TheDoomsdayMonster wrote: »Interesting indeed...
So in circumstances where Riposte is only negating 10% of the incoming damage (compared to Combat Physician in a 1v1 scenario), a Riposte wearer would have withstand 41k damage every 6 seconds simply to equal the amount of damage negation a Combat Physician wearer can negate in an equal time span...
Over the course of a full minute, a Riposte wearer would have to withstand 410k damage simply to negate an equal amount of damage a Combat Physician wearer can negate in the same span of time...
With diminishing returns (due to CP's) being a negative to Riposte, I think its safe to say that Combat Physician is clearly superior to Riposte in a 1v1 scenario...
Waffennacht wrote: »
You and your G.D. combat physician
Waffennacht wrote: »
You and your G.D. combat physician
TheDoomsdayMonster wrote: »Interesting indeed...
So in circumstances where Riposte is only negating 10% of the incoming damage (compared to Combat Physician in a 1v1 scenario), a Riposte wearer would have withstand 41k damage every 6 seconds simply to equal the amount of damage negation a Combat Physician wearer can negate in an equal time span...
Over the course of a full minute, a Riposte wearer would have to withstand 410k damage simply to negate an equal amount of damage a Combat Physician wearer can negate in the same span of time...
With diminishing returns (due to CP's) being a negative to Riposte, I think its safe to say that Combat Physician is clearly superior to Riposte in a 1v1 scenario...
Brutusmax1mus wrote: »
You're forgetting that shields don't have resistance, so they essentially take more damage than a player unless the opponent has fully penetrated (giggity) your armor (normally not the case). So that 4.7k shield goes out with 1 attack and you're left standing and waiting for 5 seconds for your "mitigation" if you're on the defensive and it didn't proc for 4 seconds beyond the 6 cooldown, it's CP is reduced even further and rather quickly.
A 5k shield every 6 seconds is so easy to work around as an attacker. A reliable mitigation % is easier for the defender to build around than hoping an unmitigated 5k shield will proc every 6 seconds.
8195 / 6 / 2
'CP per second mitigation' / WR mitigation
I honestly do not know whether you legitimately think Combat Physician is a good set, pure trolling, or have publicly staked your reputation on such a terrible set and it's too late to back out now. Nonetheless...
Best Scenario for CP - 1v1
Even if for whatever reason you want to wear a defensive set in a 1v1 and even if WR only negates 10% damage (I couldn't get it that low), WR still out performs CP when you are taking more then 6.8k damage per second. So basically, CP only works against people with DPS so low you shouldn't need a defensive set anyway. Additionally, CP might negate a single critical strike every 6 seconds, but that 683 damage per second that CP will negate does not get reduced by your resistances or get benefit from blocking.
1v2 & 2v1
Then when you add a third person to that fight, even if they are on your team, you are decreasing the effectiveness of CP vs WR, for multiple reasons:
1) If CP procs on the person not being targeted then that is a full proc completely wasted.
2) Any AoE (think Subterranean Assault > 2H HA > Dawnbreaker) is effectively reducing CP's mitigation by 50% compared to WR (which would mitigate for all targets, not just one).
3) If you are being targeted by two people, with WR only doing 10% mitigation their DPS each needs to less then 3.4k each for CP to outperform WR.
Even if WR only mitigates 10% damage, your 4 opponents need to be doing less then 1.7k each ONLY to the person with CP proc'ing on them to out perform WR.
CalculationsSpoilerCP per second mitigation (100% uptime) =8195 / 6 / 2
damage per second for CP and WR to be equal ='CP per second mitigation' / WR mitigation
WR mitigation is 10% for above calculations (worst case)
If you want to wear a set that only "works" in a 1v1 against mediocre damage opponents then be our guest, but don't try and promote this garbage set with incomplete math and a pathetic level of situational analysis.
I left this post unsent for quite a while because people have already tried to engage with you in a logical discussion and it just doesn't happen. I eventually decided to hit post because I don't want anyone to think that your constant promoting of this set actually has any merit whatsoever.
@Taylor_MB with the Tombstone Piledriver into the Combat Physician's violently beaten drum. @TheDoomsdayMonster looking dazed and confused, surely cannot recover as the ref begins the count 1....2....
That is assuming a burst every 6 seconds. Magicka Sorcerer's can easily pull off burst every ~3.5seconds.TheDoomsdayMonster wrote: »If someone was subject to a 25k burst (and burst is typically what kills vs the better players; not damage over time), Combat Physician would protect you better from this than Riposte's would...
Combat Physician would negate 4.1k of it and Riposte's would negate 3750 of it...
If your claim that CP keeps you alive by dulling burst damage... then have fun relying on somehow strategically proc'ing CP every 6 seconds to perfectly line up with your opponents burst.
That is assuming a burst every 6 seconds. Magicka Sorcerer's can easily pull off burst every ~3.5seconds.
Joy_Division wrote: »So while we might think Wizard's is mitigation is 1.5% better (and thus about an extra 15% more damage then Transmutation), it's just 56 damage. And that 56 damage is, again, just an estimation of what we think is the average stats of our cyrodiil's opponents. Best call it a wash and look at the 2-4 pieces of each set as to whether to pick one or the other.
DPS and mitigation/second is pretty much irrelevant in PvP, because it is all about burst. And combat physician can be easily countered by bursting after the shield goes down, which means the burst (which is what kills players, not some "dps") will be completely unmitigated. It will only be uselful against players that are dumb enough to burst into the shield proc ...
I could see CP being useful only on a shieldstacking build, but those typically lack heals to proc CP and as soon there are multiple players involved, riposte would be clearly better again.
TheDoomsdayMonster wrote: »
Healing Ward procs the Combat Physician Damage Shield...
In duels this equates to stacking shields that range from 6k+ negation all the way to 12k+ negation on my build...
Brutusmax1mus wrote: »
Play a sorc that casts an 8k shield every 6 seconds and tell me how that goes. The numbers would tell you that's more mitigation than CP. But that sorc would die.
Its a set that any good opponent can capitalize on.
Can you stop in this thread though? No one wants to have this thread turned into one of your many CP is good threads...
Healing Ward isn't something you want to spam though. And even if you would proc CP frequently somehow i don't think it would be better for duels than something like Necro, which doesn't only increase all shields (except those from set procs) but also dmg and heals.
TheDoomsdayMonster wrote: »Interesting indeed...
So in circumstances where Riposte is only negating 10% of the incoming damage (compared to Combat Physician in a 1v1 scenario), a Riposte wearer would have withstand 41k damage every 6 seconds simply to equal the amount of damage negation a Combat Physician wearer can negate in an equal time span...
Over the course of a full minute, a Riposte wearer would have to withstand 410k damage simply to negate an equal amount of damage a Combat Physician wearer can negate in the same span of time...
With diminishing returns (due to CP's) being a negative to Riposte, I think its safe to say that Combat Physician is clearly superior to Riposte in a 1v1 scenario...
Dude, gtfo, that’s only 6.8k DPS, combat physician isn’t even close to riposte. You’re the absolute worst, this set is garbage and so is ANY build using it. That’s all fine and good, but then you try to recommend it to other people over actually viable sets? Just gtfo. Against no competent player would you last until the second proc of CP if you even considered going offensive.
TheDoomsdayMonster wrote: »
Keep reading the thread, all mighty wise one, and you'll see that your reasoning is in error...
TheDoomsdayMonster wrote: »
Keep reading the thread, all mighty wise one, and you'll see that your reasoning is in error...
TheDoomsdayMonster wrote: »Interesting indeed...
So in circumstances where Riposte is only negating 10% of the incoming damage (compared to Combat Physician in a 1v1 scenario), a Riposte wearer would have withstand 41k damage every 6 seconds simply to equal the amount of damage negation a Combat Physician wearer can negate in an equal time span...
Over the course of a full minute, a Riposte wearer would have to withstand 410k damage simply to negate an equal amount of damage a Combat Physician wearer can negate in the same span of time...
With diminishing returns (due to CP's) being a negative to Riposte, I think its safe to say that Combat Physician is clearly superior to Riposte in a 1v1 scenario...
My buddy does an average of 4-7k per light attack in his duel build, combat physician against his build would basically mean you aren't running a 5p.
Brutusmax1mus wrote: »Hey, let's stop bringing CP up in this thread, it'll die off. That guy will respond to every single tag and comment. He's even trying to *** lexxy off. Just ignore him.
Ariades_swe wrote: »