Improving On ESO S05E03) Console Improvement/Addons,Vampire/Werewolf Improvements


☆ Introduction

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☆ Season 1
☆ Season 2
☆ Season 3
☆ Season 4
☆ Season 5

☆ Gidorick's Repository Of brillant Ideas
Environmental Concepts:
UI Concepts:
Game Systems:
Player Options & Items and Systems:
Crown Store/ ESO+ Centric Concepts:
Silly odds and ends:

☆ Some Music While You Read

☆ Console Version
So i have to add this into my series the console version is brillant and i am seriously loving it over the pc version.
I am a transfer from the pc side and the console version runs rings around it and i hope you guys let the pc people transfer over if they choose.
Anyway back to it i have listed some addons below that could immensely improve on the console version and i hope people will list others below they would like to see.

There are some things that could also be changed for the betterment of the console side.

-Listed below is the reason why Voip is not going to last, unfortunately its so bad that my guild was forced to close it and revert back to psn chat.

-I have mentioned this in my series but it is really needed to set up events and to see when limited time items are on the crown store as we dont have the pre load screen on consoles ( A Calendar).

- For the love of god ZOS lol look at the way we use the ultimate as it can be insane to try and use it sometimes.
You can be forced to smash the L1/R1 until it finally triggers but normally by then the mob is dead. :D

-Another thing i have mentioned before is we need to be able to preview armor before crafting (complaint among my guilds).

☆☆☆I Will Add More Soon☆☆☆

☆ Addons From Pc Needed On Console

Look you can see that i personally love the console version but i think there are some addons that should be added in as OPTIONS.
unfortunately on consoles we cannot have addons so we must rely on you lot @ZOS to add things like this in and i hope you really consider these as options for us. :)

- Automatically repair option
》This is a simple but needed addition especially if your like myself and forget to when out and about.

-Automatically sell junk option
》Much needed to help keep bag space under control while leveling

-mini map option
》For us that enjoy using this personally im having a hard time stopping and opening my map over and over to recheck lol.

-chat box option
》Highly talked about subject at this time and before launch i was against this and i wanted to see the console version really give voip a shot.
But unfortunately the voip system is insanely abused and alot of console players do not know how to set up their systems to stop feedback.
This can lead to a large squiling noise or endless echoes and you cannot keep up with mutes, My guild has gone back to using psn chat and turning off voip all together.

-Skyshards and Lorebooks
》put best by another forum user:
We need these addons. I COULD live with the guides for Skyshards on my iPhone but Lorebooks.. makes it painful when you have the same book in 3-5 different locations. It is going to be VERY PAINFUL to get mage guild 10, heck even mage guild 6 to start the final mage guild quest.

Personally this is another thing i miss from pc and applies to the next one below. I know you guys want us to explore to find them but that's never going to happen (pc side has these addons) and we have google maps on the consoles to follow. So it would be nice if we were given this option or at least just think about it @ZOS. :)

-The Destination Addon (Shows all from guild traders to way shrines)

-Automatically stacking items in bank option
》I spend alot of time crafting this is a must for crafters because it can take ten minutes to go through your bag and stack items into your bank.

-Delete all option for mail and auto loot all mail
》A quick option to say press action and have (loot all mail) and (delete all mail).

Gidorick's Opinion On This
I think that things like book locations, material locations, etc. Should be OPTIONAL and purchasable items. But the information from an in game cartographer or through Crown Store packs.

I touch on that here:

Addons like the minimap and such would be good to have, as options. I don't see why ZOS doesn't do this. Even sell them through the crown store. Why not?

☆ Vampires And Werewolves
I understand you guys need to be careful as not to turn ESO into twilight online.
But i have some ideas on how to improve them without affecting combat too much.

□ Vampires
- Increase the amount of time between each stage *alot*.
- Reward players for feeding and not starving their vampires, something akin to a small increase to vampire skills and leveling them.
- a vampire mount I.E the player grows large wings and hovers off the ground.
- Vampire sanctuaries should be scattered throughout Nirn where only vampires can get in (something like the dark brotherhood doors).
A place for them to meet up (lore holds they group up in clans over been alone) and feed on slaves as well as resting.
- When you bring in barber shop make sure to bring in options for fangs and vampire style tattoos and hair styles.
- change the way they feed to actually biting something and not some wierd lava lamp style blood attack.


□ Werewolves
- because of the 400 ultimate cost why not have it so the closer you get to the 400 ultimate the faster you move (between say 100-400 ultimate you build up a 10% movement buff) as you get closer to going Beastial, the faster and even more feral you become (signs of werewolf start to show i.e claws forming).
-When you guys bring Barber shop include changing your colour and features of your werewolf.
-The ultimate cost a alot especially if you compare this to dragon leap and the form goes out quickly.
Why not seriously up the amount of time spent in this form as werewolves are only weaker to poison in this form.
- Werewolf sanctuaries much like the vampire ones these are closer to nature and show statues of Hircine etc.
-Like the vampire mount idea the werewolves should be able to turn into their werewolf form as a mount (on all four)


Gidorick's Opinion On This
The vampire and werewolf upgrades I agree with but I don't think they go deeply enough. I think both werewolf and vampire need seperate overhauls.

I REALLY like the idea of the mount while a vampire or werewolf but I wouldn't want them to sell a set of wings in the crown store.

Edited by Heromofo on June 24, 2015 3:37PM

Improving On ESO S05E03) Console Improvement/Addons,Vampire/Werewolf Improvements 11 votes

I Agree To All (Explain Below)
KatsibrokosHeromofojustanotherbrohanslandaEvanlyn_Winter 5 votes
I Disagree To All (Explain Below)
Psychobunnideruddb14_ESO 2 votes
Agree To Some of This And I will Explain Below (What You Like/Dont Like)
GidorickMirra_Halfelvendlepi24Ace_of_Destiny 4 votes
Agree To One Or More Here But I Have A Different Take On it (Explain Below)
  • Ace_of_Destiny
    Agree To Some of This And I will Explain Below (What You Like/Dont Like)
    I agree that Console Users should have some form of access to the added functionality that PC Add-Ons give.
    They should take the most used Add-Ons and add them into the Options Section for Console Users to Pick-And-Choose from.

    ~MegaServer~>PS4 (NA) ~PSN~>Ace-of-Destiny
    I don't care what platform it is MMORPG without Text Chat is NOT an MMORPG!
  • Heromofo
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    Ace-2112 wrote: »
    I agree that Console Users should have some form of access to the added functionality that PC Add-Ons give.
    They should take the most used Add-Ons and add them into the Options Section for Console Users to Pick-And-Choose from.

    Yeah some of them should just be in the game lol.
  • dlepi24
    Agree To Some of This And I will Explain Below (What You Like/Dont Like)
    As far as console goes, I feel like the destinations/skyshards/lorebook addons shouldn't be implemented. If you look at the game as it was intended to be played, those addons just shut down the sense of exploration. I do use them on PC for convenience, but I don't think the console version should have them in the game itself.

    I know this pretty much breaks "immersion" and essentially my last point, but I feel like some type of FTC is needed. I feel like there's a way to implement it and have the entire thing toggled on/off. We don't even need customizable settings, just an on/off. Anything's better than nothing.

    I desperately need the guild bank stacking, though. That is an absolute must. Even if it just stacks in your inventory and not in the guild bank. As it is now, when you withdraw from Guild Bank into your inventory it doesn't stack. You then have to put it in your personal bank, withdraw, and then replace into Guild Bank and by then someone already put another item in there (which my inner OCD then wants to place my fist through my monitor).

    I also feel like the mini-map would be nice to have, but I would survive without. However, make it toggleable as well.

    The junk tab would also be nice, but another I could live without.

    As far as text chat goes, I think everyone agrees it is a must.

    Nice post.

  • Heromofo
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    dlepi24 wrote: »
    As far as console goes, I feel like the destinations/skyshards/lorebook addons shouldn't be implemented. If you look at the game as it was intended to be played, those addons just shut down the sense of exploration. I do use them on PC for convenience, but I don't think the console version should have them in the game itself.

    I know this pretty much breaks "immersion" and essentially my last point, but I feel like some type of FTC is needed. I feel like there's a way to implement it and have the entire thing toggled on/off. We don't even need customizable settings, just an on/off. Anything's better than nothing.

    I desperately need the guild bank stacking, though. That is an absolute must. Even if it just stacks in your inventory and not in the guild bank. As it is now, when you withdraw from Guild Bank into your inventory it doesn't stack. You then have to put it in your personal bank, withdraw, and then replace into Guild Bank and by then someone already put another item in there (which my inner OCD then wants to place my fist through my monitor).

    I also feel like the mini-map would be nice to have, but I would survive without. However, make it toggleable as well.

    The junk tab would also be nice, but another I could live without.

    As far as text chat goes, I think everyone agrees it is a must.

    Nice post.
    Yeah the only thing is we use the skyshard/lorebook addons on pc and on console my guild just uses google maps.
    i feel the sense of exploration is not exactly there compared to collecting so it would be a good option to have in game
    especially for new players to console. :)

  • Gidorick
    Agree To Some of This And I will Explain Below (What You Like/Dont Like)
    I think that things like book locations, material locations, etc. Should be OPTIONAL and purchasable items. But the information from an in game cartographer or through Crown Store packs.

    I touch on that here:

    Adfons lime the minimap and such would be good to have, as options. I don't see why ZOS doesn't do this. Even sell them through the crown store. Why not?

    The vampire and werewolf upgrades I agree with but I don't think they go deeply enough. I think both werewolf and vampire need seperate overhauls.

    I REALLY like the idea of the mount while a vampire or werewolf but I wouldn't want them to sell a set of wings in the crown store.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Heromofo
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    Gidorick wrote: »
    I think that things like book locations, material locations, etc. Should be OPTIONAL and purchasable items. But the information from an in game cartographer or through Crown Store packs.

    I touch on that here:

    Adfons lime the minimap and such would be good to have, as options. I don't see why ZOS doesn't do this. Even sell them through the crown store. Why not?

    The vampire and werewolf upgrades I agree with but I don't think they go deeply enough. I think both werewolf and vampire need seperate overhauls.

    I REALLY like the idea of the mount while a vampire or werewolf but I wouldn't want them to sell a set of wings in the crown store.

    Done and done yeah i will probably do it up even futher when im back at work still on my holiday break lol.
    I would be very upset if they brought the vamp and Werewolf mount into the crown store I'd like to see it apart of the skill line for hitting max rank as a passive.
  • Psychobunni
    I Disagree To All (Explain Below)
    I disagree with all on the premise of it being "console" and not added to the game in whole.

    Because PC players have more options available as far as addons isn't an excuse to leave them with a crappier game. Heck, I'd even argue that being a PC player you invest more into your gaming experience and expect said better experience. Not to have to run around grabbing addons, depending on developers to keep playing and updating, etc..

    So, I'm going to argue against anything that appears on its face to be a "console" only upgrade.
    If options weren't necessary, and everyone played the same way, no one would use addons. Fix the UI!

  • Heromofo
    I Agree To All (Explain Below)
    I disagree with all on the premise of it being "console" and not added to the game in whole.

    Because PC players have more options available as far as addons isn't an excuse to leave them with a crappier game. Heck, I'd even argue that being a PC player you invest more into your gaming experience and expect said better experience. Not to have to run around grabbing addons, depending on developers to keep playing and updating, etc..

    So, I'm going to argue against anything that appears on its face to be a "console" only upgrade.

    Sorry @Psychobunni i did not want it to look that way as i am a pc transfer i know the pains of it.
    I believe the pc version needs the same benefits but on console we have zero access to addons so we cannot even rely on a third party to help us out.

    All this episode is about

    Things that could improve the console version from my point of view from playing the past 2 weeks as a pc transfer.
    As well as vampire and werewolf upgrades and improvements on the whole.

    I'd never stop caring about the pc players and i have said in the past its disgusting how they are treated.
    Edited by Heromofo on June 24, 2015 3:50PM
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