Azura's Star NA PC Thread

    Azura is a dead buff server . There's nothing competive happening . Not even sure why I guest that campaign anymore .

    Nothing in Cyrodiil is competitive anymore
  • Speed_Kills
    Joshlenoir wrote: »
    Lastly I'm still offering 100k to anyone in your guild that can beat me in a duel since they love to talk without backing it up

    @Vurian97 can I join LOGD? I need some gold

    Some say speed kills, I hope to be proof of that.

    Main- Speed Kills Nord Stamina Sorcerer
    +11 alts (every class, mag+stam)
  • ellahellabella
    Necation wrote: »

    @Vurian97 can I join LOGD? I need some gold

    I don't know why but this scares me a lot...
    Edited by ellahellabella on December 30, 2016 9:32AM
    Try to read everything I write with an Australian accent

    PC NA
    Full faction locks are only further dividing an already dwindling pvp community

    Ebonheart Pact
    Sophis (M. Templar), Lilivah Rallenar (M. Sorcerer), Diakoptês (M. Dragonknight), Pins and Needles (M. Nightblade), Claws-your-Curtains (S. Sorcerer), Raan-Mir-Tah (M Warden), Hezik (S Warden)

    Aldmeri Dominion
    Sophis-ticated (M. Templar), Tis not easy being Green (S. Dragonknight)

    Daggerfall Covernant
    Sirius Delatora (M. Nightblade), Ellaberry (S. Templar), Ellabear (pve tank) Claìr De Lune (M. Sorc)
  • Rohamad_Ali
    WhiteMage wrote: »
    Them's fighting words, Mr Roh! Azuras is not a buff server because I STILL do not have emp, and not for lack of trying!

    Oh I do apologize if it was your turn . I know those wait times are terrible .
  • Kartalin
    Got this tonight/this morning:


    Not sure if this person is talking about their group or our group but they have the greater numbers here...

    That was the second time I was accused of cheating. The first was a misunderstanding though when I got feared under the stairs at ash milegate. Fun times.
    • PC/NA
    • Karllotta, AD Magplar, AR 50
    • Hatched-In-Glacier, DC Magden, AR 44
    • Miraliys, EP Warden, AR 37
    • Lyranais, EP Magsorc, AR 37
    • Milthalas, EP Magblade, AR 36
    • Kartalin, AD Stamblade, AR 35
    • Miralys, AD Magsorc, AR 35
    • Kallenna, EP Magcro, AR 34
    • Lemon Party - Meanest Girls - Tertiary Meat - @ Kartalin - Youtube
  • Joshlenoir
    Necation wrote: »

    @Vurian97 can I join LOGD? I need some gold

    WTB bash macro for dark deal
  • Malibulove
    We had a proper 3 bar vs 3 bar gate-scroll push last night, with the Gate slamming shut on us halfway through the push. I'm also pretty sure like half of DC were still defending Alessia by that point, which is why I love when EP crowns, the map turns into a clown fiesta.


    Edited by Malibulove on December 30, 2016 5:51PM
    Chill Bro of Chill Bros

    Hooked-on-a-Feeling - Stamsorc (EP)
    Freddíe Mercury - Lead singer of Queen (EP)
    A Blizzard Wizard Lizard - P2Warden (DC)
    Prequels Anakin - Mageblade (AD)
  • Vurian97
    Kartalin wrote: »
    Got this tonight/this morning:


    Not sure if this person is talking about their group or our group but they have the greater numbers here...

    That was the second time I was accused of cheating. The first was a misunderstanding though when I got feared under the stairs at ash milegate. Fun times.

    LOL, the first was me. I saw you under those stairs and instantly assumed it was someone trying to use the floor glitch. When we were at Sej, EP had a group of 6 use the floor glitch to flip the flags while under us.
    Malibulove wrote: »
    We had a proper 3 bar vs 3 bar gate-scroll push last night, with the Gate slamming shut on us halfway through the push. I'm also pretty sure like half of DC were still defending Alessia by that point, which is why I love when EP crowns, the map turns into a clown fiesta.


    Now, in this screenshot there are 17 online people in group (18 total), but I could've sworn someone in BADS claims they never run more than 8 people. Hmm. Looks like someone is zerging.
    Edited by Vurian97 on December 30, 2016 10:34PM
  • Cypriot122
    Just because you see more then 8 infront of you doesn't mean they are together.
  • Vurian97
    Cypriot122 wrote: »
    Just because you see more then 8 infront of you doesn't mean they are together.

    Considering I was at this fight, I know they were all together. Some were on wall running siege and others on the ground fighting.

  • Humphie
    Vurian97 wrote: »

    LOL, the first was me. I saw you under those stairs and instantly assumed it was someone trying to use the floor glitch. When we were at Sej, EP had a group of 6 use the floor glitch to flip the flags while under us.

    Now, in this screenshot there are 17 online people in group (18 total), but I could've sworn someone in BADS claims they never run more than 8 people. Hmm. Looks like someone is zerging.

    Not a BADS group. Sigh...jusst because you wont get invites to other guild groups....
    Dang, emp rolling deep with 18 people. Looks promising.
  • Vurian97
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    Dang, emp rolling deep with 18 people. Looks promising.

    They've been running all of EP stacked into the same place for the last 2-3 days. Map has just been sitting red. Chandra (Empress) is just dying repeatedly giving people their Emp kill achievements.

    They call Legion of Death Gaming (LoDG) *** for zerging but yet DR, BADS, and Longbottom Leafers have all been zerging the map for the last 3 days. lol
  • Taylor_MB
    The map hasn't been red for days.... I'm not online all the time but I don't believe EP has had the ring since they first emp'd.
    PvP Defensive Set Comparison
    Firestarter MagDK 1vX
    - build and gamplay!
    LagPlar Ranged Lag Proof(ish) Magplar
    - build and gamplay!
    ShadowGaurd MagBlade Group Utility Tank
    - build and gamplay!
    Oncoming Storm No-CP 11.6k Ward MagSorc - build and gamplay!
    My YouTube Chanel

  • Alishka_Gunter
    Vurian97 wrote: »

    LOL, the first was me. I saw you under those stairs and instantly assumed it was someone trying to use the floor glitch. When we were at Sej, EP had a group of 6 use the floor glitch to flip the flags while under us.

    Now, in this screenshot there are 17 online people in group (18 total), but I could've sworn someone in BADS claims they never run more than 8 people. Hmm. Looks like someone is zerging.


    How many members in that group are BADS? Me.

    Someone has a fixation with me. I am flattered ;) *kisses*
    GM of Einherjar (EHJ)

    Alishka Gunter - Stamina Nightblade
    Gunter Smash - Magicka Dragonknight
    Alishka Tempestas - Magicka Sorcerer
    Alishka Arrowflinger - Stamina Nightblade
    Alishka Hides In Bushes - Magicka Nightblade
    Gunter Hearts Blueberries - Magicka Templar

  • Taylor_MB


    How many members in that group are BADS? Me.

    Someone has a fixation with me. I am flattered ;) *kisses*

    Is... is there a fee? Or can we watch for free?
    PvP Defensive Set Comparison
    Firestarter MagDK 1vX
    - build and gamplay!
    LagPlar Ranged Lag Proof(ish) Magplar
    - build and gamplay!
    ShadowGaurd MagBlade Group Utility Tank
    - build and gamplay!
    Oncoming Storm No-CP 11.6k Ward MagSorc - build and gamplay!
    My YouTube Chanel

  • Malibulove
    So much salt.

    I thought our group was fun, we were dipping into zone and pulling from multiple guilds, to try to scroll push while every faction was 3 bars. I don't think we even had but 1 Templar in the group, never mind actual healers.

    But all you DC can ask Feng when he'll ever play with pugs or log-in with less than 2 or more Healers, or when DC will ever scroll push while EP is 3 bars. (see: Never).
    Edited by Malibulove on December 31, 2016 12:06AM
    Chill Bro of Chill Bros

    Hooked-on-a-Feeling - Stamsorc (EP)
    Freddíe Mercury - Lead singer of Queen (EP)
    A Blizzard Wizard Lizard - P2Warden (DC)
    Prequels Anakin - Mageblade (AD)
    Malibulove wrote: »
    So much salt.

    I thought our group was fun, we were dipping into zone and pulling from multiple guilds, to try to scroll push while every faction was 3 bars. I don't think we even had but 1 Templar in the group, never mind actual healers.

    But all you DC can ask Feng when he'll ever play with pugs or log-in with less than 2 or more Healers, or when DC will ever scroll push while EP is 3 bars. (see: Never).

    I dont play with pug groups, that is correct. Log in with less than 2 or more healers? We run with 1 healer more often than not. Weve sometimes run with none, but its hardly a group at that point. If you intend to fight 4v20+ with siege spam, you should hope you have a healer.

    Unfortunately I cant play all the time, and I cant stress about logging in weird hours to hold emp. The core issue I saw this campaign was that EP and AD dont push on each other. Its the silent submissive AD sitting down south content to sit at Nikel. And whenever EPs been emp now, they are pretty much putting the whole faction together. This relates back to the fact that AD isnt really doing anything, so EP has no reason to go down there, and they dont want to dig into them, because theyre mad at DC.

    I had a lot of fun on emp, sorry to the EP that get bent out of shape over it. I admire EP for coming out and fighting, its more than I can say for AD who just avoided the fight altogether. But balling up with the emperor is pretty silly. When I farmed emp at the start of the campaign, it was just me and Essa farming AP between the other 2 factions. Erza was emp at the time, and only with like 7 people, and we fought. Now? EP emp has a raid plus running behind it. Thats kind of sad when you dont need it.

    Good fights to all, sorry for upsetting EP. Been getting a lot of trash talk from EP folks who throw you on block before ever messaging. I dont know where you get the fact that I could even be salty over this @Malibulove .
  • Vurian97
    I'm just puzzled by the fact that EP is doing what it was complaining about DC doing, difference was, we didn't do it during prime-time, NOR did we stack guilds ontop of tri-keeps, it was just random pugs. Excellent representation of what EP wants though, to push DC off the campaign so that 'campaign health' can be increased in EP population and less on DC population and then EP & AD can go back to bridge wars without concerning themselves with DC pushing into the map.

    Never fails, people want to complain about someone doing something and then go and do it except effecting even more people. It is nice to see that EP has the numbers to fight (which they already did), but the fact that your whole goal is to gate-camp DC is pretty disgusting. I don't want to see any complaints about campaign health from you because you are just damaging it yourself.

    LoDG has already been talking about leaving Azura's Star due to most of DC refusing to work with us as well as just the constant ***-talking that goes on in zone-chat, but with EP stacking on tri-keeps when we log in for prime-time gameplay and do nothing other than zerg us down anywhere we go, we may as well speed that process up.
  • Taylor_MB
    The irony is absurd.

    DC's oceanic Zerg had been nightcapping multiple times a week for about 2months. AD and EP didn't really care and still fought each other constantly because we knew they were new Japanese players who didn't know any better and who didn't use the forums. Multiple times a week AD and EP dethrone DC in a few early hours of prime-time then go back to kicking the *** out of each other while the prime time DC (generally quality and stand up people) recapped their home keeps (usually ignored by AD and EP until they got their 2 emp keeps back).

    Then just as the DC Oceanic crew was dying out, along comes Vurian. Not only did you continue the DC Oceanic tradition, but you also put a face to this despicable gameplay, claiming that you "control who Emps", gloating you've crowned "1000's of Emp's" and declaring constant underdog victories when you Zerg and teabag.

    I don't approve of EP constantly going after your gate keeps, but you brought this on yourself. You made yourself and your entire faction a target by engaging in dirty gameplay, by constantly lying on the forums and generally being an unpleasant person to interact with on the forums or in game.
    PvP Defensive Set Comparison
    Firestarter MagDK 1vX
    - build and gamplay!
    LagPlar Ranged Lag Proof(ish) Magplar
    - build and gamplay!
    ShadowGaurd MagBlade Group Utility Tank
    - build and gamplay!
    Oncoming Storm No-CP 11.6k Ward MagSorc - build and gamplay!
    My YouTube Chanel

  • Humphie
    Taylor_MB wrote: »
    The irony is absurd.

    DC's oceanic Zerg had been nightcapping multiple times a week for about 2months. AD and EP didn't really care and still fought each other constantly because we knew they were new Japanese players who didn't know any better and who didn't use the forums. Multiple times a week AD and EP dethrone DC in a few early hours of prime-time then go back to kicking the *** out of each other while the prime time DC (generally quality and stand up people) recapped their home keeps (usually ignored by AD and EP until they got their 2 emp keeps back).

    Then just as the DC Oceanic crew was dying out, along comes Vurian. Not only did you continue the DC Oceanic tradition, but you also put a face to this despicable gameplay, claiming that you "control who Emps", gloating you've crowned "1000's of Emp's" and declaring constant underdog victories when you Zerg and teabag.

    I don't approve of EP constantly going after your gate keeps, but you brought this on yourself. You made yourself and your entire faction a target by engaging in dirty gameplay, by constantly lying on the forums and generally being an unpleasant person to interact with on the forums or in game.

    Vurian is Mr. DC 2016

    And I should stay away from pinot noir
  • ellahellabella
    Taylor_MB wrote: »
    The irony is absurd.

    DC's oceanic Zerg had been nightcapping multiple times a week for about 2months. AD and EP didn't really care and still fought each other constantly because we knew they were new Japanese players who didn't know any better and who didn't use the forums. Multiple times a week AD and EP dethrone DC in a few early hours of prime-time then go back to kicking the *** out of each other while the prime time DC (generally quality and stand up people) recapped their home keeps (usually ignored by AD and EP until they got their 2 emp keeps back).

    Then just as the DC Oceanic crew was dying out, along comes Vurian. Not only did you continue the DC Oceanic tradition, but you also put a face to this despicable gameplay, claiming that you "control who Emps", gloating you've crowned "1000's of Emp's" and declaring constant underdog victories when you Zerg and teabag.

    I don't approve of EP constantly going after your gate keeps, but you brought this on yourself. You made yourself and your entire faction a target by engaging in dirty gameplay, by constantly lying on the forums and generally being an unpleasant person to interact with on the forums or in game.

    This is EXACTLY what is happening. I don't approve of the constant ep gate pushing but I understand the frustration of my alliance for I have it too. My frustration came with the OC raid that a single player like myself can do nothing against.
    Try to read everything I write with an Australian accent

    PC NA
    Full faction locks are only further dividing an already dwindling pvp community

    Ebonheart Pact
    Sophis (M. Templar), Lilivah Rallenar (M. Sorcerer), Diakoptês (M. Dragonknight), Pins and Needles (M. Nightblade), Claws-your-Curtains (S. Sorcerer), Raan-Mir-Tah (M Warden), Hezik (S Warden)

    Aldmeri Dominion
    Sophis-ticated (M. Templar), Tis not easy being Green (S. Dragonknight)

    Daggerfall Covernant
    Sirius Delatora (M. Nightblade), Ellaberry (S. Templar), Ellabear (pve tank) Claìr De Lune (M. Sorc)
  • Vurian97
    Taylor_MB wrote: »
    The irony is absurd.

    DC's oceanic Zerg had been nightcapping multiple times a week for about 2months. AD and EP didn't really care and still fought each other constantly because we knew they were new Japanese players who didn't know any better and who didn't use the forums. Multiple times a week AD and EP dethrone DC in a few early hours of prime-time then go back to kicking the *** out of each other while the prime time DC (generally quality and stand up people) recapped their home keeps (usually ignored by AD and EP until they got their 2 emp keeps back).

    Then just as the DC Oceanic crew was dying out, along comes Vurian. Not only did you continue the DC Oceanic tradition, but you also put a face to this despicable gameplay, claiming that you "control who Emps", gloating you've crowned "1000's of Emp's" and declaring constant underdog victories when you Zerg and teabag.

    I don't approve of EP constantly going after your gate keeps, but you brought this on yourself. You made yourself and your entire faction a target by engaging in dirty gameplay, by constantly lying on the forums and generally being an unpleasant person to interact with on the forums or in game.

    Want to explain when and where I lied? Every bit of what I've posted has been factual, evidence by my Twitch. I livestream ALL of my PvP experience. When I'm losing, when I'm winning, when it's not interesting and it's just a defense camp out, when we're sneaking about, when I'm playing solo in the mornings, etc. It's all LIVESTREAMED and RECORDED. Want a fact-check? Check my stream for anything that I say. I am not on the Forums to lie and build some *** propoganda. I play with my guild and pugs. What would I benfit from by lying? I love the competition that EP & DC have, but some people are taking it to the next-level by destroying the thing that they claim they are so concerned about.

    I know I made myself a target and capped the map a few times and then openly spoke about it. However, I didn't do it on a nightly basis. I was cheering my guild on, do you not do that? Are you not proud of your guild's accomplishments?
    Considering Legion of Death Gaming hasn't been on ESO for longer than a month & a half right now and 90% of our guild hasn't been playing ESO for longer than a month. I'm very proud of what they have accomplished and I'm going to show that on the Forums for the campaign that they accomplished it in.

    Celebrating an accomplishment made me a target. Owning up to my actions made me a target.

    You know what I don't get? I was asked to stop touching tri-keeps and I did and the way people acted was this: "OH HE STOPPED TOUCHING OUR TRI-KEEPS, LET'S TOUCH HIS NOW". Nice retaliation. It was amazing to see that people don't change at all. You will play victim until you can make someone else the victim instead.

  • Malibulove
    When all factions are at 3 bars, it's a big difference. Because no matter what you want to say, DC has the population advantage over the longterm. So it's trivial for them to push out during primetime, they do it every night in under an hour after they pop-lock.

    It doesn't even compare to all the times DC gate-camped AD/EP, when DC was just casually keeping AD/EP bottled up at their gates for 8+ hours.
    Chill Bro of Chill Bros

    Hooked-on-a-Feeling - Stamsorc (EP)
    Freddíe Mercury - Lead singer of Queen (EP)
    A Blizzard Wizard Lizard - P2Warden (DC)
    Prequels Anakin - Mageblade (AD)
  • Vurian97
    Malibulove wrote: »
    When all factions are at 3 bars, it's a big difference. Because no matter what you want to say, DC has the population advantage over the longterm. So it's trivial for them to push out during primetime, they do it every night in under an hour after they pop-lock.

    It doesn't even compare to all the times DC gate-camped AD/EP, when DC was just casually keeping AD/EP bottled up at their gates for 8+ hours.

    Doesn't compare to when like 5 people defended against like 8?

    EP has like 40-60 players stacked into TRIKEEPS during PRIME TIME and DC has barely 30 people trying to push.
  • PenguinInACan
    Forum drama aside..I think we need to clear some things up.

    1. DC has had the most population consistently on AZ for the last 3-4 cycles.
    2. DC has (from my experiences) had the highest concentration of negative/toxic players for the last 3-4 cycles.
    3. DC has been at the AD gates for no other reason than to be both toxic/negative for the last 3-4 cycles.
    4. EP has exhibited similar behaviors in at least 1 of the last 3-4 cycles.
    5. DC/EP have both crowned emperor in "off" hours of NA prime time dozens of times in the last 3-4 cycles.

    Just from reading the history of this forum thread its easy to see that DC was not needed on this campaign. So when a claim is made that a guild or group is doing something to hurt the server, please reference previous posts and actually do some research. If what someone wants is to be able to push the map to the both gates every night and completely dominate the campaign then go ahead, but when people start claiming its done in retaliation we are going to run into the same recursive pushes we have been seeing for the last 4 months. And AD is going to get stuck in between because lets face it....EP and DC exist on AZ to farm AD...

  • Vurian97
    EP and DC exist on AZ to farm AD...

    I honestly thought it was AD farming the other two, because it doesn't seem like AD gets pushed on often but they'll push on whoever is getting pushed on heavily and AP Farm them on a regular basis. I honestly love the fact that Tertiary Meat can flip Bleakers and farm pugs from DC & EP on a regular basis and the pugs don't learn to stop going there. It is hilarious.
  • PenguinInACan
    Vurian97 wrote: »

    I honestly thought it was AD farming the other two, because it doesn't seem like AD gets pushed on often but they'll push on whoever is getting pushed on heavily and AP Farm them on a regular basis. I honestly love the fact that Tertiary Meat can flip Bleakers and farm pugs from DC & EP on a regular basis and the pugs don't learn to stop going there. It is hilarious.

    I should clarify...EP/DC exist to farm AD yes..but AD (or at least TM currently) exists to annoy EP/DC. Wherever they decide to push we will be there....waiting to elicit the hate.
  • Taylor_MB
    Vurian97 wrote: »
    Want to explain when and where I lied?
    It would be quicker to list what you have not lied about or contradicted yourself, but nevertheless....

    Vurian97 wrote: »
    I enjoy leading groups, leading the charge.
    Your own videos show you sitting at the back on siege while your group charges.

    Source (Vurian back on BWB)
    Vurian97 wrote: »
    A very fun night of PvP! The Daggerfall Covenant took quite a bit tonight but it won't matter because the Ebonheart Pact will just night-cap everything like they always do, it's the only reason they win in this campaign.
    This is the only reason DC won the last campaign. Despite what you've said anyone who plays AS knows DC gets stomped prime time and only leads because of the near 100% point coverage when no one is online (recent exception was when you were riding the wave of Fengrush fanbois in prime time).

    Vurian97 wrote: »
    We will take an enemies scrolls but we won't gate-camp. We also will limit our defense of tri-keeps after capping an entire map.
    You in a tri-keep when AD had no scrolls:

    Vurian97 wrote: »
    When I claim crowning thousands, that goes back mainly to the days of us being the only EP guild in the Blackwater Blade campaign against 2-3 AD guilds and 2 DC guilds, same goes for recent days of being the only DC guild in Blackwater Blade. Back whenever we were <Blackwater Heroes> we were able to flip the map red and crown atleast 1 Emperor every day, and did that for an entire Summer (2015).
    Okay, lets break this down. Assuming you've played since launch (even though BWB didn't exists at launch) apart from that 1 year break you took, April 2014 to now (minus a year) is approximately 635 days. EVEN IF you crowned 2 emps every day during Summer of 2015 (2 x 90 days)(you didn't) and 1 emp every single other day (you didn't) that is only 725 Emp's since launch. So in the BEST possible circumstances you still have not crowned one thousand, let alone "thousands". This is a bold face lie in a vain attempt to boost your ego. This was one of your first forays onto the forums since you returned, you immediately made blatantly obvious to everyone what type of person you are. A liar.
    Stridig wrote: »
    Again...... Our guild (DC) runs daily in BwB which was released in/around August 14, 2014. Thousands of Emps alone in BwB. Nah.

    Vurian97 wrote: »
    Keep sending rude whispers and you will continue to get t-bagged. Real simple.
    I've never sent you a whisper at all, get a better justification for zerging and teabagging.

    I've already refuted most of your stuff in this thread so I won't rehash anymore of that. I don't know why I bothered to do this (5 minute cooldown on boss loot is stupid) seeming there is not a single person who believes the garbage and lies you sprout about on this forums.

    Yes what EP is doing is not very sportsmanlike to DC.... however, for months AD and EP have been dealing with DC Oceanic zerg and not retaliating during the day, it is solely because of you that this is happening.

    Edited by Taylor_MB on December 31, 2016 1:07PM
    PvP Defensive Set Comparison
    Firestarter MagDK 1vX
    - build and gamplay!
    LagPlar Ranged Lag Proof(ish) Magplar
    - build and gamplay!
    ShadowGaurd MagBlade Group Utility Tank
    - build and gamplay!
    Oncoming Storm No-CP 11.6k Ward MagSorc - build and gamplay!
    My YouTube Chanel

  • Alishka_Gunter
    OMG Tay, that is probably one of the best posts I've read on here. Concrete proof he is a liar and a detailed and vivid explanation WHY what is happening to DC.... Is happening.

    I told you Vurian. Be careful what you wish for...
    GM of Einherjar (EHJ)

    Alishka Gunter - Stamina Nightblade
    Gunter Smash - Magicka Dragonknight
    Alishka Tempestas - Magicka Sorcerer
    Alishka Arrowflinger - Stamina Nightblade
    Alishka Hides In Bushes - Magicka Nightblade
    Gunter Hearts Blueberries - Magicka Templar

This discussion has been closed.