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What happened to " we will track your exp earned " ????( Gina Bruno answered this 12/28/2014)

  • Bouvin
    Guppet wrote: »
    Evandus wrote: »
    xaraan wrote: »
    Guppet wrote: »
    Grao wrote: »
    Guppet wrote: »
    Grao wrote: »
    technohic wrote: »
    I'm considering cancelling my 5 subs. Be happy to play other games until this is corrected.

    5 subs? Really? Not just a ploy to claim what you say matters more?

    It's called multi-boxing :)
    Edited by Bouvin on December 30, 2014 12:33AM
  • Guppet
    Bouvin wrote: »
    Guppet wrote: »
    Evandus wrote: »
    xaraan wrote: »
    Guppet wrote: »
    Grao wrote: »
    Guppet wrote: »
    Grao wrote: »
    technohic wrote: »
    I'm considering cancelling my 5 subs. Be happy to play other games until this is corrected.

    5 subs? Really? Not just a ploy to claim what you say matters more?

    It's called multi-boxing :)

    I'm well aware of multi-boxing (the 5 shamans in wow trick was particularly popular). But can you multi-box 5 accounts in ESO? The group size is 4 and the PC you would need to do that at a playable rate, would be utterly beastly. It just does not sound feasible.
  • Wolfenbelle
    Rylana wrote: »
    To those of you thinking a v14 char with 30 CP is in anyway on par to a v1 with 30 CP

    Learn to math pl0x, and realize all your "achievements" are not "wasted"

    V14 perks
    - 13 additional skill points
    - 13 additional attribute points
    - Higher softcaps
    - Gear several tiers higher, with stat adjustments that are not only significant, but massively significant, especially in categories like weapon power and armor rating. Go compare a v1 staff with a v14 staff right now and tell me they are even in the same league.
    - Completion potentially of Silver + Gold netting another 40 skill points from Skyshards (even just doing Cadwells quests alone and ignoring the rest of the zone, you will gain more than 15 SPs)
    - Many more completed skills lines than any V1 ever could have done by this point
    - Additional Skyshards/SPs from Vet Dungeons, Group dungeon challenges, and Craglorn
    - Mages/Undaunted rep (more lorebooks to hit rank 10 mages, more vet dungeons achieves/pledges done for Undaunted.

    You cant simply say that just because you have 30 CP in common that the two are in any way on par with each other. I mean seriously, V1 toons usually dont even have all their CLASS skill lines 100% done yet, much less anything beyond that.

    ZOS has already said that every veteran character will be reset back to level 50 sometime soon, probably in release 1.7. The single biggest question I have is not about the CP, although that's bad enough. It's this: What happens to all those achievements and additional skill/attribute points? We already know that softcaps are being eliminated, I believe in 1.6. What happens to veteran rank gear when we are reset back to 50? What happens to mats, potions, crafting, enemies, bosses, and the veteran rank content? Will Cadwell's s/g even exist anymore, and if it does, for what purpose. Characters usually progress to 50 during the Coldharbour and Molag Bal part of the game. So what would be the point of having Cadwell's anymore except for those skill points and skyshards?

    ZOS has made none of this clear as far as I know. They are basically reinventing and relaunching their game on the backs of all current players, no matter what level they are at presently. What has been presented so far is not pretty.

  • whiteshadow711jppreub18_ESO

    ZOS has made none of this clear as far as I know. They are basically reinventing and relaunching their game on the backs of all current players, no matter what level they are at presently. What has been presented so far is not pretty.

    And that is another thing, when I was in the Beta, I played the game knowing, my character was going to get wiped, one of the reasons I copied the creation of "Kotaro Atani" to video, so was I could recreate him when the game went live.. and then I did during early access..

    (thank god I never deleted that video, I almost did once)

    So then I kept the video thinking, what IF?? I don't know... what if something failed and my character got wiped or something, I could recreate him by making an ALT..

    Now it's kinda like that all over again, all that XP flushed down the tube, and nothing in return except what everyone who is VR1 is getting, 30 CP, because they are reinventing the game and want people to be at everyone's level ..

    Now this is what I have to say, I've been lied to and mislead by ZOS already when it comes to this situation with the XP and it's made me really angry..


    I made a new ALT duplicate of my main and I will use him when the Champion system comes online...

    but I swear to god and the world at large....

    If they do something like this ever again, (wipe us/neuter us and start anew like we are still in a damn Beta again), then I am gone..

    Fool me once, shame on me... fool me twice and I am gone.

    Signed, Kotaro Atani.PS5 NA
    VR16/ CP 160 Khajiit Nightblade of the Aldmeri Dominion, Guildmaster and Assassin of the Queen's Hand guild on NA PC. PvP Officer in the WOLF guild on NA PS5, and of course Master Thief. Currently 3120 CP out of 3600 CP on NA PS5. Currently 810 CP on NA PC (used for PTS testing purposes only). On PS5 I am also a Master Crafter, all traits done and learned, Jewelry crafting done. all Motifs learned on PS5 except for maybe two-three Motifs. Both Companions are Max level as are their Skills.Warrior, Lover, Thief.... Nightblade. Aldmeri Dominion For Life! For the Queen!! Go Dominion or go home ! "I have no hatred for the races of Man, but they are young. Like all children, they are driven by emotion. They lack the wisdom that comes with age. I would sooner place an Altmer infant on the Ruby Throne than surrender Tamriel to their capricious whims. The Altmer, the Bosmer and the Khajiit share the common traits of intelligence, patience and reason. We do not seek riches or plunder. Domination is not our goal, nor is the acclamation of power for its own sake. Today we make our stand. Today we take back the Ruby Throne, which is ours by ancient right and the blessings of the Divines. Stand with us." ―Your Queen Commands, Ayrenn Arana Aldmeri.(All 18 characters are AD only! This one is a AD Loyalist)Member of ESO Since January 29, 2014, started early Access 3/30/14 on PC, currently subbed on NA PS5 and on NA PC. Note- I only use PC for PTS testing purposes, the PS5 is my dedicated Game Platform.Note- for those that don't know how to say Kotaro Atani it's "Ko tar row Ah ta ni" (Ko with a Oh sound, tar which sounds like the sticky black tar stuff, row like rowing a boat, Ah with a AHHHH sound, Ta with a Tahhh sound, Neeee which sounds like knee)"The blowing sands of time wipe clean the footprints of the past...""Moonsugar may be the key to paradise, but it is through a false door...""A perfect society is always elsewhere..."- Unknown book of Khajiiti proverbs.
  • Jaxsun
    Hi guys, just wanted to pop in and put this to rest. What Kai said a few days ago is correct. Just to make sure we're all on the same page, once Update 6 is released and you have at least one Veteran Rank character, all your characters will receive 30 Champion Points - no more, no less. This will only occur at the onset of Update 6; after this is released, you will gain Champion Points one at a time as designed.

    A few months ago, it was said that we were tracking XP. However, this was still early in development and through internal testing and feedback, found that we needed to change our plans (and, honestly, this quite normal through the course of development). We understand that this was, indeed, a major change from what we were originally planning. In an effort to be open with everyone about how things were going and what was planned, it caused a great deal of confusion, and we sincerely apologize for that.

    As it has been said a number of times, we certainly encourage you to hop on the PTS once this is available in January and try out the system. This is also a great chance to plan how you'd like to build your character once it's live!

    Hope you all are enjoying the holidays, and we'll see you in the new year. :)

    So, your bosses lied to keep more people subbed until 1.6 which allowed them to collect the subscription money you would have lost for those players unsubbing until 1.6 launched...Card Carrying !@#holes
  • Averya_Teira
    Etori wrote: »
    Aren't they adding a whole new PVE zone very soon? All you people crying about not having any solo content left might be in luck. I thought I recalled them saying in the last ESO Live that a new zone is coming very soon.

    Very soon for ZOS is not the same as very soon for the... rest of the population lol...
    Sindala wrote: »
    you know when they said roughly 1 CP per hour? Well if the cap is 3600 then that's only 150 days solid. Nothing to some of these grinder players.

    It's 4 hours per CP. 1 hour is with Enlightement and those kind of players won't have much if it as they are always playing.

    Also... 150 days 24/7 is nothing ? Even if you sleep 8 hours a day and play the whole 16 hours of the day that are left, that's still 900 days for cap...
    Edited by Averya_Teira on December 30, 2014 1:40AM
  • xaraan
    Guppet wrote: »
    xaraan wrote: »
    ceol wrote: »
    Grao wrote: »
    The problem is that the exp we got is being taken from us without anything to reward it. We don't want to have to grind like crazy to keep up with the guys that are vr1 questing... It isn't fair. We already the questing, we did the leveling, so why are our points being denied to us?

    How are your points being denied to you? You have just as much of a chance to get them as a VR1 character. You just have one less option to do so. It doesn't mean those points are gone forever.

    Whoever said you needed to "grind like crazy" in order to keep up with them? If the highest character someone has by 1.6 is a VR1, do you really think they're going to be grinding out quests?

    Not exactly.

    I'm looking at 65 million xp of quests between 5 v14s that I can never earn. There are no other options for me to solo earn those outside of playing pvp (which I do not like to do and also don't know how it compares). Most daily stuff is group content, no new zones will be added for months.

    And sure, a casual player may not suddenly grind out quests, but there could be someone just like me that just goes from one character to the next, doing quests and started later than me so is only around v1 when the system hits. They could very easily have the 5 v14s I have a few months after 1.6 launches - I certainly cannot. I only have 2.5 more slots left (one is v5 and half way through content). That's all the xp I can earn from questing. Any other xp I earn will be from waiting around until my friends get on to do group content.

    It's b.s. that I'm screwed over by this when a giving me a couple points per vet level wouldn't have put me that far ahead of the 30 a v1 gets. Now, just like undaunted, or crafting achieves, I get to watch new players pass me by while I sit there without as many tools to earn points as they have.

    Here's the thing I really don't get at all. How exactly does this advantage the casual? They would need to suddenly start playing massively more than they had been before, while you play massively less, for them to get ahead even slightly. Do you honestly think that's about to happen, or are you just being far too overly dramatic?

    You have 5 VR14's you must have a played on all your characters probably in excess of 100days, that's going to be 50+ hours a week on average. In what world will a casual suddenly catch you up, neigh over take you?

    Well, if you read what I wrote- I specifically said not casuals, but newer players that play as much as a player like me that just got into the game later.
    -- @xaraan --
    nightblade: Xaraan templar: Xaraan-dar dragon-knight: Xaraanosaurus necromancer: Xaraan-qa warden: Xaraanodon sorcerer: Xaraan-ra
    AD • NA • PC
  • Grao
    The simple fact is, we were told our exp would count once the Champion System came to live and now it won't and ZoS doesn't even offer us a real reason.

    They are releasing a system and upon release they are creating exceptions to the rules because... Well, I don't really know, probably because they want the low vrs to play with the system, even thought they haven't earned points yet. At the same time they don't want the hardcore group to have more points then everyone else. Either way, it is unfair, they are rewarding points to those that haven't earned those points and not awarding points to those that have earned them.
  • xaraan
    ceol wrote: »
    Robocles wrote: »
    We are questing because we don't want to grind. We are questing because she specifically told us that we should continue to level our veteran characters... not once, but twice... officially.

    So, now, here we are, with all of the available quest content finished, and they tell us that they have decided they can't be arsed to do what they said they would.

    You don't find that more than a bit wrong?

    Then level an alt, so you can quest even more. Yeah, it sucks you aren't getting your exp retroactively applied, but it isn't the same exp that new characters will be getting. It's exp in an entirely different system with different balancing.

    They aren't doing this because they're lazy or want to *** you off. They're doing it because, sometimes, things don't go the way we want them to and we need to go back on what we said. Would you rather ZOS turn into ArenaNet, never talking to us about anything for fear of the community ripping their head off?

    ZOS has explained why they made this decision, and they've expressed their regret about not being able to follow through. At this point, if you can't accept it, just stop playing the game, because you will never be happy with anything.

    That doesn't work for everyone. I have 5 v14s and a v5. That's two (and a half) character slots of silver/gold left. That's vs 8 slots for a v1 that wishes to level the same as me. Except they will get points for all 8 slots. I will be out on 65 million questing xp and the cp that comes with it.
    -- @xaraan --
    nightblade: Xaraan templar: Xaraan-dar dragon-knight: Xaraanosaurus necromancer: Xaraan-qa warden: Xaraanodon sorcerer: Xaraan-ra
    AD • NA • PC
  • Averya_Teira
    xaraan wrote: »
    ceol wrote: »
    Robocles wrote: »
    We are questing because we don't want to grind. We are questing because she specifically told us that we should continue to level our veteran characters... not once, but twice... officially.

    So, now, here we are, with all of the available quest content finished, and they tell us that they have decided they can't be arsed to do what they said they would.

    You don't find that more than a bit wrong?

    Then level an alt, so you can quest even more. Yeah, it sucks you aren't getting your exp retroactively applied, but it isn't the same exp that new characters will be getting. It's exp in an entirely different system with different balancing.

    They aren't doing this because they're lazy or want to *** you off. They're doing it because, sometimes, things don't go the way we want them to and we need to go back on what we said. Would you rather ZOS turn into ArenaNet, never talking to us about anything for fear of the community ripping their head off?

    ZOS has explained why they made this decision, and they've expressed their regret about not being able to follow through. At this point, if you can't accept it, just stop playing the game, because you will never be happy with anything.

    That doesn't work for everyone. I have 5 v14s and a v5. That's two (and a half) character slots of silver/gold left. That's vs 8 slots for a v1 that wishes to level the same as me. Except they will get points for all 8 slots. I will be out on 65 million questing xp and the cp that comes with it.

    Just wanted to make it concrete for people, if what ZOS said it true (-_-) about the time to gain 1 CP, then 1 CP should be around 400 000 XP.

    So his 65 000 000 ''missing'' XP = 162.5 CPs ''missed'' from already having VR14s.
    Edited by Averya_Teira on December 30, 2014 3:48AM
  • Vusile
    Hi guys, just wanted to pop in and put this to rest. What Kai said a few days ago is correct. Just to make sure we're all on the same page, once Update 6 is released and you have at least one Veteran Rank character, all your characters will receive 30 Champion Points - no more, no less. This will only occur at the onset of Update 6; after this is released, you will gain Champion Points one at a time as designed.

    A few months ago, it was said that we were tracking XP. However, this was still early in development and through internal testing and feedback, found that we needed to change our plans (and, honestly, this quite normal through the course of development). We understand that this was, indeed, a major change from what we were originally planning. In an effort to be open with everyone about how things were going and what was planned, it caused a great deal of confusion, and we sincerely apologize for that.

    As it has been said a number of times, we certainly encourage you to hop on the PTS once this is available in January and try out the system. This is also a great chance to plan how you'd like to build your character once it's live!

    Hope you all are enjoying the holidays, and we'll see you in the new year. :)

    Hmmm. Maybe this was brought up earlier in this topic but that bolded part seems to imply that if you are not Vet Rank before update 6, you never get those 30 CP that the rest of us do. Better get to Vet Ranks if you aren't already!

  • Gilvoth
    thats a very insightfull and interesting observation. i dont like it but looks like you are correct @Vusile
  • Gilvoth
    "once Update 6 is released and you have at least one Veteran Rank character, all your characters will receive 30 Champion Points - no more, no less. This will only occur at the onset of Update 6; after this is released, you will gain Champion Points one at a time as designed."

    ok she said that if we have atleast ONE character that is vet level then ALL of our characters will get 30 cp. not just the vet ones.
  • Gilvoth
    xaraan wrote: »
    ceol wrote: »
    Robocles wrote: »
    We are questing because we don't want to grind. We are questing because she specifically told us that we should continue to level our veteran characters... not once, but twice... officially.

    So, now, here we are, with all of the available quest content finished, and they tell us that they have decided they can't be arsed to do what they said they would.

    You don't find that more than a bit wrong?

    Then level an alt, so you can quest even more. Yeah, it sucks you aren't getting your exp retroactively applied, but it isn't the same exp that new characters will be getting. It's exp in an entirely different system with different balancing.

    They aren't doing this because they're lazy or want to *** you off. They're doing it because, sometimes, things don't go the way we want them to and we need to go back on what we said. Would you rather ZOS turn into ArenaNet, never talking to us about anything for fear of the community ripping their head off?

    ZOS has explained why they made this decision, and they've expressed their regret about not being able to follow through. At this point, if you can't accept it, just stop playing the game, because you will never be happy with anything.

    That doesn't work for everyone. I have 5 v14s and a v5. That's two (and a half) character slots of silver/gold left. That's vs 8 slots for a v1 that wishes to level the same as me. Except they will get points for all 8 slots. I will be out on 65 million questing xp and the cp that comes with it.

    so essentually you could do the daily undaunted quest with EACH of your 5 v14'ns and all that cp can be given to just 1 character?
    isnt that cheating?

  • Gilvoth
    we are allowed to share the cp's from a pool? or each character we have will get exactly 30 cp's to spend?
    sounds to me like each character we have gets cp's from anything we do on any character we have on our account.
  • DanielMaxwell
    "once Update 6 is released and you have at least one Veteran Rank character, all your characters will receive 30 Champion Points - no more, no less. This will only occur at the onset of Update 6; after this is released, you will gain Champion Points one at a time as designed."

    ok she said that if we have atleast ONE character that is vet level then ALL of our characters will get 30 cp. not just the vet ones.

    that is because their current plan is for Champion System points to be account wide , so once you gain any CP's you gain them for all of your characters , you can only gain champion system XP on a level 50 character thou , but all of your characters can use them . The CP's are not a pool , the number you have is the same for all of your characters ( i.e. what one character spends does not decrease what your other characters will have available to use).
  • Gilvoth
    "once Update 6 is released and you have at least one Veteran Rank character, all your characters will receive 30 Champion Points - no more, no less. This will only occur at the onset of Update 6; after this is released, you will gain Champion Points one at a time as designed."

    ok she said that if we have atleast ONE character that is vet level then ALL of our characters will get 30 cp. not just the vet ones.

    that is because their current plan is for Champion System points to be account wide , so once you gain any CP's you gain them for all of your characters , you can only gain champion system XP on a level 50 character thou , but all of your characters can use them . The CP's are not a pool , the number you have is the same for all of your characters ( i.e. what one character spends does not decrease what your other characters will have available to use).

    i hope you are correct

  • DanielMaxwell
    "once Update 6 is released and you have at least one Veteran Rank character, all your characters will receive 30 Champion Points - no more, no less. This will only occur at the onset of Update 6; after this is released, you will gain Champion Points one at a time as designed."

    ok she said that if we have atleast ONE character that is vet level then ALL of our characters will get 30 cp. not just the vet ones.

    that is because their current plan is for Champion System points to be account wide , so once you gain any CP's you gain them for all of your characters , you can only gain champion system XP on a level 50 character thou , but all of your characters can use them . The CP's are not a pool , the number you have is the same for all of your characters ( i.e. what one character spends does not decrease what your other characters will have available to use).

    i hope you are correct

    that's what I recall from the ESO live and the info they posted on the forums , it is all subject to change based on the feedback from the PTS so do not count on it .
  • Gilvoth
    "once Update 6 is released and you have at least one Veteran Rank character, all your characters will receive 30 Champion Points - no more, no less. This will only occur at the onset of Update 6; after this is released, you will gain Champion Points one at a time as designed."

    ok she said that if we have atleast ONE character that is vet level then ALL of our characters will get 30 cp. not just the vet ones.

    you can only gain champion system XP on a level 50 character

    this is the part that i am not so sure about, i thought that anytime we gained ANY xp at all it counted towards the champion system, but here you are saying we Must be level 50 in order for that to happen? we cant gain cp's from a level 10, or any character under level 50?
    i hope that is not true.
  • kieso
    You can only gain CP's by using your level 50+. but the points will be available for all characters to use
  • DanielMaxwell
    "once Update 6 is released and you have at least one Veteran Rank character, all your characters will receive 30 Champion Points - no more, no less. This will only occur at the onset of Update 6; after this is released, you will gain Champion Points one at a time as designed."

    ok she said that if we have atleast ONE character that is vet level then ALL of our characters will get 30 cp. not just the vet ones.

    you can only gain champion system XP on a level 50 character

    this is the part that i am not so sure about, i thought that anytime we gained ANY xp at all it counted towards the champion system, but here you are saying we Must be level 50 in order for that to happen? we cant gain cp's from a level 10, or any character under level 50?
    i hope that is not true.

    That is one of the things i am certain they said , I think it is for balance reasons .
  • criscal

    ZOS has made none of this clear as far as I know. They are basically reinventing and relaunching their game on the backs of all current players, no matter what level they are at presently. What has been presented so far is not pretty.

    And that is another thing, when I was in the Beta, I played the game knowing, my character was going to get wiped, one of the reasons I copied the creation of "Kotaro Atani" to video, so was I could recreate him when the game went live.. and then I did during early access..

    (thank god I never deleted that video, I almost did once)

    So then I kept the video thinking, what IF?? I don't know... what if something failed and my character got wiped or something, I could recreate him by making an ALT..

    Now it's kinda like that all over again, all that XP flushed down the tube, and nothing in return except what everyone who is VR1 is getting, 30 CP, because they are reinventing the game and want people to be at everyone's level ..

    Now this is what I have to say, I've been lied to and mislead by ZOS already when it comes to this situation with the XP and it's made me really angry..


    I made a new ALT duplicate of my main and I will use him when the Champion system comes online...

    but I swear to god and the world at large....

    If they do something like this ever again, (wipe us/neuter us and start anew like we are still in a damn Beta again), then I am gone..

    Fool me once, shame on me... fool me twice and I am gone.

    Well, for beta they had the carrot dangling that the decision of wiping the chars is likely, but not fixed. As a reward you got a monkey, when it should have been a guinea pig :D.
  • Darlgon
    criscal wrote: »
    Well, for beta they had the carrot dangling that the decision of wiping the chars is likely, but not fixed. As a reward you got a monkey, when it should have been a guinea pig :D.

    Pretty sure that was an oblique reference to "even 1000 monkeys hitting a keyboard can type Hamlet, if given enough time."
    Power level to CP160 in a week:
    Where is the end game? You just played it.
    Why don't I have 300+ skill points? Because you skipped content along the way.
    Where is new content? Sigh.
  • ramasurinenpreub18_ESO
    Even if they weren't actually tracking XP, all they really had to do was simply give everyone a flat 30 CP to start with and then one extra CP per VR level for each VR character that a player has.

    If you had five VR 14s on your account you'd get just another 65 CP to spend... for a grand total of 95... out of a possible 3600, a whopping 2.5% leg up on the new system.

    Would that unbalance the game? Absolutely not. Would it at least acknowledge the efforts of those die hard fans, those who have devoted hundreds of hours to the game and stop their anger? Probably!

    But nope, instead we have ZOS sticking to their guns on the single most unpopular move since beta, only delaying the inevitable, and generating twenty massive forum threads chock full of player irritation.

    It just makes no sense.
    Edited by ramasurinenpreub18_ESO on December 30, 2014 8:12AM
  • Guppet
    xaraan wrote: »
    Guppet wrote: »
    xaraan wrote: »
    ceol wrote: »
    Grao wrote: »
    The problem is that the exp we got is being taken from us without anything to reward it. We don't want to have to grind like crazy to keep up with the guys that are vr1 questing... It isn't fair. We already the questing, we did the leveling, so why are our points being denied to us?

    How are your points being denied to you? You have just as much of a chance to get them as a VR1 character. You just have one less option to do so. It doesn't mean those points are gone forever.

    Whoever said you needed to "grind like crazy" in order to keep up with them? If the highest character someone has by 1.6 is a VR1, do you really think they're going to be grinding out quests?

    Not exactly.

    I'm looking at 65 million xp of quests between 5 v14s that I can never earn. There are no other options for me to solo earn those outside of playing pvp (which I do not like to do and also don't know how it compares). Most daily stuff is group content, no new zones will be added for months.

    And sure, a casual player may not suddenly grind out quests, but there could be someone just like me that just goes from one character to the next, doing quests and started later than me so is only around v1 when the system hits. They could very easily have the 5 v14s I have a few months after 1.6 launches - I certainly cannot. I only have 2.5 more slots left (one is v5 and half way through content). That's all the xp I can earn from questing. Any other xp I earn will be from waiting around until my friends get on to do group content.

    It's b.s. that I'm screwed over by this when a giving me a couple points per vet level wouldn't have put me that far ahead of the 30 a v1 gets. Now, just like undaunted, or crafting achieves, I get to watch new players pass me by while I sit there without as many tools to earn points as they have.

    Here's the thing I really don't get at all. How exactly does this advantage the casual? They would need to suddenly start playing massively more than they had been before, while you play massively less, for them to get ahead even slightly. Do you honestly think that's about to happen, or are you just being far too overly dramatic?

    You have 5 VR14's you must have a played on all your characters probably in excess of 100days, that's going to be 50+ hours a week on average. In what world will a casual suddenly catch you up, neigh over take you?

    Well, if you read what I wrote- I specifically said not casuals, but newer players that play as much as a player like me that just got into the game later.

    So these payers that come in and put in as much time and dedication as yourself (from the time they have joined), they could quite possibly make good people for you to group with, but you would rather cut off your ability to group with these new players because "you were here first"?

    Letting them catch up increases the pool of players you can play with, that's the point of holding us all back. I just don't get this at all, how is having a wider pool of players to play with in anyway a bad thing?

    Even for competitive trials players, how is having more players competing with you a bad thing? Surly that increases the prestige of being at the top.

    Same with PVP, how is having more people to fight with and against bad?

    More players makes being highly ranked all the more significant, in any area of the game, unless people don't believe they have the skill to stay there and see these new players as a threat.
    Edited by Guppet on December 30, 2014 9:42AM
  • kungmoo
    "ceol wrote: »
    Then level an alt, so you can quest even more. Yeah, it sucks you aren't getting your exp retroactively applied, but it isn't the same exp that new characters will be getting. It's exp in an entirely different system with different balancing.

    level an alt to improve the toon we have spent months on already..... you know, the character we WANT to play...

    yeah that sounds right....
    Edited by kungmoo on December 30, 2014 9:54AM
    Some men are alive simply because it is against the law to kill them. -Edward W. Howe
  • Chivana
    There won't be more players in a game where you can't trust in dev statements, where they trick you into staying subscripted and then just wipe your progress without giving the promised reward in exchange.

    ZOS behaviour might not be against their TOS, but for sure against what we call "Treu und Glauben" here in Germany.

    It's a shame that they will probably get away with it and a shame how many players still refuse to see the truth, keep playing and even defend them.
    Chivana "Amazon Queen" Krelog (Chivana@Chivana)
  • Enaijo
    Audigy wrote: »
    We made Rank 14 at Vanilla WOW, it took a long time and a few weeks later everyone and his cat could get the title.

    EA made a server move at SWTOR, thousands of players lost their legacy, guild and char names - no compensation ever.

    That's something completely different and I'm sure you know it ... the same would be, if you have to start over at tlevel ~5 every time there is a new expansion for WoW, without the possibility to repeat the quests you have already done and Blizzard told you in advance, that this would not be the case. Even the merging of servers is hardly the same ...
  • Grao
    So, I just got a neat little answer from ZoS about this theme. Apparently they are giving everyone 30 points because they want to start leveling the plain field between Vr1 and Vr14. Wanna know why? Because they are planning to strip all the veteran ranks without any consideration to the time and effort you spent going from vr1 to vr14.

    And what does that mean? That leveling beyond vr1 is now completely pointless, since whatever progression you do during 1.6 will be nule and void. Isn't that brilliant of them?

    They are also sadists... They are stripping us of our earned power and exp layer by later as form of prolonged torture, they are skinning us alive! Maybe they hope to lose less players by doing it little by little.
    Edited by Grao on December 30, 2014 10:10AM
  • kelly.medleyb14_ESO
    Grao wrote: »
    So, I just got a neat little answer from ZoS about this theme. Apparently they are giving everyone 30 points because they want to start leveling the plain field between Vr1 and Vr14. Wanna know why? Because they are planning to strip all the veteran ranks without any consideration to the time and effort you spent going from vr1 to vr14.

    And what does that mean? That leveling beyond vr1 is now completely pointless, since whatever progression you do during 1.6 will be nule and void. Isn't that brilliant of them?

    They are also sadists... They are stripping us of our earned power and exp layer by later as form of prolonged torture, they are skinning us alive! Maybe they hope to lose less players by doing it little by little.

    To be honest its simply a numbers game, they realize that their game has attracted swarms of super casuals who want everyone to be the same so that is what they are trying to do.

    It worked for WoW but unfortunately it will not work for ZoS as they are not as established. The super casuals will soon realize that they still can't do content and are still being destroyed by more skilled players, once they realize this they will leave the game in swarms as will many of the loyal customers they betrayed.

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