First I will apologize for my broken English. I’m not a native English people. If you do not understand some sentence, try to look into the German thread and translate it or ask me directly!
Here is the German counterpart. ->
[DGR] Was würde ich an ESO verändern
This is the general main thread who leads to other sub threads I've created. These threads are about suggestions for ESO, which I direct send to the ESO community and of course the Dev's.
@ZOS_GinaBruno I hope I have sorted them correctly into the categories. Feel free to reorder them if necessary. But please keep this thread as anchor in the general forum due to its general nature.
The suggestions have been rumored in my head over the years and I have finally taken the time to write down them. I hope my work will be appreciated and the threads stay clean from insults. Also I wish in the threads a profitable discussion. And hope the dev's read the suggestions, give feedback (Or a simple “lurk”) and maybe even integrate them into the game sooner or later (I'm an optimist).
Shortly to my person as an ESO player. I am an enthusiastic Cyrodiil PvP player. That's why my suggestions will almost exclusively revolve around Cyrodiil and AvA. I founded Lux Dei at release of ESO 2014 and have been there since 2014 as guild leader. Additionally, I create Addons for ESO (Taos Group Tools) and sometimes I write larger Posts like this here

. See
Myth AoE Cap. I like to dive deep into the matter of ESO. Not in the sense of role play, but rather "theory crafting". As a professional software developer, I am also interested in everything that happens behind the scenes and soak it directly.
In the threads linked below, I have tried to order my suggestions logically, so there is no single huge thread that sooner or later becomes confusing. This lead thread should help to keep track and understand the "big picture" of my world of ideas. I tried to consider as many points as possible in the suggestions and also to consider side effects. It's a whole new level of consideration to me, as I'm now more in the role of a designer, rather than a software nerd who only has code and efficiency in mind. : smile: I have provided all the threads with the shortcut [TWS] (The sweeping statement), so that they are easier to recognize. If you do not understand something, please ask directly in the thread. I will try to explain it.
[TWS] Leaderboards for all things – „The magic of leaderboards“
This thread is all about the magic of the leaderboards. Over the years, I have seen it over and over again, as leaderboards trigger a fascination for a bunch of players (Me included). I would even say they are the elementary part of some games and the reason why these games are successful! For example, I believe that League of Legends would not be as successful if there were not a clever designed leaderboard system for solo / duo queue.
Leaderboards for all things – „The magic of leaderboards“[TWS] AvA Ranks and their importance – „Fighters of Cyrodiil“
One of the largest long term motivational killers in my eyes is that the AvA Ranks in Cyrodiil does not give any real advancement in the higher levels. I've tried to solve the problem by adding "AvA-Skillpoints" that can only be assigned in specific AvA-Skilltrees. I hope that thereby a long-term motivation up to the highest AvA Ranks!
AvA Ranks and their importance – „Fighters of Cyrodiil“[TWS] Living AvA Map – „Settlers of Cyrodiil“
Who does not like playing "Settlers of Catan"? I've think about extensive changes to the AvA Map, and I've noticed that we have almost all resources from settlers. Only sheep’s are missing! Baa! The suggestion is to change the focus of fights in Cyrodiil more resource oriented. With my system, it should also be possible to score as an "underdog" without disadvantaging a strong faction too much. Even the tiniest battles in the corner of Cyrodiil are relevant to the campaign victory.
Living AvA Map – „Settlers of Cyrodiil“[TWS] Imperial City into Base Game – „Liberation of IC“
In my opinion Imperial City is part of the base game and should completely revised. Currently it is just a crutch and a shadow of itself. But how to finance that? Also, I have a few thoughts to that. Basically, Imperial City with its upper districts should now part of Cyrodiil and the catacombs go into new dangerous depths for groups up to 24 players! The upper districts now give AP bonus rather than Tel-Var bonus and play an important role in the "Imperial inspiration" (see Balancing in AvA – „Changes with large effect“).
Imperial City into Base Game – „Liberation of IC“[TWS] Underdog & Campaign Loyalty – „Loyalty must be rewarded“
The underdog bonus must be revised. Also the extra victory point generation. With Living AvA Map – „Settlers of Cyrodiil“ an underdog for victory points should no longer be necessary. That's why I've thought of a greatly simplified underdog bonus that should also stimulate empty campaigns. Also, in my opinion, players who remain loyal to a faction in a campaign should be rewarded. For this I have created a system for "campaign loyalty", which does not prohibit the switching between factions in a campaign, but rewarding on the other side the campaign loyalty of a player.
Underdog & Campaign Loyalty – „Loyalty must be rewarded“[TWS] Guilds in AvA – The heart of Cyrodiil“
Guilds are the essential part of ESO for me. They form the heart of the community. Not just in Cyrodiil. But for Cyrodiil I have also come up with a lot, which I think is painfully missing there! Keyword “Guild Mount” or “Upgrades of Keeps”! In my opinion, the guild traders should no longer be part of claiming. There should be separate guild traders at every entrance. These can be bought via Guild-Alliance Points instead of Gold.
Guilds in AvA – The heart of Cyrodiil“[TWS] Improve Keep fights – „Dominance must be fought“
Keep fights are usually always the same. It always comes down to the one big clash in the Inner Keep. Big Zergs have a decisive advantage. I came up with a system that does not disregard small groups and opens up new tactical opportunities in big keep battles. Along with Living AvA Map – „Settlers of Cyrodiil“, there should be tons of possibilities for tactical nerds!
Improve Keep fights – „Dominance must be fought“[TWS] Balancing in AvA – „Changes with large effect“
There are some global basic issues that keep coming up in AvA. I think we can solve it better! Here I refer to points such as "Zombie Zergs" or the "Time to Kill" or the “Emperor Buff”. For some changes, I even promise me performance improvements.
Balancing in AvA – „Changes with large effect“[TWS] Remove the class corset – „One Tamriel 2.0; Uncage the classes!“
I find the class concept in ESO "old-fashioned". More a step backwards compared to older games like Ultima Online. I finally wish more freedom. Finally play what I want. My concept does not remove the old classes. More it creates 450 new classes with the current available skill trees! Finally totally freedom! The balancing in this system should be easier, because it will quickly emerge there, which class trees are too strong and which too weak.
Remove the class corset – „One Tamriel 2.0; Uncage the classes!“