Improving On ESO S01E05) Auction House,Mobile App And Account Wide Stats

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☆ Introduction

》Auction House:
I know you guys have made up your mind on this subject. But i plan to make a good argument on why you should give it another go.

》Mobile Phone App: i have been waiting for this since the beta lol. But i know you guys have alot more to worry about than this. But lets make sure you dont forget how this can increase interest in ESO.

》Account Wide Stats: this will take some explanation to why this should happen. But let's see if i can twist your ear to my tune.

☆ Season 1
☆ Season 2
☆ Season 3
☆ Season 4
☆ Season 5

☆ Gidorick's Repository Of brillant Ideas
Environmental Concepts:
UI Concepts:
Game Systems:
Player Options & Items and Systems:
Crown Store/ ESO+ Centric Concepts:
Silly odds and ends:

☆ Music While You Read

☆ Auction House

One of the best time killers in wow i had was playing the market. God i could make a mint, people would only want to sell things cheaply to sell em quick. It took time and patience but it was great fun.

Now ESO has an odd system in place really since the beginning. Partly because you wanted to keep this option out ZOS. But what you did is force people into guilds like my self. Just to sell items but i also had to ignore the chats from 5 different guilds and it just did not seem right. You then brought in the guild vendors but i noticed right away and im sure you did not many small guilds could compete with the big ones. Now i do love this in a way as it is much like real life but it was starting to get sad.

I know you guys and gals dont want auction houses for reasons of under cutting. But your systems are really really bad you must see all the threads about this lol.

If A Game Does It Right There Is No Harm in Following A Winning Ticket]

But i ask you to consider my idea of this:

》Auction house Hero Style

Each faction has it's own auction houses linked into each other like world of warcraft.
Items are classed in tiers and the higher the item the more money is required to put it on for.
Then comes the time limit for each day you wish to put it on for Increases the cost for a total of one week.

Now your worried about undercutting and killing an items value. But did you guys consider putting a minimum value on each item as you made them. You could easily do it now wouldn't take long.

A quick example of this:

I want to sell a purple staff vet 2 rank.
So i would go to the auction house.
I would open the tab to sell it.
I would place the item in it.
The gold to sell the item is automatically set to the lowest i can put it up for.
2600 gold ( remember this is just an example random numbers).

I change the price to 5200
I then select 7 days
It tells me it will cost me
800 gold to put it up there for 7 days
I go click and finilaze it.

Should it expire it returns half the amount to put it up. So for this 400 gold is returned.

So if someone else wants to sell the same item they can undercut me but there is a limit. It will become patience verse quick selling. People like me turn this into a mini game and really enjoy it.

so i ask you think about this again. :)

Or possibly try these as anything is better than the current system.

1) Each guild kiosk can house 5 guilds the highest bidder is the front page and the closest 4 are then added to tabs to it like we do with normal guild ah.

2) Or offer regional auction houses 3 per side to break up prices on top of a neutral auction house system (i.e dc-ad = 1 dc-ep = 2 ep-ad =3).
The regional Auction Houses are linked for each faction and neutral ones are shared between the two faction by a third party.
The current system would still be used but this just adds 9 new locations thst are not attached to the guild system.

☆ An Idea From A Fan @Audigy

I don't think a global AH is needed, but access to the current "local AH" for all players. This can be done in two ways.

1. Using the Guild Trade system

Here a non guild member has to pay a tax to use the shop. The tax will only be deducted from the price of the sold good if it actually sells. Said tax is a free % that every guild owner can define. This would actually open up a real competition of who is the better guild store leader. Do I shop at the one that charges me 2%, but has hardly any customers, or do I go to the 10% guy, who has many.

2. Opening up local vendors

The second alternative are vendors that function like the guild stores, but need to be unlocked by every player him / herself. To buy one trading slot could cost 10k gold, the second 20k etc. This vendor would then work like a local AH, only at the town. By doing so we could actually breath some life into the smaller cities, cities that will offer local stuff like iron, fish or special plants.

☆ Elder Scrolls Online Phone App

One of the great things about Destiny for us console players is the beautiful app.
It combines the forums,news,alerts,your bank, 3d modeling and just so bloody much more. Heck i can show you how my run last night went and the scores the kd and my loot lol.

Anyway i know you guys must have one in the works. Probably just back logged with the rest i do remember you guys talking about it ages ago.

Here are some things to consider putting in with it.

1. Combine the forums into the chat especially if you want console player feedback..
2. Alerts like maintenance and ETA and if we have things like mail waiting for us.
3. News feeds.
4. 3d character modeling seeing a few games doing this now. But no one does it as well as destiny.
5. Seeing character skill trees and a skill calculator also champion points and the rest.
6. Crafting mate this would set you guys apart from the rest. Have it so we can access the crafting stations via phone and set up crafts and research while we are out and about.
7. Reorganize your bags and banks while offline.
8. While on your phone the server registers your online but when people see your name it has mobile app next to it. This would be useful if you open up guild chat and friends list to the mobile app. I would recommend working it much like facebook does for that part.

Anyway it would mean alot to know what ever happened with the phone app (back burner or side tracked?) and when will it be released.

If A Game Does It Right There Is No Harm in Following A Winning Ticket]


☆ Account Wide Stats

The day i want to change one of my banks to a character.
It goes abit like this
"Ok i can do this"
Logs in
Enters the realm of eso with my new hero or ex banker w/e
Starts to think of all the things im going to have to refarm
Lets out a "sigh" and logs back over

I am sure most people have been through this process. ESO is the least alt friendly environment but luckily soon we will lose the veteran levels and it will be great. But can we make it abit better to level alts.

Starting with:

Turning character achievements into account wide achievements:

Why?. The same reason blizzard did this in wow if you earned the achievement you should not be forced to do it 7 more times.

》From One Of Your Fans @Kilandros :

Player ranking within campaigns would remain unchanged--characters are scored individually, as they are now. But alliance points gains could pool account wide so that even though your other characters don't gain score toward Emperor, they would progress via alliance ranks.

For example: Character A earns 100,000 AP in Cyrodiil. Character A's score within that campaign is increased by x (x = however AP translates into campaign ranking score). Character B logs in and receives 100,000 AP. Character B's score in his campaign receives no increase.

》From One Of Your Fans @NewBlacksmurf :

》in patch 1.6 the mounts and pets...even the best horse skills will become account wide.

Crafting Mats, banks, crowns, guilds, gold and CP are account wide.

Why is research not?

Some may ask that motifs and crafting skills also apply but while I gather the importance of leveling a profession by character, the research should be account wide. I'm ok with all but then it will confuse why leveling armor or weapons based on character.

The CP are hard to gain as well as research in my opinion.

Please seriously consider this

These are some good idea's for you guys to consider.

If A Game Does It Right There Is No Harm in Following A Winning Ticket]

☆ My last Thoughts

This is the last thread in this chapter and i hope this information and the polls help you guys in whatever way.
Understand alot of this is comming from talking to my console player mates. But i hope all goes well for june the 9th and i will see you on the ps4 version.

Also for the people wondering about why my threads are green and purple.
Well its due to my love of the joker and what he stands for and personally because i am Aussie i love Heath ledger as the joker.

Here is my tattoo i had done when he passed away


Edited by Heromofo on June 7, 2015 11:28AM

Improving On ESO S01E05) Auction House,Mobile App And Account Wide Stats 40 votes

I Agree To All (Explain Below)
ZazaajiNivzruo_ESOEthonaBramblegranty2008cyb16_ESOSoulScreamoriginalbarsDestaiUberkulldafox187Heromofocmetzger93NaeramarthAyraneiceGualo10Kesh1911 16 votes
I Disagree To All (Explain Below)
coryevans_3b14_ESOwenchmore420b14_ESOKendaricOjustabooGemseedElsonsoF7sus4RomoMario80 9 votes
I Agree To Some of This And I will Explain Below (What You Like/Dont Like)
AntirobMercyKillingLeijonaKasZorrashiTandorTierbookLithium FlowerStrider_RoshinSonofKreig 10 votes
I Agree To One Or More Here But I Have A Different Take On it (Explain Below)
ThymosNewBlacksmurfRebTheosisQyrk 5 votes
  • NewBlacksmurf
    I Agree To One Or More Here But I Have A Different Take On it (Explain Below)
    I agree with the mobile app and a lot of what's suggested makes sense.

    Just being open to updates and such so keeping my mind open to ZOS changes but generally speaking...makes sense
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • Heromofo
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    I agree with the mobile app and a lot of what's suggested makes sense.

    Just being open to updates and such so keeping my mind open to ZOS changes but generally speaking...makes sense

    :) i remember them talking about it ages ago so i would like to know what happened to it.
    Anyway im off to bed lol work again soon smurf so night mate.

    Hope you enjoyed my last chapter and with any luck something from these threads gets through.

  • Qyrk
    I Agree To One Or More Here But I Have A Different Take On it (Explain Below)
    Here are my 2 cents:

    Auction House: I'm against it. The current system works, but just requires more tweaking and improvements to accommodate players that choose not to have trade guilds and accommodate more trade guilds to hire them or place more traders). When you mention the minimum value, well isn't that already in place (i.e. merchant's value on most items?). I mean it is low, but that is the good thing about leaving the costs in the hands of the players - it is up to them to set a price for certain items regardless whether they are undercutting, making a profit, or just downright expensive).

    Mobile App: It will be nice because it is convenient. That's it.

    Account wide achievements and Alliance Rank: I'm very indifferent.

    Research wide achievements: I am against it. It is in place as a time sink, and should stay like it.

  • MercyKilling
    I Agree To Some of This And I will Explain Below (What You Like/Dont Like)
    I can get behind everything except the app. Call me strange, but I only use my mobile phone to....*gasp* call or text people. I certainly don't use it or even answer it while at work or driving.
    I am not spending a single penny on the game until changes are made to the game that I want to see.
    1) Remove having to be in a guild to sell items to other players at a kiosk.
    2) Cosmetic modding for armor and clothing.
    3) Difficulty slider.
    4) Fully customizable player housing that isn't tied to anything in the game other than having the correct resources and enough gold to build. Don't tie it to PvP, guild membership, or anything at all. Oh, make it instanced so as not to take up world map space, too. Zeni screwed this one up already.
    Any /one/ of these things implemented would get me spending again, maybe even subbing.
  • Ojustaboo
    I Disagree To All (Explain Below)
    I don't think it needs an ah, but the guild kiosk system does need a big overhaul.

    Don't like the app idea at all.

    I create alts as individual characters. It's not all about end game for me. I want to earn achievements separately on each character. Otherwise it gets to the point where if you've got everything on your main, you create a new alt and apart from endgame, it's all over before you start, for example you have the achievements for completing all the quests in each zone before you've even handed your first completed quest in. if this happened, it would kill alt playability for me.

    A level 10 new player goes into a non vet campaign and everyone he/she meets has their alliance skills maxed hence already has things like vigor or are throwing caltrops all over the place. How long do you think the new player will find this fun?

    I don't even think champion points should be account wide for the same reason.

    I wish the bank was more like Lotro where each character has their own bank, in addition there's a shared bank all characters can use.

    Edited by Ojustaboo on May 6, 2015 12:11AM
  • drschplatt
    Qyrk wrote: »
    Here are my 2 cents:

    Auction House: I'm against it. The current system works,
    Which is why so many people are against it and don't use trading in the game.
    but just requires more tweaking and improvements to accommodate players that choose not to have trade guilds and accommodate more trade guilds to hire them or place more traders).
    An auction house fixes this. Everyone can participate with complete freedom. Problem solved.
    When you mention the minimum value, well isn't that already in place (i.e. merchant's value on most items?). I mean it is low, but that is the good thing about leaving the costs in the hands of the players - it is up to them to set a price for certain items regardless whether they are undercutting, making a profit, or just downright expensive).
    I agree that artificial price controls are always a bad idea. People should be able to sell stuff for whatever it's worth.
    Foräois - Imperial Sorcerer of Ineptitude.
    Widoch - Nord Dragon Knight of Ignorance.
    Billy Bob - Dunmer Templar of Chicken and Noodles.
    Blades of Vengeance
  • Dionysusjones
    Heromofo wrote: »


    Ok hero of your 5 mega threads i HATE 1 and am indifferent to all the others.

    AH? meh I wouldn't mind it but don't care either way.

    Arena PVP? Worst idea ever. You think craps unbalanced now wait till the tears start to flow about OP flavor of the month builds in arena. No just No.

    Player housing? whatever... might be cool but not important IMO.

    Companions? mmmmmehhhh Do you really think that this would "SAVE" eso? not only grinding your skills but then having to grind a companions skills as well? Not the mention how hard this game isn't.. now you want to be able to bring along a companion to make you even more powerful?

    The subscription tier thing is probably the one i'm least interested in... if it were to happen it wouldn't change if i subbed or not.

    I hope that ZOS focus their development on things that will bring ES further besides all this filler MMO stuff.

    How about implementing thieves guild and dark brotherhood?
    What about the other half of the justice system .. you know the pvp part?
    Spell crafting anyone?
    Sure would be nice to make rings eh?

    lets make this game more elder scrolls instead of just making it more like every other MMO... thanks
  • Xandryah
    About Auction House:

    I come from swtor, where there is a Central Market where , republics and imperials can sell their items and where there is competition and prices for usablle things, like augments for instance (the same as glyphs) in high-end quality yield good money (good cash-cows) and prices are pretty much stable, because crafting them requires 1 material that can be found with specialized companions quite comfortably; so there is a consensus in price among the crafters more or less..

    The things/item that cost a lot are the Cartel Market items from older packs for decorations (housing-items) and some gear (shells only like costumes in ESO); some are 110% ridiculous absolutely! I heard some people have 999.999.999 credits, that's a death-sentence to be bound to swtor for ever..imo

    Conclusion for Central Market is for me that it is very very comfortable and being at the fleet is a nice place to gather (forum) and meet and chat, ask questions, give answers, etc.. and do some shopping like in a shopping-mall; there are also all facilities there (services; vendors; some specialty vendors)

    So i was for a central market in ESO too and wrote one or two posts, but in the mean time , once i reached veteran 14 i went out for shopping some purple gear (glyphs, materials, jewelry) and comparing prices was not too too troublesome. I made up my mind which towns i wanted to visit ONLY for shopping. And I decided for the big towns in Tamriel where the vendors are near to the Wayshrine;

    Conclusion for Multi Market like ESO has: it takes maybe 30 minutes (around 7 towns to check > 35 vendors) to check all prices for one desired item (necklace for instance); there is no dynamic competition, i think... ; prices stagnate according to my feeling, i think because of the ( already mentioned in another post) 30 days listing; but i also think prices are quite cheap in relation to the time you need to invest for getting that amount (i generate my income by fencing as NB; which is quite easy; it requires some discipline though). One thing i must mention: trading without the addon "Awesome Guildstore" would be impossible for me; that's why i think those add-ons are worth quite a lot :) (post)
    From point of view of aesthetic and RP-tradition , i think it's ok the markets are like they are right now... i got used to this new organisation.. and i think i accept it. A central market would not look so nice in Tamriel; (i hoped for the imperial city to become a "fleet" (forum) for all factions at the very beginning :)

    For the future: I think someone suggested to make it possible for many guilds to hire one vendor at the same time; that would be cool and sort of a compromise; I also think that there could be more vendors in the 3 capitals of the factions, say....12 or more (like a shopping mall); i would try to find a compromise for this...(I also thought (other post) about a new skillline where you can send a "hireling" to look for one specific item and to show you the results of prices; maybe to difficult) there are other things that could be implemented (look at swtor) but i thinkg many people don't want because the philosophy is different and also the players have other expectations from the Elder Scrolls "personality".

    Thanx for reading... sorry for straying every now and then :)


  • Leijona
    I Agree To Some of This And I will Explain Below (What You Like/Dont Like)
    I do agree with the app, but it really has to have the possibility to chat. As I will play on console soon, it wouldn't be useful for me anymore, but I think it is really useful for PC players.

    I think, an Auction House is not required, just give players without a trade guild the possibility to trade somehow. Maybe at a neutral trader, how's costs for setting up a sale would be double the costs. So they can sell something, it would just not be as good as in a trade guild.

    I certainly don't want research to be counting for the whole account.
  • Lithium Flower
    Lithium Flower
    I Agree To Some of This And I will Explain Below (What You Like/Dont Like)
    I would like a feature-rich mobile App that allows me to chat to players in-game, send and receive mail, play around with a skill calculator/character creator/dye station and browse stores/banks of my guilds.

    Auction House - No, thanks. The guild trader system is great - lore appropriate, immersive, unique - adding a layer of complexity and depth to trade and economy. It also encourages social behavior (my main guild started out as a trading guild and evolved into a fun, social community) which is good for an MMO. I have no complaints about it that haven't already been addressed by addOns.

    Player Housing - Don't really care. I would prefer some kind of communal living tied to guilds - like a guild hall with small individual space players can personalize to some extent (a room or alcove that can be decorated with vanity items and achievements/trophies and access to personal storage) and shared crafting facilities, etc. Something like that would be cool but this is not the least bit essential.

    Arena PvP - No, thanks. I don't want to see the game move toward being 'balanced' so that every class can 1v1 exactly like every other class at the cost of role and build diversity. It's a *good* thing that nightblades have burst, Templars have heal, DKs can face-tank everything and Sorcerors blink, negate and ward across a battlefield. Classes should be diverse and different in terms of utility and what they can bring to balance out a *group*. It's a good thing that individual classes and builds are strong in some areas and weak in others.

    It's an MMO, play with other people, rely on friends and don't expect to be good at everything on one character.

    Account wide Progression (Achievements, Research, Alliance ranks): No, thanks. Reeks of entitlement and wanting to have everything with the bare minimum amount of investment. Having four v14 alts requires four times the time and effort of having one v14. This is how it should be. Achievements are already account-wide through the dye system. You certainly don't have to do the same achievement 7 times on every alt if you don't want that. You can still wear a dye unlocked by another alt. I would be okay if there was a way to link a cross-character achievement (Radiant Champion - unlocked X/X/XX by Alt No. 2) for convenience but this is hardly essential. Titles should absolutely remain character bound.

    Champion Points are already available to boost up alts to some degree and make long time players feel rewarded for the time investment. This is more than sufficient.

    The only exception I can think of is riding skill since it is a largely trivial, ancillary skill that takes incredibly long to max out. It's a time (and gold) sink but as it doesn't create a need that can be addressed by another player - an option to speed this up through the Crown Store would be fine.

    Companions: There are already hundreds of thousands of possible companions. Talk to them. Be polite. There is also a really dynamic disposition system. If you're helpful, supportive and pleasant - *gasp* they help you out in group dungeons, trials, PvP and other stuff. It's really incredible. Sometimes I'm convinced I'm interacting with real people!

    Subscription Tier: No thanks. No need for a 'I paid cash to be more special than you' club. Buy a new mount to feel extra special. Retail therapy!
    Edited by Lithium Flower on May 6, 2015 8:22AM
    Dragonknight Smith of the Lith | Rayna Dreloth
    Templar Josephine Belmont | Catherine Belmont | Irene Belmont
    Sorceror Blathanna | Eta Carina
    Nightblade Adda Vorenor

    Ebonheart Pact | Daggerfall Covenant | EU | Champion Points ~ 800 | Crafter of all things
  • Heromofo
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)

    Ok hero of your 5 mega threads i HATE 1 and am indifferent to all the others.

    AH? meh I wouldn't mind it but don't care either way.

    Arena PVP? Worst idea ever. You think craps unbalanced now wait till the tears start to flow about OP flavor of the month builds in arena. No just No.

    Player housing? whatever... might be cool but not important IMO.

    Companions? mmmmmehhhh Do you really think that this would "SAVE" eso? not only grinding your skills but then having to grind a companions skills as well? Not the mention how hard this game isn't.. now you want to be able to bring along a companion to make you even more powerful?

    The subscription tier thing is probably the one i'm least interested in... if it were to happen it wouldn't change if i subbed or not.

    I hope that ZOS focus their development on things that will bring ES further besides all this filler MMO stuff.

    How about implementing thieves guild and dark brotherhood?
    What about the other half of the justice system .. you know the pvp part?
    Spell crafting anyone?
    Sure would be nice to make rings eh?

    lets make this game more elder scrolls instead of just making it more like every other MMO... thanks

    That is a good thing see i call it Saving ESO because i cannot put Things that may help ESO in the long run.
    But feedback is what i am after because feedback is king to games changing so thanks.
    Everyone has an opinion and i want them all and also im not saying any of this should be looked at first.
    ZOS has a large promise list to fulfill first. :)

  • Heromofo
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    Thread has now been updated :)

    Your pal
  • Audigy
    I don't think a global AH is needed, but access to the current "local AH" for all players. This can be done in two ways.

    1. Using the Guild Trade system

    Here a non guild member has to pay a tax to use the shop. The tax will only be deducted from the price of the sold good if it actually sells. Said tax is a free % that every guild owner can define. This would actually open up a real competition of who is the better guild store leader. Do I shop at the one that charges me 2%, but has hardly any customers, or do I go to the 10% guy, who has many.

    2. Opening up local vendors

    The second alternative are vendors that function like the guild stores, but need to be unlocked by every player him / herself. To buy one trading slot could cost 10k gold, the second 20k etc. This vendor would then work like a local AH, only at the town. By doing so we could actually breath some life into the smaller cities, cities that will offer local stuff like iron, fish or special plants.
  • Heromofo
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    Audigy wrote: »
    I don't think a global AH is needed, but access to the current "local AH" for all players. This can be done in two ways.

    1. Using the Guild Trade system

    Here a non guild member has to pay a tax to use the shop. The tax will only be deducted from the price of the sold good if it actually sells. Said tax is a free % that every guild owner can define. This would actually open up a real competition of who is the better guild store leader. Do I shop at the one that charges me 2%, but has hardly any customers, or do I go to the 10% guy, who has many.

    2. Opening up local vendors

    The second alternative are vendors that function like the guild stores, but need to be unlocked by every player him / herself. To buy one trading slot could cost 10k gold, the second 20k etc. This vendor would then work like a local AH, only at the town. By doing so we could actually breath some life into the smaller cities, cities that will offer local stuff like iron, fish or special plants.

    @Audigy i like this mate mind if i put this in the thread
  • Spangla
    No auction house,

    Ruined diablo 3 encourages P2W no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

  • Tandor
    I Agree To Some of This And I will Explain Below (What You Like/Dont Like)
    Thanks for this series, Heromofo, each has been well-written and quite thought-provoking.

    I agree that the guild trading system is broken and needs either substantial reform or a different system in order to allow all players to participate in it regardless of level, faction or guild membership. No basic core element of a game as fundamental as trading should be locked behind a restriction such as guild membership (and then be entirely random as to whether the guild is successful or not).

    My preference would be for some form of factional/regional auction house but I'm of the view that the present system could be opened up enough to make it workable - or at least a big improvement on the existing arrangements.

    I wholly disagree with the idea of making character achievements account-wide. I level up alts because of the fun in doing things with different characters/classes/builds and both the fun and any sense of achievement in the game would be taken away if they started with the same achievements as my other characters. That isn't hypothetical speculation, I know it to be true for me because I feel it every time one of my low level characters visits the dye station and has access to all the dyes unlocked by my other characters.

    On your other issue, I'm afraid I'm one of those older guys who uses his mobile phone mainly for making phone calls :smile: ! I have zero interest in using them for computer games and have no interest in apps. I wouldn't be interested in accessing any part of a game other than when I'm at the computer. When I'm elsewhere with my phone on me I'm doing other things.

    However, just like social media, I have no problem with people using these things if they want to and as long as they don't impact adversely on the way the game and forums are run. I'm opposed to the way some developers use social media (and third party forums) to interact with their players rather than their own forums, so that's something I'd be wary of in terms of apps and e.g. news feeds.

    Thanks again for the series.
  • Audigy
    Heromofo wrote: »

    @Audigy i like this mate mind if i put this in the thread

    Go ahead ;)
  • Heromofo
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    Audigy wrote: »

    Go ahead ;)

    Done but as usual thanns Audigy :)
  • Heromofo
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    Tandor wrote: »
    Thanks for this series, Heromofo, each has been well-written and quite thought-provoking.

    I agree that the guild trading system is broken and needs either substantial reform or a different system in order to allow all players to participate in it regardless of level, faction or guild membership. No basic core element of a game as fundamental as trading should be locked behind a restriction such as guild membership (and then be entirely random as to whether the guild is successful or not).

    My preference would be for some form of factional/regional auction house but I'm of the view that the present system could be opened up enough to make it workable - or at least a big improvement on the existing arrangements.

    I wholly disagree with the idea of making character achievements account-wide. I level up alts because of the fun in doing things with different characters/classes/builds and both the fun and any sense of achievement in the game would be taken away if they started with the same achievements as my other characters. That isn't hypothetical speculation, I know it to be true for me because I feel it every time one of my low level characters visits the dye station and has access to all the dyes unlocked by my other characters.

    On your other issue, I'm afraid I'm one of those older guys who uses his mobile phone mainly for making phone calls :smile: ! I have zero interest in using them for computer games and have no interest in apps. I wouldn't be interested in accessing any part of a game other than when I'm at the computer. When I'm elsewhere with my phone on me I'm doing other things.

    However, just like social media, I have no problem with people using these things if they want to and as long as they don't impact adversely on the way the game and forums are run. I'm opposed to the way some developers use social media (and third party forums) to interact with their players rather than their own forums, so that's something I'd be wary of in terms of apps and e.g. news feeds.

    Thanks again for the series.

    No thank you for reading mate also my threads are just to give them ideas and feedback from the forum users.
    I gotta ask though what do you think of the player housing thread?.
    Because thats one i am really interested in and could use more feedback on.
    Edited by Heromofo on May 6, 2015 11:57AM
  • Theosis
    I Agree To One Or More Here But I Have A Different Take On it (Explain Below)
    Ill never understand the love for this horrible kiosk system.. I hate the idea of spending hours runnign from oen to another when I could be playing the game instead.

    Seriuosly though what were they thinking? Oh hey lets make them hate the game see how many subs we can lose over time to find a new job..

    I like the town Kiosk thing you thought up. Its like an AH for very level.. kind of.
    This is were my signature would be if I was allowed one.
  • Uberkull
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    Yes, yes, and yes.

    I think the mobile app is secondary in priority to adding a frickin Auction House.

    If anyone has seen, since Tamreil Unlimited release, the Guild Store vendor bidding is out of control now. Small guilds of 50 are 'somehow' hoarding millions of gold and winning prime location Guild Traders weekly. And due to their small size, these 'gold buyer guilds'...I mean hoarder guilds don't have many items to display. So they basically add no value.

    Case in point, I'm part of three very productive 500 member Trade Guilds, the top guild has lost our normal guild vendor for the last three weeks with bids of 550,000 gold, 675,000 gold, and last week...a whopping 925,000 gold. That's just wrong.

    This needs to change.
    ▬ஜ Seeds of War, Piles of Skulls ஜ▬
    ▬▬▬ஜ ஜ▬▬▬
  • Heromofo
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    Theosis wrote: »
    Ill never understand the love for this horrible kiosk system.. I hate the idea of spending hours runnign from oen to another when I could be playing the game instead.

    Seriuosly though what were they thinking? Oh hey lets make them hate the game see how many subs we can lose over time to find a new job..

    I like the town Kiosk thing you thought up. Its like an AH for very level.. kind of.

    Well they really wanted to try something different than the AH that every other mmo uses.
    But this was not working and people wanted a change but they refused to go the AH path.
    So they came up with the guild vendor idea but we are at the roads again but some like it because its like real life
    The bigger companies will always win compared to the little ones. But alot of threads are poping up about this so
    With any luck they go down a path like this sooner or later.
    Edited by Heromofo on May 6, 2015 12:23PM
  • Heromofo
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    uberkull wrote: »
    Yes, yes, and yes.

    I think the mobile app is secondary in priority to adding a frickin Auction House.

    If anyone has seen, since Tamreil Unlimited release, the Guild Store vendor bidding is out of control now. Small guilds of 50 are 'somehow' hoarding millions of gold and winning prime location Guild Traders weekly. And due to their small size, these 'gold buyer guilds'...I mean hoarder guilds don't have many items to display. So they basically add no value.

    Case in point, I'm part of three very productive 500 member Trade Guilds, the top guild has lost our normal guild vendor for the last three weeks with bids of 550,000 gold, 675,000 gold, and last week...a whopping 925,000 gold. That's just wrong.

    This needs to change.

    I really agree with you mate read my post above this really upsets me because it screws most guilds and people. :(
    I just hope i can keep all 5 parts of my threads near the top until they are seen. :)
    Edited by Heromofo on May 6, 2015 12:24PM
  • dafox187
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    i love all your series this is a great idea almost all my opinions were mentioned in this series

    don't get mad at my spelling, autocorrect doesn't cover fantasy.
    Why couldn't the Khajiit go to the party? She had to be Elsweyr.
  • Heromofo
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    dafox187 wrote: »
    i love all your series this is a great idea almost all my opinions were mentioned in this series

    Thanks mate
    Make sure to check out series 2 all 5 episodes are on the forums now. :)

    Edited by Heromofo on May 13, 2015 7:48PM
  • Xandryah
    i don't like auctions, you must always be there alert for some item

    but i wished a central market like swtor has, but in the mean time i can handle the trading-conditions when shopping one item

    maybe they can introdue one vendor for 5 guilds , where you can browse the inventory of 5 guilds at one vndor...

    i hoped the imperial city to become a central gathering point for all three factions with facilities and markets, but it won't happen (it's going to be pvp)...

    i would introduce those vendors in the 3 capital cities of each faction as a compromise...the taxes could be a bit higher for buyers, but they would not have to travel that much in return..
  • Heromofo
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    Xandryah wrote: »
    i don't like auctions, you must always be there alert for some item

    but i wished a central market like swtor has, but in the mean time i can handle the trading-conditions when shopping one item

    maybe they can introdue one vendor for 5 guilds , where you can browse the inventory of 5 guilds at one vndor...

    i hoped the imperial city to become a central gathering point for all three factions with facilities and markets, but it won't happen (it's going to be pvp)...

    i would introduce those vendors in the 3 capital cities of each faction as a compromise...the taxes could be a bit higher for buyers, but they would not have to travel that much in return..

    Yeah changing one vendor to suppory 5 guilds instead of 1 could work well in each spot as well.
  • coryevans_3b14_ESO
    I Disagree To All (Explain Below)
    I disagree to all of it. Trade is awesome where it is. I love using all the different guilds trade stations outside crag and Grahtwood (AD main city).
  • Heromofo
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    I disagree to all of it. Trade is awesome where it is. I love using all the different guilds trade stations outside crag and Grahtwood (AD main city).

    How would you feel if they instead increased the vendors from 1 guild to 5 guilds in each spot to help give more guilds a fair chance?
    Edited by Heromofo on May 30, 2015 2:01PM
  • Heromofo
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    Thread updated to offer two other ways to improve on the current ah system.
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