Just wondering if there are any plans to add Buffer if the Swift at some point? I'm really enjoying Swift with Shadowrend right now. Thinking about trying pirate skeleton with Swift as well.
I’ve done the math myself on Swift. If I remember right it’s superior to light fortified brass if your resistances are under 16k I think it was.
Fortified Brass: (100 - (R + 2975 + 5170) / 660) Buffer of the Swift: (100 - (R + 2975) / 660) * 0.9
Ah okay, I got a different number but I’ll go with yours. So in practical terms that means buffer of the swift mitigates more if your resistances are under 21k due to pen, plus it effects bleeds.
In CP pvp I have no idea, but no-CP pvp I’d say expect 10k or so pen. Pvp suffers from a bug infestation that reduces your resistances by just over 5k.
I'm guessing in 5.1 (with bleeds not bypassing armor any more and oblivion damage only good against high HP builds) Swift is now below Brass, Armor Master and Pariah again?
Depends on how onslaught works. If onslaught bypasses mitigation for just using it I don’t think I’d use a mitigation set.
I don't know, for me Onslaught is nowhere near as prevalent as Dragon Leap, DBoS and even the nerfed Incap in BGs. And I don't really see that changing dramatically. Cheap AoE burst + Stun is very potent and while Onslaught has the burst it does not have the stun. Great for duels perhaps but no for team play.
So in my context I see Pariah and Armor Master being clearly superior to Swift next patch.
EtTuBrutus wrote: »
Have you not seen the proposed changes to onslaught? Its so good im gonna run 2h on some mag characters of mine.
Curious how Pariah is going to work against onslaught. Could see it being a buggy oversight as well..
No_Division wrote: »
Will be bad lol. You'll be better off grabbing stats after hitting 21-25k resists with mitigation. They overnerfed defense through changing of mitigation and buffing of offensive stats
Lol, overnerfed defenses. Keep believing.
Think not? I have no idea how to change my spec after the patch.
As a pvp healer if there’s a good way to get defense I’d love to know how. Thinking of trying to stack % mitigation sources, health and sustain and tanking resistances, I guess it depends on what others do. If everyone’s running around with a 2hander it - might - work, I’m not sure.
Think not? I have no idea how to change my spec after the patch.
As a pvp healer if there’s a good way to get defense I’d love to know how. Thinking of trying to stack % mitigation sources, health and sustain and tanking resistances, I guess it depends on what others do. If everyone’s running around with a 2hander it - might - work, I’m not sure.
Oh so in a game where nearly every defensive option is twice as better than offensive, you are struggling to find good way to get defenses? Did I get it right
Oh so in a game where nearly every defensive option is twice as better than offensive, you are struggling to find good way to get defenses? Did I get it right
How so? The best defense are all class abilities, it has nothing to do with sets. Sure you can try to stack mitigation after the patch but onslaught will be 100% pen.
Everyone whined so now max stats look to be the way to go, which is okay but burst will be out of control.
There’ll be nothing worthwhile defensively except for a couple sets that give major protection or % mitigation.
I swear, most of the problems with the game are from players crying when they have no clue what they’re talking about. The game would probably be better if they shut down the forums.
paulsimonps wrote: »
Just a small reminder that mitigation =/= resistance. There is plenty of mitigation options that can not be penetrated by anything, onslaught included. But obviously they often have lower up time or bad requirements than simple resistance increase. Also many mitigation sources outside of resistance is not being subtracted from vulnerabilities(which are more common now) and lose some of its value through that.
@Taylor_MB Why didn't you consider of Bastion of the Heartlands in this thread?
Basically I'm talking about the 5% mitigation and the AoE mitigation and I have to contradict you. Most sources of damage you take comes from AoE no matter if regular pressure or ulti dumps. And with the changes to the meta ult onslaught it should also been affected by the AoE mitigation.
Uh let’s not waste time reviving an old thread. I guess you’re the Zerg and I’m the guy 1vXing you guys down so AoE damage?... not that important. Onslaught’s primary target is still a single target iirc, it just deals splash damage to enemies around. If you want to sure, go ahead and run it. The set bonus is just not very appealing for (seems like 99% of the player base too) me so I’ve never seen anyone run it and I doubt I’ll have trouble fighting anyone who runs it so.... there you go.
P.S. In a situation where half your damage is AoE then you’re effectively reducing damage by roughly 15% on average against players. That is pretty much wizard’s riposte. Also, you can just get shuffle if needed.