From a developer perspective, you are not going to obtain reliable big data about server performance, because this is not how PVP usually woks - people was not fighting against players, but only against NPCs.
RinaldoGandolphi wrote: »...
The Champion System is a very ambitious project from ZOS. I think they may have underestimated how much CPU horsepower you would need to do all those calculations. I myself just looking at everything it has to calculate just for one person per sec and then times that by server population....I don't think they could buy a server cluster large enough to do all that and still remain in would almost need folks to donate CPU cycles to solve it...I'll even go one step farhter and say Microsoft's Azure Cloud(the largest Could computer cluster in the entire world) would not be able to claculate what ZOS is doing with the CP system.
You attack one person with Crushing Shock and you got
1. Base Damage - 50%
2. Spell Resistance - Spell Penetration = X
3. X- % in Elemental Defender = X
4. If DOT applies then X - Elemental Defender % - Thick Skinned %
5. If Also a Crit then Crit damage + Crit increase % - Crit Resistance
6. Damage taken = Y
Vs without CP you got
1. Base Damage - 50%
2. Spell Resistance - Spell Pentration = X
3. If X is a Crit then Crit damage modifier - Crit Resist = Damage taken = Y
thats twice as many calcs, and I may be missing some in the CP system that adds even more....such as the various passives that happen when certain conditions are true that also must be run through the same ring.
vamp_emily wrote: »Last night I was in a TF dungeon and could not get out, I kept receiving a message "Distination is full, your attempted jump failed.".
Later on in the night my zone chat looked like this:
RinaldoGandolphi wrote: »- snip -
vamp_emily wrote: »
This is a false statement. Maybe on your server things are like that, but I know the time I have played on TF everyone is fighting like normal. Huge groups of AD/EP attacking, Huge defenses to try and defend keeps.
I'm sure there are people just taking advantage of the AP gains, but trust me somewhere on some server ZOS is getting good numbers for their testing.
I ran into this multiple times last night (between 9:30pm - 1:00 am central US time).
The game still functioned after that popped up, but many of my skill animations didn't show up and I couldn't see enemy players.
Stupid test.
We don't have CP and GET MORE LAG.
The players still don't take more damage and have high attack at the same time (because Macro).
I really don't know what's the meaning about this test.
The problem of Cyrodiil isn't CP.
Why doesn't ZOS understand?
I know the reason, because ZOS doesn't really play their game. XD
If ZOS ever actually plays the game, you already see what I saw.
bowmanz607 wrote: »I have had significantly less lag after playing on az, tf and had on pc name.
They did not say cp caused lag. They want to know if the calculations from cp contribute to lag etc.
Your experiences will be different from others. So don't think your play experi3nce is shared and is the view everyone shares.
Cherryblossom wrote: »@ZOS_BrianWheeler
I believe your testing is flawed.
You are not comparing like for like, due to you putting double AP in the game, we now have a great many newbies in Cyrodiil, they are not playing in a similar way to those that normally frequent PVP.
So you are not getting the same results, as different skills will be used, different tactics will be used, Groups will be different and play differently.
For you to get a true comparison you do have to do this without the double AP, you need the normal frequenters of PVP playing how they always play to get a result that actually means something.