Date: Dec 2017
Change: [Forum Post] Added Transmutation write up to the forum post.
Description: Added pros and cons list for Robes of Transmutation in the "Detailed Analysis" section of forum post.
Date: Dec 2017
Change: [Forum Post] [Spreadsheet] Added resistance vs critical resistance analysis.
Description: Added an additional graph in sheet "15 - Resists vs Crit Resist" to improve understanding of some of the nuances of damage mitigation. Added written analysis to help explain this.
Date: Dec 2017
Change: [Forum Post] [Spreadsheet] Added Mark of the Pariah vs Fortified Brass analysis.
Description: Added an additional graph in sheet "14 - Pariah vs Brass" to help demonstrate at what percentage HP Mark of the Pariah starts outperforming other resistance sets. Added written analysis to help explain this.
Date: Dec 2017
Change: [Spreadsheet] Added adjustable Wizard Riposte mitigation value.
Description: Due to ZoS's funked up mitigation calculations, with CP Minor Maim rarely gives 15% mitigation. With CP this value can be as low as 10%. Added adjustable WR mitigation value in order to get accurate result for individuals CP distribution.
Date: Dec 2017
Change: [Forum Post] [Spreadsheet] Added Robes of Transmutation vs Wizard Riposte analysis.
Description: Added an additional graph in sheet "13 - WR vs Trans" to fully explore the difference in mitigation between these two sets.
Date: Dec 2017
Change: [Spreadsheet] Fixed a graphing error with "13 - WR vs Trans".
Description: Fixed an issue where Wizard's Riposte graph was not properly taking into account the changing Critical Chance value.
Date: 13 Jan 2018
Change: [Spreadsheet] Added Pirate Skeleton.
Description: Pirate Skeleton added to the spreadsheet for more thorough comparisons.
Date: 17 Jan 2018
Change: [Spreadsheet] Added maces penetration into the calculations.
Description: Allows for even more accurate comparisons by taking into account percentage penetration from maces.
Date: 17 Jan 2018
Change: [Spreadsheet] Reactive Armour and Mighty Chudan added.
Description: More sets added for more thorough comparison.
Date: 17 Jan 2018
Change: [Spreadsheet] Added "y/n" checklist.
Description: With the addition of more defensive sets, added this checklist to keep graphing neat and readable.
Date: 3 Feb 2018
Change: [Spreadsheet] Added sheets "Introduction", "16 - Ult Gen Simulator" and "17 - Block Cost".
Description: Introduction sheet to help people navigate the book. Ultimate Generation Simulator added to help people refine their builds. Block Cost Reduction Calculator (Dragon Bones PTS calculations) to help people refine the defensive aspect of their build.
Date: 12 March 2018
Change: [Spreadsheet] Fixed graphing error.
Description: Google Doc's update caused the graphs to still plot data points with nil value if the data label was not nil. Changed so the data label only prints when data present thus preventing plotting of blank lines.
Date: 26th March 2018
Change: [Spreadsheet] Added minor and major evasion options.
Description: Mitigation now includes evasion, thus giving more accurate results from more comprehensive inputs.
Date: 21st April 2018
Change: [Spreadsheet] Fixed graphing error.
Description: Fortified Brass and Armor Master were mislabeled as each other, this is now corrected.
Date: 21st April 2018
Change: [Spreadsheet] Added maces value to graph summary.
Description: Forgot to include this initially. Maces value will now be easily visible when taking a screenshot of the graph.
Date: 8th June 2018
Change: [Spreadsheet] Added set Ironblood.
Description: Just another defensive set to compare. Mathematically very similar to Pirate Skeleton.
Date: 20th August 2018
Change: [Spreadsheet] Added adjustable Minor Maim up time (for Wizard's Riposte).
Description: With the changes in Wolfhunter DLC it's possible for Wizard's Riposte to no longer give 100% up time, especially in a larger group on a non-tank. A slider has been added to accommodate this.
Date: 27th August 2018
Change: [Forum Post] Added additional details to WR given change in Wolfhunter DLC.
Description: More information added to keep up to date.
Date: 24th November 2018
Change: [Spreadsheet] Impregnable value updated.
Description: Murkmire DLC nerfed Impregnable to 2000 down from 2500.
Date: 24th November 2018
Change: [Spreadsheet] Fixed a calculation error relating to Reactive and Wizard's Riposte.
Description: Mitigation when Minor and Major Evasion uptime was non-zero for these two sets were calculating incorrectly (evasion was being factored in twice, but negatively, thus mitigation shown was under actual value). This has now been corrected.
Date: 12th December 2018
Change: [Spreadsheet] Added set Steadfast Hero.
Description: Just another defensive set to keep things comprehensive
