Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of October 7:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 7
• Xbox: EU megaserver for maintenance – October 9, 2:00 UTC (October 8, 10:00PM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)
We will be performing maintenance for patch 10.2.3 on the PTS on Monday at 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC).

Official Feedback Thread for Sorcerers

  • ForsakenSin
    I know this has been said number of times and even i said it before but i do wish we knew what we were meant to be...

    1) Are we supposed to be conjures ? Yes ? fine then gives us better bigger meaner pets something that looks like it was summoned from hell and fared with good skills and big life that makes a difference ( potentially to evolve them or make them stronger via cp points ) and not something that you fell sorry for like "awwwww look its dead already"

    2) Are we DPS ? yes? Awesome gives us better DPS skills magica/ stamina execute to start the same at below 50% health look up many ideas from this thread

    3) Are we dark magic ? yes? GREAT! gives us more dark magic ability AOE necromancy skills again plenty of great ideas on this thread

    4) Are we elemental casters? yes? amazing gives us more abilities to choose between; ice, lightning, fire, wind ( GO CAPTAIN PLANET LOL ) ice freeze, fire burn , chain lighting , wind tornado push or like uppercut ect again plenty of great ideas on this thread.

    Like i said before mages are suffering from severe Dissociative Identity Disorder

    All other have a Identity and yes that can change the way you play but its still there

    Nb assassins great at shadows bows sneak attacks can dps and make good healers if you want
    DK amazing tanks able to sustain damage and dish it out awesome dps
    Templar great healers and support awesome at dps sustain and can even tank

    Mages??? umm ummm
    "By many i am seen as hero...as a savior of the Tamriel i will not stop until every Daedra every evil there is in Tamriel is vanquish by my hands..
    However i do this for my own purpose to gain trust of mortals to worship me and to eliminate my competition i will not bend my knee to lead your army to serve you Molag Bal , i will simply just take it from you.."--- Forsaken Sin( Magica Sorc)

    Arise From Darkness Forsaken SIn
    "You have been a loyal High Elf Magica Sorc
    Conjure of Darkness, Master of Magic
    Killer of Molag Bal and Savior of Ebonheart Pact
    Until Dark Brotherhood killed you...
    but now..NOW its time to Arise From Darkness once again..."

  • exiledtyrant
    GRYM.LOCKE wrote: »
    Can some one Post Picture of the new hurricane visual effect please?

    A few pebbles fly around now
    I know this has been said number of times and even i said it before but i do wish we knew what we were meant to be...

    1) Are we supposed to be conjures ? Yes ? fine then gives us better bigger meaner pets something that looks like it was summoned from hell and fared with good skills and big life that makes a difference ( potentially to evolve them or make them stronger via cp points ) and not something that you fell sorry for like "awwwww look its dead already"

    2) Are we DPS ? yes? Awesome gives us better DPS skills magica/ stamina execute to start the same at below 50% health look up many ideas from this thread

    3) Are we dark magic ? yes? GREAT! gives us more dark magic ability AOE necromancy skills again plenty of great ideas on this thread

    4) Are we elemental casters? yes? amazing gives us more abilities to choose between; ice, lightning, fire, wind ( GO CAPTAIN PLANET LOL ) ice freeze, fire burn , chain lighting , wind tornado push or like uppercut ect again plenty of great ideas on this thread.

    Like i said before mages are suffering from severe Dissociative Identity Disorder

    All other have a Identity and yes that can change the way you play but its still there

    Nb assassins great at shadows bows sneak attacks can dps and make good healers if you want
    DK amazing tanks able to sustain damage and dish it out awesome dps
    Templar great healers and support awesome at dps sustain and can even tank

    Mages??? umm ummm

    This has been a valid concern for quite some time. The overall sorcerer package is confusing when it tries to splash sustained damage, direct damage and CC all over the place. Themes hinted at throughout the sorcerer skill trees never feel as well supported as the themes found in other classes.
    If all are brethren
    How could my hands not tremble
    As breath fled my prey?

    What blinds my vision?
    My hands are tools; it must be
    The haze of blossoms

    -Salous the Penitent
  • ForsakenSin
    every time im in a random dungeon with Dk,Nb and temp i fell like that kid that gets picked last in sports....

    I can heal.. not as good as temp... but umm ohh i can DPS not as good as NB wait i can tank yhea (6 sec shield) not as good as DK

    please pick me... i promise i will not get in a way... pweessee


    look im not saying we are that bad i know i can get some descend dps and tank a bit and heal and can make a big difference in dungeon however after the 6 sec nerf and other nerfs ect and changes you will need to make lower your magica and place it in health and change the armor traits and from light to heavier set ect we wont be the same class and i know i will L2P with the changes but still .. i feel weak compare to other class and by all means don't nerf other class but gives us buffs plenty of great ideas on this thread or change PVE from PVE.
    Edited by ForsakenSin on May 19, 2016 2:18AM
    "By many i am seen as hero...as a savior of the Tamriel i will not stop until every Daedra every evil there is in Tamriel is vanquish by my hands..
    However i do this for my own purpose to gain trust of mortals to worship me and to eliminate my competition i will not bend my knee to lead your army to serve you Molag Bal , i will simply just take it from you.."--- Forsaken Sin( Magica Sorc)

    Arise From Darkness Forsaken SIn
    "You have been a loyal High Elf Magica Sorc
    Conjure of Darkness, Master of Magic
    Killer of Molag Bal and Savior of Ebonheart Pact
    Until Dark Brotherhood killed you...
    but now..NOW its time to Arise From Darkness once again..."

    Tannus15 wrote: »
    Minalan wrote: »
    Tannus15 wrote: »
    Surge, wards, low dps, low utility etc are symptoms. The sickness is that 1/3 of sorc class skills are Pets. And the pets suck. They have way too many draw backs.

    Pets need to be changed to work the same way as the Dire-wolves on Pack-leader.

    Not a toggle.
    No cast involved.
    They auto re-summon on death.
    Swapping to a skill bar without them slotted kills them, swapping back auto re-summons without cast.

    Then it works.
    Then we can run pets and the stupid things can die in boss aoe.
    Then we can use 2 bars of skills.

    I don't want to use pets...

    Let's not make out builds depend on them, but make them viable at least.

    I agree, I'm not a huge fan of pets either, however, like it or not they are the defining feature of the class. The fact that an entire skill line is basically useless at end game is appalling.

    dead pets resummoning? As a trade off for rebate?

    My suggestion for pets is to give them a significant auto-proc... like say they trigger their heal if anyone of the pets or the caster gets below health. maybe the offensive ones trigger a large taunt every x seconds or a fear if thats preferred. Maybe have one proc some sort of protection circle ever so often, again, when auto.

    allow the caster to BREAK FREE for the pets.

    But right now they do add a little dps and some decent heals (key off magica or health whichever you prefer.)
    Not a fan of the burst for 5 seconds current trigger boom version.

    auto-resummon after death is one i am iffy on. Hard to decide between going that route and going the reward caster, maybe have their death/desummon provide health and magica.

    Oh and allow holding down the pet summon key dismis them. that go to character screen right click is not helpful.

    Finally, i want one of their morphs special abilities to be that for X seconds they INTERCEPTother attacks aimed at the caster - with not so much a cool down as they take some/all of the deflected damage. The limit not based on how many deflects but on how long they survive.

    Any or all of these make "I cc the pet and ignore it"... dicey at best as a strategy.

    Fixing pets IMO

    KEEP as toggles (really, we got three bars to use folks. if we put two pets on each that leaves 9 slots available.)
    Basic attacks plus auto-proc ability APA (procs after x secs in combat and every x secs after or only when condition is met) plus key click ability KCA
    All pets break free when caster does even if caster not held.
    Rebate maybe health plus magica or WHICHEVER IS LOWER at moment of death/desummon and click-hold to release pet in combat (or a spot on controls i can assign a key to.)
    ALL pets scale off damage or magica whichever is higher

    Twilight-1 KCA heal APA ward circle for the reduce damage thing like from circle
    Twilight-2 KCA INTERCEPT APA heal

    Clanfear-1 KCA heal APA fear (or taunt) or at least a maim effect to reduce multiple enemies damage
    Clanfea-2 r KCA snare/root aoe like shattering prisons APA heal

    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • Natas013
    Grao wrote: »
    Tannus15 wrote: »
    Grao wrote: »
    Tannus15 wrote: »
    Grao wrote: »
    Tannus15 wrote: »
    Surge, wards, low dps, low utility etc are symptoms. The sickness is that 1/3 of sorc class skills are Pets. And the pets suck. They have way too many draw backs.

    Pets need to be changed to work the same way as the Dire-wolves on Pack-leader.

    Not a toggle.
    No cast involved.
    They auto re-summon on death.
    Swapping to a skill bar without them slotted kills them, swapping back auto re-summons without cast.

    Then it works.
    Then we can run pets and the stupid things can die in boss aoe.
    Then we can use 2 bars of skills.

    This is probably a little too much. The pets have good actives now so the toggleness is somewhat justified and we do have an extra bar to play with precisely because of having so many toggles.

    The pets do have a few serious issues though, for one they don't scale or affected by your champion points, which is a serious problem if not a huge bug. That means their damage and their health doesn't grow further with the CPs you invest.

    They also have survivability issues as they are not affected by the majority of the heals. Ward needs to be changed so it heals pet in addition to shielding pets for a number of seconds. The summoned also need larger health pools than they currently have to survive the content of end game PvE.

    Bound Armor Morphs need to get an active component or get the Inner Light treatment.

    Meanwhile, to fix the general DPS issues of the class, we need a spammable ability... Unfortunately it is not looking likely that Zenimax will hear us on this or on anything else.

    If the pets "actives" were just skills we could use then they would be "good".
    But they aren't.

    what we have is like requiring "breath of life" to be on both bars to be usable.Not only that but we can't use it in circumstances where we need it like Large Aoe from a boss because the first thing that dies is our pet. It's the most useless, costly way for us to run things.

    If they don't want to make it auto re-summon then it should be instant cast and summoning the pet also instantly triggers their active. We NEED to be able to cast heal or an attack and it actually happen, not suddenly lock us into a cast time summon for a pet that will die before we can cast the active.

    As I said, the pets are not without flaws, they do need to be affected by CPs and actually survive confrontations, but you need to keep in mind that besides their active pets are also a DoT of sorts. They are a constant source of damage, thus justifying the use of two slots to maintain them, if the damage is good.

    But the damage is not good if the pet is dead.
    Since increasing their survivability for most Vet situations is unrealistic, they need either very good AI to dodge instant kill AOE effects, OR enough health to just not care, we need to be able to resummon them quickly.

    Like reapplying a DoT.

    Also, since they supply our utility we need to be able to use them at a moments notice, even when dead. Especially when dead, since as noted above, keeping them alive at end game is just not viable.

    This means we only NEED them on both bars if we want to DoT to keep ticking when we switch weapons. We can CHOOSE to have them on 1 bar for their utility and sometimes DoT, or on both bars for a never ending DoT plus utility.
    It actually makes sense that way. It means choices!

    And lastly you are entirely correct in that they need to be affected by our CP if we are going to scale correctly, especially with VR removal.

    They need a considerable health pool and their summoners need to be given better tools to care for the pets. For example, you see your pet is dying from standing in the AoE? Shield it... That shield should both heal the pet and be powerful enough to absorb the damage of any boss AoE.

    That or they need to be more easily summoned, but I still think the alternative that has sorcerers actually taking care of their summons makes more sense and for more interesting game play.

    As for the CPs, I have to say I was quite baffled that the pets are not affected by them. >.>

    If they were to work like dire wolves they'd need to reduce max magicka their current cast cost to be balanced. I still think we'd be better off if they were instant cast DoTs like NB shade. Cut their cast cost 35-50%.

    Healing morphs a 15 sec DoT that heals on cast. Recasting the the DoT refreshes the timer but gives diminished returns on the heal or costs more (10% maybe). As it ranks up reduce the time of the DoT while increasing its damage to maintain the same damage over a shorter span.

    Damage morphs an 8-10 second DoT that function similarly to the current activated stills (Twilight may need an additional effect added like a debuff). Make these DoTs start off dealing less damage on the initial tick and progressively get stronger each subsequential tick. Recasting while active resets the timer and has a built in deminished return. Ranking up could increase damage or work like the healing morph.

    And for the love of Talos, can we get more than three stam morphs? Heck only one does any damage. Activated skills on bound armor would be good, don't even need to take away from mag sorcs for that.
    Edited by Natas013 on May 19, 2016 5:09AM
    RIP Ellania Delome
    June 9, 2015-June 14, 2016
    A skilled crafter, competent sorcerer, and denizen of the night
    Along came the Dark Brotherhood and summarily ended it all
  • NativeJoe
    Funny fact: even tho I unsubbed and many others did...
    Come Dark brotherhood patch Zos will rejoice and celebrate their genius at balancing as one of the most succeful patches ever because of the legions of subscribers get on board with the infinite crafting materials bag. and they'll totally take it as a sign of approval for the balance and destruction of this class.
    Edited by NativeJoe on May 19, 2016 6:12AM
    650cp+ Sorcerer 100+ days /played
    Broken'Stick North American Server
  • NativeJoe
    Derra wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    Buff crystal blast

    Can you think of a way how?

    I honestly can´t come up with an idea to make a casttime ability vaible.

    They can start by removing the cast time?
    Make it an instant attack (or even a gapcloser). Give it a buff (Major Fracture/Major breach)
    The stronger damage morph should be Frags (keep the cast time and 35% proc chance), while the morph for utility/debuffs should be Blast.

    Sorcerers have TOO many cast time abilities... 2 pets, dark conversion, frags. I consider mines, and Overload also cast time abilities because both have delays in their animations/effects.

    I think it would already be in a good spot if it was uninterruptable like WB.

    No casttime. God that would be pretty op :joy:

    For Crystal Blast
    Remove the cast time (make it insta cast)
    Remove the CC (remove the stun)
    Lower the cost (should cost no more than 2.5k, on live it costs 3k+.... 3.4k for me)
    Lower the damage (crystal frags should be the dps morph)
    and in return give it a buff. Major Fracture/Breach (reduce enemy armors)
    Both magicka and stam can use this.

    @#@#$# that, Give crystal blast the WB treatment for a few patches. tRgrExw.png give us something to be... ooooo about.
    650cp+ Sorcerer 100+ days /played
    Broken'Stick North American Server
  • Vangy
    NativeJoe wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    Buff crystal blast

    Can you think of a way how?

    I honestly can´t come up with an idea to make a casttime ability vaible.

    They can start by removing the cast time?
    Make it an instant attack (or even a gapcloser). Give it a buff (Major Fracture/Major breach)
    The stronger damage morph should be Frags (keep the cast time and 35% proc chance), while the morph for utility/debuffs should be Blast.

    Sorcerers have TOO many cast time abilities... 2 pets, dark conversion, frags. I consider mines, and Overload also cast time abilities because both have delays in their animations/effects.

    I think it would already be in a good spot if it was uninterruptable like WB.

    No casttime. God that would be pretty op :joy:

    For Crystal Blast
    Remove the cast time (make it insta cast)
    Remove the CC (remove the stun)
    Lower the cost (should cost no more than 2.5k, on live it costs 3k+.... 3.4k for me)
    Lower the damage (crystal frags should be the dps morph)
    and in return give it a buff. Major Fracture/Breach (reduce enemy armors)
    Both magicka and stam can use this.

    @#@#$# that, Give crystal blast the WB treatment for a few patches. tRgrExw.png give us something to be... ooooo about.

    ..................... How many times are you gona post this nonsense picture......... Sitting at 42k max stam and 4.7k-ish weapon damage and im nowhere near that value.... The only explanation I can think of is power sigil in vMSA or photoshop...
    (2)V16 Dk- stam dps/stam tank/mag dps
    (2)V16 Sorc- mag dps/stam dps
    (2)V16 nb- stam dps/mag dps
    (1)v16 temp- mag tank/mag dps
    CP: 610 and counting

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates! Viva la revolutionz
  • NativeJoe
    I think it's funny how I said things like this back in febuary this year... Yet Somehow these things weren't fully realized till Now? the design teams... "face palm" Anyway here's some stuff I got royally flamed for back then...(called an idiot, told I was crazy and on drugs, that I need to get some skill and l2p, etc) And just wanted to say I wish more of you would have stood next to me before these nerfs hit...and not against me.

    "This won't hold of sorcs if we don't receive attention like this... instead of one shield most sorcs use now, we'll see alot more shield stacking and resto staves to compensate for this weakness...which would only make fighting sorcs worse (believe me on this plz) in pvp"

    "it's really simple. if sorcs can't rely on class abilities to mitigate damage, they'll go to a weapon ability.
    Let me put it this way... I'm against shield stacking. I want us to rely on just 1. I don't want to have endless battles with sorcs with ward+harness magicka+ healing ward... But if they don't give a slight buff to ward, we will see resto staffs as the Normal equipment for sorcs.That new normal... has massive implications for the game as a whole. as a sorc myself... I don't want to see that change. so just "MAINTAIN" the same respective strength of shields."

    "When you mess with a skill that is the bread and butter of a class, and produce content that specifically targets it, it has far reaching results."

    "I understand non-sorcs hate shields... but if you got rid of shields...do u know what we'd have? less damage output then everyone, Less life then everyone else, and we'd be the most gimped class their is.
    The war on shields needs to stop, and we need to start realizing the way we "FEEL" about shields may no longer be supported by what is "Actually" happening in reality. And that infact that they could use a little boost, not a new series of nerfs"

    "We are the counter class to nightblades sir. so yes... we are supposed to be able to take out nightblades, just as they are supposed to be able to burst us down if they catch us with our pants down. The "trick" is to turn the battle into a *sustained fight* from a *burst fight*...and for that ladies and gentlemen...Ward is absolutely the key to doing that. "

    "Thats for being reasonable. I mean geeze.... but seriously...with the way talks are going ...sorcs might be screwed. I know my sorc tanking sets/build are on the chopping block right now. Like seriously, I may not even be able to tank anymore despite the Massive under taking and investments I had to do.
    People don't seem to understand that our "defense" is our shield. we don't have massive hp to make use of heals, we don't have massive damage mitigation... in pve and pvp we're basically one shots without shields. People act like sorcs are OP...but there are no statistics or submitted posts showing this. How you feel about sorcs isn't the actual reality.
    2 WB spammers will slaughter just about any sorc under the sun in 3 seconds flat.
    if the nerfs go through, not only will we lose the ability to tank, we'll also lose a viable defense in pvp. "

    "Sorcs enjoy a healthy give and take meta right now. Ward alone is a little on the weak side and could use a buff when used alone. But otherwise we're doing okay. Nerfing Ward will have Major results across the game. as I have highlighted in previous posts."

    "I recognize and see lots of things.. but that isn't what this post is about. I am saying TG and the incoming nerf train is going to *FORCE* players to pick up a restoration staff, and your going to see a lot more shield stacking as a end result of "ward" not being enough damage mitigation. Every class has damage mitigation options, Every Class can shield stack, and I have half the mind to prove it with a screen shot. it's just that every class has Far better defensive options then a shield. because shields have zero resistance (except cp) ...."

    "Shields are already getting a huge nerf to their effectiveness and have steadily been getting worse, The next round of nerfs basically promises sorcs to have the worst set of class specific damage mitigation techniques...so to compensate we're all going to have to pick of restoration staffs to offset that weakness. We don't have other options like other classes as far as that goes."

    "Disagree with it if you want, but I think there should be room for magickal tanking verses Stamina based health bloats just standing there with their shield getting punched in the face. And for that to be a more common build, we need supporting gear, and things to not erroneously pack 35k attacks that go straight to hp and ignore shields, and more tank type stuff. I mean we have Tools to use like pets, Old time necropotence set from the vr 12 days, and a few other things to help... but it isn't supported in the current meta. a slight buff to ward would prolly fix that.

    Sorcs are at the bottom of the dps latter at the moment, and OL is broken. What we have is utility. and even that is being attacked because we "survive" to long x.x "

    "shouldn't we all be speaking up for our classes gutted defensive mechanics? "

    "Our shield "stacking" is scheduled for demolition. They're revamping Stamina dps to be much stronger and the power creep is getting even deeper with every DLC while damage mitigation for every class has been getting weaker. Hence why alot of the elites have been slotting shuffle and running vamp while popping invisibility potions+ slotting purge for dots. <<<<which are damage mitigation techniques not on the chopping block btw.>>>> if sorcs receive the treatment they're talking about...sorcs will be not only the weakest sustained dps, limp noodles with broken overload (it randomly decides not to even cast till a death sorts it out) , but we'll also be the weakest link as far as damage mitigation goes."
    Edited by NativeJoe on May 19, 2016 7:30AM
    650cp+ Sorcerer 100+ days /played
    Broken'Stick North American Server
  • cpuScientist
    Vangy wrote: »
    NativeJoe wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    Buff crystal blast

    Can you think of a way how?

    I honestly can´t come up with an idea to make a casttime ability vaible.

    They can start by removing the cast time?
    Make it an instant attack (or even a gapcloser). Give it a buff (Major Fracture/Major breach)
    The stronger damage morph should be Frags (keep the cast time and 35% proc chance), while the morph for utility/debuffs should be Blast.

    Sorcerers have TOO many cast time abilities... 2 pets, dark conversion, frags. I consider mines, and Overload also cast time abilities because both have delays in their animations/effects.

    I think it would already be in a good spot if it was uninterruptable like WB.

    No casttime. God that would be pretty op :joy:

    For Crystal Blast
    Remove the cast time (make it insta cast)
    Remove the CC (remove the stun)
    Lower the cost (should cost no more than 2.5k, on live it costs 3k+.... 3.4k for me)
    Lower the damage (crystal frags should be the dps morph)
    and in return give it a buff. Major Fracture/Breach (reduce enemy armors)
    Both magicka and stam can use this.

    @#@#$# that, Give crystal blast the WB treatment for a few patches. tRgrExw.png give us something to be... ooooo about.

    ..................... How many times are you gona post this nonsense picture......... Sitting at 42k max stam and 4.7k-ish weapon damage and im nowhere near that value.... The only explanation I can think of is power sigil in vMSA or photoshop...

    4.7k is nice. But I've seen ALOT higher.
  • Derra
    The main problem i see with pets from a pvp perspective is:

    Has someone tried to utilize pets when it starts to lag?

    The AI completely bugs out. The familiar stops moving. The Twilight does not attack anymore. Apart from all the other issues pets have the main gripe i have about them is they simply don´t work at all once it starts to lag.

    They can try whatever they want with redesigning pets - if they don´t work at all in certain circumstances people won´t use them.
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • Natas013
    NativeJoe wrote: »
    I think it's funny how I said things like this back in febuary this year... Yet Somehow these things weren't fully realized till Now? the design teams... "face palm" Anyway here's some stuff I got royally flamed for back then...(called an idiot, told I was crazy and on drugs, that I need to get some skill and l2p, etc) And just wanted to say I wish more of you would have stood next to me before these nerfs hit...and not against me.
    "This won't hold of sorcs if we don't receive attention like this... instead of one shield most sorcs use now, we'll see alot more shield stacking and resto staves to compensate for this weakness...which would only make fighting sorcs worse (believe me on this plz) in pvp"

    "it's really simple. if sorcs can't rely on class abilities to mitigate damage, they'll go to a weapon ability.
    Let me put it this way... I'm against shield stacking. I want us to rely on just 1. I don't want to have endless battles with sorcs with ward+harness magicka+ healing ward... But if they don't give a slight buff to ward, we will see resto staffs as the Normal equipment for sorcs.That new normal... has massive implications for the game as a whole. as a sorc myself... I don't want to see that change. so just "MAINTAIN" the same respective strength of shields."

    "When you mess with a skill that is the bread and butter of a class, and produce content that specifically targets it, it has far reaching results."

    "I understand non-sorcs hate shields... but if you got rid of shields...do u know what we'd have? less damage output then everyone, Less life then everyone else, and we'd be the most gimped class their is.
    The war on shields needs to stop, and we need to start realizing the way we "FEEL" about shields may no longer be supported by what is "Actually" happening in reality. And that infact that they could use a little boost, not a new series of nerfs"

    "We are the counter class to nightblades sir. so yes... we are supposed to be able to take out nightblades, just as they are supposed to be able to burst us down if they catch us with our pants down. The "trick" is to turn the battle into a *sustained fight* from a *burst fight*...and for that ladies and gentlemen...Ward is absolutely the key to doing that. "

    "Thats for being reasonable. I mean geeze.... but seriously...with the way talks are going ...sorcs might be screwed. I know my sorc tanking sets/build are on the chopping block right now. Like seriously, I may not even be able to tank anymore despite the Massive under taking and investments I had to do.
    People don't seem to understand that our "defense" is our shield. we don't have massive hp to make use of heals, we don't have massive damage mitigation... in pve and pvp we're basically one shots without shields. People act like sorcs are OP...but there are no statistics or submitted posts showing this. How you feel about sorcs isn't the actual reality.
    2 WB spammers will slaughter just about any sorc under the sun in 3 seconds flat.
    if the nerfs go through, not only will we lose the ability to tank, we'll also lose a viable defense in pvp. "

    "Sorcs enjoy a healthy give and take meta right now. Ward alone is a little on the weak side and could use a buff when used alone. But otherwise we're doing okay. Nerfing Ward will have Major results across the game. as I have highlighted in previous posts."

    "I recognize and see lots of things.. but that isn't what this post is about. I am saying TG and the incoming nerf train is going to *FORCE* players to pick up a restoration staff, and your going to see a lot more shield stacking as a end result of "ward" not being enough damage mitigation. Every class has damage mitigation options, Every Class can shield stack, and I have half the mind to prove it with a screen shot. it's just that every class has Far better defensive options then a shield. because shields have zero resistance (except cp) ...."

    "Shields are already getting a huge nerf to their effectiveness and have steadily been getting worse, The next round of nerfs basically promises sorcs to have the worst set of class specific damage mitigation techniques...so to compensate we're all going to have to pick of restoration staffs to offset that weakness. We don't have other options like other classes as far as that goes."

    "Disagree with it if you want, but I think there should be room for magickal tanking verses Stamina based health bloats just standing there with their shield getting punched in the face. And for that to be a more common build, we need supporting gear, and things to not erroneously pack 35k attacks that go straight to hp and ignore shields, and more tank type stuff. I mean we have Tools to use like pets, Old time necropotence set from the vr 12 days, and a few other things to help... but it isn't supported in the current meta. a slight buff to ward would prolly fix that.

    Sorcs are at the bottom of the dps latter at the moment, and OL is broken. What we have is utility. and even that is being attacked because we "survive" to long x.x "

    "shouldn't we all be speaking up for our classes gutted defensive mechanics? "

    "Our shield "stacking" is scheduled for demolition. They're revamping Stamina dps to be much stronger and the power creep is getting even deeper with every DLC while damage mitigation for every class has been getting weaker. Hence why alot of the elites have been slotting shuffle and running vamp while popping invisibility potions+ slotting purge for dots. <<<<which are damage mitigation techniques not on the chopping block btw.>>>> if sorcs receive the treatment they're talking about...sorcs will be not only the weakest sustained dps, limp noodles with broken overload (it randomly decides not to even cast till a death sorts it out) , but we'll also be the weakest link as far as damage mitigation goes."

    :scream: Psychic.

    But in all seriousness a nerf was probably needed, and probably still coming, for shields. Next quartly patch will likely see the reversal of annulment change and/or shield cancelling upon casting a different shield. I suppose we may get lucky enough that they treat healing ward as a heal and not a shield.
    RIP Ellania Delome
    June 9, 2015-June 14, 2016
    A skilled crafter, competent sorcerer, and denizen of the night
    Along came the Dark Brotherhood and summarily ended it all
  • Vangy
    Vangy wrote: »
    NativeJoe wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    Buff crystal blast

    Can you think of a way how?

    I honestly can´t come up with an idea to make a casttime ability vaible.

    They can start by removing the cast time?
    Make it an instant attack (or even a gapcloser). Give it a buff (Major Fracture/Major breach)
    The stronger damage morph should be Frags (keep the cast time and 35% proc chance), while the morph for utility/debuffs should be Blast.

    Sorcerers have TOO many cast time abilities... 2 pets, dark conversion, frags. I consider mines, and Overload also cast time abilities because both have delays in their animations/effects.

    I think it would already be in a good spot if it was uninterruptable like WB.

    No casttime. God that would be pretty op :joy:

    For Crystal Blast
    Remove the cast time (make it insta cast)
    Remove the CC (remove the stun)
    Lower the cost (should cost no more than 2.5k, on live it costs 3k+.... 3.4k for me)
    Lower the damage (crystal frags should be the dps morph)
    and in return give it a buff. Major Fracture/Breach (reduce enemy armors)
    Both magicka and stam can use this.

    @#@#$# that, Give crystal blast the WB treatment for a few patches. tRgrExw.png give us something to be... ooooo about.

    ..................... How many times are you gona post this nonsense picture......... Sitting at 42k max stam and 4.7k-ish weapon damage and im nowhere near that value.... The only explanation I can think of is power sigil in vMSA or photoshop...

    4.7k is nice. But I've seen ALOT higher.

    Yeah I can push to 5.5k-6 too but that would turn my toon into a glass cannon cockroach ganker.... Something I dont particularly enjoy...
    (2)V16 Dk- stam dps/stam tank/mag dps
    (2)V16 Sorc- mag dps/stam dps
    (2)V16 nb- stam dps/mag dps
    (1)v16 temp- mag tank/mag dps
    CP: 610 and counting

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates! Viva la revolutionz
  • Mettaricana
    Derra wrote: »
    Buff crystal blast

    Can you think of a way how?

    I honestly can´t come up with an idea to make a casttime ability vaible.

    Keep cast time make ot hit for 70+k to make up for the loss of dps casting and chance it will be dodged or reflected but when landed make it hurt like a fall from the throat of the world into the gaping maws of the deadlands inferno!!
  • Natas013
    NativeJoe wrote: »
    Funny fact: even tho I unsubbed and many others did...
    Come Dark brotherhood patch Zos will rejoice and celebrate their genius at balancing as one of the most succeful patches ever because of the legions of subscribers get on board with the infinite crafting materials bag. and they'll totally take it as a sign of approval for the balance and destruction of this class.

    You can gather quite a bit of mats in a month. I wonder how many of those subs won't be reoccurring regurallary, just as needed to refill the bag.
    RIP Ellania Delome
    June 9, 2015-June 14, 2016
    A skilled crafter, competent sorcerer, and denizen of the night
    Along came the Dark Brotherhood and summarily ended it all
  • PainfulFAFA
    Remove Crystal blast plz
    PC NA
    Aztec | AZTEC | Ahztec | Aztehk | Master of Mnem
    MagDK | Magplar | Magward | Mageblade | Stamsorc

  • Grao
    This threads are all a useless waste of time. ZOS doesn't care and they will prove it on friday when @Wrobel answers Class Skill questions and ignore every sorcerer related question. They won't even be taking questions we've been asking here on the forum, according to @ZOS_GinaBruno...

    So yay, we get further ignored...
  • cosmic_niklas_93b16_ESO
    Grao wrote: »
    This threads are all a useless waste of time. ZOS doesn't care and they will prove it on friday when @Wrobel answers Class Skill questions and ignore every sorcerer related question. They won't even be taking questions we've been asking here on the forum, according to @ZOS_GinaBruno...

    So yay, we get further ignored...

    At least there's a ton of other games to play while we wait for them to maybe come to their senses. I know I'll be busy for a few months with all the games I got laying around now that ESO just completely died for me
    R.I.P. Daranth Spellborn
    VR16 Dunmer Sorcerer
    March 2014 - May 2016
    He was a skilled Crafter and a reliable Sorcerer;
    Then came the Dark Brotherhood

    Wrobel wrote: Surge is now more effective for tank characters.
    Because crit tanks are so good, LOL. xD
  • cpuScientist
    Vangy wrote: »
    Vangy wrote: »
    NativeJoe wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    Buff crystal blast

    Can you think of a way how?

    I honestly can´t come up with an idea to make a casttime ability vaible.

    They can start by removing the cast time?
    Make it an instant attack (or even a gapcloser). Give it a buff (Major Fracture/Major breach)
    The stronger damage morph should be Frags (keep the cast time and 35% proc chance), while the morph for utility/debuffs should be Blast.

    Sorcerers have TOO many cast time abilities... 2 pets, dark conversion, frags. I consider mines, and Overload also cast time abilities because both have delays in their animations/effects.

    I think it would already be in a good spot if it was uninterruptable like WB.

    No casttime. God that would be pretty op :joy:

    For Crystal Blast
    Remove the cast time (make it insta cast)
    Remove the CC (remove the stun)
    Lower the cost (should cost no more than 2.5k, on live it costs 3k+.... 3.4k for me)
    Lower the damage (crystal frags should be the dps morph)
    and in return give it a buff. Major Fracture/Breach (reduce enemy armors)
    Both magicka and stam can use this.

    @#@#$# that, Give crystal blast the WB treatment for a few patches. tRgrExw.png give us something to be... ooooo about.

    ..................... How many times are you gona post this nonsense picture......... Sitting at 42k max stam and 4.7k-ish weapon damage and im nowhere near that value.... The only explanation I can think of is power sigil in vMSA or photoshop...

    4.7k is nice. But I've seen ALOT higher.

    Yeah I can push to 5.5k-6 too but that would turn my toon into a glass cannon cockroach ganker.... Something I dont particularly enjoy...

    That's a good bit closer.
  • PainfulFAFA
    Edited by PainfulFAFA on May 20, 2016 12:17AM
    PC NA
    Aztec | AZTEC | Ahztec | Aztehk | Master of Mnem
    MagDK | Magplar | Magward | Mageblade | Stamsorc

  • Ankael07
    Remove Crystal blast plz

    They dont even have to remove it to open space for a stamina morph. All it needs to be done is to make splash damage a default feature of the skill upon hard cast and when fragments proc it will turn into a single target instant cast ability.

    If you want me to reply to your comment type @Ankael07 in it.
  • Nahz
    A few notes regarding the winged twilight and familiar pets.

    The casting time for these abilities is entirely too long considering the flaws with the AI, and their poor survivability. Decreasing the casting time to 1 second would be a step in the right direction, but .5 - .8 seems appropriate.

    Currently on live, the pet damage boost feature of daedric prey does not affect the damage of the volatile familiar's pulse ability. Is this intended? The death explosion it used to have was never affected by prey or empowering ward either, but I always figured that was because the scamp died and therefore no longer had those buffs.

    Are there any plans to introduce health bars for the pets in the UI? Would it be possible for these bars to display the pets' remaining damage shield?

    Is there a timeline for when we can expect the pets to benefit from champion points?

    When using Y+RMB, the twilight and familiar seem to disengage appropriately. However, the atronach sometimes does not (it also does not always go after the target on which the caster uses Y+LMB), and the daedroth from the maw of the infernal set completely doesn't disengage. The daedroth isn't too much of an issue because it doesn't last long, has poor survivability, can be CCed, and has short range (all of which need are areas that need improvement); however, it's embarrassing when I'm participating in organized duels using this set, and it and the atronach interrupt other duels. Are there any plans to make them more obedient?

    The pets completely stop functioning in lag. I use the latency display feature of the default UI, and my pets will stop performing all actions (or disappear entirely) even when the ping rate is less than 200. It is extremely frustrating to find yourself fighting an enemy player, wondering why you're not being healed by the twilight or seeing the scamp's pulses, only to realize they're a mile away stuck in one place. They take up 6 ability slots (including the overload bar). I am at a severe disadvantage when they stop working but everything else in the game seems to functioning well enough.

    These flaws and more make these abilities difficult to use effectively and incredibly expensive, while also making this playstyle unviable for a lot of endgame content. These tremendous costs warrant attention to these abilities.
    Nahz - VR16 Sorcerer
    Paragon of Togglemancer Excellence
    Daggerfall Covenant | Trueflame NA PC

  • Grao
    Nahz wrote: »
    A few notes regarding the winged twilight and familiar pets.

    The casting time for these abilities is entirely too long considering the flaws with the AI, and their poor survivability. Decreasing the casting time to 1 second would be a step in the right direction, but .5 - .8 seems appropriate.

    Currently on live, the pet damage boost feature of daedric prey does not affect the damage of the volatile familiar's pulse ability. Is this intended? The death explosion it used to have was never affected by prey or empowering ward either, but I always figured that was because the scamp died and therefore no longer had those buffs.

    Are there any plans to introduce health bars for the pets in the UI? Would it be possible for these bars to display the pets' remaining damage shield?

    Is there a timeline for when we can expect the pets to benefit from champion points?

    When using Y+RMB, the twilight and familiar seem to disengage appropriately. However, the atronach sometimes does not (it also does not always go after the target on which the caster uses Y+LMB), and the daedroth from the maw of the infernal set completely doesn't disengage. The daedroth isn't too much of an issue because it doesn't last long, has poor survivability, can be CCed, and has short range (all of which need are areas that need improvement); however, it's embarrassing when I'm participating in organized duels using this set, and it and the atronach interrupt other duels. Are there any plans to make them more obedient?

    The pets completely stop functioning in lag. I use the latency display feature of the default UI, and my pets will stop performing all actions (or disappear entirely) even when the ping rate is less than 200. It is extremely frustrating to find yourself fighting an enemy player, wondering why you're not being healed by the twilight or seeing the scamp's pulses, only to realize they're a mile away stuck in one place. They take up 6 ability slots (including the overload bar). I am at a severe disadvantage when they stop working but everything else in the game seems to functioning well enough.

    These flaws and more make these abilities difficult to use effectively and incredibly expensive, while also making this playstyle unviable for a lot of endgame content. These tremendous costs warrant attention to these abilities.

    There are several issues with the pets + passives + CPs at the moment. Have you tested for instance if the pets are being affected by Storm Calling Passives? They all deal Shock or Physical damage but as far as I am aware their attacks are not triggering the passives they should. On top of that It seems pets are not being affected by CPs which on it self makes relying on them for damage sub optimal.

    It is disconcerting how little about the pets actually works properly, but being a representative of the sorcerer class, I guess it makes sense for the Skill Tree to be just as ruined as the class in general.
  • bloodenragedb14_ESO
    so......been thinking......why are we still commentating on a thread the devs simply are not interested in reading? It just feels like the 'official' threads were made as a dump for controversy so the devs could ignore it.

    I mean, i havent seen a dev comment on this or any other feedback thread in weeks, and im following the dev tracker pretty closly. Maybe more threads would be better vs what is clearly a garbage dump for controversy.

    Regardless of whether or not any of this is true, the fact that ive been made to feel this way about a thread ive been following since its creation, that was supposedly created for the express purpose of feedback, well, its disconcerting.
  • Grao
    so......been thinking......why are we still commentating on a thread the devs simply are not interested in reading? It just feels like the 'official' threads were made as a dump for controversy so the devs could ignore it.

    I mean, i havent seen a dev comment on this or any other feedback thread in weeks, and im following the dev tracker pretty closly. Maybe more threads would be better vs what is clearly a garbage dump for controversy.

    Regardless of whether or not any of this is true, the fact that ive been made to feel this way about a thread ive been following since its creation, that was supposedly created for the express purpose of feedback, well, its disconcerting.

    Yup... It is worrisome when a company cares so little about their customer base they allow for them to feel ignored like this. Small embers of hope for ESO Live... Very small ones, but I will be there to ask @Wrobel questions... Maybe he will answer... maybe...
  • bloodenragedb14_ESO
    Grao wrote: »
    so......been thinking......why are we still commentating on a thread the devs simply are not interested in reading? It just feels like the 'official' threads were made as a dump for controversy so the devs could ignore it.

    I mean, i havent seen a dev comment on this or any other feedback thread in weeks, and im following the dev tracker pretty closly. Maybe more threads would be better vs what is clearly a garbage dump for controversy.

    Regardless of whether or not any of this is true, the fact that ive been made to feel this way about a thread ive been following since its creation, that was supposedly created for the express purpose of feedback, well, its disconcerting.

    Yup... It is worrisome when a company cares so little about their customer base they allow for them to feel ignored like this. Small embers of hope for ESO Live... Very small ones, but I will be there to ask @Wrobel questions... Maybe he will answer... maybe...

    they say 'ask us anything'
    problem is, no where in their slogan do they way they will answer anything, its irritating that it feels we are just being given the royal runaround, or being given an 'explaination' and expect that to be the end of a arguement. It feels like a big middle finger, and being told to deal with it, and that player opinion does not matter.
  • XaXa
    Grao wrote: »
    so......been thinking......why are we still commentating on a thread the devs simply are not interested in reading? It just feels like the 'official' threads were made as a dump for controversy so the devs could ignore it.

    I mean, i havent seen a dev comment on this or any other feedback thread in weeks, and im following the dev tracker pretty closly. Maybe more threads would be better vs what is clearly a garbage dump for controversy.

    Regardless of whether or not any of this is true, the fact that ive been made to feel this way about a thread ive been following since its creation, that was supposedly created for the express purpose of feedback, well, its disconcerting.

    Yup... It is worrisome when a company cares so little about their customer base they allow for them to feel ignored like this. Small embers of hope for ESO Live... Very small ones, but I will be there to ask @Wrobel questions... Maybe he will answer... maybe...

    they say 'ask us anything'
    problem is, no where in their slogan do they way they will answer anything, its irritating that it feels we are just being given the royal runaround, or being given an 'explaination' and expect that to be the end of a arguement. It feels like a big middle finger, and being told to deal with it, and that player opinion does not matter.

    Or the answer makes no sense.

    My personal favorite was when someone asked "magicka builds have VD and proxi to wipe out zergs. What is in the works for stamina builds"

    And the guys on ESO live go...

    "Were looking at buffing the effectiveness of the 2h execute... alright, next question."
  • cosmic_niklas_93b16_ESO
    XaXa wrote: »
    Grao wrote: »
    so......been thinking......why are we still commentating on a thread the devs simply are not interested in reading? It just feels like the 'official' threads were made as a dump for controversy so the devs could ignore it.

    I mean, i havent seen a dev comment on this or any other feedback thread in weeks, and im following the dev tracker pretty closly. Maybe more threads would be better vs what is clearly a garbage dump for controversy.

    Regardless of whether or not any of this is true, the fact that ive been made to feel this way about a thread ive been following since its creation, that was supposedly created for the express purpose of feedback, well, its disconcerting.

    Yup... It is worrisome when a company cares so little about their customer base they allow for them to feel ignored like this. Small embers of hope for ESO Live... Very small ones, but I will be there to ask @Wrobel questions... Maybe he will answer... maybe...

    they say 'ask us anything'
    problem is, no where in their slogan do they way they will answer anything, its irritating that it feels we are just being given the royal runaround, or being given an 'explaination' and expect that to be the end of a arguement. It feels like a big middle finger, and being told to deal with it, and that player opinion does not matter.

    Or the answer makes no sense.

    My personal favorite was when someone asked "magicka builds have VD and proxi to wipe out zergs. What is in the works for stamina builds"

    And the guys on ESO live go...

    "Were looking at buffing the effectiveness of the 2h execute... alright, next question."

    Yeah, ESO live is mostly a joke, really. Just like the "balancing" patches.
    R.I.P. Daranth Spellborn
    VR16 Dunmer Sorcerer
    March 2014 - May 2016
    He was a skilled Crafter and a reliable Sorcerer;
    Then came the Dark Brotherhood

    Wrobel wrote: Surge is now more effective for tank characters.
    Because crit tanks are so good, LOL. xD
  • RebornV3x
    This thread is pure toxic is this what you want ZOS man this thread has really turned the community against one another.
    Xbox One - NA GT: RebornV3x
    I also play on PC from time to time but I just wanna be left alone on there so sorry.
  • NativeJoe
    Well consider this fact...

    I watched this entire video of him doing this on pts.... he got a score of 540k on live. Literally top 200 players in the world doing VMA...dying repeatedly. If he can't get this squared away using BIS gear...What chance do the rest of us mortals stand?

    I can see he is well trained in vma, not rusty at all. he doesn't panic when his shields are down, he anticipated every mechanic, and he's not nervous at all.

    Now consider the average skill level of players in this game...
    Now consider out of thousands,he is in the top 200 (EU/Na scores) in the world.
    he completed it with 1 life remaining, presumably his first run had 0 left.... gives what hope to the rest of us? lol

    I mean consider how us average/above average players play x.x

    he claim sorcs are not dead. Okay. I agree. but they are on life support by the looks of it. x.x

    (ps. did u find the easter egg in my video?(trixytricks) check out the templars shields...still can't figure out how he's doing it x.x)

    Edited by NativeJoe on May 20, 2016 7:17PM
    650cp+ Sorcerer 100+ days /played
    Broken'Stick North American Server
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