Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Cheating and Exploits

  • clayandaudrey_ESO
    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_AlanG

    Why have you quit talking to us? Do you think we will forget if you just shut up about it? It is extremely insulting.
    Edited by clayandaudrey_ESO on September 10, 2016 10:44PM
  • kevlarto_ESO
    ZOS you need to step up your game against cheaters, seems like once again we are seeing a large surge of players doing things in game that is not possible, you guys have to get away to detect the cheat engine that has been tweaked to avoid your auto-ban I know there are good players and some nice build but 75% of the people you run across are not going to have these builds, I really think Lambert is getting wool pulled over his eyes with these cheaters, I wish some thing could be done, my enjoyment of the game is really suffering from these cheaters, I am huge fan of the game but the faithful is losing faith I am afraid.

    These players are not killing and I am not running to the forums to yell the sky is falling, I been playing this game since early beta and I watch players play and what they do, if you had employees playing the game for any length of time they should be able to spot these people easily.
    Edited by kevlarto_ESO on September 11, 2016 7:41PM
  • Komma
    I loved for a while how the ping and lag in Cyrodiil was finally getting under control. Over the past week or so I have noticed the amount of people with "great builds" is growing to an unreal amount. With these "great builds" the ping has returned. Fix the hacks and you will fix your ping issues ZOS.
    Kohma Kozzy-cr160-Stamblade
    Komma the Great-cr160-Stam DK
    Kommah-cr160-Mag DK
    Komma Kozzy-cr160-Mag Templar
    Kommuh Kozzy-cr160-Stam Templar
    Komma the White-cr160-Mag Sorc
    The Tazmanian Devil-cr160-Stamsorc
  • DeclaredJester
    If everyone makes it a habbit to report the "great" builds when you get 1-shot by them, maybe... just maybe... we will end up flooding zenimax with sufficient report emails that they will make an effort to fix the problem. It's either that or wait for a new game to pop up and take over the playerbase (at least the noncheating part of it).
  • WeylandLabs
    Its really sad to read alot of the comments of what is cheating and an exploit, bugs, etc, etc. Im on console, so and im noticing a whole lot of players maybe going through this entire post and finding these bugged sets and skills (Not talking about the common bugs and gap closers) then taking them to pvp and pve. This post is Cancer to ESO...
  • Azuramoonstar
    Hey I'm new to the forums here, and coming into this as a long time mmo vet, having played ff11, ff14, wow, dcuo, Aion, mabinogi, neverwinter and tons others.

    I speak from experience it is hard to really see if a person is cheating and/or exploiting.

    It isn't uncommon that in pve and pvp people can sometimes cry wolf about cheaters.

    do cheaters exist? yup. Does it suck? yes. From my personal experience though, it isn't unheard of for people to cry cheater when no cheating took place. People just either lag out with out realizing it, seeing a person lag, or simply just upset they lost to that person.

    screenshots and videos are not always proof as they can edited, or due to the recording program compressed in a way that makes it hard to tell.

    Also, it can take community mods/ game masters time to see if their cheating and in most cases is a simple judgement call on based on investigations.

    this issue exists in every multiplayer game and mmorpg. Pretty much I've seen a thread like this in every mmo.

    naming and shaming is never good, as people do make false reports.

    that's my 2 cents, please no hate. :) just helping any new to mmo players out.
    Long time mmo player: 2004-[current year]
    Long time Elder scrolls player: Xbox launch morrowind.
    Follower of the dawn and dusk, keeper of the moon and star.
  • InvitationNotFound
    soooo, is this thread already dead yet?

    legit questions about exploits and no answer from ZOS?

    @ZOS_GinaBruno , @ZOS_JessicaFolsom

    we all knew that this is simply a thread to avoid more noise about cheating and to control damage... a black hole where all the unwanted comments will be posted to (and therefore can be ignored).

    But, i must admit, i at least expected some sort of "we're looking at it" while ZOS is only giving a sh** about it behind the scenes...
    We want firing off Dark Exchange in the middle of combat to feel awesome... - The Wrobler
    You know you don't have to be here right? - Rich Lambert
    Verrätst du mir deinen Beruf? Ich würde auch gerne mal Annahmen dazu schreiben, wie simple die Aufgaben anderer sind. - Kai Schober

    RdK Group Tool: esoui DE EN FR
    Port to Friend's House: esoui DE EN FR - Library: DE EN
    Yet another Compass: esoui DE EN FR
    Group Buffs: esoui DE EN FR
  • Lava_Croft
    Just submit to Casu-El and treat ESO like Candy Crush.
  • sadownik
    Lava_Croft wrote: »
    Just submit to Casu-El and treat ESO like Candy Crush.

    It is quite funny when you think of it. At launch people where laughting at gw2 (fashion wars2) for its casual character. Right now im playing gw2 intstead of ESO and i feel like its hardcore MMO compared to what ESO has to offer, not to mention much better anti cheat policy.
  • Mustard
    When will the velidreth exploit be fixed?
  • Lumbermill_Emperor
    @Mustard there is no velidreth exploit
  • Mustard
    @Mustard there is no velidreth exploit[/quote

    It has to do with PI
  • Thalmor-Nordmaster
    Because of this cheating and lack of fixing the problems I have taken my money elsweyre.. @Rohamad_Ali if i ever download this game again you can have all of my legendary mats/gold/AP/ All of it.

    Until they fix their game I won't play with a broken system.Whereas the brunt of reporting is done on face broke and nitwitter.

    Zenimax you have failed at making game good. Game is stroink broke and rife with exploitables.
  • Rohamad_Ali
    Because of this cheating and lack of fixing the problems I have taken my money elsweyre.. @Rohamad_Ali if i ever download this game again you can have all of my legendary mats/gold/AP/ All of it.

    Until they fix their game I won't play with a broken system.Whereas the brunt of reporting is done on face broke and nitwitter.

    Zenimax you have failed at making game good. Game is stroink broke and rife with exploitables.


    As tempting and generous as this is ,...!

    I would rather have you group with me and go have fun adventures . Get away from exploiters for awhile and join me in treasure hunting and exploring awhile my friend . I know how frustrating this can be but after a day or two of getting away you will be feeling better from this .
  • ItsMeToo
    Because of this cheating and lack of fixing the problems I have taken my money elsweyre.. @Rohamad_Ali if i ever download this game again you can have all of my legendary mats/gold/AP/ All of it.

    Until they fix their game I won't play with a broken system.Whereas the brunt of reporting is done on face broke and nitwitter.

    Zenimax you have failed at making game good. Game is stroink broke and rife with exploitables.


    As tempting and generous as this is ,...!

    I would rather have you group with me and go have fun adventures . Get away from exploiters for awhile and join me in treasure hunting and exploring awhile my friend . I know how frustrating this can be but after a day or two of getting away you will be feeling better from this .

    May I have your stuff?
    FYI - There is no such thing as 'night capping' in a world wide MMO.
    FYI - There was no paid Beta. When they launched the game the Beta was over, even if you don't think it was.
    FYI - It's B2P not F2P. There is a difference.
    FYI - It doesn't take any player skill to mash keys or buttons in this game. The ones that stay alive longer have the better internet connection and speed.
    FYI - The game is not broken, it still works. It just has 'bugs' that need to be fixed.
    Balance is a "Bad" thing.

    Example: There were hundreds of Jedi and only two Sith in Star Wars. The Jedi wanted, "Balance in the Force" and they got it. Now there are only two Jedi and two Sith.

    Balance is a "Bad" thing.
    Is the glass half full or half empty?
    I say, "Get a smaller glass."
  • kaliduss
    Lets face reality. Some ppl are really good, and have good builds. Thats totally right, and can not be denied. Some ppl dont know how to anim cancel and they think that those who do are cheating. I´ve seen a single player annihilate a 10+ player zerg, just because he/she was very good and they were not so good and certainly not organized.

    But then there are some players who are immortal, with regen so stupidly high that health bar does not even move , blocking all the time, hitting like a truck and casting heals+shields+6 attacks on you, all in less than a second(not including dots or hots, of course). Well, some may say thats a l2p or lag issue, and thats true...sometimes. Human speed has its limits. Taking a view at the logs, evidence can not be denied. Always the same sequences, the same timing, and the same players again and again. Those people using macros, cheat engine or both, ruin the game. Its good to have really good players, adds spice to the game, but nobody wants invincible cheating cockroaches.There is proof videos of both methods everywhere.

    Its a shame that a game this big still has problems with those simple cheat methods after 2 years of launch date.
    Edited by kaliduss on September 14, 2016 4:37PM
  • kaliduss
    If everyone makes it a habbit to report the "great" builds when you get 1-shot by them, maybe... just maybe... we will end up flooding zenimax with sufficient report emails that they will make an effort to fix the problem. It's either that or wait for a new game to pop up and take over the playerbase (at least the noncheating part of it).

    after 2 years of launch date i seriously doubt they will do something about the matter. Some games have really good ways to prevent cheating, but this one does not. And when they take disciplinary actions against someone, its done under a veil of secrets. thats the way to say " we dont *** care as long as you pay"
  • Deedleqwerty
    I haven't heard back from support. Five attacks in a single shot seems like cheating to me.

    But after the initial bot reply, I hear nothing else from support.

    Does that mean that a modded controller is fair in this game?
    ~Deedleqwerty [PS4] / NA / EU
    CP 1980 NA / CP 1400 EU
    Aldmeri Dominion - Wardevils
    See you in Cyrodiil
  • Ackwalan
    I haven't heard back from support. Five attacks in a single shot seems like cheating to me.

    But after the initial bot reply, I hear nothing else from support.

    Does that mean that a modded controller is fair in this game?

    You're not going to get a response for something like that. ZOS doesn't talk about any (if any) action they take against cheating.

  • AnnieBeGood
    This afternoon I went back into pvp..... now we did have some fun, but it seems cheat engine users are more prolific than ever. It is having a huge impact on pvp, no I do not have proof, no I did not video. Just playing shows it up. It is taking a lot of fun out of pvp. Nobody takes three simultaneous hits from fire ballistas and shows not even a health flicker, no one.
    What in heavens name are you doing about this ZOS? We really need some kind of answer to this and its well past time you provided some. sorry Gina but @ZOS_GinaBruno - could some one make some kind of response PLEASE.
    Get some of your people into pvp incognito and see for yourselves - or if you already are doing that TELL US.
    Perhaps we should form a group Players Against Cheat Engine Users or something....
    Gulrosa V160 Templar -healer and master crafter
    Annie Spaceshifter V160 magica NB - just a thieving assassin, now retired
    Katerina - 'Daedric Annie' - V160 Stamina DK - now bank alt, wardrobe mistress
    Anni Bee - Vet 160Templar - pvp magica templar - Daedric Lord Slayer
    Lily Malone - stam sorc - pve goddess
    Rey of Jakku Plain - Vet 160 - magica templar dd
    Savanna - magica warden, still learning to play
    and several babies...... learning to ride
    EU server, pc and All for the Pact
    Alith, the best guild in the EU
  • Nefas
    Class Representative
    Gottbeard & others still banned:
    Edited by Nefas on September 18, 2016 6:16PM
  • DeclaredJester
    I am a little behind on the status of exploits and cheats. I have a feeling the status on all of them will be: No progress, but still. All these are on Xbox.

    - Scroll carrier horse exploit; Allows the carrier to use a mount and as such remove the scroll beam, making it hard to single out the player in a crowd. The scroll only shows up on compas.
    - Multi hit/Macro; Allows the attacker to hit you with eg. 5 snipes or 5 dizzying swings within a second. The exploit seems to be able to circumvent global cooldown.
    - Permalife; Could be same as above, not sure. Allows the recipient of massive amounts of damage to heal up to full within a single tick.
    - Glitch repair; Allows defenders of a keep to repair a wall, even though it's being bombarded with sieges.
    - Glitch attack; Allows attackers to breach a castle within a few seconds (and no, we are not talking 20 sieges coordinated)
    - Stealth revive; Allows you to pick up a dead player from your own faction with only going visible for the last second confirmation. It uses emotes somehow.
    - Permastun; Some people blame this on lag, but a certain combination of skills can stun the opponent long enough for no normal build to be able to sustain it, including no option to break free.
    - dodge stacking; Allows a player to stack multiple occurances of the dodge skills on top of eachother and dodge approx. 60% of all attacks on them.

    Yes, I know.. L2P. I would like to, but the above issues kind of get in the way of my learning proces.
  • kaliduss
    This afternoon I went back into pvp..... now we did have some fun, but it seems cheat engine users are more prolific than ever. It is having a huge impact on pvp, no I do not have proof, no I did not video. Just playing shows it up. It is taking a lot of fun out of pvp. Nobody takes three simultaneous hits from fire ballistas and shows not even a health flicker, no one.
    What in heavens name are you doing about this ZOS? We really need some kind of answer to this and its well past time you provided some. sorry Gina but @ZOS_GinaBruno - could some one make some kind of response PLEASE.
    Get some of your people into pvp incognito and see for yourselves - or if you already are doing that TELL US.
    Perhaps we should form a group Players Against Cheat Engine Users or something....

    2 years after launch, still not a solution. they work on new content continuously but they dont care about this kind of problems, they only care about money, or else they would have given a solution long ago, like a lot of games efficiently have. don expect a solution. this is zos in a nuthshell.
  • kaliduss
    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_AlanG

    Why have you quit talking to us? Do you think we will forget if you just shut up about it? It is extremely insulting.

    i couldnt agree more. and the secrecy around bans is extremely suspicious aswell, does not help trusting zos.
  • umagon
    This thread just seems to be more of a containment unit. I would not expect any transparency from zos. Things like this seem to still exist in game. Either their 3rd party detection is flawed or someone found the ever elusive levitation spell in game. And before I ran into Mr. Copperfield at the bank I came across two bots whom where stuck at the base of tree. The bots had problems with pathing around tree roots.
  • Trashyratchet
    Has anyone from ZoS looked at the PS4 weekly vet DSA leaderboards lately? 50 k score with a 3 man group? Come on. @ZOS_GinaBruno
    Edited by Trashyratchet on September 21, 2016 2:32PM
  • Roechacca
    Nefas wrote: »
    Gottbeard & others still banned:

    Hahahahaha ! Cya .
  • LegacyDM
    Yesterday I killed a guy and went into sneak to try and see if he had any Rez buddies around. As I was waiting in sneak I watched his health regenerate back to full while he was dead. A few moments later he popped back up and ran away. Cheating is still out there...
    Legacy of Kain
    Vicious Carnage
    ¥ampire Lord of the South
  • Nefas
    Class Representative
    Roechacca wrote: »
    Nefas wrote: »
    Gottbeard & others still banned:

    Hahahahaha ! Cya .

    Was not meant to poke fun. People's calls for bans has made ZOS target the wrong people. Ask around and see how many people got random bans for 3 days without any explanation from the support team.

    When people like Gottbeard try to ask why they got banned, they get absolutely no answers and even get told to stop contacting the company.

    Banning cheaters is fine but when people who don't cheat get banned, that is a big issue as well.
  • Ackwalan
    Nefas wrote: »
    Roechacca wrote: »
    Nefas wrote: »
    Gottbeard & others still banned:

    Hahahahaha ! Cya .

    Was not meant to poke fun. People's calls for bans has made ZOS target the wrong people. Ask around and see how many people got random bans for 3 days without any explanation from the support team.

    When people like Gottbeard try to ask why they got banned, they get absolutely no answers and even get told to stop contacting the company.

    Banning cheaters is fine but when people who don't cheat get banned, that is a big issue as well.

    I saw that vid, and he sounded like someone that cheats and is now trying to sound innocent.

This discussion has been closed.