How do I check FPS on Xbox? My ping is roughly 230 but that's because I'm in West Aust, would it be different for ingame?
bowmanz607 wrote: »hey people, rather then trying to get into one campaign try..idk...going to another!!!!
but alas, people just want to pile on one campaign cause reasons.
ZOS_BrianWheeler wrote: »As a reminder, there is a key difference between FPS loss and Latency.
Please note your FPS and your Latency when reporting any information this week along with the scenario (Chalman milegate, Alessia Bridge, etc.) Platform and Region (NA, EU) you're reporting on.
They did fix that issue where players in delves weren't counting towards the pop cap... didn't they?...vamp_emily wrote: »Last night I was in a TF dungeon and could not get out, I kept receiving a message "Distination is full, your attempted jump failed.".
ZOS_BrianWheeler wrote: »As a reminder, there is a key difference between FPS loss and Latency.
Please note your FPS and your Latency when reporting any information this week along with the scenario (Chalman milegate, Alessia Bridge, etc.) Platform and Region (NA, EU) you're reporting on.
lllNutterlll wrote: »I wonder if all these people that are just finding out they like no CP campaigns know Azura's Star has been a thing for awhile now?
They did fix that issue where players in delves weren't counting towards the pop cap... didn't they?...
ZOS_BrianWheeler wrote: »As a reminder, there is a key difference between FPS loss and Latency.
Please note your FPS and your Latency when reporting any information this week along with the scenario (Chalman milegate, Alessia Bridge, etc.) Platform and Region (NA, EU) you're reporting on.
Apparently not. Everyone has been insisting "no one" plays no CP and it's only for noobs and low levels.
No CP has balance issues, just like CP does. If they could resolve some of the no CP issues -- proc set power, poisons, etc. -- no CP PvP would be really awesome.
Dear @ZOS_BrianWheeler,
Initially I agreed with the AP increase for taking keeps and resources of last update as I though it would encourage players to play the game as it was intended. I also agreed with this double AP event as I think, as you, that most of the server/client problems are caused by CP. However, both things at the same time are destroying the PVP experience due to the greed of a lot of players.
Last night I was playing Azura's Star on Xbox NA with my guild, and four our surprise, more than two thirds of the players were only grinding AP on every keep and outpost. To our dismay, they were taking turns in a "civilized" way every minute to take the flags while the other alliance players stayed peacefully upstairs, and then flipped positions. There were even dozens of players AFK hiding in impossible spots of the keeps just to receive a 12K+ tick every minute, like parasits attached to a host. My team was decided to end all that outrageous behavior by cleaning keeps and repairing, but we found that our alliance players were not simply not cooperating with us, but they were emoting aggressively against us and trashing about us in the area chat. The whole server was a grotesque grinding festival.
From a developer perspective, you are not going to obtain reliable big data about server performance, because this is not how PVP usually woks - people was not fighting against players, but only against NPCs. And from the players perspective I think you are ruining the experience for veteran PVPers, both because its exasperating for us to watch so many players being so dishonest, and also because our only endgame is to rank up in the Alliance War system and this event is making that noble goal a nosense, as by the end of the week hundreds of casual and PVE players are going to become Grand Overlords.
Please, reduce the tick for taking keeps and resources or stablish a cool down timer for receiving a new tick. Do something immediately, please.
Stop this madness.
How do I check FPS on Xbox? My ping is roughly 230 but that's because I'm in West Aust, would it be different for ingame?