"So our leader gathered 21 men and women of the Militia and formed a death squad to invade Azuras Star..."
"2 Hours later and many keep flips later we got Emp for EP with very little difficulty..."
You pushed for Emp at 4:30AM... and Emped at 7AM.
1). Did you think that with you would encounter some "massive" defensive force? At 4:30AM...? lol
2). You're seriously proud about Emping at 7AM...? Okay....
I'm AD. I don't know @FENGRUSH . I've never talked to him. Fought him... but, never talked to him. But, dollars-to-donuts, he wouldn't come in here and run his mouth and/or be proud of Emping at 7AM. lol
Jesus, people...
Hello Azura natives, this is Crow from Pact Militia.
We don't want to hear about anymore gate farming going on on azuras, it's no longer done on Trueflame and it is helping keep the campaign competitive, so don't let one streamer ruin an entire campaign for you all. Fengrush's group, like any other DC on that server can be beaten with teamwork and basic skill. EP, if you have any need of our help, call upon us, and the Pact Militia armies will answer the call!
As for you Fengrush...https://youtu.be/zxXHt950VDw
montiferus wrote: »
montiferus wrote: »How about this why don't you put together your top 8 pact miltas guys and fight fengrush's best group of 8. Winner gets $100 from me.
Chillmatic wrote: »
From Google: At Wawa, you can buy coffee for the following prices: $1.09, $1.19, $1.29, $1.39 for 12, 16, 20, 24 ounces respectively.
So really the only question is Fengrush, would you buy 91 12oz coffees or 71 24oz coffees?
You pushed for Emp at 4:30AM... and Emped at 7AM.
1). Did you think that with you would encounter some "massive" defensive force? At 4:30AM...? lol
2). You're seriously proud about Emping at 7AM...? Okay....
I'm AD. I don't know @FENGRUSH . I've never talked to him. Fought him... but, never talked to him. But, dollars-to-donuts, he wouldn't come in here and run his mouth and/or be proud of Emping at 7AM. lol
Jesus, people...
Is VE invited next time PM makes a cameo in AS?
It was weird seeing EP at 3 bars during prime time last night.
You pushed for Emp at 4:30AM... and Emped at 7AM.
1). Did you think that with you would encounter some "massive" defensive force? At 4:30AM...? lol
2). You're seriously proud about Emping at 7AM...? Okay....
I'm AD. I don't know @FENGRUSH . I've never talked to him. Fought him... but, never talked to him. But, dollars-to-donuts, he wouldn't come in here and run his mouth and/or be proud of Emping at 7AM. lol
Jesus, people...
montiferus wrote: »
I am serious by the way I would gladly pay $100.
It will never happen though. Zergers don't like fair fights. They just want to win with F u numbers. Watching that stream was a disgrace. If you think you have accomplished any thing when you have every single advantage (except for actual skill) in your favor then you are delusional.
EP doing exactly what they b¿tched at dc for doing...tonight will be super competitive. 4 v 22. Forgot my zerg at home......http://imgur.com/ncMzhFF
montiferus wrote: »
Nice pic.
What cracks me up is these guys genuinely believe they are good and have "excellent teamwork" which leads to their victories. They don't seem to grasp that if the numbers were remotely even they would get packed up.
LeifErickson wrote: »@Micah123
I think I was there a little before this screenshot was taken. It was actually a really close and even fight between EP and AD (I think think this was before you showed up. I finally managed to push up on the resource and started to cap it when literally a full raid of EP came out of nowhere and just steamrolled everything. It made a really fun fight into something I was embarrassed to be at.
Joshlenoir wrote: »
It's currently "prime time" and you can't even take a resource or flag a keep for more than 2 minutes without a 10+ man group zerging you and then at least one idiot will tbag you after
-EP is the new zerg faction confirmed
-DR (zerg guild) is the new LoDG confirmed
Remember weeks ago when EP players were crying about DC touching tri keeps even when they had no scrolls and how it ruins the campaign?
So do I.
It's funny because every insult EP players use to Rip on DC players holds true for EP as well. The only difference is DC knows they have a bad reputation for zerging but somehow EP still lives in this fantasy world where they are always fighting outnumbered and when the map looks red it's because they beat everybody during prime time with skill and didn't mega-zerg all their objectives.
Welcome to the new map.
Josh...there is a button on your keyboard...it says "Prt Scr" which stands for print screen.
The files are saved in C:/users/"whatever"/My Documents/Elder Scrolls Online/Live/Screenshots
There is a website called imgur.com
upload the pictures there and link them here...For Christ's sake its 2017 man.
Malibulove wrote: »
Another good one from tonight.