Azura's Star NA PC Thread

  • Vurian97
    yodased wrote: »
    Vurian the type of guy that has his team set up siege when its 10v1 or 15v2 and then teabag you, so not sure why anyone even gets riled up over it.

    Just another kid who has delusions of being some great keyboard general. Again i will state, by engaging you are only prolonging the b.s.

    Ignore the troll on the forums, give his butt a right smacking every time you see him and move on.

    Yodased the type of guy to team up with EP to go up against DC even though EP called in a Trueflame guild to help them zerg the north side of the map.

    GGWP though.
  • yodased
    I'll team up with anyone, blue, red, yellow.

    See I like playing the game, doesn't matter with whom. If you bring 50 like usual and I as a solo player don't have 50, and EP says come kill this clown.

    All aboard!
    Tl;dr really weigh the fun you have in game vs the business practices you are supporting.
  • Remorseless

    Love Palace
  • save_me_jeebus

    Papas in espanol.
    Salia Sangria DC
    -Solanaceae EP
  • Stridig
    Lol. "Mindless blobs of nothingness" is what pugs were referred to. I love it. I wonder how many of those "pugs" are actually in another group? Good stuff in here.
    Enemy to many
    Friend to all
  • ellahellabella

    Something to try for new years, amirite?
    Try to read everything I write with an Australian accent

    PC NA
    Full faction locks are only further dividing an already dwindling pvp community

    Ebonheart Pact
    Sophis (M. Templar), Lilivah Rallenar (M. Sorcerer), Diakoptês (M. Dragonknight), Pins and Needles (M. Nightblade), Claws-your-Curtains (S. Sorcerer), Raan-Mir-Tah (M Warden), Hezik (S Warden)

    Aldmeri Dominion
    Sophis-ticated (M. Templar), Tis not easy being Green (S. Dragonknight)

    Daggerfall Covernant
    Sirius Delatora (M. Nightblade), Ellaberry (S. Templar), Ellabear (pve tank) Claìr De Lune (M. Sorc)
  • Taylor_MB
    Only 3 ingredients and 2 steps, my type of cooking!
    PvP Defensive Set Comparison
    Firestarter MagDK 1vX
    - build and gamplay!
    LagPlar Ranged Lag Proof(ish) Magplar
    - build and gamplay!
    ShadowGaurd MagBlade Group Utility Tank
    - build and gamplay!
    Oncoming Storm No-CP 11.6k Ward MagSorc - build and gamplay!
    My YouTube Chanel

  • Heike
    Vurian97 wrote: »
    Vurian97 wrote: »
    You know what I find funny? You keep saying it took 2 B A D S to wipe my group but never mention how many were in my group. How many did you wipe? You won't give that information because you don't have it, you are just posting to post.

    You seemed a bit triggered there, do you need a safe space? Might I recommend the new houses that are being released in February? You'll be safe there. Perhaps, I might recommend the 8:00am - 11:00am CST time-clock when the Ebonheart Pact morning caps the map, just like the Daggerfall Covenant does at 11:30pm - 3:00am CST. Your faction does the same thing mine does, the difference is, yours waits until EVERYONE logs, mine just keeps rolling as prime-time comes to a close.

    It is a real shame when you try to call me out on something but yet your own faction does the same thing. Keep putting me in the limelight, sweetheart, you are easy recruitment propaganda and nothing but a toy to be played with from time to time.

    Also: Go through the first few pages of this thread when you asked for more Daggerfall Covenant to come to this campaign back in July. It may have taken us a while to show up, but we're here. Just because you didn't like the outcome doesn't mean you don't get to forget you asked for this. YOU asked for more Daggerfall Covenant to come to this campaign.

    It's awkward when your own request happens and you realize you didn't want what you received, isn't it?

    Yes, the request was made what, six or seven months ago when Lextors group of AD camped the entire map with the reminder of AD. Things clearly have changed. When we arrived here half way through the first AZ (after the TF/AZ switch) and took breakers with 9, 90+ AD showed up. There was also two active EP players, Mikmak and Zapfino. After FWF, EHJ and a few others crushed Lextors group and took control of the map, EHJ move to EP to help balance the map. At the same time, *** took the Leafers from AD to EP. So yes, while we made the request months ago, it clearly is not the intent today. The fact that you've used this as a focal point of your argument also shows how weak your side of this really is.

    Second, a 19 year old punk kid should REALLY fact check who he is talking too. Might clarify some things...

    And dumb ass, I DID state how many in your group the two of us killed. In fact I posted the screenshot with names redacted... There were at least ten on the screen and you hadn't even been *** slapped yet, so that would make 11.

    ...If and when you have 17 deployments under your belt than you can "come at me" with that nonsense...

    Who here has 17 deployments "under their belts"? You...?

    I'm AD. Always have been AD. And, like pretty much everyone else here, I think Vurian is a potato and is essentially a non-factor where fights are concerned. But, "17 deployments?" Let's not lose our minds here, folks.

    I'm hoping that this was just used as as example, and not a claim.
    Edited by Heike on December 28, 2016 7:37AM
    Mihail Heike
    (NA AD CP1800 Templar - DD/Heals)
    Heikers | The Hive Mind | Dead Nirn Dealers | Bowz N The Hood | Tertiary Meat
    "Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi"

    "I will see you, galloping across the green pastures and through the timbers. I will watch, from my shadowy crouch under the rocks at Greenmead, as you race past the dolmen, with thoughts of Altadoon in your head. Yes, I will see you. And your journey will end there..."
    ~Mihail Heike
  • ellahellabella
    Taylor_MB wrote: »
    Only 3 ingredients and 2 steps, my type of cooking!

    Agreed. Why spend hours in the kitchen that you could be using to kill people in pvp instead?
    Try to read everything I write with an Australian accent

    PC NA
    Full faction locks are only further dividing an already dwindling pvp community

    Ebonheart Pact
    Sophis (M. Templar), Lilivah Rallenar (M. Sorcerer), Diakoptês (M. Dragonknight), Pins and Needles (M. Nightblade), Claws-your-Curtains (S. Sorcerer), Raan-Mir-Tah (M Warden), Hezik (S Warden)

    Aldmeri Dominion
    Sophis-ticated (M. Templar), Tis not easy being Green (S. Dragonknight)

    Daggerfall Covernant
    Sirius Delatora (M. Nightblade), Ellaberry (S. Templar), Ellabear (pve tank) Claìr De Lune (M. Sorc)
  • WhiteMage
    If anything in DC zone today doesn't stay in DC zone... well, prepare yourselves, forumgoers. Things are going to LITERALLY get crazy. Underneath all of the amazing cooperation a number of characters were going at it.

    If you're not DC, you missed out.
    The generally amicable yet sporadically salty magplar that may or may not have 1vXed you in Sotha Sil. Who knows?
  • Taylor_MB
    WhiteMage wrote: »
    If anything in DC zone today doesn't stay in DC zone... well, prepare yourselves, forumgoers. Things are going to LITERALLY get crazy. Underneath all of the amazing cooperation a number of characters were going at it.

    If you're not DC, you missed out.

    Share you tease!
    PvP Defensive Set Comparison
    Firestarter MagDK 1vX
    - build and gamplay!
    LagPlar Ranged Lag Proof(ish) Magplar
    - build and gamplay!
    ShadowGaurd MagBlade Group Utility Tank
    - build and gamplay!
    Oncoming Storm No-CP 11.6k Ward MagSorc - build and gamplay!
    My YouTube Chanel

  • WhiteMage
    Shhhhh wait and see, wait and see...

    I said "literally" so, with Fengrush and Krotha as my witness, that means two things:

    First, Vurian is triggered
    And second, Sora is accumulating salt to shower us with

    Prepare yourselves...
    Forum PvP is coming!
    The generally amicable yet sporadically salty magplar that may or may not have 1vXed you in Sotha Sil. Who knows?
  • Vurian97
    WhiteMage wrote: »
    Shhhhh wait and see, wait and see...

    I said "literally" so, with Fengrush and Krotha as my witness, that means two things:

    First, Vurian is triggered
    And second, Sora is accumulating salt to shower us with

    Prepare yourselves...
    Forum PvP is coming!

    Wasn't triggered, just wanted to see how far Sora would go. Their real colors were shown today and I wasn't one bit surprised. Racial, sexual, every level of offensive terms were used in an effort to belittle me. I don't know who they are, but they aren't exactly 'prime' material when it comes to personalities.
  • Alishka_Gunter
    Kartalin wrote: »

    This is why I record, so there can be no arguing the point ;)

    I use to record everything and hold it for a couple days. Guess I'll have to start doing that again as you have suggested ;)
    GM of Einherjar (EHJ)

    Alishka Gunter - Stamina Nightblade
    Gunter Smash - Magicka Dragonknight
    Alishka Tempestas - Magicka Sorcerer
    Alishka Arrowflinger - Stamina Nightblade
    Alishka Hides In Bushes - Magicka Nightblade
    Gunter Hearts Blueberries - Magicka Templar

  • yodased
    again wake up, completely blue, but with the added benefit of full level p.o.s. blues defending blackboot and bloodmayne with no scrolls.

    Is there some sort of test you have to take to be D.C.?
    Tl;dr really weigh the fun you have in game vs the business practices you are supporting.
  • Minnesinger
    yodased wrote: »
    again wake up, completely blue, but with the added benefit of full level p.o.s. blues defending blackboot and bloodmayne with no scrolls.

    Is there some sort of test you have to take to be D.C.?

    Like this? Plaston+palikat+(6).JPG

    The wind is cold where I live,
    The blizzard is my home,
    Snow and ice and loaded dice, the Wizard lives alone.
  • ChrisXO
    Maybe it's just for the holidays.
    - ad scrub -
  • Jamini
    yodased wrote: »
    again wake up, completely blue, but with the added benefit of full level p.o.s. blues defending blackboot and bloodmayne with no scrolls.

    Is there some sort of test you have to take to be D.C.?

    Now I'm kind of sad I missed it. I've been PvEing a lot recently (friends. Trials. Other guilds. Family)
    Edited by Jamini on December 28, 2016 5:32PM
    "Adapt. or Die."
  • Humphie
    ChrisXO wrote: »
    Maybe it's just for the holidays.

    Nope. Same old same old.
  • Vurian97
    LoDG's group disbanded after Fengrush was crowned Emperor, whoever finished flipping it was not us.
  • Alishka_Gunter
    Vurian97 wrote: »
    LoDG's group disbanded after Fengrush was crowned Emperor, whoever finished flipping it was not us.

    We know who it was who capped it at 0300. It was quite comical tbh as they had to call in more people to help.
    GM of Einherjar (EHJ)

    Alishka Gunter - Stamina Nightblade
    Gunter Smash - Magicka Dragonknight
    Alishka Tempestas - Magicka Sorcerer
    Alishka Arrowflinger - Stamina Nightblade
    Alishka Hides In Bushes - Magicka Nightblade
    Gunter Hearts Blueberries - Magicka Templar

  • Vurian97
    Vurian97 wrote: »
    LoDG's group disbanded after Fengrush was crowned Emperor, whoever finished flipping it was not us.

    We know who it was who capped it at 0300. It was quite comical tbh as they had to call in more people to help.

    LoDG wasn't even around for the AD keeps to flip, we were in the process of stealing EP's scrolls when he crowned, after he crowned we decided the map was done and so we logged, per our part to help with campaign health.
  • Joshlenoir
    ChrisXO wrote: »



    Anyone on blue who plays on a map like this, tried hard to defend blue keeps with the map like this, or stays up to cap the map like this, is the lowest and least respectable kind of player.
    I get it, oceanic night capping happens, but I know for a fact there are DC that log on the next morning and defend other factions first 2 keeps with EMP + Zerg, it's disgusting. I wanted to come back to PvP after beating myself up over VMA, but I'd rather run VMA wearing Vurian Johnson's build than play against BS like that, this is why PvP is dying
  • yodased
    Yeah its not like its inexperienced pugs, its the emperor defending black boot and bloodmayne with full groups, while the entire server is blue.

    You won't be seeing me in azura thats for sure.
    Tl;dr really weigh the fun you have in game vs the business practices you are supporting.
  • ellahellabella
    Good thing that I'm away on holidays this week. Surfing at the beaches > bashing my head against a blue kings/farra anyday.
    @Vurian97 perhaps give your guild another holiday in Trueflame for a week. If this stuff continues, most people will just leave. Even I'll take Lagflame over seiging my tri keeps back every night.
    Edit- By most people, I mean what forces we have left fighting at that hour. Already lost some great ep to this stuff as far back as Salty Sora's reign of the blue keeps.
    @svartorn I miss yooooou. :(
    Edited by ellahellabella on December 29, 2016 2:15AM
    Try to read everything I write with an Australian accent

    PC NA
    Full faction locks are only further dividing an already dwindling pvp community

    Ebonheart Pact
    Sophis (M. Templar), Lilivah Rallenar (M. Sorcerer), Diakoptês (M. Dragonknight), Pins and Needles (M. Nightblade), Claws-your-Curtains (S. Sorcerer), Raan-Mir-Tah (M Warden), Hezik (S Warden)

    Aldmeri Dominion
    Sophis-ticated (M. Templar), Tis not easy being Green (S. Dragonknight)

    Daggerfall Covernant
    Sirius Delatora (M. Nightblade), Ellaberry (S. Templar), Ellabear (pve tank) Claìr De Lune (M. Sorc)
  • Joshlenoir
    Vurian97 wrote: »
    WhiteMage wrote: »
    Shhhhh wait and see, wait and see...

    I said "literally" so, with Fengrush and Krotha as my witness, that means two things:

    First, Vurian is triggered
    And second, Sora is accumulating salt to shower us with

    Prepare yourselves...
    Forum PvP is coming!

    Wasn't triggered, just wanted to see how far Sora would go. Their real colors were shown today and I wasn't one bit surprised. Racial, sexual, every level of offensive terms were used in an effort to belittle me. I don't know who they are, but they aren't exactly 'prime' material when it comes to personalities.

    Speaking of real colors, it was really fun joining your discord with an alternate name, bringing up myself and hearing your terrible group trash talk me as a player, then WHEN asked to 1v1 you all dodged and back tracked, it was hilarious. Also Vurian, you became a confirmed D bag in my eyes after you said something along the lines of "if you see anyone dueling in Azuras, interrupt that (slang word for feces). ESO is a large scale PvP game they should go outside of here".
    It was also really funny watching you internalise everything your did Zerg did at bleakers acting like you actually killed me yourself then talking trash after I deliberately jumped in to target you knowing I would die, really let me see your true thought process. Especially the idiot in your group crying about how overpowered night blades saying incap should be 150 ultimate and saying I'm going to suck after "night blades get nerfed" regardless of the fact that I run 0 proc sets in my open world/dueling set up except when I gank for the lulz. Also it was extremely funny watching you say my Templar is easy to kill and has bad DPS even though you can never engage me without a group less than 5 and even when that happens the only thing you can do is block, pop healing ULT, and run to your dedicated potatoe healers for cover like a baby deer.
    So let me lay a few things out for you
    1. Absolutely nobody that knows even a little bit about PvP respects you or would ever take your word/advice about anything PvP related
    2. You are amongst some of the worst players in Azuras with your less than 17k stamina and Magicka pseudo tank pseudo hybrid build which is why you need (not choose to) run in zergs just to stay alive and can't fight an outnumbered fight if your life depended on it
    3. Nobody values or respects or takes anyone seriously who runs in zergs, constantly outnumbered his opposition and acts like he's the leader of the most feared guild in Azuras even though you're the butt of every single joke and roast I see
    4. Your entire guild is made up of below average players who mega Zerg everything in their path to fight against the small groups they would otherwise wipe against should their numbers be similar.
    5. Everybody knows ESO is a large scale PvP game, nobody is arguing that, but acting like what you do takes knowledge, skill and coordination is extremely far from the truth. Please realize any person on ESO new or not can replace your role in Azuras, zerging takes 0 knowledge, 0 skill, 0 experience. All you do is follow the leader, spam idiot friendly mechanics when you see an enemy and hope you have enough numbers to "win"
    6. Winning the campaign gives you absolutely 0 bragging rights, especially since so many other factors contribute to blue currently winning the campaign, and your presence on one faction (or the lack thereof) wouldn't change how Azuras is. Especially since blue has been winning the last like 4 campaigns. Apart from when I was emperor 2 campaigns and fought oceanic zergs with dedicated ep players ( shout out to @ellahellabella, ringsel, @BeefBoy, cozzy, dovahmiim, Zephier, etc. Fun times :smile: ) for a week straight to hold emp which ended up making EP win the campaign, but you don't see me bragging about it, Even though it took a lot more effort than whatever it is you do, cause I guarantee had you been in my shoes that would not happen.

    Lastly I'm still offering 100k to anyone in your guild that can beat me in a duel since they love to talk without backing it up
  • Taylor_MB
    The plot thickens!

    Joshlenoir wrote: »
    Speaking of real colors, it was really fun joining your discord with an alternate name, bringing up myself and hearing your terrible group trash talk me as a player
    Like you've never trashed talked anyone though.
    Joshlenoir wrote: »
    Especially since blue has been winning the last like 4 campaigns. Apart from when I was emperor 2 campaigns and fought oceanic zergs with dedicated ep players ( shout out to @ellahellabella, ringsel, @BeefBoy, cozzy, dovahmiim, Zephier, etc. Fun times :smile: ) for a week straight to hold emp which ended up making EP win the campaign, but you don't see me bragging about it, Even though it took a lot more effort than whatever it is you do, cause I guarantee had you been in my shoes that would not happen.
    Except you are bragging about it >.>


    Everything else pretty spot on.
    Edited by Taylor_MB on December 29, 2016 3:47AM
    PvP Defensive Set Comparison
    Firestarter MagDK 1vX
    - build and gamplay!
    LagPlar Ranged Lag Proof(ish) Magplar
    - build and gamplay!
    ShadowGaurd MagBlade Group Utility Tank
    - build and gamplay!
    Oncoming Storm No-CP 11.6k Ward MagSorc - build and gamplay!
    My YouTube Chanel

  • Adenoma
    Salty Sora is back? I was under the impression he was gone - I thought he had said enough racist, homophobic, and just par-for-the-course rude stuff for ZOS to actually have the initiative to ban him. I guess Azura's has to deal with a less entertaining Sarenvog again.
  • Malibulove
    Let's play a game.

    How many people were in the DC small-man?
    If you guessed 37, you win!

    Also Bonus from when the entire zerg grouped up


    DC is unequivocally the zerg faction no matter what elite little groups are hiding in that hive.

    Chill Bro of Chill Bros

    Hooked-on-a-Feeling - Stamsorc (EP)
    Freddíe Mercury - Lead singer of Queen (EP)
    A Blizzard Wizard Lizard - P2Warden (DC)
    Prequels Anakin - Mageblade (AD)
    yodased wrote: »
    Yeah its not like its inexperienced pugs, its the emperor defending black boot and bloodmayne with full groups, while the entire server is blue.

    You won't be seeing me in azura thats for sure.

    Emperor at black boot and bloodmayne with full group(S*)... lol.

    Dont even think Ive been to black boot this campaign.
This discussion has been closed.