His opinion is more valid than yours because he is a great player, has played since beta and has seen how ZOS has nerfed small groups patch after patch since the launch of the game.
You don't get it because you are simply a bad player and don't understand that this change favours zergs and not the small group who is already always at a disadvantage.
How is this hard to understand???
NedicWildling wrote: »
Never presented myself as noble, I know what I am, and noble or polite is the last thing i am in this game. But i know enough to consider other players when i know they are already getting zerged down by 10 players(except when it's zergbald) I don't think my opinion is more valid than yours, but your arrogance when you make the point that since this is an AvAvA it should not involve smaller groups being able to taken on larger groups and in this case using a door to their advantage is really stupid. It is what it is.
I get it, you are upset. This game wasn't built around small group play and you wish it was.
I think that anyone who is positive to them removing doors of resources needs to try out playing outnumbered by a f ton. The people who are positive to this change, are probably the people who get rekt in 24mans by 2-5 people in a tower. But then again, ZOS is known for making changes to appeal the zergling PvPers instead of small scale PvPers, that's for sure.
All in all, removing doors is bad for the people who enjoy playing in small groups because it gives a small advantage for the small man, while the 24man zerg has a HUGE advantage by having so many players compared to the small group.
@emma666: a bit rich coming from someone who rolls in said 24 man zerg 1000% of the time
Since we're posting 90s pop music, I see your Alanis Morisette and raise you a Semisonic.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGytDsqkQY8
NedicWildling wrote: »
Toosk don't think i've forgotten your favorite Puerto Rican song.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPiEbYSF9kE
@emma666: a bit rich coming from someone who rolls in said 24 man zerg 1000% of the time
Find some other young girl to project your mommy issues on Tamerlin, you won't trigger me little man
Oh my god Toosk.
His opinion is more valid than yours because he is a great player, has played since beta and has seen how ZOS has nerfed small groups patch after patch since the launch of the game.
You don't get it because you are simply a bad player and don't understand that this change favours zergs and not the small group who is already always at a disadvantage.
How is this hard to understand???
No it favors skill instead of cheese. Usually it's 20 or so players sitting safely in a resource tower instead of actually getting gud.
Find some other young girl to project your mommy issues on Tamerlin, you won't trigger me little man
If I have mommy issues shouldnt I be seeking an older woman? Just sayin'.
-Tammy the Turdbuster
Rohamad_Ali wrote: »I'm so confused . Is this a debate or a Facebook DJ fight ?
NedicWildling wrote: »
You are assuming that everyone that goes into a tower does so to farm it and not out of necessity for being overwhelmed like @manny254 said earlier, yeah maybe this change was made to stop those 20+ man groups from farming a tower but it directly affects smaller groups and removes the purpose of even having a tower.
Rohamad_Ali wrote: »Tower farming was never a exploit ever . I've cleared so many towers with good groups . People didn't know how to enter was reason they would die fast . Good group would roll dodge at the door and pop barrier , Rapids and get to the top quickly clearing from top to bottom . Avoid oils and ground trebs . It took skilled group but could be done .
Also , stay off flags and destroy the tower , no skill at all needed .
This amazes me the Devs will remove basic architecture to cater to easy mode fighting . Heck , what will be next , castles ? That makes no sense "carpenters on strike" . So striking carpenters would remove all doors in Cyrodiil ? How corny ! This is not even good reasons . There are no real carpenters .
Also , farmers will still find choke points and farm AP . Will they remove boulders and bridges next cause "Carpenters Strike" ? So goofy not smart development . PvP happened in a PvP zone !
What do you supporters of this want ? Flat dirt field fight for now on ?
I'm not understanding any of this non sense and I am NO CHEATER so don't bother insulting me with THAT garbage talk .
Choke points are good. Indestructible towers that safely protect you and with a choke point that delays your opponent for a second are bad.
Rohamad_Ali wrote: »
Towers were never indestructible . Anyone could siege down a tower . That stupid door never prevented any good groups I rolled with from getting inside . We never bothered sieging towers . One person pops barrier , same time Rapids ; roll dodge at the door and click "E" and you're in . Once in one person pops a cleanse and everyone runs to the top . Easy peezy .
Except groups would have sorcs using negate.
RinaldoGandolphi wrote: »Im torn on this, I can see both sides of this argument. Both sides have equally valid reasons...its tough.
I'll just wait and see at this point. Im not gonna go either way till i see how this actually pans out...its still early they may revert this change...just have to wait and see.