I agree that Console Users should have some form of access to the added functionality that PC Add-Ons give.
They should take the most used Add-Ons and add them into the Options Section for Console Users to Pick-And-Choose from.
Yeah the only thing is we use the skyshard/lorebook addons on pc and on console my guild just uses google maps.As far as console goes, I feel like the destinations/skyshards/lorebook addons shouldn't be implemented. If you look at the game as it was intended to be played, those addons just shut down the sense of exploration. I do use them on PC for convenience, but I don't think the console version should have them in the game itself.
I know this pretty much breaks "immersion" and essentially my last point, but I feel like some type of FTC is needed. I feel like there's a way to implement it and have the entire thing toggled on/off. We don't even need customizable settings, just an on/off. Anything's better than nothing.
I desperately need the guild bank stacking, though. That is an absolute must. Even if it just stacks in your inventory and not in the guild bank. As it is now, when you withdraw from Guild Bank into your inventory it doesn't stack. You then have to put it in your personal bank, withdraw, and then replace into Guild Bank and by then someone already put another item in there (which my inner OCD then wants to place my fist through my monitor).
I also feel like the mini-map would be nice to have, but I would survive without. However, make it toggleable as well.
The junk tab would also be nice, but another I could live without.
As far as text chat goes, I think everyone agrees it is a must.
Nice post.
I think that things like book locations, material locations, etc. Should be OPTIONAL and purchasable items. But the information from an in game cartographer or through Crown Store packs.
I touch on that here:
Adfons lime the minimap and such would be good to have, as options. I don't see why ZOS doesn't do this. Even sell them through the crown store. Why not?
The vampire and werewolf upgrades I agree with but I don't think they go deeply enough. I think both werewolf and vampire need seperate overhauls.
I REALLY like the idea of the mount while a vampire or werewolf but I wouldn't want them to sell a set of wings in the crown store.
Psychobunni wrote: »I disagree with all on the premise of it being "console" and not added to the game in whole.
Because PC players have more options available as far as addons isn't an excuse to leave them with a crappier game. Heck, I'd even argue that being a PC player you invest more into your gaming experience and expect said better experience. Not to have to run around grabbing addons, depending on developers to keep playing and updating, etc..
So, I'm going to argue against anything that appears on its face to be a "console" only upgrade.