Azura's Star NA PC Thread

  • TheGoosely
    Soul Shriven
    Joshlenoir wrote: »
    Vurian97 wrote: »
    WhiteMage wrote: »
    Shhhhh wait and see, wait and see...

    I said "literally" so, with Fengrush and Krotha as my witness, that means two things:

    First, Vurian is triggered
    And second, Sora is accumulating salt to shower us with

    Prepare yourselves...
    Forum PvP is coming!

    Wasn't triggered, just wanted to see how far Sora would go. Their real colors were shown today and I wasn't one bit surprised. Racial, sexual, every level of offensive terms were used in an effort to belittle me. I don't know who they are, but they aren't exactly 'prime' material when it comes to personalities.

    Speaking of real colors, it was really fun joining your discord with an alternate name, bringing up myself and hearing your terrible group trash talk me as a player, then WHEN asked to 1v1 you all dodged and back tracked, it was hilarious. Also Vurian, you became a confirmed D bag in my eyes after you said something along the lines of "if you see anyone dueling in Azuras, interrupt that (slang word for feces). ESO is a large scale PvP game they should go outside of here".
    It was also really funny watching you internalise everything your did Zerg did at bleakers acting like you actually killed me yourself then talking trash after I deliberately jumped in to target you knowing I would die, really let me see your true thought process. Especially the idiot in your group crying about how overpowered night blades saying incap should be 150 ultimate and saying I'm going to suck after "night blades get nerfed" regardless of the fact that I run 0 proc sets in my open world/dueling set up except when I gank for the lulz. Also it was extremely funny watching you say my Templar is easy to kill and has bad DPS even though you can never engage me without a group less than 5 and even when that happens the only thing you can do is block, pop healing ULT, and run to your dedicated potatoe healers for cover like a baby deer.
    So let me lay a few things out for you
    1. Absolutely nobody that knows even a little bit about PvP respects you or would ever take your word/advice about anything PvP related
    2. You are amongst some of the worst players in Azuras with your less than 17k stamina and Magicka pseudo tank pseudo hybrid build which is why you need (not choose to) run in zergs just to stay alive and can't fight an outnumbered fight if your life depended on it
    3. Nobody values or respects or takes anyone seriously who runs in zergs, constantly outnumbered his opposition and acts like he's the leader of the most feared guild in Azuras even though you're the butt of every single joke and roast I see
    4. Your entire guild is made up of below average players who mega Zerg everything in their path to fight against the small groups they would otherwise wipe against should their numbers be similar.
    5. Everybody knows ESO is a large scale PvP game, nobody is arguing that, but acting like what you do takes knowledge, skill and coordination is extremely far from the truth. Please realize any person on ESO new or not can replace your role in Azuras, zerging takes 0 knowledge, 0 skill, 0 experience. All you do is follow the leader, spam idiot friendly mechanics when you see an enemy and hope you have enough numbers to "win"
    6. Winning the campaign gives you absolutely 0 bragging rights, especially since so many other factors contribute to blue currently winning the campaign, and your presence on one faction (or the lack thereof) wouldn't change how Azuras is. Especially since blue has been winning the last like 4 campaigns. Apart from when I was emperor 2 campaigns and fought oceanic zergs with dedicated ep players ( shout out to @ellahellabella, ringsel, @BeefBoy, cozzy, dovahmiim, Zephier, etc. Fun times :smile: ) for a week straight to hold emp which ended up making EP win the campaign, but you don't see me bragging about it, Even though it took a lot more effort than whatever it is you do, cause I guarantee had you been in my shoes that would not happen.

    Lastly I'm still offering 100k to anyone in your guild that can beat me in a duel since they love to talk without backing it up

    Josh where you been. I haven't seen you around.
  • Humphie
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    yodased wrote: »
    Yeah its not like its inexperienced pugs, its the emperor defending black boot and bloodmayne with full groups, while the entire server is blue.

    You won't be seeing me in azura thats for sure.

    Emperor at black boot and bloodmayne with full group(S*)... lol.

    Dont even think Ive been to black boot this campaign.

    I don't think he means you. Before you crowned it was a common thing for blue emps in AZ.
  • TheGoosely
    Soul Shriven
    Azuras isn't fun when you have over 50 DC Zerging down the front door of BRK with ~20 EP Defenders. They had NBs stealthed at every door so no EP could get in to the inner to defend. It's unbalanced and not fun. DC is literally going to kill the campaign. I spent most of the morning getting zerged down while trying to take a resource. It was ridiculous.
  • Scamh
    Rolled a banana (just another ganker cause cbf'd to do much else) to play in AS when TF lags me out too much.

    I take my responsibility and will cull that DC zerg back to normal proportions ;)
    The Upside Down (Stamplar) - Osaka Sewers X (Stamblade) - A Scanner Darkly (Magblade) - Taylor Swiftborn (Stam sorc)
  • Joshlenoir
    TheGoosely wrote: »
    Joshlenoir wrote: »
    Vurian97 wrote: »
    WhiteMage wrote: »
    Shhhhh wait and see, wait and see...

    I said "literally" so, with Fengrush and Krotha as my witness, that means two things:

    First, Vurian is triggered
    And second, Sora is accumulating salt to shower us with

    Prepare yourselves...
    Forum PvP is coming!

    Wasn't triggered, just wanted to see how far Sora would go. Their real colors were shown today and I wasn't one bit surprised. Racial, sexual, every level of offensive terms were used in an effort to belittle me. I don't know who they are, but they aren't exactly 'prime' material when it comes to personalities.

    Speaking of real colors, it was really fun joining your discord with an alternate name, bringing up myself and hearing your terrible group trash talk me as a player, then WHEN asked to 1v1 you all dodged and back tracked, it was hilarious. Also Vurian, you became a confirmed D bag in my eyes after you said something along the lines of "if you see anyone dueling in Azuras, interrupt that (slang word for feces). ESO is a large scale PvP game they should go outside of here".
    It was also really funny watching you internalise everything your did Zerg did at bleakers acting like you actually killed me yourself then talking trash after I deliberately jumped in to target you knowing I would die, really let me see your true thought process. Especially the idiot in your group crying about how overpowered night blades saying incap should be 150 ultimate and saying I'm going to suck after "night blades get nerfed" regardless of the fact that I run 0 proc sets in my open world/dueling set up except when I gank for the lulz. Also it was extremely funny watching you say my Templar is easy to kill and has bad DPS even though you can never engage me without a group less than 5 and even when that happens the only thing you can do is block, pop healing ULT, and run to your dedicated potatoe healers for cover like a baby deer.
    So let me lay a few things out for you
    1. Absolutely nobody that knows even a little bit about PvP respects you or would ever take your word/advice about anything PvP related
    2. You are amongst some of the worst players in Azuras with your less than 17k stamina and Magicka pseudo tank pseudo hybrid build which is why you need (not choose to) run in zergs just to stay alive and can't fight an outnumbered fight if your life depended on it
    3. Nobody values or respects or takes anyone seriously who runs in zergs, constantly outnumbered his opposition and acts like he's the leader of the most feared guild in Azuras even though you're the butt of every single joke and roast I see
    4. Your entire guild is made up of below average players who mega Zerg everything in their path to fight against the small groups they would otherwise wipe against should their numbers be similar.
    5. Everybody knows ESO is a large scale PvP game, nobody is arguing that, but acting like what you do takes knowledge, skill and coordination is extremely far from the truth. Please realize any person on ESO new or not can replace your role in Azuras, zerging takes 0 knowledge, 0 skill, 0 experience. All you do is follow the leader, spam idiot friendly mechanics when you see an enemy and hope you have enough numbers to "win"
    6. Winning the campaign gives you absolutely 0 bragging rights, especially since so many other factors contribute to blue currently winning the campaign, and your presence on one faction (or the lack thereof) wouldn't change how Azuras is. Especially since blue has been winning the last like 4 campaigns. Apart from when I was emperor 2 campaigns and fought oceanic zergs with dedicated ep players ( shout out to @ellahellabella, ringsel, @BeefBoy, cozzy, dovahmiim, Zephier, etc. Fun times :smile: ) for a week straight to hold emp which ended up making EP win the campaign, but you don't see me bragging about it, Even though it took a lot more effort than whatever it is you do, cause I guarantee had you been in my shoes that would not happen.

    Lastly I'm still offering 100k to anyone in your guild that can beat me in a duel since they love to talk without backing it up

    Josh where you been. I haven't seen you around.

    Lacked the effort to keep up with forum posts and reply since it's mostly roast Vurian session / complain about blues ruining the campaign, it's fun popping in and out though

    Taylor_MB wrote: »
    The plot thickens!

    Joshlenoir wrote: »
    Speaking of real colors, it was really fun joining your discord with an alternate name, bringing up myself and hearing your terrible group trash talk me as a player
    Like you've never trashed talked anyone though.
    Joshlenoir wrote: »
    Especially since blue has been winning the last like 4 campaigns. Apart from when I was emperor 2 campaigns and fought oceanic zergs with dedicated ep players ( shout out to @ellahellabella, ringsel, @BeefBoy, cozzy, dovahmiim, Zephier, etc. Fun times :smile: ) for a week straight to hold emp which ended up making EP win the campaign, but you don't see me bragging about it, Even though it took a lot more effort than whatever it is you do, cause I guarantee had you been in my shoes that would not happen.
    Except you are bragging about it >.>


    Everything else pretty spot on.

    1. I do trash talk people but I try and keep it as on point and true as possible (not going to tell someone like essa-kh he sucks cause he uses proc sets since he's a good player regardless but I'll sure as hell say Vurian is bad because he is)
    2. not trying to brag / make it about me there's a reason I brought up other players names since it wouldn't be possible without their help. I am proud of what we did though to be completely honest was the most fun I've had in Azuras hands down
  • Alishka_Gunter
    Vurian97 wrote: »
    Vurian97 wrote: »
    LoDG's group disbanded after Fengrush was crowned Emperor, whoever finished flipping it was not us.

    We know who it was who capped it at 0300. It was quite comical tbh as they had to call in more people to help.

    LoDG wasn't even around for the AD keeps to flip, we were in the process of stealing EP's scrolls when he crowned, after he crowned we decided the map was done and so we logged, per our part to help with campaign health.

    Did I say it was you guys? Nope. I said we know who it was.
    GM of Einherjar (EHJ)

    Alishka Gunter - Stamina Nightblade
    Gunter Smash - Magicka Dragonknight
    Alishka Tempestas - Magicka Sorcerer
    Alishka Arrowflinger - Stamina Nightblade
    Alishka Hides In Bushes - Magicka Nightblade
    Gunter Hearts Blueberries - Magicka Templar

  • Vurian97
    I don't understand why people keep telling me I suck at ESO, I never claimed to be good at it.

    As far as the blue map, that isn't LoDG, we've been limiting ourselves for the sake of a healthy campaign, Sora is back and intends to make it "Sora's Star" as they call it, while spamming racial / sexual insults at me in zone chat.

    Josh, you lack respect and earn no respect because all you do is spam whisper people after losing. You don't ever take your L and move on, you act like a child in CoD who just got killed. You aren't even good either, you pick on unsuspecting players who are low on stamina horse-riding and kill them while they're stunned with your burst. If you were good, you would be playing the front-lines killing everyone, but you can't survive there and you know it.

    The fact that you act proud about coming into the LoDG Discord uninvited just goes to show how much of a disgusting person you are, Josh. I'll interrupt your duels anytime I run up onto them because if you were dumb enough to duel where a group is running at, you deserved to die.

    As far as LoDG's groups go, we've ran groups only 3 times this campaign cycle (23rd, 26th, and 27th) *That I have been group leader of*

    I do have concern for Campaign Health but I also am not going to sit back and "respect tri-keeps" when EP doesn't respect it back towards DC. Campaign Health is a priority so long as the other factions make it their priority as well, but I won't stand by and have EP sitting ontop of Rayles & Warden and not retaliate to that action when LoDG has never had a group defend a tri-keep before. You can check my stream videos (There are roughly 60 videos up now) and you can see that I've never ordered a defense of a tri-keep, it has been discussed but never ordered.

    For those that claim they would prefer to play on Trueflame, it would seem you are unaware of the fact that right now the same situation is going on there. Trueflame is DC controlled because a lot of DC on Azura's Star have played over there actively to avoid the mess that is Azura's Star.

    Most of LoDG has viewed Azura's Star as this:
    Sora's playground to talk *** to anybody about anything and make it racial / sexual while doing it.
    The place where the Ebonheart Pact calls in a Trueflame guild to carry the map specifically to try to hold Daggerfall Covenant at their gates (View 2 nights ago)
    The place where if you aren't talking ***, you aren't doing *** (View Josh) (View everyone sending each other hate-whispers 24/7)
    Where if you use strategy to go around the enemy and hit something it is called PvDooring just because they weren't waiting on the walls to defend it and had to run to it instead
    LoDG is the group that if you talk *** you get to pretend to be relevant because you are in that vocal minority that all agree with each other so they think they're right because they don't have much resistance.

    For those that keep claiming that Legion of Death Gaming (LoDG) is the issue with Azura's Star, understand that we have never defended enemy tri-keeps as a guild.
    LoDG rarely attacks tri-keeps when there are no scrolls behind them (Only times we have attacked them is EP's in retaliation to BADS)

    LoDG is discussing potentially setting up AD & EP toons to play on anytime that the map gets heavily unfavorable. (To help with faction imbalance that is being experienced currently)
    *This is simply being discussed, it has not been confirmed.

    Do rememer, just because I am somewhere does not mean that LoDG is there. I'm not leading a group every time I'm online.

  • Alishka_Gunter
    Vurian97 wrote: »
    I don't understand why people keep telling me I suck at ESO, I never claimed to be good at it.

    As far as the blue map, that isn't LoDG, we've been limiting ourselves for the sake of a healthy campaign, Sora is back and intends to make it "Sora's Star" as they call it, while spamming racial / sexual insults at me in zone chat.

    Josh, you lack respect and earn no respect because all you do is spam whisper people after losing. You don't ever take your L and move on, you act like a child in CoD who just got killed. You aren't even good either, you pick on unsuspecting players who are low on stamina horse-riding and kill them while they're stunned with your burst. If you were good, you would be playing the front-lines killing everyone, but you can't survive there and you know it.

    The fact that you act proud about coming into the LoDG Discord uninvited just goes to show how much of a disgusting person you are, Josh. I'll interrupt your duels anytime I run up onto them because if you were dumb enough to duel where a group is running at, you deserved to die.

    As far as LoDG's groups go, we've ran groups only 3 times this campaign cycle (23rd, 26th, and 27th) *That I have been group leader of*

    I do have concern for Campaign Health but I also am not going to sit back and "respect tri-keeps" when EP doesn't respect it back towards DC. Campaign Health is a priority so long as the other factions make it their priority as well, but I won't stand by and have EP sitting ontop of Rayles & Warden and not retaliate to that action when LoDG has never had a group defend a tri-keep before. You can check my stream videos (There are roughly 60 videos up now) and you can see that I've never ordered a defense of a tri-keep, it has been discussed but never ordered.

    For those that claim they would prefer to play on Trueflame, it would seem you are unaware of the fact that right now the same situation is going on there. Trueflame is DC controlled because a lot of DC on Azura's Star have played over there actively to avoid the mess that is Azura's Star.

    Most of LoDG has viewed Azura's Star as this:
    Sora's playground to talk *** to anybody about anything and make it racial / sexual while doing it.
    The place where the Ebonheart Pact calls in a Trueflame guild to carry the map specifically to try to hold Daggerfall Covenant at their gates (View 2 nights ago)
    The place where if you aren't talking ***, you aren't doing *** (View Josh) (View everyone sending each other hate-whispers 24/7)
    Where if you use strategy to go around the enemy and hit something it is called PvDooring just because they weren't waiting on the walls to defend it and had to run to it instead
    LoDG is the group that if you talk *** you get to pretend to be relevant because you are in that vocal minority that all agree with each other so they think they're right because they don't have much resistance.

    For those that keep claiming that Legion of Death Gaming (LoDG) is the issue with Azura's Star, understand that we have never defended enemy tri-keeps as a guild.
    LoDG rarely attacks tri-keeps when there are no scrolls behind them (Only times we have attacked them is EP's in retaliation to BADS)

    LoDG is discussing potentially setting up AD & EP toons to play on anytime that the map gets heavily unfavorable. (To help with faction imbalance that is being experienced currently)
    *This is simply being discussed, it has not been confirmed.

    Do rememer, just because I am somewhere does not mean that LoDG is there. I'm not leading a group every time I'm online.

    Josh and I do not like and have very little respect for each other but even I know Josh is a very good NB. Your entire spiel on him is so far off base and just shows how delusional you truly are. He can't survive at the front lines?????? LOL, Josh is one of the most difficult NB's to kill; his ability to survive AND deal damage made him stand out long before his mouth did.

    Second, what group did EP call in from TF? DR is homed here much like Fengrush is now. They were not called in at any point. Zephier's Judgement group? If you had been here longer then a month, you'd know Zeph has been a regular on AZ, like for the last 4 months. So again, who did we call in?

    It's like you have your own blinders on man, you are completely oblivious to the truth of any situation.
    GM of Einherjar (EHJ)

    Alishka Gunter - Stamina Nightblade
    Gunter Smash - Magicka Dragonknight
    Alishka Tempestas - Magicka Sorcerer
    Alishka Arrowflinger - Stamina Nightblade
    Alishka Hides In Bushes - Magicka Nightblade
    Gunter Hearts Blueberries - Magicka Templar

  • Vurian97
    Zephier plays on EP & DC, he's even been in LoDG's Discord and talked to us. More than aware of him.

    Who tf is DR? I havn't even seen them yet, then again I havn't been online much since the new cycle to see.

    As far as the Trueflame guild goes, I didn't see it myself, just what I was told on the situation that was at hand.

    If there is another EP guild homing on Azura's Star, good deal. However, my reaction was just upset when I heard a Trueflame guild had came in and just zerged the north side of the map to gate DC. If it is honestly just a guild that is newly homed to AS, great deal, I look forward to the competition, because they know what they're doing then.
  • yodased
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    yodased wrote: »
    Yeah its not like its inexperienced pugs, its the emperor defending black boot and bloodmayne with full groups, while the entire server is blue.

    You won't be seeing me in azura thats for sure.

    Emperor at black boot and bloodmayne with full group(S*)... lol.

    Dont even think Ive been to black boot this campaign.

    Must have been a different fengrush with essah and jarjar defending our home keeps with no scrolls yesterday about 10:30 am, apologies then.
    Edited by yodased on December 29, 2016 3:07PM
    Tl;dr really weigh the fun you have in game vs the business practices you are supporting.
  • Micah123
    Vurian97 wrote: »
    Zephier plays on EP & DC, he's even been in LoDG's Discord and talked to us. More than aware of him.

    Who tf is DR? I havn't even seen them yet, then again I havn't been online much since the new cycle to see.

    As far as the Trueflame guild goes, I didn't see it myself, just what I was told on the situation that was at hand.

    If there is another EP guild homing on Azura's Star, good deal. However, my reaction was just upset when I heard a Trueflame guild had came in and just zerged the north side of the map to gate DC. If it is honestly just a guild that is newly homed to AS, great deal, I look forward to the competition, because they know what they're doing then.

    Question Bolded above.

    DR is Darkest Requiem...I could be wrong but I think the majority of their crew comes from the breakdown of GoS.

    There's another guild Vurian knows nothing about...

    If EP wanted to call in guilds from TF they should call in Pact Militia, a zerg to counter the zerg...

    Tertiary Meat
  • Vurian97
    Micah123 wrote: »
    Vurian97 wrote: »
    Zephier plays on EP & DC, he's even been in LoDG's Discord and talked to us. More than aware of him.

    Who tf is DR? I havn't even seen them yet, then again I havn't been online much since the new cycle to see.

    As far as the Trueflame guild goes, I didn't see it myself, just what I was told on the situation that was at hand.

    If there is another EP guild homing on Azura's Star, good deal. However, my reaction was just upset when I heard a Trueflame guild had came in and just zerged the north side of the map to gate DC. If it is honestly just a guild that is newly homed to AS, great deal, I look forward to the competition, because they know what they're doing then.

    Question Bolded above.

    DR is Darkest Requiem...I could be wrong but I think the majority of their crew comes from the breakdown of GoS.

    There's another guild Vurian knows nothing about...

    If EP wanted to call in guilds from TF they should call in Pact Militia, a zerg to counter the zerg...

    Oh, so you mean the guys running around with their GoS tabards still on, hence why I wouldn't know who DR is. Most of them still run the GoS tag.
  • Robbmrp
    yodased wrote: »
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    yodased wrote: »
    Yeah its not like its inexperienced pugs, its the emperor defending black boot and bloodmayne with full groups, while the entire server is blue.

    You won't be seeing me in azura thats for sure.

    Emperor at black boot and bloodmayne with full group(S*)... lol.

    Dont even think Ive been to black boot this campaign.

    Must have been a different fengrush with essah and jarjar defending our home keeps with no scrolls yesterday about 10:30 am, apologies then.

    @yodased, He gets confused at times from talking in the 3rd person, he just forgot he and his lackies were there is all....
    Edited by Robbmrp on December 29, 2016 3:31PM
    NA Server - Kildair
    yodased wrote: »
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    yodased wrote: »
    Yeah its not like its inexperienced pugs, its the emperor defending black boot and bloodmayne with full groups, while the entire server is blue.

    You won't be seeing me in azura thats for sure.

    Emperor at black boot and bloodmayne with full group(S*)... lol.

    Dont even think Ive been to black boot this campaign.

    Must have been a different fengrush with essah and jarjar defending our home keeps with no scrolls yesterday about 10:30 am, apologies then.

    Yea.. it definitely was. I wasnt online at 1030 AM at any point this week. I wasnt down at black boot because I never needed to be, there was nothing down there.

    Stop making things up because some DC killed you at black boot.
  • yodased
    really? O.K. let's agree that you are lying and move on. There are at least 10 AD that can confirm you were there, maybe my time frame is off and it was later or so, but you telling me you were not at our home keeps with essah and jar jar yesterday during the day?

    Tl;dr really weigh the fun you have in game vs the business practices you are supporting.
    yodased wrote: »
    really? O.K. let's agree that you are lying and move on. There are at least 10 AD that can confirm you were there, maybe my time frame is off and it was later or so, but you telling me you were not at our home keeps with essah and jar jar yesterday during the day?

    Yea I am telling you that, you are living in a dream world if you think I was down at black boot yesterday. Have one of them post it, or a video. Because by the time I got on yesterday, AD owned its 3 keeps down south, and I never went beyond fighting at Alessia. Most of the day was spent fighting EP.
  • Vurian97
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    yodased wrote: »
    really? O.K. let's agree that you are lying and move on. There are at least 10 AD that can confirm you were there, maybe my time frame is off and it was later or so, but you telling me you were not at our home keeps with essah and jar jar yesterday during the day?

    Yea I am telling you that, you are living in a dream world if you think I was down at black boot yesterday. Have one of them post it, or a video. Because by the time I got on yesterday, AD owned its 3 keeps down south, and I never went beyond fighting at Alessia. Most of the day was spent fighting EP.

    I can personally attest to that claim. LoDG & Fengrush spent yesterday focused on fighting EP. None of our brigades went down to AD territory. There may have been affiliates there but Fengrush wasn't there, he spent a lot of the day at Sejanus, BRK, and Chalman defending against EP.
  • Crispen_Longbow
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    yodased wrote: »
    really? O.K. let's agree that you are lying and move on. There are at least 10 AD that can confirm you were there, maybe my time frame is off and it was later or so, but you telling me you were not at our home keeps with essah and jar jar yesterday during the day?

    Yea I am telling you that, you are living in a dream world if you think I was down at black boot yesterday. Have one of them post it, or a video. Because by the time I got on yesterday, AD owned its 3 keeps down south, and I never went beyond fighting at Alessia. Most of the day was spent fighting EP.

    There are a few Toons running around with similar spellings to fengrush. Look at the CP and those Toons though and they are in the 300-400 range. I saw them on TF last night. I'm not saying that is what you saw but just an FYI.
    Edited by Crispen_Longbow on December 29, 2016 7:29PM
    Crispen Longbow - Daggerfall Covenant (DC): NB - Rank:50 (NA/PC) - RIP (Blue VE, Khole, LoM, MO)
    Crispen Longboww - Aldmeri Dominion (AD): NB - Rank:50 (NA/PC) - Crispen's House of Pain RIP (KP, Yellow VE, Omni)
    Crispen Longbow-EP - Ebonheart Pact (EP): NB - Rank:50 (NA/PC) - RIP (Red VE)
  • Adenoma
    @FENGRUSH , I don't think everyone films themselves. Some of us just play the game. We know you film yourself (and I don't know how much of that you stream), but your recordings are probably the best bet anyways. No dog in this fight - just making a point of order.
    Edited by Adenoma on December 29, 2016 8:19PM
  • Joshlenoir
    Vurian97 wrote: »
    yodased wrote: »
    oh so you were hiding somewhere then? got it

    Learn strategy. Going head-long into a fight isn't always the best option. View your case. You went head-long into Roebeck and wiped. L2Play.

    Keep making forum posts because you wiped at a keep. :)
    Vurian97 wrote: »

    I hope you enjoyed dying. You wiped at Roebeck again... and let it unflag for the 4th time now while you were inside. Stay bad.
    Vurian97 wrote: »
    I don't understand why people keep telling me I suck at ESO, I never claimed to be good at it.

    You claim to not be good at ESO yet you think you can tell someone like Yodased to stay bad and l2play when he would stomp you into the ground if not for your 24+ man zerg
    Vurian97 wrote: »
    Josh, you lack respect and earn no respect because all you do is spam whisper people after losing. You don't ever take your L and move on, you act like a child in CoD who just got killed. You aren't even good either, you pick on unsuspecting players who are low on stamina horse-riding and kill them while they're stunned with your burst. If you were good, you would be playing the front-lines killing everyone, but you can't survive there and you know it.

    All of my whispers start and end with tbaggers, but thats besides the point, also your claim about me picking on "unsuspecting players who are low on stamina horse-riding" is just complete BS since im not even a ganker, anyone that has seen me play knows thats not what I do but keep pulling out nonsense to make yourself look like you have a point. Lastly the same guy that told someone above that running in on the front lines is not the best option is now telling me I'm not good because im not fighting on the front lines zerg v zerging like a potato, you constantly contradict yourself and have absolutely no legitimacy, thank you for exposing yourself.
  • yodased
    Like I said Fengrush, if it wasn't you it was someone with your name. You were not streaming at the time, I jumped over to twitch immediately after the death to check, but nothing.

    I'll reach out to those that were there, I don't know if they have forum accounts, but like I already said, if it really wansn't you, then apologies all around.

    Tl;dr really weigh the fun you have in game vs the business practices you are supporting.
  • Taylor_MB
    Joshlenoir wrote: »
    All of my whispers start and end with tbaggers,
    Well that's just not true.

    There is so much material to use against Vurian, I don't know why you keep making stuff up and/or really stretching the truth.
    PvP Defensive Set Comparison
    Firestarter MagDK 1vX
    - build and gamplay!
    LagPlar Ranged Lag Proof(ish) Magplar
    - build and gamplay!
    ShadowGaurd MagBlade Group Utility Tank
    - build and gamplay!
    Oncoming Storm No-CP 11.6k Ward MagSorc - build and gamplay!
    My YouTube Chanel

  • Joshlenoir
    Taylor_MB wrote: »
    Joshlenoir wrote: »
    All of my whispers start and end with tbaggers,
    Well that's just not true.

    There is so much material to use against Vurian, I don't know why you keep making stuff up and/or really stretching the truth.

    Well then enlighten me, every time I hate whisper someone it's 99% because they tbag after zerging
  • Taylor_MB
    You whispered me "***|< off" when you were emp cause I kept fearing and mass defiling you (which just motivated me to do it more). We also had a 5min duel outside of a DC controlled Nikel (you as emp), after you finally killed me you tea bagged me.

    I call out hypocrisy when I see it.


    Vurain contradicts himself basically every sentence, sometimes you sound a little like him.
    PvP Defensive Set Comparison
    Firestarter MagDK 1vX
    - build and gamplay!
    LagPlar Ranged Lag Proof(ish) Magplar
    - build and gamplay!
    ShadowGaurd MagBlade Group Utility Tank
    - build and gamplay!
    Oncoming Storm No-CP 11.6k Ward MagSorc - build and gamplay!
    My YouTube Chanel

  • Joshlenoir
    Taylor_MB wrote: »
    You whispered me "***|< off" when you were emp cause I kept fearing and mass defiling you (which just motivated me to do it more). We also had a 5min duel outside of a DC controlled Nikel (you as emp), after you finally killed me you tea bagged me.

    I call out hypocrisy when I see it.


    Vurain contradicts himself basically every sentence, sometimes you sound a little like him.

    you ignored (because I said I didn't feel bad about gate camping DC as emp since they did it to us that morning, then you said "thanks that's all I need to hear") me and I wasn't on bad terms with you (in my eyes) prior to that. When I said f off I specifically remember saying it because you Kept trying to gank me 24/7 as emp and I specifically put a "lol" after so you knew it was light hearted.
    Lastly, it wasn't a duel, you constantly ran around trees camping traps and heavy attack incapping me, and the reason I know it wasn't a duel was because I had enough time to switch ultimates while you hid behind the tree. This was after you ignored me the the reason I stated above, hence the tbagging, because at that moment, I wasnt fond of you.
    I'm not contradicting myself / stretching the truth, there's just two sides to every coin.
    Edited by Joshlenoir on December 30, 2016 12:32AM
  • Taylor_MB
    I was using LoS against an Emp 1v1, how cheap of me, guess that means it wasn't a duel.

    Honestly this is pathetic, you call out Vurain for contradicting himself and tea bagging, and here you are admitting to the exact same thing. Your justification for telling me to *** off (I'm 99% sure there was not a "lol" in there) and tea bagging is as weak as your justification for gate camping DC as Emp.

    Edit: and who doesn't try and gank an Emp? There is no greater target.

    Edited by Taylor_MB on December 30, 2016 12:47AM
    PvP Defensive Set Comparison
    Firestarter MagDK 1vX
    - build and gamplay!
    LagPlar Ranged Lag Proof(ish) Magplar
    - build and gamplay!
    ShadowGaurd MagBlade Group Utility Tank
    - build and gamplay!
    Oncoming Storm No-CP 11.6k Ward MagSorc - build and gamplay!
    My YouTube Chanel

  • Vurian97
    To be fair, most of my posts are trolling and specifically posting whatever will trigger / bother the most people at that current time. Contradictions evidently *** off the BADS members because they keep targetting me, so the trolling continues.

    As far as my serious posts go, it generally involves Campaign Health and avoiding tri-keeps that don't have scrolls behind them. Easily 98% of my posts in the Azura's Star thread have been trolls just to anger people.
  • Joshlenoir
    Taylor_MB wrote: »
    I was using LoS against an Emp 1v1, how cheap of me, guess that means it wasn't a duel.

    Honestly this is pathetic, you call out Vurain for contradicting himself and tea bagging, and here you are admitting to the exact same thing. Your justification for telling me to *** off (I'm 99% sure there was not a "lol" in there) and tea bagging is as weak as your justification for gate camping DC as Emp.

    Edit: and who doesn't try and gank an Emp? There is no greater target.

    I never said you're at a wrong for LoSing or camping traps I just said it wasn't a duel.m because it wasn't, we just found each other open world.
    Like I said I was never angry at you for trying to gank me and I'm 99% sure I did say lol or at least make it clear I wasn't mad at you, I even apologized to you when EP people starting hitting faregyl while you were online, if I hated you I wouldn't have.
    Lastly, I never tbag after zerging or anything like that, so comparing me to Vurian based on you and I doesn't make sense since it's not comparable, and a lot of people disagree with what you said about me having a weak justification for gate camping DC post emeperorship.
    Edited by Joshlenoir on December 30, 2016 1:07AM
  • Rohamad_Ali
    Azura is a dead buff server . There's nothing competive happening . Not even sure why I guest that campaign anymore .
  • WhiteMage
    Them's fighting words, Mr Roh! Azuras is not a buff server because I STILL do not have emp, and not for lack of trying!
    The generally amicable yet sporadically salty magplar that may or may not have 1vXed you in Sotha Sil. Who knows?
This discussion has been closed.