
☆ Gidorick's Repository Of brillant Ideas
Environmental Concepts:
UI Concepts:
Game Systems:
Player Options & Items and Systems:
Crown Store/ ESO+ Centric Concepts:
Silly odds and ends:

☆ Some Music While You Read

☆ Festivals And The Importance Of The Calendar
Festivals like holiday events are another crucial part of mmos to bring players in on certain dates.
Festivals can bring in extra money for you guys as well just like holiday events by offering time limited items in the crown store each year.
On top of that having things like quests,maybe a special boss and things like costumes and special items.

So lets see what kind of festivals ESO can support lore wise.
Remember these will cover holiday events but its a list to show lore friendly holiday's (covered in an earlier episode) and possible festivals for ESO.
Not all will be in the time line but it should give you an idea of the holidays and festivals in the Elder Scrolls universe.

Importance Of The Calender
Also once you guys add in holidays and festivals its time to add in a calendar that we can use to not only see these events.
But you can place the limited sales on it and let us use it to set personal reminders and for a guild function to set up events.

Elder Scrolls Lore Holidays And Festivals

Morning Star
New Life Festival[edit]
Morning Star 1st
Today the people of provinceName are having the New Life Festival in celebration of a new year. The Emperor has ordered yet another tax increase in his New Life Address, and there is much grumbling about this. Still, despite financial difficulties, the New Life tradition of free ale at all the taverns in the cities continues. The people of provinceName certainly know how to hold a celebration. In Daggerfall, this is the Summoning Day for Clavicus Vile.
Scour Day[edit]
Morning Star 2nd
Scour Day is a celebration held in most High Rock villages on the day after New Life. It was once the day one cleans up after New Life, but has changed into a party of its own.
Morning Star 12th
Ovank'a is the day the people of the Alik'r Desert offer prayers to Stendarr in the hopes of a mild and merciful year. It is considered very holy.
Meridia's Summoning Day[edit]
Morning Star 13th
In Daggerfall, this is the Summoning Day for Meridia.
South Winds Prayer[edit]
Morning Star 15th
The 15th of Morning Star is a holiday taken very seriously in provinceName, where they call it South Wind's Prayer, a plea by all the religions of Tamriel for a good planting season. Citizens with every affliction known in Tamriel flock to services in the cities's temples, as the clergy is known to perform free healings on this day. Only some will be judged worthy of this service, but few can afford the temples usual price...
Day of Lights[edit]
Morning Star 16th
The Day of Lights is celebrated as a holy day by most villages in Hammerfell on the Iliac Bay. It is a prayer for a good farming and fishing year, and is taken very seriously.
A possibly unrelated Festival of Lights is a tradition in the Skyrim city of Dawnstar. Little candies are given out to celebrate.[2]
Waking Day[edit]
Morning Star 18th
The people in Yeorth Burrowland invented Waking Day in prehistoric times to wake the spirits of nature after a long, cold winter. It has evolved into a sort of orgiastic celebration of the end of winter.
Sun's Dawn[edit]
Mad Pelagius[edit]
Sun's Dawn 2nd
Mad Pelagius is a silly little tradition in High Rock in a mock memorial to Pelagius Septim III, one of the maddest emperors in recent history. He died about 350 years ago, so the Septims since have taken it with good humor. In Daggerfall this is the Summoning Day for Sheogorath.
Sun's Dawn 5th
The people of Dwynnen have a huge party to celebrate Othroktide, the day when Baron Othrok took Dwynnen from the undead forces who claimed it in the Battle of Wightmoor.
Day of Release[edit]
Sun's Dawn 8th
The people of Glenumbra may be the only people to remember or care about the battle between Aiden Direnni and the Alessian Army in the first era. They celebrate it vigorously on the Day of Release.
Feast of the Dead[edit]
Sun's Dawn 13th
Celebrated in the Skyrim city of Windhelm. During the feast, the names of the Five Hundred Companions of Ysgramor are recited.[3]
Heart's Day[edit]
Sun's Dawn 16th
Today is the 16th of Sun's Dawn, a holiday celebrated all over Tamriel as Heart's Day. It seems that in every house, the Legend of the Lovers is being sung for the younger generation. In honor of these Lovers, Polydor and Eloisa, the inns of the city offer a free room for visitors. If such kindness had been given the Lovers, it is said, it would always be springtime in the world. In Daggerfall, this is the Summoning Day for Sanguine.
Perserverance Day[edit]
Sun's Dawn 27th
Perserverance [sic] Day is quite a party in Ykalon. It was originally held as a solemn memorial to those killed in battle while resisting the Camoran Usurper, but has since become a boisterous festival.
Aduros Nau[edit]
Sun's Dawn 28th
The villages in the Bantha celebrate the baser urges that come with Springtide on Aduros Nau. The traditions vary from village to village, but none of them are for the overly virtuous.
First Seed[edit]
Hermaeus Mora's Summoning day[edit]
First Seed 5th
In Daggerfall, this is the Summoning Day for Hermaeus Mora.
First Planting[edit]
First Seed 7th
On the 7th of First Seed every year, the people of provinceName celebrate First Planting, symbolically sowing the seeds for the autumn harvest. It is a festival of fresh beginnings, both for the crops and for the men and women of the city. Neighbors are reconciled in their disputes, resolutions are formed, bad habits dropped, the diseased cured. The clerics at the temples run a free clinic all day long to cure people of poisoning, different diseases, paralysis, and the other banes found in the world of Tamriel.
Day of Waiting[edit]
First Seed 9th
The Day of Waiting is a very old holy day among certain settlements in the Dragontail Mountains. Every year at that time, a dragon is supposed to come out of the desert and devour the wicked, so everyone locks themselves up inside.
First Seed 21st
In Daggerfall, this is the Summoning Day for Azura.
Flower Day[edit]
First Seed 25th
Flower Day is another of the frivolous celebrations of High Rock. Children pick the new flowers of spring while older Bretons, cooped up all winter, come out to welcome the season with dancing and singing.
Festival of Blades[edit]
First Seed 26th
During the Festival of Blades, the people of the Alik'r Desert celebrate the victor of the first Redguard over a race of giant goblins. The story is considered a myth by most scholars, but the holiday is still very popular in the desert.
Rain's Hand[edit]
Rain's Hand 1st
On Gardtide, the people of Tamarilyn Point hold a festival to honor Druagaa, the old goddess of flowers. Worship of the goddess is all but dead, but the celebration is always a great success.
Peryite's Summoning Day[edit]
Rain's Hand 9th
In Daggerfall, this is the Summoning Day for Peryite.
Day of the Dead[edit]
Rain's Hand 13th
The Day of the Dead is one of the more peculiar holidays of Daggerfall. The superstitious say that the dead rise on this holiday to wreak vengeance on the living. It is a fact that King Lysandus' spectre began its haunting on the Day of the Dead, 3E 404.
Day of Shame[edit]
Rain's Hand 20th
All along the seaside of Hammerfell, no one leaves their houses on the Day of Shame. It is said that the Crimson Ship, a vessel filled with victims of the Knahaten Plague who were refused refuge hundreds of years ago, will return on this day.
Jester's Day[edit]
Rain's Hand 28th
Be warned that today is Jester's Day in the city of provinceName, and pranks are being set up from one end of town to the other. It is as if a spell has been cast over the community, for even the most taciturn and dignified councilman might attempt to play a joke on his relative. The Thieves Guild finds particular attention as everyone looks for pickpockets in particular.
Second Seed[edit]
Second Planting[edit]
Second Seed 7th
The celebration of Second Planting is in full glory this day. It is a holiday with traditions similar to First Planting, improvements on the first seeding symbolically to suggest improvements on the soul. The free clinics of the temples are open for the second and last time this year, offering cures for those suffering from any kind of disease or affliction. Because peace and not conflict is stressed at this time, battle injuries are healed only at full price.
Marukh's Day[edit]
Second Seed 9th
Marukh's Day is only observed by certain communities in Skeffington Wood. By comparing themselves to the virtuous prophet Marukh, the people of Skeffington Wood pray for the strength to resist temptation. In Daggerfall, this is the Summoning Day for Namira.
Fire Festival[edit]
Second Seed 20th
The Fire Festival in Northmoor is one of the most attended celebrations in High Rock. It began as a pompous display of magic and military strength in ancient days and has become quite a festival.
Fishing Day[edit]
Second Seed 30th
Fishing Day is a big celebration for the Bretons who live off the bounty of the Iliac Bay. They are not a usually flamboyant people, but on Fishing Day, they make so much noise, fish have been scared away for weeks.
Mid Year[edit]
Drigh R'Zimb[edit]
Mid Year 1st
The festival of Drigh R'Zimb, held in the hottest time of year in Abibon-Gora, is a jubilation held for the sun Daibethe itself. Scholars do not know how long Drigh R'Zimb has been held, but it is possible the Redguards brought the festival with them when they came in the first era.
Hircine's Summoning Day[edit]
Mid Year 5th
In Daggerfall, this is the Summoning Day for Hircine.
Mid Year Celebration[edit]
Mid Year 16th
Today is the 16th of Mid Year, the traditional day for the Mid Year Celebration. Perhaps to alleviate the annual news of the Emperor's latest tax increase, the cities temples offer blessings for only half the donation they usually suggest. Many so blessed feel confident enough to enter the (dangerous) dungeons when they are not fully prepared, so this joyous festival has often been known to turn suddenly into a day of defeat and tragedy.
Dancing Day[edit]
Mid Year 23rd
Dancing Day is a time-honored holiday in Daggerfall. Who started it is questionable, but the Red Prince Atryck popularized it in the second era. It is an occasion of great pomp and merriment for all the people of Daggerfall, from the nobles down.
Mid Year 24th
Tibedetha is middle Tamrielic for "Tibers Day." It is not surprising that the lorddom of Alcaire celebrates its most famous native with a great party. Historically, Tiber Septim never returned once to his beloved birthplace.
Sun's Height[edit]
Merchants Festival[edit]
Sun's Height 10th
The bargain shoppers of the known world are out in force today and it is little wonder, for the 10th of Sun's Height is a holiday called the Merchants' Festival. Every marketplace and equipment store has dropped their prices to at least half. The only shop not being patronized today is the Mages Guild, where prices are as exorbitant as usual. Most citizens in need of a magical item are waiting two months for the celebration of Tales and Tallows when prices will be more reasonable... In Daggerfall, this is the Summoning day for Vaernima.
Divad Etep't[edit]
Sun's Height 12th
During Divat Etep't, the people of Antiphyllos mourn the death of one of the greatest of the early Redguard heroes, Divat, son of Frandar of the Hel Ansei. His deeds are questioned by historians, but his tomb in Antiphyllos is almost certainly genuine.
Sun's Rest[edit]
Sun's Height 20th
You will have to wait until tomorrow if you are planning on making any equipment purchases, for all stores are closed in observance of Sun's Rest. Of course, the temples, taverns, and Mages Guild in the (city) are still open their regular hours, but most citizens chose to devote this day to relaxation, not commerce or prayer. This is not a convenient arrangement for all, but the Merchants' Guild heavily fines any shop that stays open, so everyone complies.
Fiery Night[edit]
Sun's Height 29th
Few besides the natives of the Alik'r Desert would venture out on the hottest day of the year, Fiery Night. It's a lively celebration with a meaning lost in antiquity.
Last Seed[edit]
Maiden Katrica[edit]
Last Seed 2nd
On the day of Maiden Katrica, the people of Ayasofya show their appreciation for the warrior that saved their county with the biggest party of the year.
Koomu Alezer'i[edit]
Last Seed 11th
Koomu Alezer'i means simply "We Acknowledge" in old Redguard, and it has been a tradition in Sentinel for thousands of years. No matter the harvest, the people of Sentinel solemnly thank the gods for their bounty, and pray to be worthy of the graces of the gods.
Feast of the Tiger[edit]
Last Seed 14th
The Feast of the Tiger in the Bantha rainforest is like other holidays in praise of a bountiful harvest. It is not, however, a solemn occasion for introspection and thanksgiving, but a great celebration and festival from village to village.
Appreciation Day[edit]
Last Seed 21st
Appreciation Day in Anticlere is an ancient holiday of thanksgiving for a bountiful harvest for the people of Anticlere. It is considered a holy and contemplative day, devoted to Mara, the goddess-protector of Anticlere.
Harvest's End[edit]
Last Seed 27th
Perhaps no other festival fires the spirit of cityName as much as the one held today, Harvest's End. The work of the year is over, the seeding, sowing, and reaping. Now is the time to celebrate and enjoy the fruits of the harvest, and even visitors to regionName are invited to join the farmers. The taverns offer free drinks all day long, an extravagance before the economy of the coming winter months. Underfed farm hands gorging themselves and then getting sick in the town square are the most common sights of the celebration of Harvest's End.
This day in 3E 433 marked the beginning of the Oblivion Crisis.
Hearth Fire[edit]
Tales and Tallows[edit]
Hearth Fire 3rd
No other holiday divides the people of cityName like the 3rd of Hearth Fire. A few of the oldest, more superstitious men and women do not speak all day long for fear that the evil spirits of the dead will enter their bodies. Most citizens enjoy the holiday, calling it Tales and Tallows, but even the most lighthearted avoid the dark streets of cityName, for everyone knows the dead do walk tonight. Only the Mages Guild completely thrives on this day. In celebration of the oldest magical science, necromancy, all magical items are half price today. NOTE: A number of in game sources say this is the day one may summon Nocturnal, but that is actually the 8th - see below.
Hearth Fire 6th
Every town and fellowship in the Wrothgarian Mountains celebrates Khurat, the day when the finest young scholars are accepted into the various priesthoods. Even those people without children of age go to pray for the wisdom and benevolence of the clergy.
Nocturnal's Summoning Day[edit]
Hearth Fire 8th
In Daggerfall, this is the Summoning Day for Nocturnal.
Hearth Fire 12th
Riglametha is celebrated on the twelfth of Hearth Fire every year in Lainlyn as a celebration of Lainlyns many blessings. Pageants are held on such themes as the Ghraewaj, when the daedra worshippers in Lainlyn were changed to harpies for their blasphemy.
Children's Day[edit]
Hearth Fire 19th
Children's Day in Betony is a festive occasion with a grim history. All know though few choose to recall that Children's Day began as a memorial to the dozens of children in Betony who were stolen from their homes by vampires one night never to be seen again. This happened over a hundred years ago, and the holiday has since become a celebration of youth.
Frost Fall[edit]
Dirij Tereur[edit]
Frost Fall 5th
The fifth of Frost Fall marks Dirij Tereur for the people of the Alik'r Desert. It is a sacred day honoring Frandar Hund, the traditional spiritual leader of the Redguards who led them to Hammerfell in the first era. Stories are read from Hund's Book of Circles, and the temples in the region are filled to capacity.
Malacath's Summoning Day[edit]
Frost Fall 8th
In Daggerfall, this is the Summoning Day for Malacath.
Witches Festival[edit]
Frostfall 13th
Today is the 13th of Frostfall, known throughout Tamriel as the Witches' Festival when the forces of sorcery and religion clash. The Mages Guild gets most of the business since weapons and items are evaluated for their mystic potential free of charge and magic spells are one half their usual price. Demonologists, conjurors, lamias, warlocks, and thaumaturgists meet in the wilderness outside (the city), and the creatures created or summoned there may plague Tamriel for eons. Most wise men choose not to wander this night. In Daggerfall, this is the Summoning Day for Mephala.
Broken Diamonds[edit]
Frost Fall 23rd
On the 23rd of Frost Fall in the 121st year of the third era, the empress Kintyra Septim II met her death in the imperial dungeons in Glenpoint on the orders of her cousin and usurper Uriel III. Her death is remembered in Glenpoint as the day called Broken Diamonds. It is a day of silent prayer for the wisdom and benevolence of the imperial family of Tamriel. [Editor's note: It is Uriel III who killed Kintyra, not Cephorus. This is a scribe's error in Daggerfall].
Emperor's Day[edit]
Frostfall 30th
Once the 30th of Frostfall, the Emperor's Birthday, was the most popular holiday of the year. Great traveling carnivals entertained the masses, while the aristocracy of cityName enjoyed the annual Goblin Chase on horseback. Recently, these traditions have fallen into neglect. It has been decades since there was a big carnival in cityName and longer still since a regentTitle of the cityName sponsered a Goblin Chase.
In 4E 171, the Great War began on this day when then-Emperor Titus Mede II rejected a Thalmor ultimatum.
Sun's Dusk[edit]
Sun's Dusk 2nd
In Daggerfall, this is the Summoning Day for Boethiah.
Serpent's Dance[edit]
Sun's Dusk 3rd
The Serpents Dance in Satakalaam may or may not have begun as a serious religious holiday dedicated to a snake god, but in this day, it is a reason for a great street festival.
Moon Festival[edit]
Sun's Dusk 8th
On the 8th of Sun's Dusk, the Bretons of Glenumbra Moors hold the Moon Festival, a joyous holiday in honor of Secunda, goddess of the moon. Although the goddess has no active worshippers, the traditional celebration has continued through the ages as a time of feasting and merriment.
Hel Anseilak[edit]
Sun's Dusk 18th
Hel Anseilak, which means "Communion with the Saints of the Sword" in Old Redguard is the most serious of holy days for the people of Pothago. The ancient way of Hel Ansei is never practiced by modern Redguards, but its rich heritage is remembered and honored on this day.
Warriors Festival[edit]
Sun's Dusk 20th
Today is the 20th of Sun's Dusk, the Warriors Festival in cityName. Most all the local warriors, spellswords, and rogues come to the equipment stores and blacksmiths where all weapons are half price. Unfortunately, the low prices also tempt many an untrained boy to buy his first sword and the normally quiet cityName streets ring with amateur skirmishes. The regentTitle has pardoned most of these ruffians in the past, but has promised to be less merciful this year. In Daggerfall, this is the Summoning Day for Mehrunes Dagon.
Evening Star[edit]
North Winds Prayer[edit]
Evening Star 15th
Today is the 15th of Evening Star, a holiday reverently observed by the temples as North Wind's Prayer. It is a thanksgiving to the Gods for a good harvest and a mild winter. Some years, like this one, the harvest was not particularly good and the winter unseasonally harsh in provinceName, but as the regentTitle is fond of saying, "It could be much worse." The temples offer all their services blessing, curing, healing for half the donation usually requested.
Baranth Do[edit]
Evening Star 18th
Baranth Do is celebrated on the 18th of Evening Star by the Redguards of the Alik'r Desert. Its meaning is "Goodbye to the Beast of Last Year." Pageants featuring demonic representations of the old year are popular, and revelry to honor the new year is everywhere.
Evening Star 20th (1)
Evening Star 24th (2)
Chil'a, the blessing of the new year in the barony of Kairou, is both a sacred day and a festival. The archpriest and the baroness each consecrate the ashes of the old year in solemn ceremony, then street parades, balls, and tournaments conclude the event. In Daggerfall, this is the Summoning Day for Molag Bal.
Local Iliac Bay New Year's festival on the 24th of Evening Star. It was probably moved from its original date to correspond with the notion of the year defined in Tamriel.
Evening Star 25th
The New Life festival comes a few days early in Wayrest with Saturalia, traditionally held on the 25th of Evening Star. Originally a holiday for a long forgotten god of debauchery, it has become a time of gift giving, parties, and parading. Visitors are encouraged to participate.
Old Life Festival[edit]
Evening Star 30th/31st
On the last day of the year the Empire celebrates the holiday called Old Life. Many go to the temples to reflect on their past. Some go for more than this, for it is rumored that priests will as the last act of the year perform resurrections on beloved friends and family members free of the usual charge. Worshippers know better than to expect this philanthropy, but they arrive in a macabre procession with the recently deceased nevertheless. When ale flows free in all the taverns in all the cities of Tamriel.

Gidorick's Opinion On This
I truly believe festivals and holidays are VITAL to the future of ESO. I go into detail on my thoughts here:


☆ Skimpy Style Video Game Armor
Highly debated topic in video games is the female armor debate.
Some believe that female armor should always be *sexy* and others believe it should follow the pratical side.
I personally agree with both sides i enjoy seeing both sides of the armor and a complaint on the forums is female armor looks well manly and hides certain features. So i have some pictures below to show the different styles of this and i believe that the female armor in ESO needs a well *skimpy* style added while staying on the practical side. I am also adding in male skimpy style armor as there has been a lot of forum users that want both sides.

Gidorick's Opinion On This
I honestly believe the solution to "feminine armor" (skimpy armor) is to expand the clothing in ESO.
That being said I don't think Plate armor that covers a male torso but only covers the beasts of the female is the answer. More revealing armor in general would be welcomed but ONLY if that armor STYLE is revealing. So it would be equally revealing for both genders. In the end there is room for both types of armor in ESO... but it needs to make contextual sense.
Female Skimpy Style
Difference between two versions practical vs video game style

Male Skimpy Style

☆ Traps and Puzzles
traps and pitfalls in dungeons. when you are in dungeons you should be cautious, wrong step can lead to your demise. if by falling from a cliff or by stepping into a trap.

You should always be careful when entering a dungeon

(The traps and puzzles in the game atm are very underused and easy to miss or figure out)

There are many different style traps,pitfalls and puzzles that can be used in ESO.
I understand the need to make puzzles easier than placing a ball in a cup.
Because of the slower audience and thats fine but i believe they can still be bumped up even a little.

But starting with traps lets see more:

Magical traps: Nothing like stepping on the wrong tile and getting zapped for it.
Imagine a room with different tiles and on the roof it has a pattern to follow like
(Red,red,black,green,blue,blue,yellow,red,red,blue). Then if you step on the wrong one you are shocked for alot of damage.

Arrow traps: light spots all down a hallway that should you accidentally walked through would send darts flying through the hallway (crouching needed lol).

Sliding traps: Pushing a button opens a door that has a timer before closing again but contains sliding axes swinging from side to side.

Falling traps: walking over a trip line could cause rocks to fall on you or a log to swing down (Other Elder Scroll games anyone :D)

Fire traps: fire traps are things like in the picture below where fire spews out for x amount of time.

Oil traps: lantern oil covered floors and lanterns hanging on the walls that can be targeted and broken both a good trap and a good way to enter combat.

Then you add in pitfall traps where one wrong step can send you falling down to another level maybe with more monsters to kill to make your way back up.

From one of your fans Qyrk
They should incorporate hidden walls and passages as well. (i.e. EQ classic's lower guk and city of mist hidden passages/walls).

Gidorick's Opinion On This
Traps. Yes? But there's a larger issue of cave design. There have been some great changes to some caves/dungeons and I hope they continue to evolve.

Originally The Dungeon of Depravity looked like this:

Now, it looks like this:
HUGE improvement!


☆ Racial Walking
This will mainly effect the beast type races but another way to add to immersion is to fix how they move.
Especially when it comes to beast type races especially with tails as tails offset how they would walk.
But i should point out that as it stands all races run very oddly as it is and not at all natural.

Humans: easy enough to figure out.
Elfs: should move with a air like movement.
Orcs: should move as a lumbering brute with heavy style movement.
Argonian: more like a raptor from side to side closer to how Guar move.
khajiit: Feline movement is one of grace and very quite.

Gidorick's Opinion On This
Racial walks... One side of me likes this idea but the other side urges that side to look at it in the context of the Elder Scrolls. The races have always had the same stride. Is it "realistic"? No. Is it the "TES Style"? Yea, it kind of is. I wouldn't complain if they added different strides for different races but I don't think it's warrented or justified in an Elder Scrolls game.... but it would be cool!

End Of Season 4
Edited by Heromofo on June 5, 2015 11:18AM

Improving On ESO S04E05) Festivals,Calender,Skimpy Armor,Traps/Puzzles And Racial Walking 14 votes

I Agree To All (Explain Below)
SpazzKidd3b92303008rwb17_ESOGhostwalkerLDHeromofo 4 votes
I Disagree To All (Explain Below)
BloodfangCerbolt 2 votes
Agree To Some of This And I will Explain Below (What You Like/Dont Like)
GidorickLeijonaWodwoAlienSlofMos-De-Atmoelias.stormneb18_ESOQyrk 7 votes
Agree To One Or More Here But I Have A Different Take On it (Explain Below)
kwisatz 1 vote
  • Qyrk
    Agree To Some of This And I will Explain Below (What You Like/Dont Like)

    It will be a great tradition, especially when incorporating tamriel festivals. However, the state of the game is not ready for it for the sole reason that many things (that has been in the back burner for sometime) need to be released first (due to many players clamoring for it). I am still holding out for these Tamriel-ic events, which will be a great addition in the future.

    Feminine Armor:

    I disagree. This seems like a cheap way to incorporate scantily clad female armors to the game.

    Traps and Puzzles:

    It is already in the game, but heavily underused. Again, the devs can still build from this idea like the traps already incorporated in some parts of the dungeon Volenfell (sp?).
  • Heromofo
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    Qyrk wrote: »

    It will be a great tradition, especially when incorporating tamriel festivals. However, the state of the game is not ready for it for the sole reason that many things (that has been in the back burner for sometime) need to be released first (due to many players clamoring for it). I am still holding out for these Tamriel-ic events, which will be a great addition in the future.

    Feminine Armor:

    I disagree. This seems like a cheap way to incorporate scantily clad female armors to the game.

    Traps and Puzzles:

    It is already in the game, but heavily underused. Again, the devs can still build from this idea like the traps already incorporated in some parts of the dungeon Volenfell (sp?).
    Yeah they are i would love to see more traps and harder puzzles in the game lol.
    Plus i just updated the thread abit so let me know how you feel about the rest.
    Edited by Heromofo on May 28, 2015 11:57AM
  • Mos-De-Atmo
    Agree To Some of This And I will Explain Below (What You Like/Dont Like)
    Qyrk wrote: »
    I disagree. This seems like a cheap way to incorporate scantily clad female armors to the game.

    Me too, and I quite like the current armor as well, although more styles is always welcome but I do prefer the practical styles...
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  • Heromofo
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)

    Me too, and I quite like the current armor as well, although more styles is always welcome but I do prefer the practical styles...

    Always reminds me of the picture below lol but i cover all forum topics to the best of my ability.
    But it would be nice to see less manish armor and more armor like the 2nd picture " the warrior princess".
    Edited by Heromofo on May 28, 2015 12:17PM
  • Qyrk
    Agree To Some of This And I will Explain Below (What You Like/Dont Like)
    They should incorporate hidden walls and passages as well. (i.e. EQ classic's lower guk and city of mist hidden passages/walls).
    Edited by Qyrk on May 28, 2015 12:30PM
  • VictoriaRachel
    Bare Flesh =/= Feminine
  • GhostwalkerLD
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    I agree wholeheartedly about the Tamrielic festivals. I regularly browse the Imperial Library and UESP for lore, and they make frequent mention of such festivals.

    As for the 'feminine armor,' I agree somewhat. It would be nice to have armor that is feminine without necessarily being impractical, though I'm one of those people who would like the option of more 'revealing' armor on both the men and women, i.e. the some of the "Fur Armor" options as seen in Skyrim, or other 'barbarian' esque armor, like the first tier Argonian leather. Lest we forget that in much of the 'fantasy' armor, you have just as many bare chested guys as you do (almost) bare chested ladies!

    And is this all just a ploy by me to perhaps get Razum-dar to let loose a little...?

    ..... Maaaybe. :3

    Regardless, great post! If only the devs would pay you some attention.
    Edited by GhostwalkerLD on May 28, 2015 12:41PM
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • Heromofo
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    Qyrk wrote: »
    They should incorporate hidden walls and passages as well. (i.e. EQ classic's lower guk and city of mist hidden passages/walls).
    Added it in for ya bud.
    Bare Flesh =/= Feminine
    Changed the title to better suit it for ya lol.
  • Heromofo
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    I agree wholeheartedly about the Tamrielic festivals. I regularly browse the Imperial Library and UESP for lore, and they make frequent mention of such festivals.

    As for the 'feminine armor,' I agree somewhat. It would be nice to have armor that is feminine without necessarily being impractical, though I'm one of those people who would like the option of more 'revealing' armor on both the men and women, i.e. the some of the "Fur Armor" options as seen in Skyrim, or other 'barbarian' esque armor, like the first tier Argonian leather. Lest we forget that in much of the 'fantasy' armor, you have just as many bare chested guys as you do (almost) bare chested ladies!

    And is this all just a ploy by me to perhaps get Razum-dar to let loose a little...?

    ..... Maaaybe. :3

    Regardless, great post! If only the devs would pay you some attention.

    Thanks bud and who said they don't maybe i have talked to some certain members (mods) on multiple occasions who enjoy the series. :D
    Edited by Heromofo on May 28, 2015 12:50PM
  • Gidorick
    Agree To Some of This And I will Explain Below (What You Like/Dont Like)
    I truly believe festivals and holidays are VITAL to the future of ESO. I go into detail on my thoughts here:

    I honestly believe the solution to "feminine armor" (skimpy armor) is to expand the clothing in ESO.
    That being said I don't think Plate armor that covers a male torso but only covers the beasts of the female is the answer. More revealing armor in general would be welcomed but ONLY if that armor STYLE is revealing. So it would be equally revealing for both genders. In the end there is room for both types of armor in ESO... but it needs to make contextual sense.

    Traps. Yes? But there's a larger issue of cave design. There have been dine grat changes to some caves/dungeons and I hope they continue to evolve.

    Originally The Dungeon of Depravity looked like this:

    Now, it looks like this:
    HUGE improvement!

    Racial walks... One side of me likes this idea but the other side urges that side to look at it in the context of the Elder Scrolls. The races have always had the same stride. Is it "realistic"? No. Is it the "TES Style"? Yea, it kind of is. I wouldn't complain if they added different strides for different races but I don't think it's warrented or justified in an Elder Scrolls game.... but it would be cool!

    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Heromofo
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    Added them in Gidorick now just need the episode before this one. :D
  • Leijona
    Agree To Some of This And I will Explain Below (What You Like/Dont Like)
    Festivals And The Importance Of The Calendar: Yes, and more or less announced by Matt already.

    Female armor: No, totally no. Not in ESOTU, really not needed. I like that kind of armor, I love it. But please not in this game.

    Traps and Puzzles: If ZOS was able to give them some random aspect, it would be great. Otherwise it would be more or less useless, as you will know what to do at a second time, if you have done it once.

    Racial Walking: This would add a lot of immersion into the game, so I would like to see it.
  • AlienSlof
    Agree To Some of This And I will Explain Below (What You Like/Dont Like)
    Heromofo wrote: »

    ☆ Feminine Style Video Game Armor
    Highly debated topic in video games is the female armor debate.
    Some believe that female armor should always be *sexy* and others believe it should follow the pratical side.
    I personally agree with both sides i enjoy seeing both sides of the armor and a complaint on the forums is female armor looks well manly and hides certain features. So i have some pictures below to show the different styles of this and i believe that the female armor in ESO needs a well *HOT* update while staying on the practical side. :D

    Gidorick's Opinion On This
    I honestly believe the solution to "feminine armor" (skimpy armor) is to expand the clothing in ESO.
    That being said I don't think Plate armor that covers a male torso but only covers the beasts of the female is the answer. More revealing armor in general would be welcomed but ONLY if that armor STYLE is revealing. So it would be equally revealing for both genders. In the end there is room for both types of armor in ESO... but it needs to make contextual sense.

    Difference between two versions practical vs video game style

    NO. NO. Absolutely NOT. Unless the male armours are made with skimpier versions too. We're not ALL straight guys who want to see endless girl skin and boobs. Some of us are straight ladies who want to see male skin and 'package'. :)

    I left Tera, which was my first MMO, due to its horrendous female bias and lolicon fetish. I really DON'T want to see ESO become a straight male flesh-fest. Skimpy for all, or skimpy for none.

    Currently, I like the more equal stance ESO has to genders - men can wear the dresses, and girls can wear trousers and tunic. Please let's keep it equal, guys.

    RIP Atherton, my beautiful little gentle friend. I will miss you forever. Without you I am a hollow shell.
  • Heromofo
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    AlienSlof wrote: »

    NO. NO. Absolutely NOT. Unless the male armours are made with skimpier versions too. We're not ALL straight guys who want to see endless girl skin and boobs. Some of us are straight ladies who want to see male skin and 'package'. :)

    I left Tera, which was my first MMO, due to its horrendous female bias and lolicon fetish. I really DON'T want to see ESO become a straight male flesh-fest. Skimpy for all, or skimpy for none.

    Currently, I like the more equal stance ESO has to genders - men can wear the dresses, and girls can wear trousers and tunic. Please let's keep it equal, guys.

    Very well i shall add in male armors for this as well gimmie like an hour or two and i should have it changed.

    Also i will just pm you when its done @AlienSlof
  • AlienSlof
    Agree To Some of This And I will Explain Below (What You Like/Dont Like)
    Thanks, bud. :)

    Remember, see both sides, not just yours! :)
    RIP Atherton, my beautiful little gentle friend. I will miss you forever. Without you I am a hollow shell.
  • Heromofo
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    AlienSlof wrote: »
    Thanks, bud. :)

    Remember, see both sides, not just yours! :)

    Normally i never move on a topic unless i can show both sides as best as i can.
    It did not even cross my mind that people would want skimpy male armors.
    I have added a base amount in there now and will touch it up later but the first two pics i would use for my own guys definitely love the half cut armor.

    Edit: Looove road warrior style armor.
    Edited by Heromofo on May 29, 2015 11:34AM
  • AlienSlof
    Agree To Some of This And I will Explain Below (What You Like/Dont Like)
    Unfortunately, many straight guys suffer with tunnel vision - my own husband as well! ;) It's easy to forget that we girls like our men sexy, just as you like your girls the same! In an unmoddable, public game like this, you really do have to consider all possible viewpoints, even if they're not to your personal taste!

    I've modded ES games for over 10 years, and my mods were mostly animals, vampires and sexy male armour. I took a lot of stick and hatred from straight guys for it, treated like a pariah on most modding forums because I dared to portray men as sexy. As a result, the original 'female armour' part of your post cut a little close to the bone. Even women who played female characters dressed their male companions up in my clothes!

    Between you and Gidorick, you have some fabulous ideas and I enjoy reading your posts and suggestions even if I don't reply. You two and some good devs could change this game from merely 'good' to 'brilliant'! :)

    I love to see skimpy gear - on BOTH genders, even though I only play males. Both genders should be allowed some sexy! :D
    Edited by AlienSlof on May 29, 2015 12:02PM
    RIP Atherton, my beautiful little gentle friend. I will miss you forever. Without you I am a hollow shell.
  • Heromofo
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    AlienSlof wrote: »
    Unfortunately, many straight guys suffer with tunnel vision - my own husband as well! ;) It's easy to forget that we girls like our men sexy, just as you like your girls the same! In an unmoddable, public game like this, you really do have to consider all possible viewpoints, even if they're not to your personal taste!

    I've modded ES games for over 10 years, and my mods were mostly animals, vampires and sexy male armour. I took a lot of stick and hatred from straight guys for it, treated like a pariah on most modding forums because I dared to portray men as sexy. As a result, the original 'female armour' part of your post cut a little close to the bone. Even women who played female characters dressed their male companions up in my clothes!

    Between you and Gidorick, you have some fabulous ideas and I enjoy reading your posts and suggestions even if I don't reply. You two and some good devs could change this game from merely 'good' to 'brilliant'! :)

    I love to see skimpy gear - on BOTH genders, even though I only play males. Both genders should be allowed some sexy! :D
    @AlienSlof @Gidorick
    Yeah sorry about that its why feedback is so important as it did not even cross my mind.
    But as i said i really enjoy road warrior armor (half cut armor) so it works out well for me as i play both.

    Thanks for that with any luck we can get them to at least consider half the ideas lol.

    Ps I have high respect for all Elder Scrolls modders especially if you see the bottom of page 55 of ask us anything.
    I will always praise modders and i am sorry you came across that kind of hatred but unfortunately for every idea you have there is someone to pull the mickey out of it trust i know all too well. :D
    Edited by Heromofo on May 29, 2015 12:16PM
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