So since the removal of CP didn't improve anything, it's safe to say ZOS has no idea why the lag is so bad.
That's depressing.
RinaldoGandolphi wrote: »
this is NOT TRUE. Right now there are 5-6 times as many players in Cyrodiill then there are normally. Heck my PVE Guild that NEVER PVP's ever had 400 members in Cyrodiil last night trying to get Allaince skills unlocked for trials.
the fact there was easily over 300 players at Ash last night and I (nor any of my PVE guildies) ever dropped below 35 FPS or saw any pings higher then 120 is HUGE.
This means once the double XP event is over and Cyrodiil populations go back to normal, if they decide to stay no-cp the lag will be completely gone, and whatever small incremental code changes they have been doing over the last year may infact be being held back by CP calculations.
Sometimes its just not possible hardware wise to calculate some stuff.
I don't know if your familiar with Project Discovery, Folding@Home/Team Helix, and Team Starfire, but these are gigantic distributed computer projects where everyone from your neighbors desktop computer, to some super computer own by the government donate CPU cycles to solve complex problems to finding cures for diseases and all other sorts of things. These things would not be possible without a gigantic cluster of donated CPU cycles from hundreds of millions of computers world wide.
The Champion System is a very ambitious project from ZOS. I think they may have underestimated how much CPU horsepower you would need to do all those calculations. I myself just looking at everything it has to calculate just for one person per sec and then times that by server population....I don't think they could buy a server cluster large enough to do all that and still remain in would almost need folks to donate CPU cycles to solve it...I'll even go one step farhter and say Microsoft's Azure Cloud(the largest Could computer cluster in the entire world) would not be able to claculate what ZOS is doing with the CP system.
You attack one person with Crushing Shock and you got
1. Base Damage - 50%
2. Spell Resistance - Spell Penetration = X
3. X- % in Elemental Defender = X
4. If DOT applies then X - Elemental Defender % - Thick Skinned %
5. If Also a Crit then Crit damage + Crit increase % - Crit Resistance
6. Damage taken = Y
Vs without CP you got
1. Base Damage - 50%
2. Spell Resistance - Spell Pentration = X
3. If X is a Crit then Crit damage modifier - Crit Resist = Damage taken = Y
thats twice as many calcs, and I may be missing some in the CP system that adds even more....such as the various passives that happen when certain conditions are true that also must be run through the same ring.
I fully believe it is NOT technologically feasible to perform all the Calcs the CP system adds to the game and remain profitable.Even if they change the way they are calculated, it will make little difference. The hardware is simply not there yet, and the CP system was a very ambitious project in the first place. If CPU's were there it would be groundbreaking. ZOS would have to quadruple their server infrastructure, which would probably cost them millions per year thus putting them in the red.
I fully believe outside of a distributed computing model(is everyone here going to leave their PC on 24/7 and donate CPU cycles to ZOS to solve these math calcs?) that we are 5-6 generations away in CPU architecture (Intel is moving away from Silicon after the 7nm process next year) before something like the CP system can function on the scale they want it too at a reasonable cost.
Todd Howard hinted with TES6 they are a few years away from having the tech needed to do the game they want. The CP system sadly IMO is in the same boat. CPU can only service so many requests at one time, and even without the CP calcs the server is probably close to its max, adding more on that gives these stupid 700+ lag pings it just can't do that many calcs for that many people at once as long as CP is involved.
Last nights test showed me they actually fixed the lighting patch issues, but i think there is a technological barrier with CP....i don't think their is a cluster of CPU on the planet for any less then 2.5 mill per year that will be able to handle those kinda calcs...even Microsoft's Azure Cloud(the largest cloud in the world) would struggle with that....what players are asking for here is unfeasible and i think ZOS is figuring that out after exhausting all other options.
I think they will try to re-work some of the code to try and relieve some of it, by re-factoring how those cals work, but its a band-aid solution....they will come to the conclusion its simply not feasible on that PVE you don't have 300+ people all in one place spamming skills which is why PVE for the most part isn't that bad, but in PVP? those are every day conditions and i'll be suprised if they can make that work.
I'll stay in Azura's until then, atleast the game can be played and works there when they bring back CP.
RinaldoGandolphi wrote: »@Joy_Division
It appears to me that the lag caused in 1.5 (Lighting patch) has largely been fixed.
With the population we have during this double ap event you wouldn't even be able to play in Cyrodiil at all with would be sitting with a 900 ping all the time.
This test is going to show ZOS that with normal pvp pops no cp simply scales better.
As I said I doubt they just remove cp all together. Atleast not right away. I think they try to re-factor some of the CP code first and see if they can get acceptable performance that way first. I think stripping CP will be a last resort if all other avenues are exhausted. I'll wait and see.
As long as a non CP campaign exists I don't care if they leave cp or not. As long as I have an option to play no cp on Azura I'm good with them leaving TF if that's what they decide to do
Joy_Division wrote: »
They did not raise the population caps. There was just as many people at the Aleswell faction stack last night as your typical TF faction stack.
You already have your mind made up and made your playstyle preference quite clear, which is fine, but I do not agree with your assessment that after a 24 hour period the test is a success that "proves" anything, especially since you do not have access to the data that ZoS has
PvP with no CP is a lot of fun so far, I'm a fan.
than go play azura and leave TF for ppl who like cp!!!!
RinaldoGandolphi wrote: »
this is NOT TRUE. Right now there are 5-6 times as many players in Cyrodiill then there are normally. Heck my PVE Guild that NEVER PVP's ever had 400 members in Cyrodiil last night trying to get Allaince skills unlocked for trials.
the fact there was easily over 300 players at Ash last night and I (nor any of my PVE guildies) ever dropped below 35 FPS or saw any pings higher then 120 is HUGE.
This means once the double XP event is over and Cyrodiil populations go back to normal, if they decide to stay no-cp the lag will be completely gone, and whatever small incremental code changes they have been doing over the last year may infact be being held back by CP calculations.
Sometimes its just not possible hardware wise to calculate some stuff.
I don't know if your familiar with Project Discovery, Folding@Home/Team Helix, and Team Starfire, but these are gigantic distributed computer projects where everyone from your neighbors desktop computer, to some super computer own by the government donate CPU cycles to solve complex problems to finding cures for diseases and all other sorts of things. These things would not be possible without a gigantic cluster of donated CPU cycles from hundreds of millions of computers world wide.
The Champion System is a very ambitious project from ZOS. I think they may have underestimated how much CPU horsepower you would need to do all those calculations. I myself just looking at everything it has to calculate just for one person per sec and then times that by server population....I don't think they could buy a server cluster large enough to do all that and still remain in would almost need folks to donate CPU cycles to solve it...I'll even go one step farhter and say Microsoft's Azure Cloud(the largest Could computer cluster in the entire world) would not be able to claculate what ZOS is doing with the CP system.
You attack one person with Crushing Shock and you got
1. Base Damage - 50%
2. Spell Resistance - Spell Penetration = X
3. X- % in Elemental Defender = X
4. If DOT applies then X - Elemental Defender % - Thick Skinned %
5. If Also a Crit then Crit damage + Crit increase % - Crit Resistance
6. Damage taken = Y
Vs without CP you got
1. Base Damage - 50%
2. Spell Resistance - Spell Pentration = X
3. If X is a Crit then Crit damage modifier - Crit Resist = Damage taken = Y
thats twice as many calcs, and I may be missing some in the CP system that adds even more....such as the various passives that happen when certain conditions are true that also must be run through the same ring.
I fully believe it is NOT technologically feasible to perform all the Calcs the CP system adds to the game and remain profitable.Even if they change the way they are calculated, it will make little difference. The hardware is simply not there yet, and the CP system was a very ambitious project in the first place. If CPU's were there it would be groundbreaking. ZOS would have to quadruple their server infrastructure, which would probably cost them millions per year thus putting them in the red.
I fully believe outside of a distributed computing model(is everyone here going to leave their PC on 24/7 and donate CPU cycles to ZOS to solve these math calcs?) that we are 5-6 generations away in CPU architecture (Intel is moving away from Silicon after the 7nm process next year) before something like the CP system can function on the scale they want it too at a reasonable cost.
Todd Howard hinted with TES6 they are a few years away from having the tech needed to do the game they want. The CP system sadly IMO is in the same boat. CPU can only service so many requests at one time, and even without the CP calcs the server is probably close to its max, adding more on that gives these stupid 700+ lag pings it just can't do that many calcs for that many people at once as long as CP is involved.
Last nights test showed me they actually fixed the lighting patch issues, but i think there is a technological barrier with CP....i don't think their is a cluster of CPU on the planet for any less then 2.5 mill per year that will be able to handle those kinda calcs...even Microsoft's Azure Cloud(the largest cloud in the world) would struggle with that....what players are asking for here is unfeasible and i think ZOS is figuring that out after exhausting all other options.
I think they will try to re-work some of the code to try and relieve some of it, by re-factoring how those cals work, but its a band-aid solution....they will come to the conclusion its simply not feasible on that PVE you don't have 300+ people all in one place spamming skills which is why PVE for the most part isn't that bad, but in PVP? those are every day conditions and i'll be suprised if they can make that work.
I'll stay in Azura's until then, atleast the game can be played and works there when they bring back CP.
I'm actually on console but will consider the non-cp campaign after this test week. PvP with CP & high pop is better than PvP with no CP and a low pop.
Don't know what you've done with the latency meter though, but it's not accurate at all.
My ping meter stays in my usual numbers ie 100-120 all the time, even in situatiions where there is 1 sec delay. It's not a valid source for latency.
You mentioned the meteors, I had strange things happening when hit with meteors on console. It would port me all around the map and then land me a couple seconds later where I was hit.
Joy_Division wrote: »
They did not raise the population caps. There was just as many people at the Aleswell faction stack last night as your typical TF faction stack.
You already have your mind made up and made your playstyle preference quite clear, which is fine, but I do not agree with your assessment that after a 24 hour period the test is a success that "proves" anything, especially since you do not have access to the data that ZoS has
RinaldoGandolphi wrote: »
I actually want them to keep a CP campaign. I'm a big supporter of player choice and players should be able to play with CP if that's what they want. I'm just not sure they will ever solve the lag problems with them though, but a CP campaign should continue to exist for those who wish to play with them.
That is the biggest difference I noticed. Mist form seems to be the worst, that and weapon swap.
Latency was good on first day PC EU TF. Made ~700k AP today with a small group playing the map. We only had ping spikes when that Russian banana train circle-zerged Aleswell (PR > 800, normal PR 70-100).
I'm actually on console but will consider the non-cp campaign after this test week. PvP with CP & high pop is better than PvP with no CP and a low pop.
@IIINutterIII Better late than never.lllNutterlll wrote: »I wonder if all these people that are just finding out they like no CP campaigns know Azura's Star has been a thing for awhile now?
It definitely felt more stable last night on PS4 and there were some intense 3 way Zerg fights going on around Aleswell. I thought small scale PvP felt more balanced and less gank friendly.