Instead they haven't finished hybridization and thrust combat in a very different and upending direction with U35.
One question I'd like to see addressed is how the skill gap has been closed and accessibility improved for the "low end" players.Currently, to be truly effective in ESO’s combat, you need to learn to manipulate something that is known as “weaving,” which refers to the act of squeezing multiple actions into the global cooldown window. Doing so drastically increases your agency and output, and it is a staple of the game that we’ve come to embrace, as it helps our combat feel different and exciting to participate in once you learn the ins and outs. However, the impact of weaving leads to a massive gap in performance where players who cannot interact with it as effectively are left miles behind those who can. While this is partially unavoidable and an important part of what makes the mastery of ESO or any activity utilizing a similar system particularly satisfying, we want to do what we can to shorten that delta. The closer the gap between the low and high end, the easier it is to create content that can accommodate a wider audience, while making more natural progression points for those looking to improve. To this end, we’ve started to look at the impact that one of the most common and important forms of weaving has in ESO: Light and Heavy Attack weaving.
Did any of the floor level players notice an improvement in weavability on the PTS? And do you feel closer to the ceiling because of it? Did you low tier players notice that vet trials and vet hard mode dungeons were easier to complete with your nerfed damage because of the 10% reduction in boss health? And did full health world bosses seem more accessible and satisfying to battle?
spartaxoxo wrote: »Ragnarok0130 wrote: »VaranisArano wrote: »spartaxoxo wrote: »There was no meaningful communication on AwA, there won't be on this.
They did explain why AWA happened, and why they weren't going to make it optional. And their Q&A actually addressed some common feedback.
Meanwhile, there has actually been very little meaningful communication about the Update 35 Q&A. Because the most important information (whether it's canceled, and if isn't a ballpark on when it will happen) was never told to us. My guess is because they don't see the point when people aren't going to like what they hear. The playerbase isn't actually going to give them credit for communicating bad news, so why bother.
I don't believe this Q&A is ever gonna happen at this point. And I don't believe they are going to announce the cancellation. And after I saw so many posts claiming AWA and Update 35 did not have communication, just because the community didn't like the answers they were given, I no longer blame them. I used to think it was better to communicate bad news than silence because I've seen it work in the past, but with this game, I actually understand the desire to let people just get the negativity out their system without constant bad news updates.
I honestly thought that U35 was one of the best jobs the team has done regarding communication.
I can't agree with this statement. Good communication would be if the dev team's stated goals and the patch changes aligned and accomplished the mission. .
Strongly disagree. When someone does some things right and some things wrong, the wrong does not change the things they did right into things done wrong. As someone who also directs people, when I give feedback I tell them the things they did well alongside the areas they need to improve. I don't tell someone that did a good job in one area and needs to improve in others that they were a failure in all aspects. Because that's not only what's honest, but I don't want them to start doing garbage at stuff they were doing well.
With the glaring exception of the Q&A, they did a good job at communicating with players. A bad job at planning the patch. And a bad job at balancing the patch. Those are all separate tasks (and as VaranisArano mentioned done by separate teams).
Last time I checked, U36 does pretty much nothing to correct the issues and fails of U35.... it's kind of hard to just up and forget about problems that will still very much be around even once U36 hits.GreatGildersleeve wrote: »Give it up folks. We’re on to u36. The u35 Q&A ain’t happening.
The problems of U35 will just now be the problems of U36 :')
Put simply, update 35 was poorly theorised and calamitously executed, and the player base would like to know what the combat team is thinking.
MidniteOwl1913 wrote: »Put simply, update 35 was poorly theorised and calamitously executed, and the player base would like to know what the combat team is thinking.
Oh gods, yes!! Just this. Did they really think and across the board reduction in damage was going to make vet content more "accessible" (and maybe what did they mean when they used that word)? And why was healing so nerfed? I'd really like to understand what they were after.
The average number of Steam players is down 40% since the beginning of the year. Looks like people are voting on the (unexplained) vision with their wallets. And that doesn't even factor in the number of people still playing, but cancelling their subscriptions.
The average number of Steam players is down 40% since the beginning of the year. Looks like people are voting on the (unexplained) vision with their wallets. And that doesn't even factor in the number of people still playing, but cancelling their subscriptions.
Cyrodiil numbers are down considerably as well.
Just wanted to update a brief update here. We are still working on something to address sentiment around U35 combat changes. That is the current plan right now. Once we have something more specific to share, we'll update accordingly.
Just wanted to update a brief update here. We are still working on something to address sentiment around U35 combat changes. That is the current plan right now. Once we have something more specific to share, we'll update accordingly.
Just wanted to update a brief update here. We are still working on something to address sentiment around U35 combat changes. That is the current plan right now. Once we have something more specific to share, we'll update accordingly.
I made this post on August 16th and am still getting Notifications on October 3rd, Zos moved it to the General ESO Discussion after PTS for U35 closed. I wish I could mute the Notifications but every day I'm reminded that Zos is kind of working on something that will not adequately handle what people are wanting to see from this Q&A.
I wish I could just close the thread honestly. But here we are, still waiting.
PeacefulAnarchy wrote: »A lot of people were disappointed nothing in U36 addressed U35 concerns, but considering how soon it came out after U35 was released I don't see why anyone was surprised. Genuinely addressing the community's U35 concerns would take more than just tweaking some numbers back or forward. The concerns were as much about ZOS' direction, motivations and perceptions (and their communication) as they were about specific changes. Most egregious changes were rolled back during the PTS cycle, though it still left a lot of things in the balance. Addressing the core issues would require serious internal discussions and concrete plans for moving forward that would take weeks to come up with and months to implement.
A charitable reading of "We are still working on something to address sentiment around U35 combat changes" would be that they are having serious internal discussions about how players felt about U35 and how they want to address this and that, rather than a hasty Q&A that no one really expected much from, they are hoping to craft a coherent path forward for their plan for the game's combat. Obviously people can be skeptical about whether this is really happening, and we won't know until they show us, but this at least is plausibly a good direction. Not as good as open back and forth communication with the player base would be, but still.
I made this post on August 16th and am still getting Notifications on October 3rd, Zos moved it to the General ESO Discussion after PTS for U35 closed. I wish I could mute the Notifications but every day I'm reminded that Zos is kind of working on something that will not adequately handle what people are wanting to see from this Q&A.
I wish I could just close the thread honestly. But here we are, still waiting.
I made this post on August 16th and am still getting Notifications on October 3rd, Zos moved it to the General ESO Discussion after PTS for U35 closed. I wish I could mute the Notifications but every day I'm reminded that Zos is kind of working on something that will not adequately handle what people are wanting to see from this Q&A.
I wish I could just close the thread honestly. But here we are, still waiting.
@Mr_Stach go into your forum profile, and uncheck the box in red. No more notifications when people comment on posts.
If I have one I want to follow I use the "star" feature to still notify me.
spartaxoxo wrote: »spartaxoxo wrote: »spartaxoxo wrote: »I think they canceled it and aren't telling us because they don't see a point in it.
Well if they don't see a point in developing trust or the value of honesty and following through on your word, then it's not a good sign for the future of the game.
What if I told you I was going to do something for you, but then never did and never gave you a reason why? Would your opinion of me get better, or worse? And what if I told 10,000,000 people I was going to do something for them, but failed to deliver? Should I expect my reputation to get better, or worse?
I don't think their reputation is gonna get much lower, when the perception is already that they never communicate.Yes, I think a lot of people do have a "they didn't say what I wanted to hear" perception, but then ZOS didn't really communicate very well, either. They talk about it a lot more than they act on it.
If that is how they roll, that is how they roll, but that doesn't make it right, nor does it make it the fault of the players.
I mean, AWA's communication was pretty thorough. Until this Q&A fell through, so was Update 35. We know why they made the changes they made, what they hoped to accomplish, why it failed (conflicting goals during development), etc. Many of the most controversial changes like the jabs change had extensive communication as to what they wanted to do, like we know they changed the animation to match the changes they made to the skill to make the skill easier to weave with.
Silence isn't a healthy response. But they are also human beings.
I can't agree with that. I won't go into detail as it's off-topic here, but there contributions to an 80+page thread on the PTS forum most certainly did not constitute "pretty thorough communication"!
That thread got to 80 pages because a lot of the same feedback kept being shared over and over, by different people. They read the thread and answered pretty much all of the most common questions and points in the Q&A. Which is pretty par for the course for developer feedback. I would consider that pretty thorough. I think that's what they initially planned to do with the Q&A this time, but then they didn't for whatever reason.
"Wow! We heard you and must admit that we didn't initially realize all of the nuanced drivers behind support for Account Wide Achievements. Unfortunately we DO need to implement this due to the size of the achievement database, and we regret that this implementation isn't a win for everyone who requested the feature, but we'll work to restore any functionality that was lost as a side effect of implementing AwA in future updates, as feasible. We do believe that transitioning to Account-Wide-Titles was the right way to go, as it aligns with other decisions we've made about achievement awards, so that will not be reversed, but issues like the zone guide being inaccurate and players not being able to know when they have achieved speed mode on other characters, for the pure challenge of doing it again, were side effects of moving forward and things we'd like to address someday. We absolutely support the various playstyles that incorporate making alts and have no intention of purposely making this more difficult or dropping support for this way of playing ESO in the future. Thanks for sticking with us, and keep the feedback coming."
ESO is impossible to patch. Impossible to balance. And it's because ZOS listened to the community for too long, and didn't consider the long-term health of the game. Players are not designers. Players very often have a very narrow frame of reference, and fail to consider the repercussion a change will have on anyone that has a different playstyle than them.
Living_Tribunal wrote: »I feel bad for this post as much as I do for the guy asking about heavy attacks. Why can't we just get simple answers?
Just wanted to update a brief update here. We are still working on something to address sentiment around U35 combat changes. That is the current plan right now. Once we have something more specific to share, we'll update accordingly.
spartaxoxo wrote: »They are also "still working" on getting us romance options for companions. They even said it would be a "huge miss" if they weren't there. Well, this is the second year with Companions and still no romance options. Perhaps we'll see them in year three.
Just wanted to update a brief update here. We are still working on something to address sentiment around U35 combat changes. That is the current plan right now. Once we have something more specific to share, we'll update accordingly.
Just wanted to update a brief update here. We are still working on something to address sentiment around U35 combat changes. That is the current plan right now. Once we have something more specific to share, we'll update accordingly.
For those of you who don’t know, “we are still working” coming from ZOS is a bad sign. For some context, in 2016 we were told that “ZOS is still working on performance improvements for PvP”. Fast forward to 2022 and they are “still working” on PvP improvements that are supposed to be done by the end of this year.
spartaxoxo wrote: »They are also "still working" on getting us romance options for companions. They even said it would be a "huge miss" if they weren't there. Well, this is the second year with Companions and still no romance options. Perhaps we'll see them in year three.
Billium813 wrote: »Just wanted to update a brief update here. We are still working on something to address sentiment around U35 combat changes. That is the current plan right now. Once we have something more specific to share, we'll update accordingly.
For those of you who don’t know, “we are still working” coming from ZOS is a bad sign. For some context, in 2016 we were told that “ZOS is still working on performance improvements for PvP”. Fast forward to 2022 and they are “still working” on PvP improvements that are supposed to be done by the end of this year.
I don't necessarily disagree with you, but be careful of leaving ZOS in a no-win situation (which is unfair). If they say nothing, they are the bad guys. If they say they are working on something, they are the bad guys. What do you WANT them to do? It takes time IF they are doing something; that's just a concession we have to make. They aren't going to fix things over night and they also don't want to promise anything in case they can't do it; which would also make them the bad guys...
It would be nice if they could give more details (like a timeframe or specifics), but I understand that they don't want to give us the rope they hang themselves with.