PTS Patch Notes v2.5.0

  • Docmandu
    Happy CP cap increase is only 30... 0 would have been better.. but can live with 30 and no gear cap increase. Yet more damage in Cyrodiil due to this cap increase, but it's already instagib in some cases, so that won't change much.

  • Erock25
    So they said two new monster helm sets but didn't give the stats? Is this how update notes usually go or do they usually tell you what new items they introduced?
    You earned the 500 LOLs badge.
    You received 500 LOLs. It ain't no fluke, you post great stuff and we're lucky to have you here. +50 points
  • Khydan
    Is that all? Quite underwhelming honestly.

  • Van_0S
    Please just get rid of the Dunmer, you've killed any reason to EVER use him. Frost and shock damage from a Dunmer? wtf is that logic?

    You mis-understood fire damage will be the same but in addition frost and shock damage will be added.
    But the resistance to fire damage is gone.So, its bad for vampire dunmer.
  • Semner
    Erock25 wrote: »
    So they said two new monster helm sets but didn't give the stats? Is this how update notes usually go or do they usually tell you what new items they introduced?

    Typically the new monster set stats aren't included in patch notes. But you can view them easily enough once you get on the PTS.
  • Lokov
    Please just get rid of the Dunmer, you've killed any reason to EVER use him. Frost and shock damage from a Dunmer? wtf is that logic?

    lolwhat? flame damage is still active, but they add frost and shock damage. Read attentively.
    Captain Org As More |Mag Blade| DC
    Bald Dude You Know From |Stam Blade| DC
    Ashot One Shot |Mag Blade| AD
    Strippirella |Stam Blade| AD
    Dont Touch My Tralala |Stam DK| DC
    Im Badman |Mag DK| DC
    Big Mac |Mag Sorc| DC
    Savitar Himself |Stam Sorc| DC
    Captain Old Fashion |Mag Plar| DC
    Chelovek Chlen-Nevidimka |Stam Warden| DC

    Welcome to my TWITCH in Russian
  • Docmandu
    Fortress: Fixed an issue where this passive ability was erroneously reducing the cost of all weapon abilities, instead of only One Hand and Shield abilities.

    ZOS should run a query for people that activate this passive on their character today when not even using 1H/shield. Will be an interesting metric for sure :-) Maybe put a marker on those accounts, will be useful in the future to speed up certain queries when other issues are found and fixed.

  • manavortex
    Thanks for patching.
    So looking forward to the barber-... style parlour!
    Stop Zanil Theran's sinister plot to exterminate bank space! Give ESO+ subscribers a virtual Furniture Bag!
  • Derra

    Those are just tooltip adjustments/clearifications, that is not buffs or tweaks to skills. It has to be an oversight and they were just not added by accident. Otherwise why do we have dev meetings? Not a single thing from the past 3 meetings was even adjusted in here class wise.

    Not a single thing.

    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    Community Manager
    Papa_Hunt wrote: »
    I know this is going into testing, but when is this patch supposed to hit the live servers?

    We'll have the full launch details article going up tomorrow with dates and pricing.
    Jessica Folsom
    Associate Director of Community - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • sentientomega
    Shuichi wrote: »

    The token is consumed when the changes are finalized. Mess around all you want at no cost :)

    So it is definitely possible to enter character customisation, take a note of the appearance stats, and then leave that screen, token intact?

    That'd be great, since 16/24 chars of mine don't have screenshots taken of their customisation traits, the 8 new ones do.

    Also, how much are the tokens?
    Edited by sentientomega on June 27, 2016 7:40PM
  • RDMyers65b14_ESO

    Never did they say that this would be the magicka update. Some have made that false assumption. That was TWO updates ago with Thieves' Guild. Stamina was the Dark Brotherhood.

    The next thing will be One Tamriel and that should be a bigger thing. That is what they are gearing up for and I would imagine taking a lot of their resources right now.
  • victorhrpereira
    Still no fix for Dragon Blood? It's been broken since Imperial City release. Also, Nords are still lacking, they are basically an inferior Imperial. Give them 9% Max Stamina instead of 6% and they may become interesting.
    My girls :

    Cecily - Stam. DragonKnight - EP
    Valky Bladesister - Stam. Nightblade - EP
    Serah Sunspade - Stam. Templar - EP
    Cynthia Vukein - Mag. Sorcerer - EP
    Lúmina - Mag. Templar - EP
    Shauna Ivy - Mag. DragonKnight - EP
    Skyla Moon - Stam. Sorcerer- EP
    Jasmine Crystal - Mag. Nightblade - EP
  • Van_0S
    Derra wrote: »


    I hope you guys know the changes to racial passives is done by Wrobel!
  • Shadesofkin
    Please just get rid of the Dunmer, you've killed any reason to EVER use him. Frost and shock damage from a Dunmer? wtf is that logic?

    What? They got a buff, why would we get rid of them?
    @shadesofkin -NA Server.
    Tier 2 Player.
    MagDK Main forever (even in the bad times)
  • zuto40
    wow way to nerf health regen builds with the orc, this is a disgusting update, and ashlander?!?!?! WHAT USE IS THAT
    Stamblade- Legate
    Tank/Heals Templar- Sergeant
    Magic DK- Corporal
    Stam DK- Sergeant
    Stamplar- Corporal

  • Shadesofkin
    Lokov wrote: »
    Hi ZOS, time to recognize a mistake has come. Just remove champion system from game. All will tell you thanks and it will be simpler to you to balance game. Less balance problems, less lags at Cyrodiil etc.

    That is crazy talk.

    I love the CP system
    @shadesofkin -NA Server.
    Tier 2 Player.
    MagDK Main forever (even in the bad times)
  • Toc de Malsvi
    Toc de Malsvi
    Vinther wrote: »

    Orc is bad
    Orc is badass strong as certain builds anyway and now the 5% healing received will make it even stronger in pvp
    Wood elf is already the best pvp ganker.

    ? 3% stamina is not some massive buff over 8% crit. Now Khajits get 8% crit and 3% more stamina than Woodelfs, which is exactly the reason why some ask why bother with a woodelf.
    Legendary Archer of Valenwood
    Bosmer Dragon Knight Archer. XBox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Bosmer Nightblade Archer. Xbox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Bosmer Sorcerer Archer. Xbox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Bosmer Warden Archer. Xbox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Templar's are evil..
  • HoolDog
    I may have missed this but no mention of master weapon changes from Dragonstar?
  • SirCritical
    Sorry, but no fixes for the grouping tool? Sad here :(

    But overall, these are good changes, I think. Even if ZOS haven't improved bosmer ;)
  • timidobserver
    Updates to the loot for Maw of Lorkhaj will arrive in a later patch .
    Another pts patch or another update entirely?
    V16 Uriel Stormblessed EP Magicka Templar(main)
    V16 Derelict Vagabond EP Stamina DK
    V16 Redacted Ep Stam Sorc
    V16 Insolent EP Magicka Sorc(retired)
    V16 Jed I Nyte EP Stamina NB(retired)

  • Semner
    Dragonstar Arena Improvements
    Test your strength against the denizens of the Dragonstar Arena!
    • Monsters have had their difficulty increased as well as their rewards.
    • Items and Weapon Sets obtained in the Arena have been updated to scale up to max level, which is Champion 160.
    • Four older item sets have been updated and drop in Dragonstar Arena at Champion 160. They are:
      • Archer's Mind
      • Destruction Master
      • Footman
      • Healer

    I would assume that "Items and Weapon Sets obtained in the Arena have been updated to scale up to max level, which is Champion 160" means that Master weapons will scale, yes.

  • Dromede
    Wow guys, so much negativity :( Please keep in mind that that's PTS changes, and allow more time for more.

    Loving the racial changes so far! Seems goofy and traditional to Elder Scrolls. That money perk for Imperials tho :D
    Skye Cloude - Sorc DPS, Master Crafter. Main, the bestest
    Lae Lenne - Templar Healer Trial grade.
    Dromede - Stamina Nightblade, she's a newb and doesn't know what she's doing
    V'oghatta - Stamplar pretending to be a tank
    Ulville Thonvella - aspiring Fire Mage, be careful around her fire sticks!
    Dromedaris - lost and not found. Named after a shoe, what else can you expect from her? A proper tank in her wildest dreams
    Swims-Naked - too pretty to grind, too silly to quest.
    Sun Flair - Dunmer Templar that can't spell for life. To bad she's too broke to afford a name change... Well, at least she's pretty...
  • ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    Community Manager
    Another pts patch or another update entirely?

    A later PTS incremental patch. Updated this Known Issue to be more clear.
    Jessica Folsom
    Associate Director of Community - ZeniMax Online Studios
    Facebook | Twitter | Twitch | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube | Support
    Staff Post
  • Detector
    cap increase only 30? :s
  • Alpheu5
    Argonian Skills
    Amphibious: This passive ability has been renamed to “Resourceful.” Also, it no longer increases your swimming speed by 50%.
    It now increases your Max Magicka by 1/2/3%, and continues to restore 4/8/12% of your Max Health, Magicka, and Stamina whenever you drink a potion.
    Restoration Expertise: This passive ability has been renamed to “Amphibian.” Also, in addition to the current benefit it now increases your swimming speed by 50%.
    Whew, too close.
    Edited by Alpheu5 on June 27, 2016 7:49PM
    Dalek-Rok - Argonian Sorcerer || Dalek-Shād - Argonian Nightblade || Dalek-Shul - Argonian Templar || Dalek-Xal - Argonian Dragonknight || Mounts-the-Snout - Argonian Warden || Dalek-Xul - Argonian Necromancer || Two-Spires - Argonian Arcanist || Dalek-Nesh - Argonian Sorcerer || Dalek-Kör - Argonian Dragonknight
    Don't incorporate bugs into your builds, and you won't have [an] issue.
  • MichYodias

    [*]Breton Skills
    • Light Armor Affinity: This passive ability has been renamed to “Opportunist.” Also, in addition to the current benefit it now increases your Alliance Points gained by 1%.

    This makes Bretons the inferior magicka race for heals and DPS. Bretons need something to give players a choice when choosing between dark elf and high elf. In my opinion they should get 2% increase to magic damage (magic version of orc weapon damage), or an increase to spell crit (like magic version of khajit), or an increase of the cost reduction passive to 5-6%. One of these changes will at least make bretons and option, especially the spell crit because it was provide a choice to argonian for healing in addition to DPS vs dark elf and high elf.
    Edited by MichYodias on June 27, 2016 7:51PM

    Minch Yoda V16 DK EP
    YODA-ONE v16 Sorc EP
    Yoda-San v16 NB EP
    Yodias V16 Temp healbot EP
    Human Centipad V16 Stamplar EP
    Yodai V16 AD Sorc
    Woodland Critters v4 DC stamblade
  • rhapsodious
    Alpheu5 wrote: »
    NO!!! YES!!! Whew, too close.

    Glad I'm not the only one who had this roller coaster of emotions. :D
  • Essiaga
    I also thinks racial passives would be better if the were simply toned down. 10% increases are a bit extreme. We shouldn't HAVE to pick a race based on it's passives. We should pick them because they appeal to our personality or our characters personality. 1/2/3% or 2/3/4% or even 2/4/6% wouldn't be so bad.

    No one should say "I got out DPSed because I'm an Argonian" or "You stink at tanking because he's an Argonian." or "Your heals stink cause your not an Argonian."

    But ZOS has been moving more towards segregated stam / magicka rather then 'play your way' for a long time. I miss hybrid builds. I kinda wish for ever point you put in stamina or magicka you got 50% (or so) of the other trait as well.
    Edited by Essiaga on June 27, 2016 7:56PM
  • Talyena
    I see a problem with a few of the new passives intended to replace the skill passives. You replaced some that gave you experience in a skill line to ones that give you experience overall (High Elf) or in crafting skill lines (Orc). Eventually you will hit the cap and those will be as useless as the old ones.

    Some ideas to use instead of those would be 5% improved lockpick or x% increase in weapon enchants or x% resist to crits or 1 meter reduced stealth detection radius or something along those lines where x is a really small number. Just trying to stay away from passives that are useful for a while and then become useless which is the problem with the passives being replaced.
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