Cyrodiil Performance Test and Double AP Event

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 24, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
  • IcyDeadPeople
    NBrookus wrote: »
    Faction stacks zerging barely or undefended keeps.

    It seems there may not be enough incentive for the big zerg guilds to defend keeps.

    There have been some fun battles, but oddly it sometimes feels like I either can't find enemies or there is just a tiny group of us casual pug players trying to defend against the entire enemy faction and I wonder where all those guys who just took the keeps went.

    Edited by IcyDeadPeople on March 5, 2017 12:29AM
  • NBrookus

    It seems there may not be enough incentive for the big zerg guilds to defend keeps.

    There have been some fun battles, but oddly it sometimes feels like I either can't find enemies or there is just a tiny group of us casual pug players trying to defend against the entire enemy faction and I wonder where all those guys who just took the keeps went.

    They went to take another 12k keep. :/
  • Munavar
    Well, when 'collecting the metrics' for this event; remember to exclude 3/4/2017 (NA) from the numbers.
    Dae - TM
  • NBrookus

    You had no idea how utterly unplayable it would be.
    Ever consider a career writing fortune cookies ?

    I'm not happy to be right, altho in the wrong way. After the 4th time I dc'd and logged back in dead... I decided to read a book.
  • lllNutterlll
    bowmanz607 wrote: »

    it is very likely that it has to do with the increased population. Every server has been poplocked every night all week. you cant just say this was before the weekend so its not the increased population. that is false. the pop has been there all week.

    Additionally, people really need to stop flipping out and saying that the lack of cp has somehow contributed to the lag. That is crazy and makes zero since. calculations were removed across the server. ou cant look and say that the removal of calculations made it worse. that is illogical. it seems quite obvious that it is the number of people now playing and less skilled pve players running in more ball groups for the increased ap.

    further, you say everyone is pvdooring and then say that everyone waits to flip to fight. Which is it? people pvdooring or fighting???

    also, how are people pvdooring in poplocked servers?? omg people are no longer running in a straight line from keep to keep and have spread out. Idk maybe you should learn to fight outside the ring and spread out to attack these other players spreading out. but alas i guess that is too much work for pugs. no more people just camping a keep, but actually *gasp* attacking keeps outside the circle and spreading fights out.

    Lol so now we are just gonna revert to name calling and bashing for their play style... calling the dude a pug? How old are you? The guy never said which keeps he was at but by all means... Everyone should just abandon the emp keeps. Good call. Throughout the week there has been slower servers... I've been playing on one with one bar average per faction and I have stayed off the game for the majority of the time because with the 1 bar per faction I am still missing animations, my moves simply aren't going off but still pulling my resources (ultimate in this situation) and long load screens. Yes that is before the weekend on a virtually dead server. Pug.

    I agree the lag removal shouldn't be an issue and ease the servers however I don't know if something else has been changed also as I've never had this much issues playing and I have a full server as my guest and empty as my main as I usually run solo.

    You said "further, you say everyone is pvdooring and then say that everyone waits to flip to fight. Which is it? people pvdooring or fighting???"... Umm did you even think about this? No worries, I'll break it down big bird style so you can understand. I've seen what the guy is talking about and it's easy to grasp... Players front door the keep (because not many are being defended) they move to the next while that one is being taken. The other group are moving with full groups and front dooring the keep you just took and if you are there you may at best be one of 5 to defend against a full group. Your faction in a lot of cases are just able to get more AP by simply taking a keep, abandoning it and taking another. No so hard to understand is it? I've also seen where a group will take the keep, then let the next faction take it without defending while still in the keep, then they just keep flipping flags and killing guards. I've been bitched at by my faction for trying to actually defend the keep.
  • bowmanz607

    Lol so now we are just gonna revert to name calling and bashing for their play style... calling the dude a pug? How old are you? The guy never said which keeps he was at but by all means... Everyone should just abandon the emp keeps. Good call. Throughout the week there has been slower servers... I've been playing on one with one bar average per faction and I have stayed off the game for the majority of the time because with the 1 bar per faction I am still missing animations, my moves simply aren't going off but still pulling my resources (ultimate in this situation) and long load screens. Yes that is before the weekend on a virtually dead server. Pug.

    I agree the lag removal shouldn't be an issue and ease the servers however I don't know if something else has been changed also as I've never had this much issues playing and I have a full server as my guest and empty as my main as I usually run solo.

    You said "further, you say everyone is pvdooring and then say that everyone waits to flip to fight. Which is it? people pvdooring or fighting???"... Umm did you even think about this? No worries, I'll break it down big bird style so you can understand. I've seen what the guy is talking about and it's easy to grasp... Players front door the keep (because not many are being defended) they move to the next while that one is being taken. The other group are moving with full groups and front dooring the keep you just took and if you are there you may at best be one of 5 to defend against a full group. Your faction in a lot of cases are just able to get more AP by simply taking a keep, abandoning it and taking another. No so hard to understand is it? I've also seen where a group will take the keep, then let the next faction take it without defending while still in the keep, then they just keep flipping flags and killing guards. I've been bitched at by my faction for trying to actually defend the keep.

    No you should not abandon an emp keep. But this game as devolved into straight line fighting between the emp keep your faction owns and the next one you don't own in the line. Boring, mindless, back and forth in the same spots. No one was spreading out and taking fights else where. You can still watch your emp keeps while fighting elsewhere. Do it all the time with the group I run with.

    The next part was fun to read.

    I wonder what platform and sever are you on during this week that you had a one bar campaign??? What time were you playing?? Sounds like you are playing at dead hours.

    I love this next part. You say that not only were you playing on the dead server, but that you also really have not been playing. So between the dead server, not playing, and being on load screens you have managed to find the time to comment on what you have seen while playing??? That make sense sure.let's roll with it.

    So in your time on this dead server you have managed to see groups pvdoor. Hmm, it's a dead server, they have nothing else to do. Further, in a situation like that, you could just have a guild taking advantage of a dead server and logging in on 2 different factions flipping. Who cares a dead server with nothing going on anyway.

    You also misunderstood the point I made regarding the statement you quoted. The person I was talking to said that no one was fighting but was pvdooring. He then said everyone waits to flip and fight. 2 contradictory statments. The situation you discussed would have fallen into the former remark about pvdooring. The problem was that he said no one fights and then said they do fight they just wait to flip it. Those are opposite statements. One has fighting, one has no fighting simple.

    Now I will say I have seen people wait for another faction to flip a keep before retaking it. However, in those situations, the groups typically know they will win the fight and believe the odds are in their favor. Additionally, it is a valid tactic so long as it is not an emp keep. You don't let them leave. Why would you do that? You get more ap by killing the group and then taking the keep. So this whole idea of letting them leave for at or something like that is crazy. Th3 second those flags flip they get stormed. The alliance saves the keep while getting way more ap while also not having to wait around for a dtick so they can move to front lines. Further, people have adapted by placing siege before flags even flip and getting ready for the counter attack making for more interesting and less mundane fighting.

    You guys seem to think hordes of people are just running around pvp unopposed and not fihting. If that was true where is the lag coming from??? There will always be try hard groups playing the map and not allowing pvdooring. Especially on these popular locked servers. Sure you can catch a faction with their pants down and take keeps quickly, but tactically taking a keep quickly before others can respond to set up your next move or force people out of your backfield will always be a valid tactic for map play.

    Not so hard to understand right?
  • lllNutterlll
    bowmanz607 wrote: »

    No you should not abandon an emp keep. But this game as devolved into straight line fighting between the emp keep your faction owns and the next one you don't own in the line. Boring, mindless, back and forth in the same spots. No one was spreading out and taking fights else where. You can still watch your emp keeps while fighting elsewhere. Do it all the time with the group I run with.

    Only works when there is PvP outside the emp keeps. I do move away from the emp keeps but also notice the AP ticks are fewer and further between. I usually try to get defenses as I know enemies are there and not seige empty keeps.

    I wonder what platform and sever are you on during this week that you had a one bar campaign??? What time were you playing?? Sounds like you are playing at dead hours.

    I've played during peak hours and dead hours. Mainly on a slower server but also a packed server until I got long load screens and swapped to another server. The slower servers don't have as many long load screens however even on medium fights (which are few) the lag is insane.

    I love this next part. You say that not only were you playing on the dead server, but that you also really have not been playing. So between the dead server, not playing, and being on load screens you have managed to find the time to comment on what you have seen while playing??? That make sense sure.let's roll with it.

    When did I say I wasn't really playing? I said I have stayed off the majority of the time... It's been 6 days. That's plenty of time to test it. Monday, Tuesday for a few hours each night and then yesterday a little (but not much) and Saturday.

    So in your time on this dead server you have managed to see groups pvdoor. Hmm, it's a dead server, they have nothing else to do. Further, in a situation like that, you could just have a guild taking advantage of a dead server and logging in on 2 different factions flipping. Who cares a dead server with nothing going on anyway.

    There are still groups in the server that could defend. The night I was referring to the groups on my faction were just front dooring the keeps and moving to the next one. They had to have known yellow would be there soon after as they had just been following us all the way around the emp keeps taking them behind us.

    You also misunderstood the point I made regarding the statement you quoted. The person I was talking to said that no one was fighting but was pvdooring. He then said everyone waits to flip and fight. 2 contradictory statments. The situation you discussed would have fallen into the former remark about pvdooring. The problem was that he said no one fights and then said they do fight they just wait to flip it. Those are opposite statements. One has fighting, one has no fighting simple.

    He said vast majority. Might want to read that over. As you stated "there will always be try hard groups". But I tend to agree with him. The vast majority don't defend anymore. It's front door and move to the next one. You can't defend because if you manage to get past the lag then you're the only one or one of a very small crew defending. Doesn't usually work out when you can't see incoming seige, animations and so on.

    You guys seem to think hordes of people are just running around pvp unopposed and not fihting. If that was true where is the lag coming from??? There will always be try hard groups playing the map and not allowing pvdooring. Especially on these popular locked servers. Sure you can catch a faction with their pants down and take keeps quickly, but tactically taking a keep quickly before others can respond to set up your next move or force people out of your backfield will always be a valid tactic for map play.

    Not everyone but a lot... Yes I give you this is mainly on low population servers or off peak hours. I wish I knew where the lag was coming from on these servers. Look... I'm not trying to get into a pissing contest. Just stating the guy is giving feedback and similar feedback to what I have experienced. We both obviously play different styles. His experience although different then his doesn't make it less valid or him to be a "pug". It's simply different then yours. Read the past posts. People are getting never ending load screens as soon as they enter PvP before they even step out of there gate. Where is the fighting in that area? Others are getting no lag while people in their group in the same area can't even manage to play the game from the lag they experience. I don't understand why pulling CP would have the effects it has from my experience and reading others but it looks like it has. Just saying.
  • Rasimir
    The testing days are almost over now, and here are my observations (playing on Trueflame EU):

    - I still get freezes and disconnects.
    - There are still long loading screens.
    - Latency is a bit better, but still above 300 on occasions

    It is hard to say the latency is better because of the reduced calculations on the server. There are so much other effects to take into account: people die faster because the cp buffs aren't there. I and many others have resource problems without cp (and without investing heavily into other equip). There were long queues almost everytime i wanted to get in, and this influences organized groups... the players can't get together in cyro like before. Because of the double AP a lot of unexperienced players were in cyrodiil, and those tend to stress the combat system much less than those experienced minmaxers.

    I hope we'll hear from ZOS about their findings.
  • bowmanz607

    I'm willing to bet that it has zero to do with removal of cp. It doesn't make sense that less calculations cause lag. It is the huge Influx of player on the servers.
  • Durnik
    NBrookus wrote: »
    Faction stacks zerging barely or undefended keeps. Resources being flipped by full raids. Just as much lag and more load screens.

    This weekend is going to be completely unplayable.

    You called it (the being unplayable for the weekend part). ;)
    Edited by Durnik on March 5, 2017 5:52PM
  • oMrRust
    Does this mean my tier 3 reward stuff will be rolled back for this week?
    I got 6 toons to tier 3 rewards now would I need to redo it again after week is up
  • AshTal
    Just my 2 cents but

    1) PvP was more fun, no more un-killable players (well a lot less) still have to occasional un-killable player or someone who can beat 5 v 1 but seems to be less of them
    2) More new people playing who didn't seem to know what they are doing
    3) Still got disconnects and lag
    4) Any improvement was probably down to the fact people died faster and could case less abilities so less strain on the system. If they want to remove lag could just limit everyone to light attacks and put peoples health to 1 hp.
  • ThePonzzz
    AshTal wrote: »
    Just my 2 cents but

    1) PvP was more fun, no more un-killable players (well a lot less) still have to occasional un-killable player or someone who can beat 5 v 1 but seems to be less of them
    2) More new people playing who didn't seem to know what they are doing
    3) Still got disconnects and lag
    4) Any improvement was probably down to the fact people died faster and could case less abilities so less strain on the system. If they want to remove lag could just limit everyone to light attacks and put peoples health to 1 hp.

    The bigger thing at play is not many people are equipping the proper gear for the lack of CP. So if no CP stays (or you know, people just go to Azura's), people will have a better build for it over time. The un-killable tank will come back. The 20k+ burst will be back. These are things players WILL get around. PvP has been balanced for CP, so battle spirit will need to be dropped. There just is a much bigger mess to deal with, in my opinion.

    On top of that, performance was at an all time low for the week for me.
  • Botak
    The no CP campaign on TF / NA have some positive impact when I'm playing with my group. I'm from south east asia and my normal ping is around 270-290 in the city and 300-320 inside cyrodiil. Usually in TF NA I will get ping 999+ms then disconnect plus long loading screen when there are lots of people usually near the keep while defending / attacking..

    This week during non CP at TF / NA, I got few long loading screens and I got disconnected about 2-3x in the last 3-4 days which is a very good and positive result. Also the performance was better before Saturday maintenance.

    I do hope @ZOS_BrianWheeler will have a way to fix the CP campaign.

  • Riggsy
    I suffered no lag spikes like before, especially when you'd expect them like during massive keep takes with tons of people.
    I for one will be playing non-cp campaign after this as I enjoyed the play style better than old TF so even if you dont change anything Im sure there are others like me who will change servers, maybe that will help the lag in TF.
    Edited by Riggsy on March 6, 2017 5:42AM
    MMAGA - We Made Medium Armor Great Again
    Evasion: Casting this ability and its morphs now requires that you wear 5 pieces of Medium Armor.

    Woe Biden - Mule
    Donald Thump - Mule
    M'aiq Pence - Mule
  • Sigma957
    Getting long load times just going from keep to keep,anyone else?
  • rivenjr
    If CP goes, PROC sets are next. So long Skoria, Velidreth, etc. All that crap is calculated in combat too so bye-bye.
    Xbox ONE Day One
    Server - Xbox NA
    Internal Storage Only

  • Derra
    As a reminder, there is a key difference between FPS loss and Latency.

    Please note your FPS and your Latency when reporting any information this week along with the scenario (Chalman milegate, Alessia Bridge, etc.) Platform and Region (NA, EU) you're reporting on.

    Well is someone at zos going to provide a pingmeter that actually displays the real ping?

    How can the ping show 110 and my streak have a delay of more than 2 seconds?

    I think if you´re really playing your own game - we both know that any player information provided based on the games pingmeter is just about as trustworthy as trumps twitter account.
    Edited by Derra on March 6, 2017 8:51AM
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • FrozenAnimal
    Haderus, EU
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_BrianWheeler

    What will you do? Nothing?
    Edited by FrozenAnimal on March 6, 2017 1:25PM
    Vollmond Rudel - Deutschsprachige Werwolfgilde, Plattform: PC/Mac
    Unsere Mitglieder riechen nach nasser Hund, unsere gejagten Widersacher nach Urin.
    Anfragen an: @FroziAnimal [Ingame] oder @FrozenAnimal [Forum]
    Reason No. 1,000,000 - PvP Justice System
    Reason No. 999,999 - Open World PvP/E with One Tamriel?
  • Derra
    @FrozenAnimal would you be so kind to change your sig to: "Unsere Mitglieder riechen nach nasserm Hund,..."
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • FrozenAnimal
    Derra wrote: »
    @FrozenAnimal would you be so kind to change your sig to: "Unsere Mitglieder riechen nach nasserm Hund,..."
    This is an allusion to Skyrim and is right.
    Example: Du riechst nach "nasser Hund"
    Edited by FrozenAnimal on March 6, 2017 11:09AM
    Vollmond Rudel - Deutschsprachige Werwolfgilde, Plattform: PC/Mac
    Unsere Mitglieder riechen nach nasser Hund, unsere gejagten Widersacher nach Urin.
    Anfragen an: @FroziAnimal [Ingame] oder @FrozenAnimal [Forum]
    Reason No. 1,000,000 - PvP Justice System
    Reason No. 999,999 - Open World PvP/E with One Tamriel?
  • Turelus
    Brian / Rich

    Will you be showing the data from these tests publicly? I would love to see some of the data shown in graphs etc. and insight into what was gained.

    Not meant as an opening to attack, I legitimately enjoy seeing MMO data like this. #GraphPron
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • SimonSays89
    rayban wrote: »

    You folks should add another test, how about locking players to one faction in a campaign as well as lock out the ability for porting in via group. That would make the game a whole lot more fun even if it doesn't improve performance lol.

    ^^^ I completely agree with this, the EU ps4 server is the most cancerous Cyrodiil experience you can imagine, the whole thing is fixed between a clique of top players who all know each other and swap between factions. They control the tempo of the map in Cyrodiil, by being in party chat with group leaders form other factions, control the ebb and flow of where the zerg will go, which alliance will get spawn camped tonight, which alliance will have emp etc.

    "May your sword be sharp, and your tongue sharper!"
  • altemriel
    Turelus wrote: »
    Brian / Rich

    Will you be showing the data from these tests publicly? I would love to see some of the data shown in graphs etc. and insight into what was gained.

    Not meant as an opening to attack, I legitimately enjoy seeing MMO data like this. #GraphPron

    yes, I wanna see them too
  • josh.lackey_ESO
    Derra wrote: »

    Well is someone at zos going to provide a pingmeter that actually displays the real ping?

    How can the ping show 110 and my streak have a delay of more than 2 seconds?

    I think if you´re really playing your own game - we both know that any player information provided based on the games pingmeter is just about as trustworthy as trumps twitter account.

    The in-game latency meter makes it difficult to diagnose actual network problems between you and the server. I believe it is the true latency + the time it takes the game engine to render the current frame, which makes it useless for any purpose. It doesn't show connection lag, and it doesn't show server lag.

    I guess it can be read as "you actually died this many milliseconds ago" figure. That's why last-minute abilities (like healing ward) often fire as soon as you rez up at the transitus shrine -- you used them in the window of time between when you were really dead and when your game received the notice you were dead.

    On Windows, you can open the Resource Monitor, click the Network tab and check eso64.exe (or eso.exe) and see the true network latency for the process. The in-game meter will often show numbers like 120ms in good lag or 240ms in worse lag, but the actual network latency reported by the Resource Monitor stays around 70ms.
  • ZOS_BrianWheeler
    PvP & Combat Lead
    Like some of you have noted, the meter doesn't show the absolute ping as it occurs on a second to second basis. That doesn't make reporting your ping and FPS useless however as combining that with your current activity in your reports helps out. We can look at those time frames reported and compare them to our server status graphs.

    As for how the week went; we're going through the performance graphs and data this week as well as AP/XP gains and deciding on future tests, campaign changes, client/server perf. The feedback has been great pointing out performance, server connection, fps and general combat feedback of CP vs. NonCP. On a personal note, it was great week of action, especially last night at the Chalamo in Azura against AD and DC trying to dethrone our Emp!

    Thanks everyone for the feedback and participating on a grand scale! We hope to see some of the new faces stick around Cyrodiil whether your banner is yellow, blue or red!
    Edited by ZOS_BrianWheeler on March 6, 2017 3:02PM
    ESO PVP Lead & Combat Lead
    Staff Post
  • Jaybe_Mawfaka
    Like some of you have noted, the meter doesn't show the absolute ping as it occurs on a second to second basis. That doesn't make reporting your ping and FPS useless however as combining that with your current activity in your reports helps out. We can look at those time frames reported and compare them to our server status graphs.

    As for how the week went; we're going through the performance graphs and data this week as well as AP/XP gains and deciding on future tests, campaign changes, client/server perf. The feedback has been great pointing out performance, server connection, fps and general combat feedback of CP vs. NonCP. On a personal note, it was great week of action, especially last night at the Chalamo in Azura against AD and DC trying to dethrone our Emp!

    Thanks everyone for the feedback and participating on a grand scale! We hope to see some of the new faces stick around Cyrodiil whether your banner is yellow, blue or red!

    Could you please show later the statistic of how many outposts have been flipped
    Edited by ZOS_BrianWheeler on March 6, 2017 3:16PM
  • White wabbit
    White wabbit
    Spent about 10 minutes in PvP saw that it seemed more about boosting that I left and haven't been in since , thank god it's reverted back should be less of this play type now
  • Ulfson
    I am happy that ZOS ran this test last week. For me it was as an eye opener and as fun as the time before champion points. I am NOT saying CP should be eliminated. ZOS should be able to streamline the CP damage calculations so that we have CP without CP induced lag.
  • Dharnagon
    SO, leaderboards will be reset or not?
    The Pride of The Eagle is its power itself!
    Eagles, Advance!
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