PTS Patch Notes v2.5.0

Maintenance for the week of March 31:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 31, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – April 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – April 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
  • Azurephoenix999
    "World Building

    A few new buildings were added to several zones, and the zone maps were updated accordingly. These buildings are not accessible at this time. In some of these locations, wildlife, and/or bystanders were removed or adjusted to make way for the new construction. In addition, some residents have been moved from their homes, and those buildings are no longer accessible. These changes are in preparation for the upcoming release of Player Housing."

    WHAT!? WHEN!? HOW!? WHO!?


    I'm gonna have to save a crap ton of gold, aren't I?
    Edited by Azurephoenix999 on June 28, 2016 12:59PM
    Guildmaster of Spectral Liberty - Xbox One - European Megaserver
  • kiddafinlay
    Why try to force sorcs to change, some people just love the build and fighting skills, everybody should be seeing changes on the toons skills etc why just stamina builds please???? I play for fun not glory and only do pve, the game should take everybody into account, eso plus will be history for this sorc if we don't see some good changes for us
  • Beruge
    I dont really see the point of 15 minutes longer lasting drinks for nords. Why not make drinks/provisioning items with recovery 15% stronger instead?
    My youtube channel: Beruge Casualgaming
  • rhapsodious
    Beruge wrote: »
    I dont really see the point of 15 minutes longer lasting drinks for nords. Why not make drinks/provisioning items with recovery 15% stronger instead?

    The benefit is supposed to be minimal and fluff, not something that could give you an advantage in more than an incredibly niche situation.
  • Beruge

    The benefit is supposed to be minimal and fluff, not something that could give you an advantage in more than an incredibly niche situation.

    Well if as minimal as possible is what they are going for, they sure hit the right spot. Good way to kill diverse gameplay for nords.
    My youtube channel: Beruge Casualgaming
  • InvitationNotFound
    XaXa wrote: »
    Its a dungeon pack. what were you expecting? We literally just had our 2 big balance updates.

    except they just reinvented the wheel and didn't bring any balance at all.

    Will this cr** update cost anything? ;)

    Edited by InvitationNotFound on June 28, 2016 2:16PM
    We want firing off Dark Exchange in the middle of combat to feel awesome... - The Wrobler
    You know you don't have to be here right? - Rich Lambert
    Verrätst du mir deinen Beruf? Ich würde auch gerne mal Annahmen dazu schreiben, wie simple die Aufgaben anderer sind. - Kai Schober

    RdK Group Tool: esoui DE EN FR
    Port to Friend's House: esoui DE EN FR - Library: DE EN
    Yet another Compass: esoui DE EN FR
    Group Buffs: esoui DE EN FR
  • spartanhunt
    Soul Shriven
    YES . you have to rebuild almost all you charters at a cost
  • spartanhunt
    Soul Shriven
    Why should Imperial DK Tank lose

    health and run round for 1% to get Gold coins ? Which crap head came out with that ?
  • spartanhunt
    Soul Shriven
    If I want Gold I go Grinding . ESO Clowns
  • Kandrecar
    What are the prices for appearance change and new hair stiles?
  • Alanar

    Crafting & Economy
    • The top tier of durable Crafting Writs (Blacksmithing, Woodworking, and Clothier) now require only the top tier of material.


    Now that the top tier of durable Crafting Writs only use top tier materials, I expected the corresponding survey reports to only award top tier materials, but on PTS they continue to award a mix of top tier and second tier. Is this intended?

    This seems bad to me, since it will shift durable crafting writs from being a net producer of top tier materials to a net consumer of top tier materials. As a prolific crafter, having a crafting source of top tier materials has been nice.
    Edited by Alanar on June 28, 2016 2:51PM
  • SwaminoNowlino
    Why should Imperial DK Tank lose

    health and run round for 1% to get Gold coins ? Which crap head came out with that ?

    Imperials didn't lose anything, they just get a passive 1% more gold. Everything else is exactly the same. I think the reason they gave imperial gold instead of Breton is they didn't want it to feel like pay 2 win where you had to upgrade your account to get a better shot at emperor.
    Xbox NA : CP 160 StamPlar, MagNB, MagSorc, StamSorc, StamDK, StamNB, Level 10 MagDK & MagPlar, StamWarden, MagWarden

    "We want firing off Dark Exchange in the middle of combat to feel awesome." - The Balance Lord Wrobel
    - And now it sure does, better learn how to bash folks!

    I get by with a little help from logic.
  • spartanhunt
    Soul Shriven
    Sorry Guy's I'm angry at the way this Game is being handled. When player make great builds and you have a company hell bent on destroying these builds , we have a big problem . I've seen over 200 players leave this Game because of bad management in the way they keep hitting the game play to do with skills and builds. when is it going to stop ?
  • Jackey
    • Nord Skills
    • Two Handed Weapon Expertise: This passive ability has been renamed to “Reveler.” Also, in addition to the current benefit it now increases the duration of any consumed drink by 15 minutes.
    • Robust: This passive ability has been renamed to “Stalwart.” It now increases your Health Recovery by 6/13/20%, down from 10/20/30% and your Max Stamina by 2/4/6%.

    I quite enjoy my Nord magplar.
    RIP :'(
    PS | EU
  • Armitas
    mDK sits in the toilet and development time is wasted on RP fluff? Why? Who decides what gets development time in this game? I have waited a year. How much longer is it going to take for you to get things together?

    Go do a search for mDK on these your forums and then tell me with a straight face that you are managing your time appropriately.
    Edited by Armitas on June 28, 2016 3:38PM
    Nord mDK
  • Memnock
    Breton Skills
    Light Armor Affinity: This passive ability has been renamed to “Opportunist.” Also, in addition to the current benefit it now increases your Alliance Points gained by 1%.
    Dark Elf Skills
    Ambidexterity: This passive ability has been renamed to “Ashlander.” Also, in addition to the current benefit it now reduces your damage taken from lava by 50%.
    Flame Talent: This passive ability has been renamed to “Destructive Ancestry.” Also, in addition to the current benefit it now increases your Frost and Shock Damage by 0/1/2%.
    High Elf Skills
    Destruction Talent: This passive ability has been renamed to “Highborn.” Also, in addition to the current benefit it now increases your experience gained by 1%.

    I have a question : Why did the Dark elf and High elf get a dmg boost to their passives and Bretons got a pvp experiance boost on an armor experiance thing ?

    Could you please rethink this change and make it into something more useful for all aspects of the game ? Maybe instead of of faster leveling of light armor , bretonns get a % increase in their damage done , basically a small version of the Shadow mundus stone.

    This way every one of the magika classes gets something good to them.
  • TheValkyn
    XaXa wrote: »
    Its a dungeon pack. what were you expecting? We literally just had our 2 big balance updates.

    Some companies release 2 dungeons or a raid along with a dungeon every month. They are pretty good ones too. This patch is the first that we've seen a real decline and I think it will set the trend for future patches.
  • cpuScientist
    Storm Knight’s Plate: Increased the proc chance on this item set to 10%, up from 5%, and significantly increased the proc’s Shock Damage. Also, updated this item set’s 3- and 4-piece bonuses to provide Spell Resistance and Max Health, respectively, rather than providing Spell Damage for both.

    Was hoping to use this as a DPS set. Instead we get another Jolting or leeching basically. A tank set that does such minimal damage, since they are not geared up to take advantage of it. Why make this change. Please do change it back.
    Edited by cpuScientist on June 28, 2016 3:11PM
  • DarkMatter909
    EmstCntRob wrote: »
    Please boost breton a bit as well and give them magic damage extra, right now there is no apperent reason to pick a breton except its not an elf or beast race. if you want a bit more balance thats a good start.

    Agree with this. If you do not pvp much then there is no benefit to this change. For balance all racial passives should be viable in any type of game play.

    Edit: if not a boost to spell damage how about spell penetration. Something magicka related as a boost or bonus makes a lot more sense than a pvp only boost. Please consider a better change to the Breton passives that is more usable for the entire game.
    Edited by DarkMatter909 on June 28, 2016 3:30PM
    There are other worlds than these.
  • DarkMatter909
    On racials:
    [*] Bretons' increase to AP also doesn't feel cool. Granted, 1% is nothing, but I still strongly dislike the concept of somebody beating somebody else on the leaderboards just because of the race they chose.

    Thank you for stating this. I don't pvp much but agree with you on the leaderboard point.
    Also if zos does make this lame change without further consideration please at least do more than 1% as that is lame as well.
    Its really a horrible change for this race.

    There are other worlds than these.
  • Isarii
    Enodoc wrote: »
    @Isarii I'm assuming not. It says the items you obtain from these chests will scale to your current level, meaning that when you get them from the chest, they will be scaled to your current level and not capped at CP140. To me, it doesn't suggest that they will continue to scale after you've obtained them.

    But it also says that those items will "always" scale, which is ambiguous at best. I want to believe.
    Edited by Isarii on June 28, 2016 4:07PM
    Isarii Aloroth - PC-NA | Ebonheart Pact | Dunmer | Magicka Nightblade
  • DarkMatter909
    MichYodias wrote: »

    This makes Bretons the inferior magicka race for heals and DPS. Bretons need something to give players a choice when choosing between dark elf and high elf. In my opinion they should get 2% increase to magic damage (magic version of orc weapon damage), or an increase to spell crit (like magic version of khajit), or an increase of the cost reduction passive to 5-6%. One of these changes will at least make bretons and option, especially the spell crit because it was provide a choice to argonian for healing in addition to DPS vs dark elf and high elf.

    Very well said!!
    There are other worlds than these.
  • DarkMatter909
    MichYodias wrote: »

    This makes Bretons the inferior magicka race for heals and DPS. Bretons need something to give players a choice when choosing between dark elf and high elf. In my opinion they should get 2% increase to magic damage (magic version of orc weapon damage), or an increase to spell crit (like magic version of khajit), or an increase of the cost reduction passive to 5-6%. One of these changes will at least make bretons and option, especially the spell crit because it was provide a choice to argonian for healing in addition to DPS vs dark elf and high elf.

    Very well said!!
    There are other worlds than these.
  • Stoltverd
    Always nice to know ZOS still won't hear the community.
    It means the world won't end today.
  • HoundofTara
    Cant argonians still keep the Healing revived buff aswell as the Healing done buff? -.- Ill miss it.
    Veteran Rank 16 Argonian Dragonknight, Ebonheart Pact.
    Xbox One/PC
  • damodar
    Still no dueling...
  • Alina_Scarbridge
    I have a question about the costume dyeing. Do the dyeable costumes include disguise costumes from questing, or are they only crown store costumes?

  • Pyr0xyrecuprotite
    For anyone who is new to the Elder Scrolls series, the new racial passive buff for Imperials (gaining +1% gold) makes thematic sense, in that in Morrowind and Oblivion, Imperials were the race with luck and better merchant/trading skill abilities, able to get better deals from vendors.
    That said, I don't follow why Bretons are being given a +1% AP gain, unless ZoS looked at the numbers and decided that they need to encourage more people to play Bretons in PvP.
  • Cously
    Also that +5% chance of pickpocketing for Khajiit and 10% less fall damage for Bosmer... I think it could be the other way round. Thieving is a negative Khajiiti stereotype, but it is a cultural aspect of the Bosmer (Right of Theft). Also I thought cats were the ones who always landed on their feet? Heheh. It will still be fun to jump around with my Bosmer and hopefully not die as much. @Abeille

    When you think "Opportunist", you think of things like wealth and gold. Not prestige and standing (AP).
    When you think "Diplomat", you think prestige and standing (AP). Not wealth and gold. Breton's Opportunist should provide a 1% gold gain, and Imperial's Diplomat should provide a 1% AP gain. It fits better with the words, with TES lore, and it makes sense that Imperials should have a (tiny) advantage in their own home province whereas the merchant-class Bretons should be the ones getting the (tiny) gold bonus. @code65536

    I can't care less for the racials impact on the game mechanics. I only care about the lore and these guys are spot on! Please, invert the passives.
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