~~~LagPlar ~~~
v2.0 Murkmire
Hey peeps,
Will keep this brief and cover all the main points, feel free to ask questions.
How does this build specifically cater to players with high ping?
• Full ranged offensive kit to blow opponents up before they even reach you (+ frequently out bursting even pre-Murkmire MagSorc's).
• 2x snares to physically slow your opponent down (no Dizzying Swings hitting from 10+ meters away).
• Stupid good defense; so even lag making you take damage you avoided on your screen will not kill you.
How does this build deal with MagPlar's distinct offensive and defensive stages?
• We embrace and enhance the natural MagPlar playstyle rather than trying to compensate for it.
• Instead of trying to increase mitigation on front bar (and trade off damage as a result), we increase our damage on front bar to shorten the required time to kill whilst making ourselves ridiculous levels of tanky on our defensive bar.
Build and Gameplay:
* some background clips pre-MM and some wearing Julianos instead of BTB
Mark of the Pariah
Bright-Throat's Boast
Valkyn Skoria
Master's Inferno Staff
*have not changed or even added new CP in forever, don't read too closely at that part*only active buff is Channeled Focus
Hope this guide helps people play what is a pretty unique style of MagPlar.
- Tay
Edited by Taylor_MB on December 3, 2018 8:05PM PvP Defensive Set Comparison
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