cschwingeb14_ESO wrote: »Since riposte is a debuffs on enemy players, there's no reason to think it has diminishing returns with your own % damage reduction
There might be some interaction with the debuffed player's damage boosts I suppose
Nice! My tests were just directly with the UI and it would update immediately, this definitely makes pariah BiS defensive set on builds that can fit it on both bars.
Waffennacht wrote: »
Anything that produces maim would fall into this math
Riposte and duroks - though two totally different buffs - fall into the same concept of 1bar usable debuff sets that are a little too effective due to their very high duration from debuffs.
A slight adjustment in duration to not guarantee 100% uptime from only 1 bar would be welcomed imo.
this! and the year is almost over so u might geht this award
just got confused now.
my mageplar uses atm trans on snb backbar. after the new calculations, would it be better now using wizards riposte?
although i like the magreg on transmutation a lot!
paulsimonps wrote: »
It would be hard to find a duration that would not guarantee a 100% uptime. I would say that most players have above or roughly a 50% crit chance, so every other hit, give or take should be a crit. So the only way you could make it so that the uptime was not 100% is to make it
a) Not refresh-able while duration is still active b) Make duration only 2-4 seconds.
And the first bit needs to be that it can't refresh on the same target during that targets debuff duration, otherwise it would break the set cause it would cause it to only work on one target at a time which would make it useless. Second bit would force you to have it on both bars practically to ensure up time. Now I don't know if the first point is currently true or not but to make sure its less likely to have 100% up time you would have to seriously nerf that set to the ground.
However in doing so you would actually produce a counter to the Riposte builds, low crit high base damage builds, builds that specifically don't spec for crits. Would be interesting, cause right now even those builds are easily debuffed by Riposte, cause even if you don't spec for it you will crit sometime with a 15s window and then you are screwed. It would be an interesting thing to see for sure. I mean I have already seen some non crit builds that try to circumvent the PvP defensive Meta of high crit resistance with having no crit buffs but a lot more base damage buffs. Not really sure how effective they actually are but I've seen it, never tried it myself but, eh, its a thought.
Stand by, doing further testing to get accurate formula with CP.
If your build benefits more from that 2nd recovery set bonus of Transmutation, then the mitigation difference is not worth running out of magicka for.
Awesome work! Bookmarked!
Also small edit @Taylor_MB you listed “Craftable” as a Con for Impregnable Armor
Impreg not crafted so it would've been a mistake.
Buuuutttttt I don't see where I said it was craftable? Do I fail at proof reading?
All craftable sets I put that down as pro and con, easier to acquire but no jewellery.
Waffennacht wrote: »
The moment you start purging Riposte is the moment you realize how worthless doing so is.
It goes like this: attack, Riposte proc, purge, Riposte proc...
Trust me, save your mag, it's uptime is nearly 100% (unless you start attacking someone else)
True but as a magplar, I tend to use wiz ripose on my backbar and unfortunately it has a fair bit of downtime vsing other magplars I've realised because if they cleanse it, you need to force yourself to go on your backbar again so that it can reproc.
I'm definitely liking transmutation more I'm realising, The 2-3 set mag recovery is crucial because you get it even when youre in the front bar, (the 4piece mag recovery bonus from wizards you'll never see unless again, you're on backbar unfortunately.) Also, I have 3k crit resistance without 1 point in the Crit resist passive, allowing me to distribute my CP points into other stats like quick recovery, spell resistance, iron clad etc.
Waffennacht wrote: »
My experience with Riposte was that I wasn't on my back bar long enough to proc it consistently in combat, and because I could only have a backbar set, and I don't have a complete set of Durok's or lich yet, Transmutation became my only real choice, and quite frankly it probably is the best choice given my build.
Yep agreed. From the perspective of a magplar I think trans is the best option for backbar especially with our constantly ticking extended ritual to guarantee instant proc. I just feel that the 250 mag recovery you get regardless of whether you're on the front or back bar is too invaluable to pass up.
That and there is a more strict condition with wizard that requires you to take a crit hit, which might be in the form of a huge burst and an when templar will Purge it off.
At least trans, will proc on the smallest of health so you can take self DMG before a fight and no one can remove the proc mid fight. Plus the Regen is better.
• ZoS has some funked up damage calculations.
So it’s safe to say that trans is superior to riposte on non-shield dependent builds in CP pvp on any spec that already has access to minor maim(NB, DK), is going to block often(Templar, DK, Warden), or has access to minor/major protection(Templar)? Because that’s been my understanding all along, I just want to make sure I’m interpreting this correctly