Solo dungeon mode, please

  • haloufe007
    "Once all the item set (and whatever) have been harvested and better ones are available no one will care about these dungeons any more."

    in this case and not to disturb or kill the group game (as some say) (although we have the right to play as we want and that this license was solo previously with skyrim ... ob ..), I propose that a new DLC content remain in a group until the release of the next DLC
    I wait for years, so wait 3 months is not a problem to have the solo version dungeon
    3 months is more than enough

    more over they wrote in the page of the site '' Explore a Fascinating World ''

    what are we going to explore ... highway of race

    more over they say

    Venture into the heart of the Khajiit homeland and discover first-hand people and culture unlike anything else Tamriel through interesting stand-alone quests and the exploration of a vibrant, living world. Experience a fascinating land filled with colorful characters and stories as you uncover what really makes the Khajiit so unique.

    they lied .... it's not stand-alone quests
  • haloufe007
    haloufe007 wrote: »
    "Once all the item set (and whatever) have been harvested and better ones are available no one will care about these dungeons any more."

    in this case and not to disturb or kill the group game (as some say) (although we have the right to play as we want and that this license was solo previously with skyrim ... ob ..), I propose that a new DLC content remain in a group until the release of the next DLC
    I wait for years, so wait 3 months is not a problem to have the solo version dungeon
    3 months is more than enough

    more over they wrote in the page of the site '' Explore a Fascinating World ''

    what are we going to explore ... highway of race

    more over they say

    Venture into the heart of the Khajiit homeland and discover first-hand people and culture unlike anything else Tamriel through interesting stand-alone quests and the exploration of a vibrant, living world. Experience a fascinating land filled with colorful characters and stories as you uncover what really makes the Khajiit so unique.

    they lied .... it's not stand-alone quests

    god does not like liars
  • Fingolfinn01
    No official comment yet
  • Olith
    In case anyone missed it, here is ZOS explanation/justification for the dungeons/story thing:

    Yeah right, buy the DLCs you filthy solo players, then watch the story being played by others on Youtube or Twitch. Great idea. I can't comment on that because I'd probably getting banned...
  • Olith
    And yes, we know it blows to do some of these DLC dungeons in group finder. But is that really a valid reason to scrap the entire system and give players a solo alternative?

    Noone wants to "scrap the entire system". The solo alternative is clearly meant to be optional. Nothing would be taken from you.
    Edited by Olith on January 23, 2019 7:53AM
  • Mr_Walker
    Olith wrote: »

    Noone wants to "scrap the entire system". The solo alternative is clearly meant to be optional. Nothing would be taken from you.

    I'm honestly starting to wonder if a large percentage of posters have a legitimate learning disability, that this has to be so often repeated....
  • adriant1978
    LuxLunae wrote: »
    If you are asking for solo dungeons like malestorm arena go ahead

    If you are asking for all dungeons in the game to be optionally solo:

    I will have to deny this request..With 20 years of MMO experience, I can definitely tell you that option is a game killer....

    How would it be a game killer?
  • Heimpai
    No more hour+ ques? I can take my time and not be bitched at? Yes please

    And no I’m not good enough to solo dungeons so don’t bother mentioning it
  • myskyrim26
    Some people seem to read just a title. Also, they don't bother reading 10 pages of comments. Ok, here's TL DR:

    People who want a solo mode never use dungeon finder. They never do dungeons. They don't take any part in this activities now. So adding a solo mode will have no influence on the existing dungeon system. Also, a solo mode should be a non-reward mode. No achievements, no gear, no skillpoint - whatever.
    Edited by myskyrim26 on January 23, 2019 10:07AM
  • mocap
    well, technicaly you can record your playthrough with all skiped dialogs. Then you can watch that video and use pause at each dialog to read it )
  • myskyrim26
    mocap wrote: »
    well, technicaly you can record your playthrough with all skiped dialogs. Then you can watch that video and use pause at each dialog to read it )

    Next time you want, say, an icecream, just watch a video of someone eating it instead of you. Use pause to see all the details and imagine the taste.
  • jainiadral
    myskyrim26 wrote: »
    Information from another post here:

    Hardest! Hardest dungeons locking the story of Dragons and Khajiit!

    Here's the post:

    Ugh, I saw that. Unavoidable one-shots, and if you're solo, you're the target 100% of the time. Nothing says fun like getting insta-nuked. :s Hated it in that #$*#$ Vaylin fight when the AOE circle didn't show up in SWTOR, in GW2, hate it in single player games, hate it here. Along with boss immunity to CC, it's what I hate most about standard MMO design.

    An easy step-down in difficulty would be to eliminate boss CC immunity, eliminate stuns and disorients to the player and player's pets, and reverse the solo pet nerf. Get rid of levers and gates, or just make them easily openable. Remove instakills. Maybe chop the boss health down to 1/4 the size, since there's only 1/4 the number of players.

    I wish the devs would think about doing a story mode at minimum with some of the above, or a cutscene montage with your toon as the star. I'll take either one if I can't get a real solo mode, or some kind of NPC mercenary band.
    Edited by jainiadral on January 23, 2019 10:35AM
  • jainiadral
    In case anyone missed it, here is ZOS explanation/justification for the dungeons/story thing:

    Oy. :p

    I don't think there's anything else to say.
  • Leocaran
    Krayl wrote: »
    Don't do a random pug. Find like minded players to group with. Find a guild on that level.
    Won't work. I have no problem doing dungeon with a group. But when I want to actually explore a dungeon, listen to the quest, speak to every talkative NPC, search all corners - I feel pressured even if I'm with one friend on a voice chat. Only solo works.
  • Colecovision
    So, I tried a new dungeon on the pts and it wasn't too hard to figure out the one shots from the trash mob (yeah that's a thing now). Then I got to the first boss and I kept thinking of the monster being ZoS and me representing the solo players in this thread.

    I fought with everything I had and then he hit me in the air and pinned me. Then I (with our dreams) was dead. While pinned it looked like another player could bash. I tried to avoid it, time and time again, but it was smack, pin, dead, smack, pin, dead and then I thought I'd just try and bow him to death. So on my final attempt, with shuffle active and mid dodge roll, he leapt all the way across the room and smack, pin, dead.

    Zos isn't just saying "no" to the solo. They are really making it clear we are not allowed to continue the main storyline solo. It's their server and we play with others or we don't get to play. I'm gonna finally give in. If I can't do the story properly and other adventurers are going to take care of the dungeon part for us, as described by zos, then the other adventurers can do the next chapter for me too and I'll just save the money.

    These guys really have no clue about rpg. It's all mmo over there, with no sense of rpg whatsoever. Anyone else remember the cutscene in TESIII where it is made so abundantly clear that many have tried to be the neraverine and all had failed. ONLY the character we were playing could possibly complete the main quest objective. That's an rpg. You play the hero.

    Here it's, meh, someone else did it, it's cool, buy the chapter and pick up where the adventurers left off. Um, no. Obviously no.
  • Aluneth
    myskyrim26 wrote: »

    A lot of people want to do dungeon stories, and it is impossible to become a team.

    This is a bit contradicting, and if there were a lot of people who wanted this, I don't see how it can be so hard to find a team. I'm not saying that we shouldn't have this, I wouldn't use it, but I'm fine if other people want to have something like this. I just find it confusing that all of these threads pop up, and I haven't seen a single thread where people write down their in-game tag and group up for doing the dungeons together.

    It might be a good idea to start a thread like that, so you can still complete them while waiting for this feature.

  • myskyrim26
    I tried to find a group since 2016. To find or to create one and explain teammates how to do dungeons. But story-oriented players are not good in combat. Or they don't want to learn. Or they don't have time. 3 years - believe me, I tried hard.
  • Aluneth
    myskyrim26 wrote: »
    I tried to find a group since 2016. To find or to create one and explain teammates how to do dungeons. But story-oriented players are not good in combat. Or they don't want to learn. Or they don't have time. 3 years - believe me, I tried hard.

    Have you made a thread on this forum? Explaining the issue and asking people who are interested in playing this way, to add their ingame tag? There seems to be more than 20 different people who are looking for the same thing in this thread, why aren't you all playing together?

    I'm not against solo dungeons, but you have tools right now to make it easier for you. In WoW they have dungeon threads (fail train, etc) for people who don't want to rush and consider themselves below average. These people made their own thread, which ended up in a Discord channel with hundreds of users and very many dungeon runs.
  • myskyrim26
    They are willing to play. They don't know how. They don't work on builds and rotation. I created a lot of teams like this. All were willing to do a dungeon. Noone could heal or damage. I was a tank who tried to do all these things for them.
    Edited by myskyrim26 on January 23, 2019 11:44AM
  • Aluneth
    myskyrim26 wrote: »
    They are willing to play. They don't know how. They don't work on builds and rotation. I created a lot of teams like this. All were willing to do a dungeon. Noone could heal or damage. I was a tank who tried to do all thises things for them.

    Then teach them? It can't be that bad. I've got some... interesting individuals through random dungeon finder, and it's very rare that the run hasn't been possible to complete, I don't think I've ever had a normal dungeon fail, even DLC normals.

    I'm hearing a lot of excuses. Are all the people in this thread as bad as you say? None of the other 20+ people here with the same goals, are able to do basics when it comes to gameplay?

    Excuses, excuses, excuses. If you want to run a story dungeon, get hold of like minded people, create a forum thread and make a Discord for it.
  • Reistr_the_Unbroken
    Aluneth wrote: »

    Then teach them? It can't be that bad. I've got some... interesting individuals through random dungeon finder, and it's very rare that the run hasn't been possible to complete, I don't think I've ever had a normal dungeon fail, even DLC normals.

    I'm hearing a lot of excuses. Are all the people in this thread as bad as you say? None of the other 20+ people here with the same goals, are able to do basics when it comes to gameplay?

    Excuses, excuses, excuses. If you want to run a story dungeon, get hold of like minded people, create a forum thread and make a Discord for it.
    Not all of us are on PC tho
  • myskyrim26

    You are just another person who read just a title. Please, have a look at my first post. I DID TRY TO TEACH, I did try to explain skills, mechanics, to provide sets and food and potions...

    Oh, crap. Why do I have to repeat same things on each damn page?

    Edited by myskyrim26 on January 23, 2019 11:49AM
  • macsmooth
    Aluneth wrote: »

    Have you made a thread on this forum? Explaining the issue and asking people who are interested in playing this way, to add their ingame tag? There seems to be more than 20 different people who are looking for the same thing in this thread, why aren't you all playing together?

    I'm not against solo dungeons, but you have tools right now to make it easier for you. In WoW they have dungeon threads (fail train, etc) for people who don't want to rush and consider themselves below average. These people made their own thread, which ended up in a Discord channel with hundreds of users and very many dungeon runs.

    Could answers be something like

    3 different platforms
    2 different servers per platform
    Multiple different time zones
    Different language barrier
    People other obligations in life meaning they have small window of game time

    Not saying anything wrong with what your saying but the odds of this all aligning is slim at best and not just that not everyone is on the forums either so they would not know about these threads of like minded singletons
  • Leocaran
    Aluneth wrote: »
    Excuses, excuses, excuses. If you want to run a story dungeon, get hold of like minded people, create a forum thread and make a Discord for it.
    Go Elsweyr. Really.
    No, no one should be forced to create some forum topics just to play the game. No, no one should even know about this forum to play the game.
    Also, don't return from there. Thank you.
  • Aluneth
    Not all of us are on PC tho

    macsmooth wrote: »

    Could answers be something like

    3 different platforms
    2 different servers per platform
    Multiple different time zones
    Different language barrier
    People other obligations in life meaning they have small window of game time

    Not saying anything wrong with what your saying but the odds of this all aligning is slim at best and not just that not everyone is on the forums either so they would not know about these threads of like minded singletons

    Where is the forum thread? You haven't even TRIED.


    #I would like to find a group for story dungeons. If possible, I would like it to be between 18:00 and 22:00.

    I'm not saying that there shouldn't be a solo dungeon, but you're not taking initiative or trying to solve the problem with what we have at the moment.

    You don't even need a full team for most of the dungeons, 3 or even 2 people would be enough for most of them. Add them to your friends list, and then in time you'll have 15+ like minded people to pick between.

    When Fail Train started in WoW, only a few people knew about it, as not everyone was on the forum. Eventually it spread throughout the game from word of mouth and more people visited the forums to sign up. What you're saying is impossible, has already been done in several other MMO's.
    Edited by Aluneth on January 23, 2019 12:00PM
  • macsmooth
    Aluneth wrote: »

    Where is the forum thread? You haven't even TRIED.


    #I would like to find a group for story dungeons. If possible, I would like it to be between 18:00 and 22:00.

    I'm not saying that there shouldn't be a solo dungeon, but you're not taking initiative or trying to solve the problem with what we have at the moment.

    You don't even need a full team for most of the dungeons, 3 or even 2 people would be enough for most of them. Add them to your friends list, and then in time you'll have 15+ like minded people to pick between.

    Sorry are stars are not aligned I’m afraid wrong platform and time frame for me, it’s ok I will meet mr or miss right one day
  • Cadbury
    myskyrim26 wrote: »

    You are just another person who read just a title. Please, have a look at my first post. I DID TRY TO TEACH, I did try to explain skills, mechanics, to provide sets and food and potions...

    Oh, crap. Why do I have to repeat same things on each damn page?

    With respect, this may be more of a reflection on your teaching method as well as their own limitations. i am reminded of the old adage, "Those who can't do, teach."

    For what it's worth, I personally have no issue with adding a "story" or "sightseer" mode for any dungeon, provided it offers no loot or skill point. I just feel that not being able to "teach" or general social anxiety issues should not be the driving force behind making an MMO more "solo friendly".
    "If a person is truly desirous of something, perhaps being set on fire does not seem so bad."
  • Aluneth
    macsmooth wrote: »

    Sorry are stars are not aligned I’m afraid wrong platform and time frame for me, it’s ok I will meet mr or miss right one day

    No you won't, because you're not trying. You know who will succeed? The person that is willing to put in a tiny bit of effort, instead of already crying defeat before trying.
  • myskyrim26
    I never wanted to be a leader or a kind of teacher. But when 3 players go to dungeon and they don't know what to do at all, I had to. I run dungeons with my guildmates - for gear, skillpoints and even monster sets, so I was the only person having understanding of dungeon mechanics and team play. So did I do something wrong trying to explain this to others?..


    As I said about 20 times here already THREE YEARS OF EFFORTS resulted in NO DUNGEON DONE FOR STORY IN A GROUP. Maybe I need 3 more to try?
  • Aluneth
    myskyrim26 wrote: »
    I never wanted to be a leader or a kind of teacher. But when 3 players go to dungeon and they don't know what to do at all, I had to. I run dungeons with my guildmates - for gear, skillpoints and even monster sets, so I was the only person having understanding of dungeon mechanics and team play. So did I do something wrong trying to explain this to others?..


    As I said about 20 times here already THREE YEARS OF EFFORTS resulted in NO DUNGEON DONE FOR STORY IN A GROUP. Maybe I need 3 more to try?

    I've played for less than two years, and I've done four of them (three of them being with guild members). If you haven't managed to find a couple of like minded people in THREE YEARS OF EFFORT, then you're either doing something wrong, or there is such a lack of people that want this, that there is no reason for ZOS to create this feature to start with.
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