Hello there,
So after playing in Cyrodiil for 10mins after my patch finished downloading I found this wierd bug. Some hostile players are invisible, they can hit you and you can see their skills but you can't see them. This happened in 2 cases...
1. I was in a tower and started getting Wrecking Blowed and crit rushed by an invisible enemy.
2. Near Arrius Lumbermill I was fighting a magicka templar and I could clearly see his Radiant Destruction and I could see a sorc fraging him, yet I could not see the player itself (I recorded this one).
@Lee.sinz has also experienced this issue as we've been talking about it!
I can link recordings if it's requested, as I need to shorten them a bit beforehand.
Thank you very much,
UPDATE 1: Several people have been reporting this issue in zone chat... apparently it's a common issue.
Quantum -
Magicka DKYoutube Channel