I hope I never have to L2pants....
It would throw off my whole game! And I need what little of that I have.
This campaign is a joke in Oceanic primehttps://youtu.be/PEclqtX5ais
I then got killed by 2EP while fighting a tanky DC at the back of their scroll zerg
I can't even...
AD has since lost Fare
This is Vurian sticking to his word and moving his oceanic arm to TF:
(Yes, he got very deaded by my hands)
Edit: oh my, it's like 30 v 4 and they breached BM in 2 places.
LoDG never camped at your tri-keeps, so even when it was "your turf" as you put it, we respected the tri-keeps
BADS is an EP guild. At most they have a few AD alts. They are also a group of great players, and generally have great attitudes and sportsmanship.
B A D S is a guild that plays on AD & EP on the Azura's Star campaign. They worked to push Daggerfall Covenant with both factions.
What goes around, comes around. I know more than a few folks on both AD and EP (I play exclusively AD in Cyro. However I have a friend or two on EP) who have said they will happily camp your guild and the rest of DC at their gates as much as they can for your faction's behavior this campaign.
Yes. Yes you did. IOTE has video footage of you guys zerging/camping trikeeps on AD turf during Oceanic. Don't you dare try and claim the high ground.
Alishka_Gunter wrote: »You just camped Farragut .....
Can you keep your lies straight homeslice?
I don't care if you camp Farragut, not one bit. You are great AP lol. You come out, get rekted and run into the keep and try the siege2win method hahaha.
Alishka_Gunter wrote: »Can you read? Forrealz. Seriously, do you think I give a damn what you do?! LOL. You have made yourself the laughing stock of the server. You are beyond ineffective as a leader when either faction has players on. You PvDoor the map blue at 0400 when you get wrecked all night during prime time and then act high and mighty. You further make yourself look foolish by making up stories such as BAD plays EP/AD to push factions against DC. No son, YOU did that by your asinine comments on the forums. We have characters on all factions, I myself have a DC which I played for two years before coming to EP.
How about the whole 8 BADS to kill your grp when it was just Tele and me LOL. So sad.
So let me understand something? Without knowing if BADS was even online; you went to Farragut and camped it with 10-20 DC in retaliation for something Telemonian and I did to you. hahahahaha. Now who got trolled.
You are best cupcake
A vast majority of the Daggerfall Covenant faction supports and likes me.
You can quit lying. A vast majority of the Daggerfall Covenant faction supports and likes me.
SourceMy faction hates me because I control if they crown or not.
B A D S has since told all members to stop wearing their guild tags unless running in a guild group which is hilarious and goes to show how much of an effect I have on you.
ShadowFire829b14_ESO wrote: »
Im at work and bored as hell. Soo source? Do you even have an idea of how many people are in B A D S? Who leads it? If you did you would know how foolish this statement is.
Listen. You want your forum war thats fine. You want to troll people here thats fine. But dont make the mistake of assuming what B A D S is. If the others were there, thats fine. But leave the guild as a whole alone. We are just a bunch of solo players who occassionally group up. Don't lump your anger toward individuals at the whole guild. You know not why the guild was formed or how it operates.
As long as the people who I call my friends and family stay, and they know who they are, remain I would always wear that guild tag with pride.
PS: For those who know, how do I get points?
Explain why every single morning capper who plays that formerly had a B A D S tag no longer does now?Maybe you havn't received the memo since you havn't been on to read it.
People change, that or we got rid of the ones who hated me. Whichever you want to take.
The Daggerfall Covenant united last night and made a major push during prime-time, crowning Rexrebourne once again, during prime-time. We took and ran 3 scrolls right as prime-time came to a close and the transition to Oceanic happened.
The Daggerfall Covenant faction united specifically to push the Ebonheart Pact. Why? Ebonheart Pact has been gate-camping and calling in Trueflame guilds on a daily basis and they were fed up with it.
A lot of the faction was thankful that throughout the entire thing LoDG stuck through and continued to push on a daily basis and constantly struggle to compete against the Ebonheart zerg and at times, help make the difference between a win and a loss.
People hated me but they finally understood where I was coming from and stopped hating me.
B A D S can pretend they don't play multi-faction and they can pretend be solo players who sometimes group up and that they rarely have more than 2 in group but anytime I see a B A D S member there are always 5+ of you together. You can keep telling lies so that more people think your guild is good and that you are more than stun spam and ult spam combo team.
You are literally trash and you keep Call-To-Arming the Azura's Star thread to come at me and it is hilarious, just like in ESO you can't compete without having back-up even though you want to claim you don't.
Let me know when B A D S finally comes up with an accurate story and we can talk.
For Daggerfall Covenant:
Excellent work last night. Fengrush, Subtomik, Rexrebourne, and my groups coordinated an excellent push and we made a major difference. The opposition couldn't stop the Daggerfall Covenant. Even with EP sitting at 3 bars, DC at 2 bars, we managed to flip Chal and Arrius quickly and effectively with AD pushing at Roebeck against us. We then quickly crowned an emperor, during prime-time! Crazy! Keep up the good work everyone and I look forward to the next campaign cycle with Fengrush and Subtomik supporting the Covenant in Azura's Star again!
u've belittled DC a few times on this forum ... im sure if those DC who "support" you read what you have said that "support" would come to an end real fast
God_flakes wrote: »Vurian, I don't know who you are but based on all the hate you have generated from ad and ep...I wanna know you.
This campaign is a joke in Oceanic primehttps://youtu.be/PEclqtX5ais
I then got killed by 2EP while fighting a tanky DC at the back of their scroll zerg
I can't even...
AD has since lost Fare
This is Vurian sticking to his word and moving his oceanic arm to TF:
(Yes, he got very deaded by my hands)
Edit: oh my, it's like 30 v 4 and they breached BM in 2 places.
You forgot to mention DC as well
Oh he came to TF during oceanic? So this is the group that we've all been giggling over? Please, do return, we love you.
God_flakes wrote: »Vurian, I don't know who you are but based on all the hate you have generated from ad and ep...I wanna know you.