Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Cheating and Exploits

  • Mustard
    Mustard wrote: »
    Mustard wrote: »

    I heard recently that people are able to use CE again. Is this still true?

    they able to do it since launch
    nothing changes

    I heard that people have a way to do it that's not detectable again by ZOS after the changes they made to the anti-cheat code or whatever they call it a couple months ago.

    you cannot know for sure if its detectable or not, without being a member of ZOS tech team
    anyway your questions is quite suspicious

    Kena brought this up in another post a couple weeks go and sent it to ZOS. I was hoping it got fixed and is not true.
  • ESO_Must_Be_F2P
    and ZOS will never tell us if its detectable or not, its like their policy works, and also its not profitable for them to publicy such things
    Edited by ESO_Must_Be_F2P on August 22, 2016 6:57PM
  • Mustard
    and ZOS will never tell us if its detectable or not, its like their policy works, and also its not profitable for them to publicy such things

    Found it finally...

  • Ackwalan
    Mustard wrote: »
    Mustard wrote: »

    I heard recently that people are able to use CE again. Is this still true?

    they able to do it since launch
    nothing changes

    I heard that people have a way to do it that's not detectable again by ZOS after the changes they made to the anti-cheat code or whatever they call it a couple months ago.

    All they have to do is, keep their cheats at or below emperor abilities, and not 'fly' where others can see them.
  • KenaPKK
    davidj8291 wrote: »
    davidj8291 wrote: »
    There would be a lot less cheating if ZOS actually took care of PvP instead of neglecting it since launch. Part of why people cheat is that they are bored with the game, and the game is so poorly maintained and broken, they say "why not." I am not justifying their behavior, just explaining it. But lets just take it from their own mouths.

    ZOS: Start listening to the PvP community, admit your game is broken, and start fixing it, or more and more people will just give up and start cheating for fun.

    Exactly. People are doing the same things on consoles now that the PC sees regularly. The "third party" barrier doesn't exist anymore with a little bit of extra work.

    People are running macros, health bots, the works. Not as common as PC, obviously but still a thing.

    And nothing is done about it. We've reported, submitted tickets with video proof, etc, on players who we clearly witnessed using the gap closer exploit and sending a x-faction friend into the outpost to be the gap close target and taking them without popping them just so they could cut off transit.

    The rules are selectively enforced in game, while here, you get posts closed and warning messages for minor infractions while actually addressing real issues is completely neglected and you go ignored.

    Personally I haven't seen a single person that was using any sort of macro on PS4, and even if they could how can you prove they are? Hell I haven't even seen a clear case of rubberbanding in a long time!

    For starters, when the same character can do the Crit Rush proc of 4 separate abilities multiple times in a row, it isn't lag and it isn't player skill. I've mastered AC for the most part, and there are still people who Crit Rush and upon impact, proc three surprise attacks and executioner to insta kill you. No blocking, no defense. Nothing. You just take a full list of attacks on impact. That is a macro. If it happened every now and again, sure. But it happens literally every time you get the guy 1v1? That's a macro.

    That is is not a macro. That is a known bug that the community has discussed in these forums many times this patch. Macros cannot violate the global cooldown of one ability cast per second.

    We must take efforts to keep calm and remain factually accurate when discussing issues like cheating and macroing, else rumors and confusion can be spread.
    Legion XIII
    Excellence without elitism
    Premier small scale PvP

    NA/PC original dueling and general PvP community guild
    Now the hub of competitive dueling and the joined PvP communities of NA and EU/PC

    Apex Predator.

    Here's a great thread collecting community ideas for PvP updates.

    [MEGATHREAD] Feedback Threads for Class Reps

    Class Representative Feedback Discords:
    Nightblade Discussion:

    Dragonknight Discussion:

    Sorcerer Discussion:

    Templar Discussion:

    Warden Discussion:

    General Healing Discussion:


    Werewolf Discussion:

    Vampire Discussion:
  • KenaPKK
    How do I log in to 64 notifications from this thread? What on earth?

    Yes CE is still functioning, no I do not know to what extent, and yes I was contacted by ZOS after my last thread and gave them the instructions for the workaround which were given to me. They're "investigating."
    Legion XIII
    Excellence without elitism
    Premier small scale PvP

    NA/PC original dueling and general PvP community guild
    Now the hub of competitive dueling and the joined PvP communities of NA and EU/PC

    Apex Predator.

    Here's a great thread collecting community ideas for PvP updates.

    [MEGATHREAD] Feedback Threads for Class Reps

    Class Representative Feedback Discords:
    Nightblade Discussion:

    Dragonknight Discussion:

    Sorcerer Discussion:

    Templar Discussion:

    Warden Discussion:

    General Healing Discussion:


    Werewolf Discussion:

    Vampire Discussion:
  • Thrasher91604
    If Zos really cared about cheaters, why can't we report a player in game, rather than going through a browser?

    Also, how about fixing the robo-response to a cheat report be something actually helpfule, other than the idiotic "add the user to your ignore use" response, which is completely useless?

    Really, really terrible customer support here to prevent and report cheaters.
  • davidj8291
    KenaPKK wrote: »
    davidj8291 wrote: »
    davidj8291 wrote: »
    There would be a lot less cheating if ZOS actually took care of PvP instead of neglecting it since launch. Part of why people cheat is that they are bored with the game, and the game is so poorly maintained and broken, they say "why not." I am not justifying their behavior, just explaining it. But lets just take it from their own mouths.

    ZOS: Start listening to the PvP community, admit your game is broken, and start fixing it, or more and more people will just give up and start cheating for fun.

    Exactly. People are doing the same things on consoles now that the PC sees regularly. The "third party" barrier doesn't exist anymore with a little bit of extra work.

    People are running macros, health bots, the works. Not as common as PC, obviously but still a thing.

    And nothing is done about it. We've reported, submitted tickets with video proof, etc, on players who we clearly witnessed using the gap closer exploit and sending a x-faction friend into the outpost to be the gap close target and taking them without popping them just so they could cut off transit.

    The rules are selectively enforced in game, while here, you get posts closed and warning messages for minor infractions while actually addressing real issues is completely neglected and you go ignored.

    Personally I haven't seen a single person that was using any sort of macro on PS4, and even if they could how can you prove they are? Hell I haven't even seen a clear case of rubberbanding in a long time!

    For starters, when the same character can do the Crit Rush proc of 4 separate abilities multiple times in a row, it isn't lag and it isn't player skill. I've mastered AC for the most part, and there are still people who Crit Rush and upon impact, proc three surprise attacks and executioner to insta kill you. No blocking, no defense. Nothing. You just take a full list of attacks on impact. That is a macro. If it happened every now and again, sure. But it happens literally every time you get the guy 1v1? That's a macro.

    That is is not a macro. That is a known bug that the community has discussed in these forums many times this patch. Macros cannot violate the global cooldown of one ability cast per second.

    We must take efforts to keep calm and remain factually accurate when discussing issues like cheating and macroing, else rumors and confusion can be spread.

    No, it is not a "known bug". I'm well aware of the difference. Consoles are a little different than the PC in that regard. This has been happening long prior to this patch as well. So, while I appreciate the respectful retort, I'm not ignorant. I know what I see and I know how it works.

    It's not lag. It's not a bug. It's a hack. Plain and simple.
  • Dubhliam
    There is a video on Youtube where a console player got permabanned and is complaining about it.

    He goes on spouting nonsense about entrapment and how this was somehow ZOS' fault in the first place for allowing that glitch to happen in the first place.

    For all of you people that go on spouting nonsense like that, there is one simple thin line that, once you cross, a ban is eligible:
    Malicious intent

    If you accidentally run into a glitch or bug, you shouldn't get banned.
    If you take that situation and use it to gain an unfair advantage, or to grief other players, you don't get to say "I'm innocent".
    >>>Detailed Justice System Concept thread<<<
  • The_SpAwN
    Dubhliam wrote: »
    There is a video on Youtube where a console player got permabanned and is complaining about it.

    He goes on spouting nonsense about entrapment and how this was somehow ZOS' fault in the first place for allowing that glitch to happen in the first place.

    For all of you people that go on spouting nonsense like that, there is one simple thin line that, once you cross, a ban is eligible:
    Malicious intent

    If you accidentally run into a glitch or bug, you shouldn't get banned.
    If you take that situation and use it to gain an unfair advantage, or to grief other players, you don't get to say "I'm innocent".


    Really, he deserve it, he knew what he was doing and im pretty shure he knew the risks too....
  • TheLordSoth
    If only ESO enforced the rules in game as they do in forums...tsk tsk.

    In any event, I feel the game is a scam. To their good fortune the developers have found enough suckers...yeah I am one of them, who believed the bugs would be ironed out with updates. In actuality these were just promises made to sell the next DLC. As a non-pvp game the game is decent. PVP has become a joke. You get hit once, yet find yourself dead with 5 attcks you never had any indication were even used. And some abilities are so OP it is ridiculous. The Hit Point pools should be much larger then they are considering the amounts of damage some abilities do.

    But all and all...this newly packaged World of Warcraft game is all about the mighty dollar and the suckers willing to part with them. Millions of posts in these forums...many with the same complaints and content....and nothing done about it.
  • Tavore1138
    ....and nothing done about it.

    That is really unfair, the mods are constantly watching out for and deleting any post that might make ZOS lose even a single sale, those guys just don't stop!

    OK so that doesn't help us or the game but don't say they aren't doing something however cynical and manipulative that something might be....
    GM - Malazan
    Raid Leader - Hungry Wolves
    Legio Mortuum
  • Elsonso
    I am pretty sure they do not moderate the forum based on whether people recommend the game, or not.
    Edited by Elsonso on August 28, 2016 5:30PM
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • KingMagaw
    I am pretty sure they do not moderate the forum based on whether people recommend the game, or not.

    I have been suspended twice now from forums, under the guise of breaking rules, simply to have any negative feedback wiped off forums for damage limitation. Personally i am 100% convinced of this and informed the MOD also.

    Cheating is not enforced in ESO and probably never will be. If the team cant even fix well documented and reported bugs on PTS before they PUSH the patch LIVE, there is little to no hope in addressing the exploiters and Cheat Engine users.
  • Tavore1138
    I am pretty sure they do not moderate the forum based on whether people recommend the game, or not.

    Agreed, it is not that literal but they are using the 2 pinned threads as an excuse to remove any other remotely relevant thread (not merge but remove) while not engaging in any way in the relevant threads to tell us anything at all except a periodic trawl to tell us off for being naughty children.

    Long term pinned threads actually tend to become invisible to the eye after a while for most visitors to forums so they ensure that in general no reference to a major ongoing problem is 'live' and any comments go into a huge intimidating thread that very few are going to want to read through.

    Coupled with the continued policy that they won't ever comment on what actions they are taking they give themselves carte blanche to take no action while, in game, we still see the same old people doing the same old things but have become too weary to keep reporting them again and again just to see them noy only playing but actually mocking honest players.

    Cynical & manipulative as I said... but effective. And probably a lot cheaper than fixing the actual problems.
    GM - Malazan
    Raid Leader - Hungry Wolves
    Legio Mortuum
  • starsands
    How can a Magicka nightblade run and dodge everything, also break free a spam rapids when chased by at least 10 players for 1 minute without running out of stamina? This is happening in BWB, i want to know if this a super op build and i need to guit gud, or if this is a CE user.
  • Dubhliam
    starsands wrote: »
    How can a Magicka nightblade run and dodge everything, also break free a spam rapids when chased by at least 10 players for 1 minute without running out of stamina? This is happening in BWB, i want to know if this a super op build and i need to guit gud, or if this is a CE user.

    It's called Siphoning Attacks.
    CE is not to blame, @Wrobel is.
    >>>Detailed Justice System Concept thread<<<
  • Tavore1138
    starsands wrote: »
    How can a Magicka nightblade run and dodge everything, also break free a spam rapids when chased by at least 10 players for 1 minute without running out of stamina? This is happening in BWB, i want to know if this a super op build and i need to guit gud, or if this is a CE user.

    There are a number of sets that either give speed boosts or stamina boost that they could be running. There are also magicka based skills that can buff speed too (i can think of two offhand in the NB skill trees) and the right potions could buff speed and return stamina so potentially someone who knows what they are doing could do what you describe especially if they are using fears, cloaks and shades to add to their evasion.

    It's not really a l2p for you it is simply that the NB is a class geared around burst damage and being evasive, a well designed NB trying to escape can be almost as annoying as a streaking sorc
    GM - Malazan
    Raid Leader - Hungry Wolves
    Legio Mortuum
  • starsands
    Tavore1138 wrote: »
    starsands wrote: »
    How can a Magicka nightblade run and dodge everything, also break free a spam rapids when chased by at least 10 players for 1 minute without running out of stamina? This is happening in BWB, i want to know if this a super op build and i need to guit gud, or if this is a CE user.

    There are a number of sets that either give speed boosts or stamina boost that they could be running. There are also magicka based skills that can buff speed too (i can think of two offhand in the NB skill trees) and the right potions could buff speed and return stamina so potentially someone who knows what they are doing could do what you describe especially if they are using fears, cloaks and shades to add to their evasion.

    It's not really a l2p for you it is simply that the NB is a class geared around burst damage and being evasive, a well designed NB trying to escape can be almost as annoying as a streaking sorc

    I understand, but he was not evading he was dodging (double tap or another bind key) like crazy and not using any clas skills besides cloak, just dodging, break free and rapids (literaly spamming) and some times using fire reach (all of this while being chased by me and other players that was spamming cc). Also he is level 40 and we were playing in Black Water Blade (non vet non cp). I will try to record this next time. I've met a lot of good magicka nb players in non cp and cp campaigns, ill keep in mind that he can be a superb player but that was just unusual for a class that has a low stam pool.
  • phbell
    Dubhliam wrote: »
    There is a video on Youtube where a console player got permabanned and is complaining about it.

    He goes on spouting nonsense about entrapment and how this was somehow ZOS' fault in the first place for allowing that glitch to happen in the first place.

    For all of you people that go on spouting nonsense like that, there is one simple thin line that, once you cross, a ban is eligible:
    Malicious intent

    If you accidentally run into a glitch or bug, you shouldn't get banned.
    If you take that situation and use it to gain an unfair advantage, or to grief other players, you don't get to say "I'm innocent".

    In the video he mentions 4 prior suspensions for cheating yet expresses astonishment when he is permabanned for (yet more) exploiting. Clearly he is not a fast learner.

    Oh, BTW... He should look up "entrapment" before he uses the term again. He has no idea what it means.

    EDITTED to add that there are 2 Youtube videos where he discusses his permaban. Right around the 17:20 minute mark on one of them he discusses his 4 prior suspensions. It may not be the same video as his whining about "Entrapment", i am not sure, but he does admit to suspensions for prior bad acts.
    Edited by phbell on August 29, 2016 6:07PM
  • Dubhliam
    phbell wrote: »
    Dubhliam wrote: »
    There is a video on Youtube where a console player got permabanned and is complaining about it.

    He goes on spouting nonsense about entrapment and how this was somehow ZOS' fault in the first place for allowing that glitch to happen in the first place.

    For all of you people that go on spouting nonsense like that, there is one simple thin line that, once you cross, a ban is eligible:
    Malicious intent

    If you accidentally run into a glitch or bug, you shouldn't get banned.
    If you take that situation and use it to gain an unfair advantage, or to grief other players, you don't get to say "I'm innocent".

    In the video he mentions 4 prior suspensions for cheating yet expresses astonishment when he is permabanned for (yet more) exploiting. Clearly he is not a fast learner.

    Oh, BTW... He should look up "entrapment" before he uses the term again. He has no idea what it means.

    EDITTED to add that there are 2 Youtube videos where he discusses his permaban. Right around the 17:20 minute mark on one of them he discusses his 4 prior suspensions. It may not be the same video as his whining about "Entrapment", i am not sure, but he does admit to suspensions for prior bad acts.

    Yeah, this guy continues to talk trash about ZOS an cry how he was wrongfully banned, yet you can still find the video where he recorded the very exploit that got him banned.
    Take a look at it, it simply amazes me how someone could so openly record himself and post it on the net, all the while laughing at "how fun it is" and "how he is sometimes a ***, but that's not a crime".
    >>>Detailed Justice System Concept thread<<<
  • Tavore1138
    starsands wrote: »
    Tavore1138 wrote: »
    starsands wrote: »
    How can a Magicka nightblade run and dodge everything, also break free a spam rapids when chased by at least 10 players for 1 minute without running out of stamina? This is happening in BWB, i want to know if this a super op build and i need to guit gud, or if this is a CE user.

    There are a number of sets that either give speed boosts or stamina boost that they could be running. There are also magicka based skills that can buff speed too (i can think of two offhand in the NB skill trees) and the right potions could buff speed and return stamina so potentially someone who knows what they are doing could do what you describe especially if they are using fears, cloaks and shades to add to their evasion.

    It's not really a l2p for you it is simply that the NB is a class geared around burst damage and being evasive, a well designed NB trying to escape can be almost as annoying as a streaking sorc

    I understand, but he was not evading he was dodging (double tap or another bind key) like crazy and not using any clas skills besides cloak, just dodging, break free and rapids (literaly spamming) and some times using fire reach (all of this while being chased by me and other players that was spamming cc). Also he is level 40 and we were playing in Black Water Blade (non vet non cp). I will try to record this next time. I've met a lot of good magicka nb players in non cp and cp campaigns, ill keep in mind that he can be a superb player but that was just unusual for a class that has a low stam pool.

    Well option 2 is that he has buffed his stamina pool in an illicit manner similar to that described as still working a page or two back - and welcome to the problem we all face due to the lack of transparency and communication from ZoS everyone is now suspicious of everyone else because we have been given no confidence that cheats are even being investigated let alone banned.
    GM - Malazan
    Raid Leader - Hungry Wolves
    Legio Mortuum
  • Hardolins
    Soul Shriven
    if i grinding is legal or not?
    Edited by Hardolins on August 30, 2016 10:02AM
  • clayandaudrey_ESO
    Depends. Are you grinding in public with an unwilling participant? If so you are probably going to get a public ban ie jail.

    If you are grinding mobs in an mmo then I would say no.
  • LadyNalcarya
    And there's still no updates about dsa situation...
    So basically the leaderboards now are full of scrubs cheesing their way to the rewards... And people who play fair are in a disadvantage. Charming.
    Dro-m'Athra Destroyer | Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor | Voice of Reason

  • MisterBigglesworth
    Edited by MisterBigglesworth on August 30, 2016 11:36PM
    Really we do it without like, the musical instruments. This is the only musical: the mouth. And hopefully the brain attached to the mouth. Right? The brain, more important than the mouth, is the brain. The brain is much more important.
  • Berenhir
    Could we just have a pop up window when clicking on the name in death recap that tells us the stats and sets the other guy is wearing with his unbuffed regen, max and penetration values? Like our own char stat window?

    Should not be hard to implement and an easy way to distinguish the cheat from the skilled player?
    PC EU - Ebonheart Pact - Gray Host - Death Recap -#zergfarming -
  • Erasure
    Berenhir wrote: »
    Could we just have a pop up window when clicking on the name in death recap that tells us the stats and sets the other guy is wearing with his unbuffed regen, max and penetration values? Like our own char stat window?

    Should not be hard to implement and an easy way to distinguish the cheat from the skilled player?

    That is... actually a really cool idea. It would require the client to transmit that stuff to the server at killtime to be able to report it on your end, as well, so ZoS would be able to have a record if something were fishy.
  • Dral_Shady
    Berenhir wrote: »
    Could we just have a pop up window when clicking on the name in death recap that tells us the stats and sets the other guy is wearing with his unbuffed regen, max and penetration values? Like our own char stat window?

    Should not be hard to implement and an easy way to distinguish the cheat from the skilled player?

    I like and support this idea!!!
This discussion has been closed.