KingKrotha wrote: »I love how these pictures show only 6 EP. When in reality there was 35 and you all rezzed to chalman after getting wiped...
Keep spreading that propaganda peasants. See you at Kingscrest lumbermill to 7v20+ you again... and again... and again!
KingKrotha wrote: »Keep spreading that propaganda peasants.
Malibulove wrote: »
Another good one from tonight.
Chillmatic wrote: »
That is a good one. I like the death counter you have. 9 DC deaths, who were probably rezzed and are on your active counter, and 35 EP deaths which aren't on the active counter... so basically it was you on defense ~41v48 and you got smashed.
Just like EP got absolutely obliterated for about a half hour at BRK mine with double DC numbers and endless spawns... that one's easy to find the full video of.
Chillmatic wrote: »
That is a good one. I like the death counter you have. 9 DC deaths, who were probably rezzed and are on your active counter, and 35 EP deaths which aren't on the active counter... so basically it was you on defense ~41v48 and you got smashed.
Just like EP got absolutely obliterated for about a half hour at BRK mine with double DC numbers and endless spawns... that one's easy to find the full video of.
KingKrotha wrote: »Holding block is really impressive, especially when playing patty cake against two tanks.
***The more you know***
My proof: DEEZ NUTS!
KingKrotha wrote: »Holding block is really impressive, especially when playing patty cake against two tanks.
***The more you know***
My proof: DEEZ NUTS!
Gate keep camping is bad for campaign health, but holy damn a few people in DC are bringing this on themselves and their whole faction. Vurian did it by constantly talking rubbish (he even admitted doing it to get attention then cried when the attention was too much)
So it's your fault you couldn't 2v1 Sophis, that is very honest of you Krotha, I'm very impressed.
ellahellabella wrote: »
Now I wish I hadn't removed my comment, peeps are missing context. Sadly I've had too much wine to remember what I wrote exactly. Uh oh... Last glass.
But you humble me so I shall humble you. You scare me more than any other nb in AZ
Mattfire is second, he's very persistant.
I was one of the people telling DC to not defend tri-keeps constantly. You can ask around about that. LoDG definitely went and took scrolls but we left tri-keeps alone. Anytime I was found at a tri-keep, I was killing players because it was the only fight.
I never once cried because there was 'too much attention'. The entire time I was on Azura's Star, my entire posting was dedicated to proving that EP does the exact same thing they bashed me for doing.
SourceI don't intend to return to Azura's Star, anytime my stream is on I have multiple EP & AD players who are stream-sniping me
SourceA lot of it was hyping my group up so that people wanted to fight us. Drama makes people want to kill you and so then they hunt you down and do so, or try to, depending on the situation given. I stirred the pot to get EP & AD hyped up inside Azura's Star to fight something.
SourceLegion of Death Gaming is moving it's attention elsewhere for the time being[...] I don't have enough time in my life to waste it on wiping constantly to a zerg stacked inside Glademist on a daily basis just because of 'revenge'[...] We took our L's, we took our W's, but once it gets to the point where you just want to sit in our tri-keeps and zerg us down every time we even make a move, we will go elsewhere. You threatened to leave, but we aren't threatening, we are just leaving.
Yes, running 3 scrolls at once in Oceanic prime when DC had 2 bars and other factions 1 was really showing restraint. There is no clearer indication that you are PvDooring and not showing restraint then running multiple scrolls.LoDG did wonders wrangling pugs and putting them into motion and often limited them as well.
It's embarrassing you don't know what I'm referring to. Yes the Japanese zerg (who I call the Oceanic zerg cause I'm sensitive af) was about a week before you joined AS, but we've talked about it enough you should've picked up on it. I'm just repeating myself now but whatever, I want the Japanese zerg back because they didn't come talk *** and taunt people on the forums. Every time they nightcapped EP and AD quickly went about dethroning, let DC get their home keeps back, then continued with a fun 3-way fight for the rest of the day (usually). You, followed by Fengrush, and now Krotha has guaranteed that the goodwill that existed between factions of not punishing DC for the actions of a few is non existent.As far as requesting the Oceanic Daggerfall Covenant to return, yeah no, you don't tell us to GTFO and then ask for us to come back because suddenly you realized that you didn't like what was going on around you without em'. You're very bi-polar when it comes to when and who you want where.
Even if it was 'revenge', you should probably be repeating our stuff at the time we did it, not prime-time, where it actually effects the ENTIRE campaign health.
Vurain, are we really going to do this again?
Okay, you just admitted fighting at tri-keeps when the rest of the map was blue cause it was the only action, nothing to add here.
Too much attention
Asides from that being a self fulling prophecy (of course people are going to retaliate when you constantly talk *** and lie), you did infact whine about the attention you got. Source
Zerging Yes, running 3 scrolls at once in Oceanic prime when DC had 2 bars and other factions 1 was really showing restraint. There is no clearer indication that you are PvDooring and not showing restraint then running multiple scrolls.
DC Oceanic Zerg It's embarrassing you don't know what I'm referring to. Yes the Japanese zerg (who I call the Oceanic zerg cause I'm sensitive af) was about a week before you joined AS, but we've talked about it enough you should've picked up on it. I'm just repeating myself now but whatever, I want the Japanese zerg back because they didn't come talk *** and taunt people on the forums. Every time they nightcapped EP and AD quickly went about dethroning, let DC get their home keeps back, then continued with a fun 3-way fight for the rest of the day (usually). You, followed by Fengrush, and now Krotha has guaranteed that the goodwill that existed between factions of not punishing DC for the actions of a few is non existent.
I freely admit I have a terrible memory (which is why I go back and find these quotes), but damn Vurain, you contradict yourself so frequently I'm 99% sure this is just a long troll that I've totally fallen for. Although not strictly relevant I'd like to bring up this classic Vurian tidbit that I somehow missed before-
Vurian thinks nightcapping is less harmful to campaign health then attacking tri-keeps in primetime where population balance of a 3-way fight dictates the tr-keep attacking faction will have to pull off to defend elsewhere from the third faction (which happened consistently). As opposed to one faction starting the day with all keeps, scrolls and Emp.
Edit: A bit stalkerish of me, but it's funny reading BWB thread, pretty much the exact same as here re:Vurian.
Why do you let me bait you into wasting your time like this? Hahaha. As far as Blackwater Blade goes, I'm playing on the Aldmeri Dominion to fight the night-cappers. Once I level out, I will begin pug wrangling for the Aldmeri Dominion to help them out in Azura's Star.
You got baited so hard Taytay, for the 2nd time now. Thanks for being the easy troll material. Keep pulling up old posts, because it shows you care way to much about what I have to say and spend way to much time focused on me.
Pretty sure I fought some DC with LODG tabards last night...
The problem with attempting to fight someone who readily admits being untruthful and "trolling", you can not use logic nor social norms to scold them.
Let it go, hes a sociopath who enjoys getting under your skin, every time you "prove" this, you are just doing a disservice to yourself.
Trust me, everyone knows what you say is true, you have nothing to prove to anyone, least of all this kid.
LoDG does not run any 'organized' groups currently. There are plenty of members who were left in the Daggerfall Covenant when we switched over to Aldmeri Dominion. There are people who will continue to represent our faction there and they constantly ask us to return, but we are dealing with more pressing matters than pretending to be part of the 'in' crowd. We don't seek to be accepted by those who need safe-spaces and need to prove that they're right on the Forums / Zone chat.
I'm a sociopath for trolling? K. You don't even know me personally and have not attempted to know me personally. All you have opted to do is bash me. My response to the bashing was to troll to get some giggles, mainly because there is no gain to bashing others if I don't know that it is factual. I don't know anyone on EP or AD on a personal level and that is why I won't personally attack them, however, they all opt to bash me because my guild had a 24/7 roster, so people accused us of night-capping but we have tons of Australians, Japanese, and Koreans in our guild.
Once those bashes started up, I felt it was fair game to respond in whichever manner I felt appropriate. Trolling seemed the best bet.
Dude do you even know when you are speaking truthfully or lying? Why would I want to know you, you are a garbage player that hides behind siege and numbers, advocates nightcapping and "playing the map" then talks ***. I don't associate with people like that
His opinion is more valid than yours because he is a great player, has played since beta and has seen how ZOS has nerfed small groups patch after patch since the launch of the game.
You don't get it because you are simply a bad player and don't understand that this change favours zergs and not the small group who is already always at a disadvantage.
How is this hard to understand???
I've played since beta too, you realize that length of time or perceived skill in a game does not make you 'better' right?
I get it, you are upset. This game wasn't built around small group play and you wish it was.
You will get battlegrounds eventually, until then there are other games to play right? I like this one.
Again, personal attacks, can we not have a discussion without mentioning someones skill in video game?
Let's compare bank accounts, I guarantee mine is bigger, does that matter? I mean come on are you 5 years old?
LeifErickson wrote: »
emma666 wrote: »
» show previous quotes
Yodased wrote:
So is it okay or not okay to mention someone else's skill in a video game? So many hypocrites on this forum.
Sure out of context you can pull anyone's singular comment and call them a hypocrite, I'm sure if I spent the time I could pull your threads too, but I don't have the time to waste.
Dude do you even know when you are speaking truthfully or lying? Why would I want to know you, you are a garbage player that hides behind siege and numbers, advocates nightcapping and "playing the map" then talks ***. I don't associate with people like that