Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of October 7:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 7
• Xbox: EU megaserver for maintenance – October 9, 2:00 UTC (October 8, 10:00PM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)
We will be performing maintenance for patch 10.2.3 on the PTS on Monday at 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC).

Official Feedback Thread for Sorcerers

  • cpuScientist
    Natas013 wrote: »
    STEVIL wrote: »
    On not counting overload bar for slot when commenting pn toggle slot loss, it would be less misleading if you noted the "if you dont want overload bar" when citing limited slots as an issue. IMO.

    O making surge ignore ults, so then not only does surge push against dot use in builds but also against non-utility ulti use in builds as well? One sorc class desoign only sounds dull. New version supports any build that can crit. That seems to me to be a good diversity upgrade.

    Ulti hit too hard, as previously stated in this thread about overload hits healing to full, and DoTs hit too soft, except maybe curse, to be a good heal with the way it's set up on live. If we had a class spamable skill, this change I suggested seems reasonable. I'll admit my previously suggested stam ranged drain type skill was ill conceived. As such maybe the stam morph should be melee range so it dealing physical damage would make sense.

    As for not counting overload bar, I agree with @code65536. When I run it I at most get 2 additional skills and that's if I'm running no toggles. This might be different if weapon swap brought you out of overload.

    I also agree that we need more DoTs, and still believe pets should be changed to DoTs like shade. This change would also help DoT builds get heals as opposed to relying on surge. Also it would make for more reliable heals for tanks.

    Where I don't agree is the suggested passive swap concerning bound armor. I feel putting an effective active skill on it and it's morphs, justifying having it on both bars (or all three of you run overload), would be better.

    In truth sorcs are in a pretty bad spot and could use a lot of attention. There's so many ways the toolkit could be changed up to make us effective, it's hard to settle on what exactly should be done. Obviously the least being changed would be the easiest to get, but may not be the best coarse of action.

    I really do not want shades. That skill is not good. And pets in how they fintion are fine, there is just no good reason to alot them. As to do slightly competitive DPS we must have max magicka. We must have overload, we must have inner light and bound aegis slotted. MUST.
    So that is why all I want is for the magicka bonus on bound aegis and the health bonus for having pets to be swapped. That's all. It will make pets stronger. As we would be getting the max magicka boost with the pet. And then people could choose which pet they want out.

    This is all. I do not know if you use pets or not. But I am a pet Sorc and I have all classes leveled, and shades suck, Sorc pets need tweaks not an insane overhaul like that.
    CP5 wrote: »
    STEVIL wrote: »
    CP5 wrote: »
    STEVIL wrote: »
    On not counting overload bar for slot when commenting pn toggle slot loss, it would be less misleading if you noted the "if you dont want overload bar" when citing limited slots as an issue. IMO.

    O making surge ignore ults, so then not only does surge push against dot use in builds but also against non-utility ulti use in builds as well? One sorc class desoign only sounds dull. New version supports any build that can crit. That seems to me to be a good diversity upgrade.

    I think I speak for more than just myself when I say socrerer's should stop being ignored in regards to buffs with the 'overload' excuse. It is irritating seeing that pop up when a point is brought up and reminds me when sorcerer's were 'negate monkies'. There is more to the class than just the cheese ultimate. Also that bar is very unreliable, unless the sorcerer doesn't use another ultimate and uses overload sparingly.

    You quoted me but i did not argue against a buff due to overload.

    Overload was used to counter point the claim, unfounded claim imo, that sorcs are short on slots.

    However, in any class discussion, all aspects of the class may be relevent.

    I quoted you since you used overload as a reason that sorcerer's being the only class with access to toggles any more having three of them and that being ok. Overload is a scapegoat right now, sorc dps low? Overload. Sorc's have 3 toggle skills? Overload. Again and again, that is why I included your post. Those slots, while nice, are only good as long as you don't use up all of your ultimate, takes one of your ultimate slots, and at this point is becoming one of the most brain dead and dull ways to damage in this game. And if you omit the ultimate from the equation then yes, the toggles and the skills you need to make those toggles worth anything give the class next to no options beyond them.

    We agree.
    If you eliminate the ultimate overload from thec equation the toggle argument has more merit.
    However, i have not seen in any of these sorc so bad threads any hue or cry to remove overload to help sorcs.
    Do you want to remove overload from the sorc or just get to ignore it when it suits your arguments?

    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • Natas013
    XaXa wrote: »
    If we got a channeled shock execute (like that one move in skyrim) that had the exact same tooltip as RD everyone would cry for nerfs. Even the templars.

    You mean storm call? That's even better than what I had in mind. Reduce the range to 14m radius. Make targeting random, and add a 1second stun. Give it a 5% to hit the caster causing 0 damage but stunning for 1 second. Reduce movement speed to blocking movement speed. BOOM JESUS STORM!

    Probably wouldn't even last two weeks, but it'd be fun to play with while it lasted.
    RIP Ellania Delome
    June 9, 2015-June 14, 2016
    A skilled crafter, competent sorcerer, and denizen of the night
    Along came the Dark Brotherhood and summarily ended it all
  • cschwingeb14_ESO
    Grao wrote: »
    As to Overload, you are just wrong, you can animation cancel the light attack, even if you can't charge an attack while performing a spell because overload doesn't have medium attacks. Having a spammable to weave with overload would increase its sustained damage output considerably while helping prevent the bug in which the ability gets stuck in Heavy attack mode.

    You can animation cancel the overload light attack, but only with a Dodge roll or block/bash. It sit on the same "priority level/cooldown" as skills. If you don't believe me, consider the fact that no top tier raider weaves fury with overload LA. And it would be an obvious DPS increase while in overload to do so
  • NBrookus
    STEVIL wrote: »
    CP5 wrote: »
    STEVIL wrote: »
    CP5 wrote: »
    STEVIL wrote: »
    On not counting overload bar for slot when commenting pn toggle slot loss, it would be less misleading if you noted the "if you dont want overload bar" when citing limited slots as an issue. IMO.

    O making surge ignore ults, so then not only does surge push against dot use in builds but also against non-utility ulti use in builds as well? One sorc class desoign only sounds dull. New version supports any build that can crit. That seems to me to be a good diversity upgrade.

    I think I speak for more than just myself when I say socrerer's should stop being ignored in regards to buffs with the 'overload' excuse. It is irritating seeing that pop up when a point is brought up and reminds me when sorcerer's were 'negate monkies'. There is more to the class than just the cheese ultimate. Also that bar is very unreliable, unless the sorcerer doesn't use another ultimate and uses overload sparingly.

    You quoted me but i did not argue against a buff due to overload.

    Overload was used to counter point the claim, unfounded claim imo, that sorcs are short on slots.

    However, in any class discussion, all aspects of the class may be relevent.

    I quoted you since you used overload as a reason that sorcerer's being the only class with access to toggles any more having three of them and that being ok. Overload is a scapegoat right now, sorc dps low? Overload. Sorc's have 3 toggle skills? Overload. Again and again, that is why I included your post. Those slots, while nice, are only good as long as you don't use up all of your ultimate, takes one of your ultimate slots, and at this point is becoming one of the most brain dead and dull ways to damage in this game. And if you omit the ultimate from the equation then yes, the toggles and the skills you need to make those toggles worth anything give the class next to no options beyond them.

    We agree.
    If you eliminate the ultimate overload from thec equation the toggle argument has more merit.
    However, i have not seen in any of these sorc so bad threads any hue or cry to remove overload to help sorcs.
    Do you want to remove overload from the sorc or just get to ignore it when it suits your arguments?

    Get rid of our toggles and give us a spammable execute and then hell yes, get rid of overload. Or make shooting lighting from our fingers not an ultimate, but a high cost/high damage skill.

    Sorcs being forced into the constant bar swapping is a major PITA.
  • Natas013
    Natas013 wrote: »
    STEVIL wrote: »
    On not counting overload bar for slot when commenting pn toggle slot loss, it would be less misleading if you noted the "if you dont want overload bar" when citing limited slots as an issue. IMO.

    O making surge ignore ults, so then not only does surge push against dot use in builds but also against non-utility ulti use in builds as well? One sorc class desoign only sounds dull. New version supports any build that can crit. That seems to me to be a good diversity upgrade.

    Ulti hit too hard, as previously stated in this thread about overload hits healing to full, and DoTs hit too soft, except maybe curse, to be a good heal with the way it's set up on live. If we had a class spamable skill, this change I suggested seems reasonable. I'll admit my previously suggested stam ranged drain type skill was ill conceived. As such maybe the stam morph should be melee range so it dealing physical damage would make sense.

    As for not counting overload bar, I agree with @code65536. When I run it I at most get 2 additional skills and that's if I'm running no toggles. This might be different if weapon swap brought you out of overload.

    I also agree that we need more DoTs, and still believe pets should be changed to DoTs like shade. This change would also help DoT builds get heals as opposed to relying on surge. Also it would make for more reliable heals for tanks.

    Where I don't agree is the suggested passive swap concerning bound armor. I feel putting an effective active skill on it and it's morphs, justifying having it on both bars (or all three of you run overload), would be better.

    In truth sorcs are in a pretty bad spot and could use a lot of attention. There's so many ways the toolkit could be changed up to make us effective, it's hard to settle on what exactly should be done. Obviously the least being changed would be the easiest to get, but may not be the best coarse of action.

    I really do not want shades. That skill is not good. And pets in how they fintion are fine, there is just no good reason to alot them. As to do slightly competitive DPS we must have max magicka. We must have overload, we must have inner light and bound aegis slotted. MUST.
    So that is why all I want is for the magicka bonus on bound aegis and the health bonus for having pets to be swapped. That's all. It will make pets stronger. As we would be getting the max magicka boost with the pet. And then people could choose which pet they want out.

    This is all. I do not know if you use pets or not. But I am a pet Sorc and I have all classes leveled, and shades suck, Sorc pets need tweaks not an insane overhaul like that.

    I don't use pets, as they don't function well at all on consoles. The only use for them in PvE is to grab agro and serve as a meat shield until they die. In high end content that's not very long. I can't direct them as I can shades, which I run both morphs for two different purposes. Dark shades I run on my tank set up, and shadow image I run on my healer set up. If they functioned on consoles like they do on PC then I might be inclined to agree with you. Since they don't, and I don't see how they could, the only way I see them being worth a slot is if they only took up one slot. They cost too much, and the cast time is too long, to use them as I proposed they be changed to work. When you throw in the active skill they cost upwards of 3X as much.

    As for PvP you're better off slotting two more reliable DoTs that'll actually do some damage. Although you may get to use the heals a few times before someone accidentally kills them.

    I dare say, even if they became insanely OP I wouldn't run pets as they function for consoles right now. Tbh the only toggle skills I ever cared for are siphoning strikes and bound armor, I still run leeching strikes on my tank. I was glad when Mage light became an instant, as I could justify slotting it. With the shield nerf though I'm not sure it'll make the cut on the front bar. I'll have to see when DB goes live.
    RIP Ellania Delome
    June 9, 2015-June 14, 2016
    A skilled crafter, competent sorcerer, and denizen of the night
    Along came the Dark Brotherhood and summarily ended it all
  • Natas013
    NBrookus wrote: »
    STEVIL wrote: »
    CP5 wrote: »
    STEVIL wrote: »
    CP5 wrote: »
    STEVIL wrote: »
    On not counting overload bar for slot when commenting pn toggle slot loss, it would be less misleading if you noted the "if you dont want overload bar" when citing limited slots as an issue. IMO.

    O making surge ignore ults, so then not only does surge push against dot use in builds but also against non-utility ulti use in builds as well? One sorc class desoign only sounds dull. New version supports any build that can crit. That seems to me to be a good diversity upgrade.

    I think I speak for more than just myself when I say socrerer's should stop being ignored in regards to buffs with the 'overload' excuse. It is irritating seeing that pop up when a point is brought up and reminds me when sorcerer's were 'negate monkies'. There is more to the class than just the cheese ultimate. Also that bar is very unreliable, unless the sorcerer doesn't use another ultimate and uses overload sparingly.

    You quoted me but i did not argue against a buff due to overload.

    Overload was used to counter point the claim, unfounded claim imo, that sorcs are short on slots.

    However, in any class discussion, all aspects of the class may be relevent.

    I quoted you since you used overload as a reason that sorcerer's being the only class with access to toggles any more having three of them and that being ok. Overload is a scapegoat right now, sorc dps low? Overload. Sorc's have 3 toggle skills? Overload. Again and again, that is why I included your post. Those slots, while nice, are only good as long as you don't use up all of your ultimate, takes one of your ultimate slots, and at this point is becoming one of the most brain dead and dull ways to damage in this game. And if you omit the ultimate from the equation then yes, the toggles and the skills you need to make those toggles worth anything give the class next to no options beyond them.

    We agree.
    If you eliminate the ultimate overload from thec equation the toggle argument has more merit.
    However, i have not seen in any of these sorc so bad threads any hue or cry to remove overload to help sorcs.
    Do you want to remove overload from the sorc or just get to ignore it when it suits your arguments?

    Get rid of our toggles and give us a spammable execute and then hell yes, get rid of overload. Or make shooting lighting from our fingers not an ultimate, but a high cost/high damage skill.

    Sorcs being forced into the constant bar swapping is a major PITA.

    I officially submit my outlandish idea for an execute as a replacement for overload. Not as stated exactly as I was being facetious. A channel ulti though, one that works similarly to temps healing ulti. Make one of the morphs a wind storm call dealing physical damage, and we're in business. I'd gladly lose the ever buggy overload if it meant losing the toggles. I don't see why bound armor can't passively give its current effects while slotted since Mage light and a few other former toggles do. I don't care if the cast is something cheese, like a cc or minor sorcery/brutality buff.

    Either way, let's keep this going. Let's make next patch the patch of the sorc. :wink:
    RIP Ellania Delome
    June 9, 2015-June 14, 2016
    A skilled crafter, competent sorcerer, and denizen of the night
    Along came the Dark Brotherhood and summarily ended it all
  • CP5
    STEVIL wrote: »
    CP5 wrote: »
    STEVIL wrote: »
    CP5 wrote: »
    STEVIL wrote: »
    On not counting overload bar for slot when commenting pn toggle slot loss, it would be less misleading if you noted the "if you dont want overload bar" when citing limited slots as an issue. IMO.

    O making surge ignore ults, so then not only does surge push against dot use in builds but also against non-utility ulti use in builds as well? One sorc class desoign only sounds dull. New version supports any build that can crit. That seems to me to be a good diversity upgrade.

    I think I speak for more than just myself when I say socrerer's should stop being ignored in regards to buffs with the 'overload' excuse. It is irritating seeing that pop up when a point is brought up and reminds me when sorcerer's were 'negate monkies'. There is more to the class than just the cheese ultimate. Also that bar is very unreliable, unless the sorcerer doesn't use another ultimate and uses overload sparingly.

    You quoted me but i did not argue against a buff due to overload.

    Overload was used to counter point the claim, unfounded claim imo, that sorcs are short on slots.

    However, in any class discussion, all aspects of the class may be relevent.

    I quoted you since you used overload as a reason that sorcerer's being the only class with access to toggles any more having three of them and that being ok. Overload is a scapegoat right now, sorc dps low? Overload. Sorc's have 3 toggle skills? Overload. Again and again, that is why I included your post. Those slots, while nice, are only good as long as you don't use up all of your ultimate, takes one of your ultimate slots, and at this point is becoming one of the most brain dead and dull ways to damage in this game. And if you omit the ultimate from the equation then yes, the toggles and the skills you need to make those toggles worth anything give the class next to no options beyond them.

    We agree.
    If you eliminate the ultimate overload from thec equation the toggle argument has more merit.
    However, i have not seen in any of these sorc so bad threads any hue or cry to remove overload to help sorcs.
    Do you want to remove overload from the sorc or just get to ignore it when it suits your arguments?

    I really wouldn't mind seeing overload completely reworked because right now it is only holding the class back. Whenever an issue comes up it is used as the reasoning that the class is still 'ok' and I was not a fan when the class was little more than negate, and now the class can't seem to get the help it needs because of overload. I'm not ignoring the skill, just saying it is frustrating that this one skill is brought into conversation as the excuse that 'your dps is fine' or 'you have 3 toggles, just use overload'. It gets old.
  • Minalan
    Stop counting the overload bar extras as a 'slot'.

    Once you shoot a meteor at someone you can't access any of those f***ing slots until you earn another 100 ultimate. If your build counts on any of those skills, you're dead.

    It's nice to have a few extra things on their, but it doesn't make up for the whole 'togglemancer' thing. Please. Stop it.

    That is, unless you think it would be fair to disable half of a Templar or DK's skill bar based on how much ultimate you have...
    Edited by Minalan on May 22, 2016 4:57PM
    Minalan wrote: »
    Stop counting the overload bar extras as a 'slot'.

    Once you shoot a meteor at someone you can't access any of those f***ing slots until you earn another 100 ultimate. If your build counts on any of those skills, you're dead.

    It's nice to have a few extra things on their, but it doesn't make up for the whole 'togglemancer' thing. Please. Stop it.

    That is, unless you think it would be fair to disable half of a Templar or DK's skill bar based on how much ultimate you have...

    So for sorc the overload bar is 1/3 of their slots and you propose the eq "penalty" considered for templar would be 50%.

    Sorc-fan balance math at its finest.

    Yes, you the player CAN by direct choice put KEY skills on the overload bar and then wipe your ultimate and be at a disadvantage. Bur your CLASS at this point is not your biggest problem.

    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • cosmic_niklas_93b16_ESO
    STEVIL wrote: »
    Minalan wrote: »
    Stop counting the overload bar extras as a 'slot'.

    Once you shoot a meteor at someone you can't access any of those f***ing slots until you earn another 100 ultimate. If your build counts on any of those skills, you're dead.

    It's nice to have a few extra things on their, but it doesn't make up for the whole 'togglemancer' thing. Please. Stop it.

    That is, unless you think it would be fair to disable half of a Templar or DK's skill bar based on how much ultimate you have...

    So for sorc the overload bar is 1/3 of their slots and you propose the eq "penalty" considered for templar would be 50%.

    Sorc-fan balance math at its finest.

    Yes, you the player CAN by direct choice put KEY skills on the overload bar and then wipe your ultimate and be at a disadvantage. Bur your CLASS at this point is not your biggest problem.

    Well, the class is just about dead anyway, there's really only 3 classes left in the game, oh and that abomination we once called sorcerers that noone in their right mind would play in the new dlc after it got completely curbstomped by zenimax.
    Edited by cosmic_niklas_93b16_ESO on May 22, 2016 5:23PM
    R.I.P. Daranth Spellborn
    VR16 Dunmer Sorcerer
    March 2014 - May 2016
    He was a skilled Crafter and a reliable Sorcerer;
    Then came the Dark Brotherhood

    Wrobel wrote: Surge is now more effective for tank characters.
    Because crit tanks are so good, LOL. xD
  • Ajax_22
    STEVIL wrote: »
    CP5 wrote: »
    STEVIL wrote: »
    CP5 wrote: »
    STEVIL wrote: »
    On not counting overload bar for slot when commenting pn toggle slot loss, it would be less misleading if you noted the "if you dont want overload bar" when citing limited slots as an issue. IMO.

    O making surge ignore ults, so then not only does surge push against dot use in builds but also against non-utility ulti use in builds as well? One sorc class desoign only sounds dull. New version supports any build that can crit. That seems to me to be a good diversity upgrade.

    I think I speak for more than just myself when I say socrerer's should stop being ignored in regards to buffs with the 'overload' excuse. It is irritating seeing that pop up when a point is brought up and reminds me when sorcerer's were 'negate monkies'. There is more to the class than just the cheese ultimate. Also that bar is very unreliable, unless the sorcerer doesn't use another ultimate and uses overload sparingly.

    You quoted me but i did not argue against a buff due to overload.

    Overload was used to counter point the claim, unfounded claim imo, that sorcs are short on slots.

    However, in any class discussion, all aspects of the class may be relevent.

    I quoted you since you used overload as a reason that sorcerer's being the only class with access to toggles any more having three of them and that being ok. Overload is a scapegoat right now, sorc dps low? Overload. Sorc's have 3 toggle skills? Overload. Again and again, that is why I included your post. Those slots, while nice, are only good as long as you don't use up all of your ultimate, takes one of your ultimate slots, and at this point is becoming one of the most brain dead and dull ways to damage in this game. And if you omit the ultimate from the equation then yes, the toggles and the skills you need to make those toggles worth anything give the class next to no options beyond them.

    We agree.
    If you eliminate the ultimate overload from thec equation the toggle argument has more merit.
    However, i have not seen in any of these sorc so bad threads any hue or cry to remove overload to help sorcs.
    Do you want to remove overload from the sorc or just get to ignore it when it suits your arguments?

    I talk about reworking Overload all the time. It's a terrible ultimate. It's a DPS loss over Meteor in any fight that matters, and is the reason Sorcs have such low sustained damage. Make Overload a cheap single cast, single target ultimate, and give the class some more DoTs for sustained damage to compensate. Additionally, constantly swapping to the Overload bar in combat is just not practical, and should never be counted into how may bar slots Sorcs get.
    Edited by Ajax_22 on May 22, 2016 5:29PM
    STEVIL wrote: »
    Minalan wrote: »
    Stop counting the overload bar extras as a 'slot'.

    Once you shoot a meteor at someone you can't access any of those f***ing slots until you earn another 100 ultimate. If your build counts on any of those skills, you're dead.

    It's nice to have a few extra things on their, but it doesn't make up for the whole 'togglemancer' thing. Please. Stop it.

    That is, unless you think it would be fair to disable half of a Templar or DK's skill bar based on how much ultimate you have...

    So for sorc the overload bar is 1/3 of their slots and you propose the eq "penalty" considered for templar would be 50%.

    Sorc-fan balance math at its finest.

    Yes, you the player CAN by direct choice put KEY skills on the overload bar and then wipe your ultimate and be at a disadvantage. Bur your CLASS at this point is not your biggest problem.

    Well, the class is just about dead anyway, there's really only 3 classes left in the game, oh and that abomination we once called sorcerers that noone in their right mind would play in the new dlc after it got completely curbstomped by zenimax.

    Yeah yeah sorcs dead sure... sky is falling.

    My first new slot will be my third sorc, so call me crazy but the voices in my head disagree with you. They say i am good to go. Well, except for Cassie but nobody pays attention to her.
    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • code65536
    1. Denial: 6 seconds?! That tiny flat value? Surely these must be typos! Or a bug. Maybe they meant it to be higher, but accidentally entered the wrong number.
    2. Anger: Wrobel, what the <explicative> were you thinking? Nerfing a broken class in then one area where they actually excelled!
    3. Bargaining: Look, I understand these changes to the Ward and Surge, but they're rather extreme. How about a compromise, like making Empowered at least 12 seconds and giving us a morph choice between the old and new Surge?
    4. Depression: Fine, if you're going to stick to your guns, then maybe I'll stop running vMA on my sorc after this update and just dust my sorc off now and then for stuffing easy weeklies with alts.
    5. Acceptance: Well, group PvE will still the same as before, and on the bright side, with sorcs no longer being the vMA easy mode class, maybe sorcs will become one of those classes where just a completion will get you a secured board spot? And there's always the next major update after DB...

    I think I'm at stage 5 now.
    Nightfighters ― PC/NA and PC/EU

    Dungeons and Trials:
    Personal best scores:
    Dungeon trifectas:
    Media: YouTubeTwitch
  • bloodenragedb14_ESO
    code65536 wrote: »
    1. Denial: 6 seconds?! That tiny flat value? Surely these must be typos! Or a bug. Maybe they meant it to be higher, but accidentally entered the wrong number.
    2. Anger: Wrobel, what the <explicative> were you thinking? Nerfing a broken class in then one area where they actually excelled!
    3. Bargaining: Look, I understand these changes to the Ward and Surge, but they're rather extreme. How about a compromise, like making Empowered at least 12 seconds and giving us a morph choice between the old and new Surge?
    4. Depression: Fine, if you're going to stick to your guns, then maybe I'll stop running vMA on my sorc after this update and just dust my sorc off now and then for stuffing easy weeklies with alts.
    5. Acceptance: Well, group PvE will still the same as before, and on the bright side, with sorcs no longer being the vMA easy mode class, maybe sorcs will become one of those classes where just a completion will get you a secured board spot? And there's always the next major update after DB...

    I think I'm at stage 5 now.

    you know, some of us never get past anger......but then im a sith fanatic of the star wars franchise, so anger is power
  • cosmic_niklas_93b16_ESO
    code65536 wrote: »
    1. Denial: 6 seconds?! That tiny flat value? Surely these must be typos! Or a bug. Maybe they meant it to be higher, but accidentally entered the wrong number.
    2. Anger: Wrobel, what the <explicative> were you thinking? Nerfing a broken class in then one area where they actually excelled!
    3. Bargaining: Look, I understand these changes to the Ward and Surge, but they're rather extreme. How about a compromise, like making Empowered at least 12 seconds and giving us a morph choice between the old and new Surge?
    4. Depression: Fine, if you're going to stick to your guns, then maybe I'll stop running vMA on my sorc after this update and just dust my sorc off now and then for stuffing easy weeklies with alts.
    5. Acceptance: Well, group PvE will still the same as before, and on the bright side, with sorcs no longer being the vMA easy mode class, maybe sorcs will become one of those classes where just a completion will get you a secured board spot? And there's always the next major update after DB...

    I think I'm at stage 5 now.

    you know, some of us never get past anger......but then im a sith fanatic of the star wars franchise, so anger is power

    Yeah, I'm at stage 2 myself, won't get past that one. I'm just moving on from the game until they can get some people with brains to fix the sorc class, not the completely braindead thing we got now in the pts that can't compete at all with other classes. I'll just be here laughing and dancing once the game comes crashing down from the complete lack of brain activity from the people doing the balancing.
    STEVIL wrote: »
    STEVIL wrote: »
    Minalan wrote: »
    Stop counting the overload bar extras as a 'slot'.

    Once you shoot a meteor at someone you can't access any of those f***ing slots until you earn another 100 ultimate. If your build counts on any of those skills, you're dead.

    It's nice to have a few extra things on their, but it doesn't make up for the whole 'togglemancer' thing. Please. Stop it.

    That is, unless you think it would be fair to disable half of a Templar or DK's skill bar based on how much ultimate you have...

    So for sorc the overload bar is 1/3 of their slots and you propose the eq "penalty" considered for templar would be 50%.

    Sorc-fan balance math at its finest.

    Yes, you the player CAN by direct choice put KEY skills on the overload bar and then wipe your ultimate and be at a disadvantage. Bur your CLASS at this point is not your biggest problem.

    Well, the class is just about dead anyway, there's really only 3 classes left in the game, oh and that abomination we once called sorcerers that noone in their right mind would play in the new dlc after it got completely curbstomped by zenimax.

    Yeah yeah sorcs dead sure... sky is falling.

    My first new slot will be my third sorc, so call me crazy but the voices in my head disagree with you. They say i am good to go. Well, except for Cassie but nobody pays attention to her.

    Yes, have fun getting kicked from every single trial group for being a sorcerer, I hope you'll enjoy it. I know I got better things to do than playing a failing game with failed leadership. ;)

    Edited by cosmic_niklas_93b16_ESO on May 22, 2016 6:27PM
    R.I.P. Daranth Spellborn
    VR16 Dunmer Sorcerer
    March 2014 - May 2016
    He was a skilled Crafter and a reliable Sorcerer;
    Then came the Dark Brotherhood

    Wrobel wrote: Surge is now more effective for tank characters.
    Because crit tanks are so good, LOL. xD
  • Apherius
    Ajax_22 wrote: »

    I talk about reworking Overload all the time. It's a terrible ultimate. It's a DPS loss over Meteor in any fight that matters, and is the reason Sorcs have such low sustained damage. Make Overload a cheap single cast, single target ultimate, and give the class some more DoTs for sustained damage to compensate. Additionally, constantly swapping to the Overload bar in combat is just not practical, and should never be counted into how may bar slots Sorcs get.

    +1 , i hate this overload too . i want Play a sorcerer who have Gameplay and can be competitive with other classes too !
    Edited by Apherius on May 22, 2016 6:54PM
  • NBrookus
    Natas013 wrote: »
    NBrookus wrote: »
    Get rid of our toggles and give us a spammable execute and then hell yes, get rid of overload. Or make shooting lighting from our fingers not an ultimate, but a high cost/high damage skill.

    Sorcs being forced into the constant bar swapping is a major PITA.

    I officially submit my outlandish idea for an execute as a replacement for overload. Not as stated exactly as I was being facetious. A channel ulti though, one that works similarly to temps healing ulti. Make one of the morphs a wind storm call dealing physical damage, and we're in business. I'd gladly lose the ever buggy overload if it meant losing the toggles. I don't see why bound armor can't passively give its current effects while slotted since Mage light and a few other former toggles do. I don't care if the cast is something cheese, like a cc or minor sorcery/brutality buff.

    Either way, let's keep this going. Let's make next patch the patch of the sorc. :wink:

    My bad for saying spammable execute -- we have one of those and I'm rather fond of it in PvP. I really meant spammable damage ability. Something mid-range in damage, like Force Pulse, or that has utility, like siphoning health and magicka from an enemy replacing Dark Useless. Then overload can be an ability which costs a LOT, but does a lot of damage and isn't an ultimate.

    Not sure what we'd get for another ulti tho. I wouldn't mind another utility ultimate since we'd have good damage abilities at that point.
  • Minalan
    code65536 wrote: »
    1. Denial: 6 seconds?! That tiny flat value? Surely these must be typos! Or a bug. Maybe they meant it to be higher, but accidentally entered the wrong number.
    2. Anger: Wrobel, what the <explicative> were you thinking? Nerfing a broken class in then one area where they actually excelled!
    3. Bargaining: Look, I understand these changes to the Ward and Surge, but they're rather extreme. How about a compromise, like making Empowered at least 12 seconds and giving us a morph choice between the old and new Surge?
    4. Depression: Fine, if you're going to stick to your guns, then maybe I'll stop running vMA on my sorc after this update and just dust my sorc off now and then for stuffing easy weeklies with alts.
    5. Acceptance: Well, group PvE will still the same as before, and on the bright side, with sorcs no longer being the vMA easy mode class, maybe sorcs will become one of those classes where just a completion will get you a secured board spot? And there's always the next major update after DB...

    I think I'm at stage 5 now.

    Stage three. We're not done trying to get them to fix this, and stubborn as they are.

    They are going to do something else with surge in the live patch, and we DID get a 10 second 15-16k empowered ward.
    code65536 wrote: »
    1. Denial: 6 seconds?! That tiny flat value? Surely these must be typos! Or a bug. Maybe they meant it to be higher, but accidentally entered the wrong number.
    2. Anger: Wrobel, what the <explicative> were you thinking? Nerfing a broken class in then one area where they actually excelled!
    3. Bargaining: Look, I understand these changes to the Ward and Surge, but they're rather extreme. How about a compromise, like making Empowered at least 12 seconds and giving us a morph choice between the old and new Surge?
    4. Depression: Fine, if you're going to stick to your guns, then maybe I'll stop running vMA on my sorc after this update and just dust my sorc off now and then for stuffing easy weeklies with alts.
    5. Acceptance: Well, group PvE will still the same as before, and on the bright side, with sorcs no longer being the vMA easy mode class, maybe sorcs will become one of those classes where just a completion will get you a secured board spot? And there's always the next major update after DB...

    I think I'm at stage 5 now.

    you know, some of us never get past anger......but then im a sith fanatic of the star wars franchise, so anger is power

    Yeah, I'm at stage 2 myself, won't get past that one. I'm just moving on from the game until they can get some people with brains to fix the sorc class, not the completely braindead thing we got now in the pts that can't compete at all with other classes. I'll just be here laughing and dancing once the game comes crashing down from the complete lack of brain activity from the people doing the balancing.
    STEVIL wrote: »
    STEVIL wrote: »
    Minalan wrote: »
    Stop counting the overload bar extras as a 'slot'.

    Once you shoot a meteor at someone you can't access any of those f***ing slots until you earn another 100 ultimate. If your build counts on any of those skills, you're dead.

    It's nice to have a few extra things on their, but it doesn't make up for the whole 'togglemancer' thing. Please. Stop it.

    That is, unless you think it would be fair to disable half of a Templar or DK's skill bar based on how much ultimate you have...

    So for sorc the overload bar is 1/3 of their slots and you propose the eq "penalty" considered for templar would be 50%.

    Sorc-fan balance math at its finest.

    Yes, you the player CAN by direct choice put KEY skills on the overload bar and then wipe your ultimate and be at a disadvantage. Bur your CLASS at this point is not your biggest problem.

    Well, the class is just about dead anyway, there's really only 3 classes left in the game, oh and that abomination we once called sorcerers that noone in their right mind would play in the new dlc after it got completely curbstomped by zenimax.

    Yeah yeah sorcs dead sure... sky is falling.

    My first new slot will be my third sorc, so call me crazy but the voices in my head disagree with you. They say i am good to go. Well, except for Cassie but nobody pays attention to her.

    Yes, have fun getting kicked from every single trial group for being a sorcerer, I hope you'll enjoy it. I know I got better things to do than playing a failing game with failed leadership. ;)

    yes, obviously, like raging on their forums.

    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • cpuScientist
    Minalan wrote: »
    code65536 wrote: »
    1. Denial: 6 seconds?! That tiny flat value? Surely these must be typos! Or a bug. Maybe they meant it to be higher, but accidentally entered the wrong number.
    2. Anger: Wrobel, what the <explicative> were you thinking? Nerfing a broken class in then one area where they actually excelled!
    3. Bargaining: Look, I understand these changes to the Ward and Surge, but they're rather extreme. How about a compromise, like making Empowered at least 12 seconds and giving us a morph choice between the old and new Surge?
    4. Depression: Fine, if you're going to stick to your guns, then maybe I'll stop running vMA on my sorc after this update and just dust my sorc off now and then for stuffing easy weeklies with alts.
    5. Acceptance: Well, group PvE will still the same as before, and on the bright side, with sorcs no longer being the vMA easy mode class, maybe sorcs will become one of those classes where just a completion will get you a secured board spot? And there's always the next major update after DB...

    I think I'm at stage 5 now.

    Stage three. We're not done trying to get them to fix this, and stubborn as they are.

    They are going to do something else with surge in the live patch, and we DID get a 10 second 15-16k empowered ward.

    Only the magicka regen portion of empowered ward is 10 seconds. The actual ward is unchanged still 8 seconds
  • cpuScientist
    Natas013 wrote: »
    Natas013 wrote: »
    STEVIL wrote: »
    On not counting overload bar for slot when commenting pn toggle slot loss, it would be less misleading if you noted the "if you dont want overload bar" when citing limited slots as an issue. IMO.

    O making surge ignore ults, so then not only does surge push against dot use in builds but also against non-utility ulti use in builds as well? One sorc class desoign only sounds dull. New version supports any build that can crit. That seems to me to be a good diversity upgrade.

    Ulti hit too hard, as previously stated in this thread about overload hits healing to full, and DoTs hit too soft, except maybe curse, to be a good heal with the way it's set up on live. If we had a class spamable skill, this change I suggested seems reasonable. I'll admit my previously suggested stam ranged drain type skill was ill conceived. As such maybe the stam morph should be melee range so it dealing physical damage would make sense.

    As for not counting overload bar, I agree with @code65536. When I run it I at most get 2 additional skills and that's if I'm running no toggles. This might be different if weapon swap brought you out of overload.

    I also agree that we need more DoTs, and still believe pets should be changed to DoTs like shade. This change would also help DoT builds get heals as opposed to relying on surge. Also it would make for more reliable heals for tanks.

    Where I don't agree is the suggested passive swap concerning bound armor. I feel putting an effective active skill on it and it's morphs, justifying having it on both bars (or all three of you run overload), would be better.

    In truth sorcs are in a pretty bad spot and could use a lot of attention. There's so many ways the toolkit could be changed up to make us effective, it's hard to settle on what exactly should be done. Obviously the least being changed would be the easiest to get, but may not be the best coarse of action.

    I really do not want shades. That skill is not good. And pets in how they fintion are fine, there is just no good reason to alot them. As to do slightly competitive DPS we must have max magicka. We must have overload, we must have inner light and bound aegis slotted. MUST.
    So that is why all I want is for the magicka bonus on bound aegis and the health bonus for having pets to be swapped. That's all. It will make pets stronger. As we would be getting the max magicka boost with the pet. And then people could choose which pet they want out.

    This is all. I do not know if you use pets or not. But I am a pet Sorc and I have all classes leveled, and shades suck, Sorc pets need tweaks not an insane overhaul like that.

    I don't use pets, as they don't function well at all on consoles. The only use for them in PvE is to grab agro and serve as a meat shield until they die. In high end content that's not very long. I can't direct them as I can shades, which I run both morphs for two different purposes. Dark shades I run on my tank set up, and shadow image I run on my healer set up. If they functioned on consoles like they do on PC then I might be inclined to agree with you. Since they don't, and I don't see how they could, the only way I see them being worth a slot is if they only took up one slot. They cost too much, and the cast time is too long, to use them as I proposed they be changed to work. When you throw in the active skill they cost upwards of 3X as much.

    As for PvP you're better off slotting two more reliable DoTs that'll actually do some damage. Although you may get to use the heals a few times before someone accidentally kills them.

    I dare say, even if they became insanely OP I wouldn't run pets as they function for consoles right now. Tbh the only toggle skills I ever cared for are siphoning strikes and bound armor, I still run leeching strikes on my tank. I was glad when Mage light became an instant, as I could justify slotting it. With the shield nerf though I'm not sure it'll make the cut on the front bar. I'll have to see when DB goes live.

    Ok sorry it sucks in consoles. Although you probably have, there needs to be threads asking for this change mage they attack whomever is cursed or they find a way to give that to you. As not having the ability to command my pets would infuriate me to no end. I would not ever slot them if the were the case. I micro manage them like crazy so no thanks consoles.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno is there any way to make pets commendable on console any plans for this.
  • Minalan
    Minalan wrote: »
    code65536 wrote: »
    1. Denial: 6 seconds?! That tiny flat value? Surely these must be typos! Or a bug. Maybe they meant it to be higher, but accidentally entered the wrong number.
    2. Anger: Wrobel, what the <explicative> were you thinking? Nerfing a broken class in then one area where they actually excelled!
    3. Bargaining: Look, I understand these changes to the Ward and Surge, but they're rather extreme. How about a compromise, like making Empowered at least 12 seconds and giving us a morph choice between the old and new Surge?
    4. Depression: Fine, if you're going to stick to your guns, then maybe I'll stop running vMA on my sorc after this update and just dust my sorc off now and then for stuffing easy weeklies with alts.
    5. Acceptance: Well, group PvE will still the same as before, and on the bright side, with sorcs no longer being the vMA easy mode class, maybe sorcs will become one of those classes where just a completion will get you a secured board spot? And there's always the next major update after DB...

    I think I'm at stage 5 now.

    Stage three. We're not done trying to get them to fix this, and stubborn as they are.

    They are going to do something else with surge in the live patch, and we DID get a 10 second 15-16k empowered ward.

    Only the magicka regen portion of empowered ward is 10 seconds. The actual ward is unchanged still 8 seconds

    Nope. Shield and buff to ten seconds. If it's not, then it's a bug. I haven't logged into PTS since last weekend. If I'm not giving them any of my money, I certainly am not going to give them any more of my free time at this point.

    Daedric Summoning
    Empowered Ward (Conjured Ward morph): Increased the duration of this morph’s damage shield and Minor Intellect buff to 10 seconds from 8 seconds.

    It sucks but I can live with it for running pledges with friends. It's also long enough to back-bar in PVP, using nullify Magicka on the front.
    Edited by Minalan on May 22, 2016 8:42PM
  • cosmic_niklas_93b16_ESO
    STEVIL wrote: »
    code65536 wrote: »
    1. Denial: 6 seconds?! That tiny flat value? Surely these must be typos! Or a bug. Maybe they meant it to be higher, but accidentally entered the wrong number.
    2. Anger: Wrobel, what the <explicative> were you thinking? Nerfing a broken class in then one area where they actually excelled!
    3. Bargaining: Look, I understand these changes to the Ward and Surge, but they're rather extreme. How about a compromise, like making Empowered at least 12 seconds and giving us a morph choice between the old and new Surge?
    4. Depression: Fine, if you're going to stick to your guns, then maybe I'll stop running vMA on my sorc after this update and just dust my sorc off now and then for stuffing easy weeklies with alts.
    5. Acceptance: Well, group PvE will still the same as before, and on the bright side, with sorcs no longer being the vMA easy mode class, maybe sorcs will become one of those classes where just a completion will get you a secured board spot? And there's always the next major update after DB...

    I think I'm at stage 5 now.

    you know, some of us never get past anger......but then im a sith fanatic of the star wars franchise, so anger is power

    Yeah, I'm at stage 2 myself, won't get past that one. I'm just moving on from the game until they can get some people with brains to fix the sorc class, not the completely braindead thing we got now in the pts that can't compete at all with other classes. I'll just be here laughing and dancing once the game comes crashing down from the complete lack of brain activity from the people doing the balancing.
    STEVIL wrote: »
    STEVIL wrote: »
    Minalan wrote: »
    Stop counting the overload bar extras as a 'slot'.

    Once you shoot a meteor at someone you can't access any of those f***ing slots until you earn another 100 ultimate. If your build counts on any of those skills, you're dead.

    It's nice to have a few extra things on their, but it doesn't make up for the whole 'togglemancer' thing. Please. Stop it.

    That is, unless you think it would be fair to disable half of a Templar or DK's skill bar based on how much ultimate you have...

    So for sorc the overload bar is 1/3 of their slots and you propose the eq "penalty" considered for templar would be 50%.

    Sorc-fan balance math at its finest.

    Yes, you the player CAN by direct choice put KEY skills on the overload bar and then wipe your ultimate and be at a disadvantage. Bur your CLASS at this point is not your biggest problem.

    Well, the class is just about dead anyway, there's really only 3 classes left in the game, oh and that abomination we once called sorcerers that noone in their right mind would play in the new dlc after it got completely curbstomped by zenimax.

    Yeah yeah sorcs dead sure... sky is falling.

    My first new slot will be my third sorc, so call me crazy but the voices in my head disagree with you. They say i am good to go. Well, except for Cassie but nobody pays attention to her.

    Yes, have fun getting kicked from every single trial group for being a sorcerer, I hope you'll enjoy it. I know I got better things to do than playing a failing game with failed leadership. ;)

    yes, obviously, like raging on their forums.

    It's a lot more fun than the game at this point, so might as well. :)
    R.I.P. Daranth Spellborn
    VR16 Dunmer Sorcerer
    March 2014 - May 2016
    He was a skilled Crafter and a reliable Sorcerer;
    Then came the Dark Brotherhood

    Wrobel wrote: Surge is now more effective for tank characters.
    Because crit tanks are so good, LOL. xD
  • cpuScientist
    Minalan wrote: »
    Minalan wrote: »
    code65536 wrote: »
    1. Denial: 6 seconds?! That tiny flat value? Surely these must be typos! Or a bug. Maybe they meant it to be higher, but accidentally entered the wrong number.
    2. Anger: Wrobel, what the <explicative> were you thinking? Nerfing a broken class in then one area where they actually excelled!
    3. Bargaining: Look, I understand these changes to the Ward and Surge, but they're rather extreme. How about a compromise, like making Empowered at least 12 seconds and giving us a morph choice between the old and new Surge?
    4. Depression: Fine, if you're going to stick to your guns, then maybe I'll stop running vMA on my sorc after this update and just dust my sorc off now and then for stuffing easy weeklies with alts.
    5. Acceptance: Well, group PvE will still the same as before, and on the bright side, with sorcs no longer being the vMA easy mode class, maybe sorcs will become one of those classes where just a completion will get you a secured board spot? And there's always the next major update after DB...

    I think I'm at stage 5 now.

    Stage three. We're not done trying to get them to fix this, and stubborn as they are.

    They are going to do something else with surge in the live patch, and we DID get a 10 second 15-16k empowered ward.

    Only the magicka regen portion of empowered ward is 10 seconds. The actual ward is unchanged still 8 seconds

    Nope. Shield and buff to ten seconds. If it's not, then it's a bug. I haven't logged into PTS since last weekend. If I'm not giving them any of my money, I certainly am not going to give them any more of my free time at this point.

    Daedric Summoning
    Empowered Ward (Conjured Ward morph): Increased the duration of this morph’s damage shield and Minor Intellect buff to 10 seconds from 8 seconds.

    It sucks but I can live with it for running pledges with friends. It's also long enough to back-bar in PVP, using nullify Magicka on the front.

    Well, I'll check it again. But thanks for the update. That's a bit better I suppose.
  • Natas013
    Natas013 wrote: »
    Natas013 wrote: »
    STEVIL wrote: »
    On not counting overload bar for slot when commenting pn toggle slot loss, it would be less misleading if you noted the "if you dont want overload bar" when citing limited slots as an issue. IMO.

    O making surge ignore ults, so then not only does surge push against dot use in builds but also against non-utility ulti use in builds as well? One sorc class desoign only sounds dull. New version supports any build that can crit. That seems to me to be a good diversity upgrade.

    Ulti hit too hard, as previously stated in this thread about overload hits healing to full, and DoTs hit too soft, except maybe curse, to be a good heal with the way it's set up on live. If we had a class spamable skill, this change I suggested seems reasonable. I'll admit my previously suggested stam ranged drain type skill was ill conceived. As such maybe the stam morph should be melee range so it dealing physical damage would make sense.

    As for not counting overload bar, I agree with @code65536. When I run it I at most get 2 additional skills and that's if I'm running no toggles. This might be different if weapon swap brought you out of overload.

    I also agree that we need more DoTs, and still believe pets should be changed to DoTs like shade. This change would also help DoT builds get heals as opposed to relying on surge. Also it would make for more reliable heals for tanks.

    Where I don't agree is the suggested passive swap concerning bound armor. I feel putting an effective active skill on it and it's morphs, justifying having it on both bars (or all three of you run overload), would be better.

    In truth sorcs are in a pretty bad spot and could use a lot of attention. There's so many ways the toolkit could be changed up to make us effective, it's hard to settle on what exactly should be done. Obviously the least being changed would be the easiest to get, but may not be the best coarse of action.

    I really do not want shades. That skill is not good. And pets in how they fintion are fine, there is just no good reason to alot them. As to do slightly competitive DPS we must have max magicka. We must have overload, we must have inner light and bound aegis slotted. MUST.
    So that is why all I want is for the magicka bonus on bound aegis and the health bonus for having pets to be swapped. That's all. It will make pets stronger. As we would be getting the max magicka boost with the pet. And then people could choose which pet they want out.

    This is all. I do not know if you use pets or not. But I am a pet Sorc and I have all classes leveled, and shades suck, Sorc pets need tweaks not an insane overhaul like that.

    I don't use pets, as they don't function well at all on consoles. The only use for them in PvE is to grab agro and serve as a meat shield until they die. In high end content that's not very long. I can't direct them as I can shades, which I run both morphs for two different purposes. Dark shades I run on my tank set up, and shadow image I run on my healer set up. If they functioned on consoles like they do on PC then I might be inclined to agree with you. Since they don't, and I don't see how they could, the only way I see them being worth a slot is if they only took up one slot. They cost too much, and the cast time is too long, to use them as I proposed they be changed to work. When you throw in the active skill they cost upwards of 3X as much.

    As for PvP you're better off slotting two more reliable DoTs that'll actually do some damage. Although you may get to use the heals a few times before someone accidentally kills them.

    I dare say, even if they became insanely OP I wouldn't run pets as they function for consoles right now. Tbh the only toggle skills I ever cared for are siphoning strikes and bound armor, I still run leeching strikes on my tank. I was glad when Mage light became an instant, as I could justify slotting it. With the shield nerf though I'm not sure it'll make the cut on the front bar. I'll have to see when DB goes live.

    Ok sorry it sucks in consoles. Although you probably have, there needs to be threads asking for this change mage they attack whomever is cursed or they find a way to give that to you. As not having the ability to command my pets would infuriate me to no end. I would not ever slot them if the were the case. I micro manage them like crazy so no thanks consoles.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno is there any way to make pets commendable on console any plans for this.

    Pets attacking who was cursed would work for solo PvE. It would also work in PvP provided the curse being cleansed didn't affect the targeting. It's not perfect but I suppose. I'd still not run them in pledges, unless I was feeling gutsy and tried to go solo. Might make them useful in trials if they were more survivable. I suppose it wouldn't be any different than supporting a leveling friend who's damage isn't up to par, with one hand tied behind your back. I suppose that could be fun in a mind numbing soul devouring sort of way.
    RIP Ellania Delome
    June 9, 2015-June 14, 2016
    A skilled crafter, competent sorcerer, and denizen of the night
    Along came the Dark Brotherhood and summarily ended it all
  • ForsakenSin
    I think they should make mages like this to have

    1) Conjuring-> the skill tree is only about pets you have 3 pets to choose from and different buffs ect so you can summon 3 pets and as they would be powerful and look like they are from hell , and you would need to have them slotted in all offspec as we do now otherwise they will de summon.

    2) Dark magic -> to be like necromancy remember those floor aoe that bosses have they cast on the floor and you see hands coming out ? something like i would love to be able to raise couple skeletons or zombies for maybe 1min ? and they rush the enemy or having them explode so many different possibility maybe even for darkmagic some skills would use portion of your health so they can't be spamable ect.

    3) Elemental -> have the skills in.. fire , ice,wind so you can choose what type of elemental damage you wish to choose

    with this these skills line playing mage would be sooo sooo much fun and so many diferent builds as it would be using magica health and stamina as well

    what do you guys and girls think ?
    Edited by ForsakenSin on May 23, 2016 2:34AM
    "By many i am seen as hero...as a savior of the Tamriel i will not stop until every Daedra every evil there is in Tamriel is vanquish by my hands..
    However i do this for my own purpose to gain trust of mortals to worship me and to eliminate my competition i will not bend my knee to lead your army to serve you Molag Bal , i will simply just take it from you.."--- Forsaken Sin( Magica Sorc)

    Arise From Darkness Forsaken SIn
    "You have been a loyal High Elf Magica Sorc
    Conjure of Darkness, Master of Magic
    Killer of Molag Bal and Savior of Ebonheart Pact
    Until Dark Brotherhood killed you...
    but now..NOW its time to Arise From Darkness once again..."

  • cpuScientist
    Natas013 wrote: »
    Natas013 wrote: »
    Natas013 wrote: »
    STEVIL wrote: »
    On not counting overload bar for slot when commenting pn toggle slot loss, it would be less misleading if you noted the "if you dont want overload bar" when citing limited slots as an issue. IMO.

    O making surge ignore ults, so then not only does surge push against dot use in builds but also against non-utility ulti use in builds as well? One sorc class desoign only sounds dull. New version supports any build that can crit. That seems to me to be a good diversity upgrade.

    Ulti hit too hard, as previously stated in this thread about overload hits healing to full, and DoTs hit too soft, except maybe curse, to be a good heal with the way it's set up on live. If we had a class spamable skill, this change I suggested seems reasonable. I'll admit my previously suggested stam ranged drain type skill was ill conceived. As such maybe the stam morph should be melee range so it dealing physical damage would make sense.

    As for not counting overload bar, I agree with @code65536. When I run it I at most get 2 additional skills and that's if I'm running no toggles. This might be different if weapon swap brought you out of overload.

    I also agree that we need more DoTs, and still believe pets should be changed to DoTs like shade. This change would also help DoT builds get heals as opposed to relying on surge. Also it would make for more reliable heals for tanks.

    Where I don't agree is the suggested passive swap concerning bound armor. I feel putting an effective active skill on it and it's morphs, justifying having it on both bars (or all three of you run overload), would be better.

    In truth sorcs are in a pretty bad spot and could use a lot of attention. There's so many ways the toolkit could be changed up to make us effective, it's hard to settle on what exactly should be done. Obviously the least being changed would be the easiest to get, but may not be the best coarse of action.

    I really do not want shades. That skill is not good. And pets in how they fintion are fine, there is just no good reason to alot them. As to do slightly competitive DPS we must have max magicka. We must have overload, we must have inner light and bound aegis slotted. MUST.
    So that is why all I want is for the magicka bonus on bound aegis and the health bonus for having pets to be swapped. That's all. It will make pets stronger. As we would be getting the max magicka boost with the pet. And then people could choose which pet they want out.

    This is all. I do not know if you use pets or not. But I am a pet Sorc and I have all classes leveled, and shades suck, Sorc pets need tweaks not an insane overhaul like that.

    I don't use pets, as they don't function well at all on consoles. The only use for them in PvE is to grab agro and serve as a meat shield until they die. In high end content that's not very long. I can't direct them as I can shades, which I run both morphs for two different purposes. Dark shades I run on my tank set up, and shadow image I run on my healer set up. If they functioned on consoles like they do on PC then I might be inclined to agree with you. Since they don't, and I don't see how they could, the only way I see them being worth a slot is if they only took up one slot. They cost too much, and the cast time is too long, to use them as I proposed they be changed to work. When you throw in the active skill they cost upwards of 3X as much.

    As for PvP you're better off slotting two more reliable DoTs that'll actually do some damage. Although you may get to use the heals a few times before someone accidentally kills them.

    I dare say, even if they became insanely OP I wouldn't run pets as they function for consoles right now. Tbh the only toggle skills I ever cared for are siphoning strikes and bound armor, I still run leeching strikes on my tank. I was glad when Mage light became an instant, as I could justify slotting it. With the shield nerf though I'm not sure it'll make the cut on the front bar. I'll have to see when DB goes live.

    Ok sorry it sucks in consoles. Although you probably have, there needs to be threads asking for this change mage they attack whomever is cursed or they find a way to give that to you. As not having the ability to command my pets would infuriate me to no end. I would not ever slot them if the were the case. I micro manage them like crazy so no thanks consoles.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno is there any way to make pets commendable on console any plans for this.

    Pets attacking who was cursed would work for solo PvE. It would also work in PvP provided the curse being cleansed didn't affect the targeting. It's not perfect but I suppose. I'd still not run them in pledges, unless I was feeling gutsy and tried to go solo. Might make them useful in trials if they were more survivable. I suppose it wouldn't be any different than supporting a leveling friend who's damage isn't up to par, with one hand tied behind your back. I suppose that could be fun in a mind numbing soul devouring sort of way.

    It's not mind numbing lol. And your almost right, but when you have control over them like we do on PC. It is a lot easier to help them survive in PvE. Well when we had shields that is lol. No I don't know. But it is a major part of the summoner experience that you are missing, so for console sorcs it must be terrible.

    I do like pets I really do, I want them to be buffed. I would like the pets to not look so terribly stupid though and were not so weak. Yea you can think of them as dots. But dots are fire and forget, they don't require so much pampering. They need a boost to their power and a visual upgrade. But I do like the Summons.
  • jknight201
    XaXa wrote: »
    30k views, 1.1k posts, 0 Developer participation.

    @Wrobel @ZOS_GinaBruno.

    What on earth do we need to do to get some kind of developer response on the two largest threads on the PTS forums!?

    We have gotten a response - silence. Obviously Zos has made up its mind that these issues won't be addressed.

    If they actually cared about the people who poured hundreds of hours into developing sorcerer characters, we would have some response or acknowledgement of the problems. Even if that response is "yes, we know there are problems and we are working on solving them in a future update". Their silence is just an insult to everyone who has spent time trying to identify, explain, solve and communicate the problems.
  • Mettaricana
    Grao wrote: »
    NativeJoe wrote: »
    Well you heard it from wobel. we're supposed to be stamina based tanks now. GL.

    Not stamina based! Crit based tanks...

    Crit tank sounds awesome but pretty much unfeasible no stamina based shields or crit options when in heavy a useless crit surge that doesn't do much and a dead slot with bound armor wasting potential skill options... no stam ult except dawnbreaker... I used to try stam tank dps back before the days of 1.6 when medium armor only offerd attack speed I used heavy and 2 pc medium but those days are gone

    Wish they offered a new offensively defensive tank dps set like

    2pc crit bonus
    3pc armor/ spell resist
    4pc crit bonus
    5pc 250 wep dmg and gain a small dmg shield when you crit for like 5 secs. Or 250 wep dmg and gain another crit bonus.

    Would give armored stam sorc tanks or tanks in general a nice option for dps tank not top of your game dps but better than now since class skills can easily push the pve side over the cap on armor and spell res
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