Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

What happened to " we will track your exp earned " ????( Gina Bruno answered this 12/28/2014)

  • Guppet
    eliisra wrote: »
    Out of curiosity, how is a more causal player with only one V14, suppose to gain CP in 1.6?

    I'm not worried for myself. I have one of each class at level cap. I still have thousands of quest to do, even have Cadwells gold and entire maps left on some characters.

    But a less "hardcore" player that didn't speed grind alts to level cap, well, they seem a bit screwed lol. At least if they want to do quest to progress and gain points. This while a VR1 has all content ahead of him, and the same amount of points. It doesn't add up. Hope I'm missing something?

    They can do exactly what they are doing now. If they will have no content to do in the new system, it's because they have ran out of content now. So they are not doing anything now anyway.

    No one will be progressing much in the new system until new content is out. Unless they do repeatable content.

    This patch is a system patch, not a content one.
    Edited by Guppet on December 29, 2014 2:50PM
  • Audigy
    Kaliki wrote: »
    Audigy wrote: »
    If the situation at ESO is bad for you then you have to leave the game, just like I did at SWTOR. Its not on me to decide how bad it is for you, to not get more CPs - to me its not a big deal, its also not a big deal if I don't get the 30 at all, but losing a char name would be.

    Its your choice. :)

    I have unsubbed and will stop playing if nothing changes. To me losing progress is quite severe, no matter if mmo or single player game.
    I just dislike repeating things and that's what zenimax expects us to do to get CP. I just wish I had started the game half a year later, then I'd be perfectly happy with it. But as it is I just feel screwed...

    Perhaps returning in half a year I'll get everything handed to me for minimum effort and a maximum of fun.

    I want to point out that I do play since the very first day as well and ZO changed stuff too which I didn't agree with (VR zone nerf -> I loved the difficulty in Beta there and wanted to experience the same on release).

    At the day when ZO announced that the CS is coming, my focus was more on evening out my spare play time than focusing on a single Char. I was convinced that not playing a single Char but several and keeping them away from the VR zones would be best, as I knew from the past how such system changes can affect players.

    I think I even mentioned this a few months ago, where I said "my motivation to play into VR´s is gone now, as the content was nerfed and a new system for XP will come".

    In the end I believe its the best decision for the games longevity, but yes it will affect some players who play solo and have no territory left to play in. That's why I felt that Wrothgar should be in 1.6 as well.

    If you return in a half year then a lot has been changed too, I am quite sure we will see an item wipe, maybe even a Craglorn revamp (into a solo zone) etc. Achievements will also become easier over time, once the Empire city is added, Emperor titles could become meaningless just like old AVA titles...

    Nothing is forever ;)
  • Giraffon
    I know we don't have the big picture here, but like many, I'm having a disconnect. For me, finally reaching VR14 was a mark of survivability in PvP. A great achievement in status amongst my gaming peers and something that most players respected.

    A VR1 and a VR14 are NOT the same. It's wrong that they both get the same status after moving to the champion system. It's just wrong. How can you not see this?
    Giraffon - Beta Lizard - For the Pact!
  • Guppet
    Only cold November rain!
  • Audigy
    eliisra wrote: »
    Out of curiosity, how is a more causal player with only one V14, suppose to gain CP in 1.6?

    I'm not worried for myself. I have one of each class at level cap. I still have thousands of quest to do, even have Cadwells gold and entire maps left on some characters.

    But a less "hardcore" player that didn't speed grind alts to level cap, well, they seem a bit screwed lol. At least if they want to do quest to progress and gain points. This while a VR1 has all content ahead of him, and the same amount of points. It doesn't add up. Hope I'm missing something?

    I agree that the lack of solo alternatives is an issue. If someone is VR 10, he has nothing to do. AVA wont work as he is too weak, Dungeons with the LFG bug problematic and Wrothgar is not in sight yet.

    But I am asking you this, how would we help those players if we now give them 60 CP? They still wont have content, they still cant progress further right?

    I think that the best advice to those is a reroll or spending some time on an alt. As a Casual they will have several free slots still and once they leveled those up to VR 10 Wrothgar might already be there with the removal of VR rankings.

    That said, we still don't know enough about 1.6 to make such assumptions. Maybe the Justice System will offer solo quest chains, maybe they add new quests for solo players in Crag ... We need to wait another week at least.
  • Etori
    Aren't they adding a whole new PVE zone very soon? All you people crying about not having any solo content left might be in luck. I thought I recalled them saying in the last ESO Live that a new zone is coming very soon.
  • Dagoth_Rac
    Giraffon wrote: »
    A VR1 and a VR14 are NOT the same. It's wrong that they both get the same status after moving to the champion system. It's just wrong. How can you not see this?

    You will still be VR14 and they will still be VR1. It is like giving 30 bucks to a millionaire (a VR14) and also 30 bucks to a guy living a trailer (a VR1). Yeah, they both got 30 bucks, but you'd still rather be the millionaire (a VR14), right? A VR14 will still be a lot more powerful than a VR1 in the new Update 6.
    Edited by Dagoth_Rac on December 29, 2014 3:46PM
  • technohic
    Just give VR+ players something. Maybe 1 point per VR level. Or 1 per 2 VR levels. How bad could that be if everyone has 30 for someone to have 7 more? Maybe there is a concern over players with multiple VR14 characters? Would making it only apply to one character for a limit of 7 (or 14) above the 30 be so bad?
  • Jack-0
    Gina, nice of you to tell us the truth.

    ZOS, what the actual *** are you playing at? Words cannot express how idiotic I find this. Way to screw over the hardcore and most loyal players by taking a steaming crap on their hard work.

    I hope at some point you all experience the same sort of dicking about and *** in something that you love and care about as much as your hardcore players love(d) this game.

    To be clear - my v14 dk has completed ALL of Craglorn and ALL of Cadwell's Silver and ALL of Cadwell's Gold.

    My v13.5 templar has completed ALL of Cadwell's Silver and ALL of Cadwell's Gold.

    That's an awful lot of opportunities for CP to be earned that I've now lost because you've decided to move the goal posts 9 months after launch. My objection is on the basis that I'm way more likely to play through progressive story line quests and objectives and earn CP more or less as a side effect; when the only ways left for me to earn CP are through repetitive actions like daily quests my motivation slumps considerably and I am disadvantaged compared to the nubs who haven't completed all these quests. It suddenly becomes more grindy and a good deal less immersive.

    No matter how much additional content you add there is still going to be this whole swathe of content that I can't earn CP from because I've already done it, yet all these other players can. It will never be fair and I expect you to do something to address this.

    It also would have been courteous if you had bothered making an announcement when you ditched the idea of tracking our XP gains at V14.

    Learn customer service.
  • Mujuro
    Joejudas wrote: »
    This needs it's own thread. You said you would track our exp towards the new cp system. So a bunch of us went ahead and quested. Now your not giving us the exp points you said you would......but we cant repeat the quests. Can someone from Zeni clarify's upsetting alot of your long subscribing customers ? It's my understanding that a new VR1 will receive the same cp as my vr14....but still have access to the quest exp that I won't. I hope you guys have a fix for that.

    This sounds remarkably like, "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan."
  • Sindala
    I bet a certain person is wishing she'd waited a few more days now and got the Boss to post it since it's that big of an issue it should have been from him, but where is he......oh that's right he's distancing himself from ESO. Obviously don't want to be tagged with this fail to his name and ruin future job prospects ;)
    Being First is not the prize, it just mean's everyone can stab you in the back.
  • Rhakon
    So why Zenimax make this so complicated?

    Give every player who finished Silver 10CP, and for Gold 10 CP again, just for example.

    It would reward the questers and would give the farmers an attraction to catch up on.

    players who farmed up to vr14 where knowing they will miss books, skillpoints, shards and much more.
  • Pallmor
    But still they do seem adamant on providing an equal starting ground for the champion system even at the loss of their loyal long time players that have committed endless hours to their game. They must be truly expecting an enormous influx of new players. But what could possibly bring them in?

    Consoles will be on their dedicated servers, so that can't be it.

    Players who started console accounts last year will (before the Fall I believe) will be able to transfer their PC characters over to consoles. So on day one of the console release, many players will have fully leveled characters to play. ZOS probably doesn't want the newbie console players coming in to discover that they're already hopelessly outclassed by the veterans.

    Of course, that's assuming that ZOS keeps their promises on allowing transfer of characters in the first place--which, given their long track record of lying to us, is far from a given.
  • Sindala

    Pallmor wrote: »
    But still they do seem adamant on providing an equal starting ground for the champion system even at the loss of their loyal long time players that have committed endless hours to their game. They must be truly expecting an enormous influx of new players. But what could possibly bring them in?

    Consoles will be on their dedicated servers, so that can't be it.

    Players who started console accounts last year will (before the Fall I believe) will be able to transfer their PC characters over to consoles. So on day one of the console release, many players will have fully leveled characters to play. ZOS probably doesn't want the newbie console players coming in to discover that they're already hopelessly outclassed by the veterans.

    Of course, that's assuming that ZOS keeps their promises on allowing transfer of characters in the first place--which, given their long track record of lying to us, is far from a given.

    Lol, yeah I think we can pretty much say that one has been knocked out of the ballpark already. They can't patch the game without massive fails so I really doubt they will be able to synch 2 or 3 separate game languages to do a crossover. Well maybe the char, but not anything that char owns.
    Being First is not the prize, it just mean's everyone can stab you in the back.
  • Nazon_Katts
    22.5 CP per Cadwells Silver and Gold. Hm, awarding 6‰ for completing more than half of all available solo content seems like a sure fire way to kill the solo game entirely, since that's no incentive at all to do them anymore. That's going to be worse of a brick wall than we got now. Even the enlightened 90 CP don't look that enticing either.

    No game designer would give out such minuscule rewards for that great chunk of content. Even tho you can reach almost 90% of level progression by doing silver and gold currently, not all too many people went that route. Telling people they could possibly earn 2.4% of progression - if they take it really slow and have enlightenment up all the time - in the CS by doing it, renders that content pretty much useless for progression and you'll see even less folks than now in those zones.

    Nope, it has to be worth more than that to make it viable content and is even worth more than that currently; 30 CP plus VR bonuses. And those bonuses have to translate into CP when VR is going away additionally to an increase of CP gain in silver and gold, otherwise it just won't be worthwhile.

    And right there is the problem. The VR to CP transformation isn't happening and the - hopefully implemented - increased gain won't be retroactively rewarded. The loss for a veteran player who has done all that content compared to a new player is going to be a whole lot higher than just 22.5 CP and 90 even.

    If it's not and 22.5 are indeed the correct amount, we're facing an even worse problem and that is an endless and tedious grind. But who knows, maybe it can be lessened with Enlightment Pots and CP booster packs...
    "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!"
  • Grao
    LonePirate wrote: »
    I remain baffled as to why ZOS did not implement a system where you receive X number of Champion Points depending on how much of the 13,000,000 XP needed to reach VR14 which you have earned.

    ZOS knows the exact ratio of CP to XP, be it 1 CP for every 250,000 XP or whatever it is. It is very easy to reward players the number of CPs they have earned based on the current unenlightened VR level progression. In my example above, players could earn 52 CPs if they were VR14 come 1.6 launch day. If the ratio is 1 CP for every 500,000 XP, then that is 26 CPs. With 3600 points in the system, both of those numbers are exceptionally small.

    The above system is fair (well, more fair than the current system of 30 CPs for all VR players). If ZOS wants to reward players for reaching VR1 by giving them 10 or 30 or whatever number of CPs, then that's fine. They just need to do it both at and after the 1.6 launch day. ZOS should not punish the players that hit VR1 the day after 1.6 launches compared to those players that hit it the day before. Nor should ZOS reward VR1 players the same as VR14 players. There is nothing fair about that given the time and effort it takes to progress from VR1 to VR14.

    OMG! Someone else gets it. ZoS is implementing a system and upon implementation they are creating an exception to the rules that make no sense!

    I agree with you, if ZoS wants to give the vr1s 30 points, great, make it a rule. You get 30 champion points when you reach vr1 for the first time in the account (to prevent abuse of the rule). From that it is easy to calculate how many points a vr2, vr3, v4... vr14 should have. It would be perfectly fair, completely logical and it wouldn't be an exception to the rules of the system... Why are they not doing that...?

    I don't know.
    Edited by Grao on December 29, 2014 5:47PM
  • Grao
    Etori wrote: »
    Aren't they adding a whole new PVE zone very soon? All you people crying about not having any solo content left might be in luck. I thought I recalled them saying in the last ESO Live that a new zone is coming very soon.

    Where did you got that very soon? 1.6 is not even on the test servers yet, so it will likely only drop on normal server at the end of January, February. If ZoS maintains its patter, the next patch should be going into the test server within 2-3 months of the release of the previous patch, so May, maybe June. And we don't even know if the new adventure zone will be released at 1.7. It is far more likely that 1.7 will be Imperial City and 1.8 will be Wrothgar.

    So the next adventure zone may come out in June or September of 2015... Unless ZoS decides to change the pace they release this updates.
  • Grao
    technohic wrote: »
    Just give VR+ players something. Maybe 1 point per VR level. Or 1 per 2 VR levels. How bad could that be if everyone has 30 for someone to have 7 more? Maybe there is a concern over players with multiple VR14 characters? Would making it only apply to one character for a limit of 7 (or 14) above the 30 be so bad?

    From vr1 to vr14 you should earn 52 champion points. 52!Of 3600...!. I mean, seriously, why are we having to fight over such a small reward?
    Edited by Grao on December 29, 2014 6:06PM
  • Guppet
    Grao wrote: »
    technohic wrote: »
    Just give VR+ players something. Maybe 1 point per VR level. Or 1 per 2 VR levels. How bad could that be if everyone has 30 for someone to have 7 more? Maybe there is a concern over players with multiple VR14 characters? Would making it only apply to one character for a limit of 7 (or 14) above the 30 be so bad?

    From vr1 to vr14 you should earn 22 champion points. 22! I mean, seriously, why are we having to fight over such a small reward?

    22 is for the original 1-10 VR zones, not VR 14.
  • Grao
    Guppet wrote: »
    Grao wrote: »
    technohic wrote: »
    Just give VR+ players something. Maybe 1 point per VR level. Or 1 per 2 VR levels. How bad could that be if everyone has 30 for someone to have 7 more? Maybe there is a concern over players with multiple VR14 characters? Would making it only apply to one character for a limit of 7 (or 14) above the 30 be so bad?

    From vr1 to vr14 you should earn 22 champion points. 22! I mean, seriously, why are we having to fight over such a small reward?

    22 is for the original 1-10 VR zones, not VR 14.

    Yes, I corrected my self. It is not my math ^^ Still, it is a ridiculously low number when compared to 3600...
  • xaraan
    Hi guys, just wanted to pop in and put this to rest. What Kai said a few days ago is correct. Just to make sure we're all on the same page, once Update 6 is released and you have at least one Veteran Rank character, all your characters will receive 30 Champion Points - no more, no less. This will only occur at the onset of Update 6; after this is released, you will gain Champion Points one at a time as designed.

    A few months ago, it was said that we were tracking XP. However, this was still early in development and through internal testing and feedback, found that we needed to change our plans (and, honestly, this quite normal through the course of development). We understand that this was, indeed, a major change from what we were originally planning. In an effort to be open with everyone about how things were going and what was planned, it caused a great deal of confusion, and we sincerely apologize for that.

    As it has been said a number of times, we certainly encourage you to hop on the PTS once this is available in January and try out the system. This is also a great chance to plan how you'd like to build your character once it's live!

    Hope you all are enjoying the holidays, and we'll see you in the new year. :)

    1. You aren't being totally honest with us about the whole 'tracking xp' thing and all that happened with it (posters may lol at this one, but I know). It's for this reason alone I'm considering whether to continue on as a customer, even without the fact that I feel I'm being cheated.

    2. It doesn't solve the issue of feeling cheated. I have 5 1/2 characters that are done with silver/gold content. There is nothing in the game, despite what you guys keep saying about "making sure xp is even all over" that gives XP at that rate to a player that mainly quests. With that said, some questions (that no site will have the balls to ask you):

    • What is going to be in the game THE FIRST MONTH of the champion system to replace that much silver/gold for players in my position?

    • If you are worried about someone in my shoes starting ahead a little bit, then why is it ok for us to fall behind by not having the same content available? & If the system has a built in diminishing returns, then why worry about someone being a little ahead?

    • Why do you think a v1 deserves the same points as someone with a v14 or several v14s when they don't have the same amount of content available to do, nor have they earned millions upon millions of xp already?

    • If you found out you couldn't or wouldn't track xp in development, why were players not told of this that very second and instead weeks or months after this knowledge was known to you guys?

    • If they reason for this change was because of the points being lowered, then why wasn't the same thing done to initial points instead of giving everyone the same amount (ie, just give everyone 25% of what you were originally going to give them when the overall point total was higher)?

    • This one will sound crazy, but: How many times is ZoS going to roll something out that penalizes those that have played your game the most? First new achievement added in with dye system (harder to get certain crafting achieves when you've leveled up your crafting all the way and don't need to gather or break down as much), then undaunted passives (harder for players that already did dungeons and got achieves to open up new passives - my main is still at undaunted 7 when others that were casual about dungeons hit 9 weeks ago), now champion system (v1 players have 14 million + xp ahead of them in extra questing content that a v14 that didn't grind does not have) . Is the plan to keep players from getting too far ahead to roll out new content that forces a new starting point on certain aspects of the game? By having weak end-game content at this point and constantly putting those "hard core" players in a bad position, do you expect to maintain the game long term on casual players and new blood?
    -- @xaraan --
    nightblade: Xaraan templar: Xaraan-dar dragon-knight: Xaraanosaurus necromancer: Xaraan-qa warden: Xaraanodon sorcerer: Xaraan-ra
    AD • NA • PC
  • ceol
    I'm confused. For those complaining about not getting more CP, were you only leveling to VR14 because of the extra CP? If they didn't say anything at all about keeping track of exp a few months ago, would you have stopped leveling at VR1?

    A VR14 is not losing anything compared to a VR1. While they're questing, you can be grinding or doing dailies or dungeons or whatever the heck you want, and you'll get CP just as fast as them (probably faster.) Even if you're staunchly against grinding, Undaunted dailies, PvP dailies, PvP in general, Craglorn, and dungeons, and the only thing you want to do are non-repeatable quests, you can level an alt to VR1, because CP is account-wide. You can even get one by the time 1.6 drops.

    So really, what's the problem? Either continue what you've been doing or level an alt. You'll get CP at the same rate either way.
  • Sordidfairytale
    I didn't read all the posts.

    Sweet mother... the level that some people are "nuking" this issue is mind boggling.

    I'd like to offer this suggestion:

    30 champion points ÷ 14 VR levels = 2.1428

    Give 30 CP to every account that has one VR14, then give 2 champion points per VR level for the highest level character on an account (e.g. a VR 7 would garner you 14 CP, two VR7's would garner you 28 CP). Up to the maximum 30 per account. Then during the "transition" period make Champion points available every 500,000 VP up to 30. After 30 Champion points have been awarded to an account have the new method you intend to handle the rewarding of champion points take effect.

    A person that has a VR14 will not equal a VR1 in champion points.
    A person that does not have a VR14 will be able to see the champion system and work relatively quickly toward the 30 CP everyone else has received.
    Edited by Sordidfairytale on December 29, 2014 6:47PM
    The Vegemite Knight

    "if the skeleton kills you, your dps is too low." ~STEVIL

    The Elder World of WarScrollCraft Online ~joaaocaampos
  • Grao
    @xaraan, we are talking to the wall here, my friend. I don't think Gina will come around to answer to our pitch forks... She is probably afraid, I mean... The dev department keeps *** up as you mentioned and she is always left the bomb to defuse.
  • Guppet
    Grao wrote: »
    Guppet wrote: »
    Grao wrote: »
    technohic wrote: »
    Just give VR+ players something. Maybe 1 point per VR level. Or 1 per 2 VR levels. How bad could that be if everyone has 30 for someone to have 7 more? Maybe there is a concern over players with multiple VR14 characters? Would making it only apply to one character for a limit of 7 (or 14) above the 30 be so bad?

    From vr1 to vr14 you should earn 22 champion points. 22! I mean, seriously, why are we having to fight over such a small reward?

    22 is for the original 1-10 VR zones, not VR 14.

    Yes, I corrected my self. It is not my math ^^ Still, it is a ridiculously low number when compared to 3600...

    3600 is the upper cap, no one is actually intended to reach that, even after years of playing. Don't see 3600 as in anyway a target. Also the difference in power between a 2400 player and 3600 player would be tiny, due to just how harsh diminishing returns would be at those values.
  • Grao
    ceol wrote: »
    I'm confused. For those complaining about not getting more CP, were you only leveling to VR14 because of the extra CP? If they didn't say anything at all about keeping track of exp a few months ago, would you have stopped leveling at VR1?

    A VR14 is not losing anything compared to a VR1. While they're questing, you can be grinding or doing dailies or dungeons or whatever the heck you want, and you'll get CP just as fast as them (probably faster.) Even if you're staunchly against grinding, Undaunted dailies, PvP dailies, PvP in general, Craglorn, and dungeons, and the only thing you want to do are non-repeatable quests, you can level an alt to VR1, because CP is account-wide. You can even get one by the time 1.6 drops.

    So really, what's the problem? Either continue what you've been doing or level an alt. You'll get CP at the same rate either way.

    The problem is that the exp we got is being taken from us without anything to reward it. We don't want to have to grind like crazy to keep up with the guys that are vr1 questing... It isn't fair. We already the questing, we did the leveling, so why are our points being denied to us?
  • Sindala
    Guppet wrote: »
    Grao wrote: »
    Guppet wrote: »
    Grao wrote: »
    technohic wrote: »
    Just give VR+ players something. Maybe 1 point per VR level. Or 1 per 2 VR levels. How bad could that be if everyone has 30 for someone to have 7 more? Maybe there is a concern over players with multiple VR14 characters? Would making it only apply to one character for a limit of 7 (or 14) above the 30 be so bad?

    From vr1 to vr14 you should earn 22 champion points. 22! I mean, seriously, why are we having to fight over such a small reward?

    22 is for the original 1-10 VR zones, not VR 14.

    Yes, I corrected my self. It is not my math ^^ Still, it is a ridiculously low number when compared to 3600...

    3600 is the upper cap, no one is actually intended to reach that, even after years of playing. Don't see 3600 as in anyway a target. Also the difference in power between a 2400 player and 3600 player would be tiny, due to just how harsh diminishing returns would be at those values.

    I think you mean, 'how pointless levelling up any more will be' ;)
    Being First is not the prize, it just mean's everyone can stab you in the back.
  • Grao
    Guppet wrote: »
    Grao wrote: »
    Guppet wrote: »
    Grao wrote: »
    technohic wrote: »
    Just give VR+ players something. Maybe 1 point per VR level. Or 1 per 2 VR levels. How bad could that be if everyone has 30 for someone to have 7 more? Maybe there is a concern over players with multiple VR14 characters? Would making it only apply to one character for a limit of 7 (or 14) above the 30 be so bad?

    From vr1 to vr14 you should earn 22 champion points. 22! I mean, seriously, why are we having to fight over such a small reward?

    22 is for the original 1-10 VR zones, not VR 14.

    Yes, I corrected my self. It is not my math ^^ Still, it is a ridiculously low number when compared to 3600...

    3600 is the upper cap, no one is actually intended to reach that, even after years of playing. Don't see 3600 as in anyway a target. Also the difference in power between a 2400 player and 3600 player would be tiny, due to just how harsh diminishing returns would be at those values.

    True, but still... 52 / 3600 >.> come on. Why aren't we been given the points we earned?
  • Sindala
    you know when they said roughly 1 CP per hour? Well if the cap is 3600 then that's only 150 days solid. Nothing to some of these grinder players.
    Being First is not the prize, it just mean's everyone can stab you in the back.
  • Guppet
    Sindala wrote: »
    Guppet wrote: »
    Grao wrote: »
    Guppet wrote: »
    Grao wrote: »
    technohic wrote: »
    Just give VR+ players something. Maybe 1 point per VR level. Or 1 per 2 VR levels. How bad could that be if everyone has 30 for someone to have 7 more? Maybe there is a concern over players with multiple VR14 characters? Would making it only apply to one character for a limit of 7 (or 14) above the 30 be so bad?

    From vr1 to vr14 you should earn 22 champion points. 22! I mean, seriously, why are we having to fight over such a small reward?

    22 is for the original 1-10 VR zones, not VR 14.

    Yes, I corrected my self. It is not my math ^^ Still, it is a ridiculously low number when compared to 3600...

    3600 is the upper cap, no one is actually intended to reach that, even after years of playing. Don't see 3600 as in anyway a target. Also the difference in power between a 2400 player and 3600 player would be tiny, due to just how harsh diminishing returns would be at those values.

    I think you mean, 'how pointless levelling up any more will be' ;)

    But if you play 70 hours a week that extra 0.001% crit for every 4 hours you play will greatly engorge your Epeen
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