Solo dungeon mode, please

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Please READ the post before posting commets, not just title

And again. PLEASE READ before commenting. PLEASE.

Guys, we have a team now. If you are on PC EU, join us for slow dungeon runs! Please PM or send a message in game: @MaximilianLares

Dear ZOS,
A lot of lore already hidden in 4-player dungeons. It is even worse for the Wrathstone dungeons, as they are a part of the story. Please make a solo dungeon mode for players, who are not able to do dungeons in a group.
Let this solo dungeon mode be purely story oriented: no sets, no motifs, no achivements, no skillpoints - nothing that could make this mode a kind of a cheating one. Nothing to grind. It should not be a part of Undaunted pledges and whatever else - juts a story to do.

To all who want to post some answer like "find friends", "find a guild", "learn to play", please read this: I play since 2016. I tried hard to find people like me to do dungeond for a story. And here are the results:
1. We are 4 and we all want to do a dungeon for a story. I'm a tank. Other players are: a healer who sees a restoration staff for the first time and 2 DDs running around a dungeon like mad chickens. These people never did dungeond before, and will never practice - they are focused on quests only. They don't want to spend their time learning how to play in a group.
2. I found 3 people who agree to change their playstile. We live in different countries - thus it is hard to set a time for dungeon runs or practice. More - even if we all 4 are online, these players are busy doing something. As, you know, there are a lot things to do. And the most bad thing: I can be forced to log off at any moment because of my job.
3. Many players who want to do dungeon stories refuse to change anything. As a master crafter, I offer them free sets, food, glyphs. I try to explain their skills gently. I try to explain dungeon mechanics. But solo players are SOLO players. They don't want someone to be a leader. They don't want to learn a crazy rotation piano, they don't listen to a team mechanics. "I'll go see what's there!" - types my teammate in chat. I start typing "No" in respond, but the teammate is already dead, and mobs are running at us.
4. Guildmates do agree to do a dungeon with me. Sometimes they even give some time for me to make screenshots of dialogues. Sometimes. But the rest of the time they just rush through a dungeon. I don't want to rush! Dungeons are beautiful, I want to enjoy them! I don't want to make dialogue screenshots, I want to LISTEN to them!
5. I tried to do dungeons solo with a petsorc. My results: Fungal Grotto 1 and another "beginners" dungeon with a spider boss. I know - some players can do a lot of dungeons solo. Not me, unfortunately.

I assure you - I've made every effort to find players like me. A lot of people want to do dungeon stories, and it is impossible to become a team. Please @ZOS, give us a possibility to enjoy dungeons!
Edited by myskyrim26 on January 13, 2020 9:37AM
  • jainiadral
    Yes, please!

    I'm the solo player myskyrim26 is complaining about. I like doing things at my own pace, on my own time, with my own stuff in my own way. I can adapt to the whole group pace and mentality, but it takes the fun out of the content and destroys my soul. If I ever hear "spacebar pls" after listening to a single line of dialog after spacebarring a whole flashpoint dungeon again, I'll shoot myself :D

    I can sort of solo dungeons (normal FG1), but they're no fun at current difficulty levels and with group-adapted boss mechanics. And I'm guessing since these dungeons are DLC, they'll be a lot harder.
    yes I so agree with this, they did say on their original sales pitch that every part was soloable, its not everyones option to group up, we do have a real life so YES.
  • macsmooth
    Actually would prefer solo mode and skill point with the story of the dungeon can even do green or white level gear so you have to upgrade more not everyone will have level 50 in crafting at the point they run these dungeons solo

    Too many pugs leave people when they are sat waiting for the story to conclude and then they are kicked out of the dungeon before they can collect the skill point, volenfell, banishing cells, elden root to name a few dungeons

    Ok they can be done solo on normal yes but not everyone builds or have access to the gear that would allow them to solo those dungeons

    I’m talking more for the dlc dungeons where you would like to listen to the quest not click through it to catch the guys that just ran off and about to kill a boss before you get there

    Even if it is a players alt character that they are running the solo dungeon on it would make no difference letting them have access to the skill point or low quality gear
    Edited by macsmooth on January 16, 2019 11:19AM
  • MartiniDaniels
    Most funny is even if you run with guildies, if quest is shared then somebody simply clicks 1,1,1 on each dialogue and that's all :D
    Story mode will be nice really.
  • mjharper
    I broadly agree, except that the skill point is awarded for completing the story, just like main quests in the overworld. If you're going to have a separate story mode, it needs to be complete, and you shouldn't be penalised because you did the story quest on a harder difficulty, especially when you can't repeat such a quest once you've done it.

    Dungeon rewards such as drops and motifs are another matter.
  • JJBoomer
    I'd agree to a solo dungeon mode, but I don't think players that would do a solo mode dungeon should be punished by not getting any reward. Rewards that would appropriate for a solo experience. But devoid of anything? No.
  • Robo_Hobo
    Definitely agree. Although do still get the skill point since you can only do the quest once, which grants it. If you did it on story mode you'd be locked out of getting the skill point ever, unless you can still do the quest again on normal mode after?
  • jaws343
    I don't necessarily think a solo mode is needed. But, I do think that we need medium level dungeons. We have had 6 straight hard level dungeon releases, making the difficulty of the dungeons this year more in line with a City of Ash II, slightly below a WGT, would be a welcome change of pace.
  • myskyrim26
    Robo_Hobo wrote: »
    Definitely agree. Although do still get the skill point since you can only do the quest once, which grants it. If you did it on story mode you'd be locked out of getting the skill point ever, unless you can still do the quest again on normal mode after?

    It would be great to have repeatable solo dungeon quests, granting no skill point at the end. To earn a skill point, one should run a normal dungeon and do a quest again - I think that's fair enough
  • AndrewQ84
    Add in some solo mode rewards. A skill point or two like some are saying and some solo mode achievements. I agree with the no armor sets though. But some standard gear of green quality maybe. There needs to be some reward for doing them. Otherwise, there really is not point. I know story would be it, but even the overworld quests provide some form of reward. But I would love to see some solo mode love for these dungeons. Oh, and I feel they should be allowed to have a second group member come along as well. Example; my girlfriend and I play the game almost exclusively alone with each other. So it would be nice to run these solo mode dungeons together. I know that two people is not a solo mode, but what difference is there with a lot of the quests you can run with more than one person when they are solo as well in the overworld.
    Sa'hira of the Shadows, DC Nightblade and ruins explorer extraordinaire.

    "May your day be awesome and full of Bacon!!!"

    - Me
  • martygod12
    Totally agreed. Its an elder scrolls after all where Story Is always one of the most important things and so it is even in Eso there are so much awesome stories and quests and Its shame that lot of stories remain hidden in dungeons couse other players are here just to complete it as Fast as possible.

    I always felt like ok I just dont do the quest now a come back later when I am able to solo it but as I know now that some DLC dungeons aren't even soloable on CP 810 (I mean for normal people which have work girlfriends and other life and doesnt spend at the game 14 hours per day to just master their skill or mechanics or whatever) and that the dungeons will be even part of a main story for the next chapter I am really enraged.

    Its such a discrimination of players who love elder scrolls series and are here for the new stories and new places to Explore which they havent had chance to explore in past elder scrolls games yet and for those who just want to learn the stories in the dungeons and not doing some stupid speed run and killing everything whats in your way and actually not even knowing why.

    They should really add this feature cause i think that a lot of players (if not even the majority) playing eso for PvE and for story and because it is an Elder Scrolls game and not because they want to play MMO. I personally don't play MMO's at all but I love and play Eso because it is not a classic MMO which Is entirely focused on PvP.

    Maybe we need to start as many topics as possible about this so they actually see what people wants and do it.
  • Linaleah
    mjharper wrote: »
    I broadly agree, except that the skill point is awarded for completing the story, just like main quests in the overworld. If you're going to have a separate story mode, it needs to be complete, and you shouldn't be penalised because you did the story quest on a harder difficulty, especially when you can't repeat such a quest once you've done it.

    Dungeon rewards such as drops and motifs are another matter.

    yes,. this.

    let solo dungeons not drop gear, just let us get skill points from them and be able to see the story at leisure. and it benefits players who like doing them in groups as well. cause now ZoS can make them as challenging as they like and there will no longer be any players " holding them back while doing the quest"
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • Aimora
    Absolutely agree with this LOTRO went back and swapped most of it’s earlier content to accommodate solo players and I would prefer this for the new stuff so we can do it alone if we choose to!
    Aimora Gilidhren - 50 Hybrid Sorcerer
    Aimae Gilihdril - 50Templar Healer
    Aimsae Astasia - 50 Templar Tank
    Aimellie Halfpenny - 50 Nightblade spinning DPS
    Sofae Ethelbur - 50 Dragonknight Tank
    Sha'Mash 50 - Nightblade - Former Empress
    Saelenor Wilihfren 50 - Templar No. 3
    Seliene Harbingerin 50 - DK in training
    Aims For Equanimity 10 - Magicka DK

    Circle of the Phoenix - Guild Mistress
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    Looking for a friendly, progress focused guild check us out at

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  • Casdha
    I agree with adding a story, solo, training, dual or what ever you want to call it mode for Group Dungeons it only makes sense with the broad range of Player types in this community. No one is saying take away Normal, Vet or Hard modes.

    Next thing you know they will be tying Main Story content to a trial, when that day comes I'd say they will definitely be Jumping the Shark.
    Proud member of the Psijic Order - The first wave - The 0.016%

  • Wildberryjack
    There are solo "dungeons", they're called Delves. Dungeons are meant for groups and should stay that way.
    The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls. ~Pablo Picasso
  • myskyrim26
    There are solo "dungeons", they're called Delves. Dungeons are meant for groups and should stay that way.

    Did you even read my post? Or was it just title? Seems so.
  • Zathras
    There are solo "dungeons", they're called Delves. Dungeons are meant for groups and should stay that way.

    I think you entirely missed the point of the thread.

    It's not about grouping, or difficulty; it's about the story and lore.
    For a moment, nothing happened. Then, after a second or so, nothing continued to happen. - Douglas Adams

    It is a rare mind indeed that can render the hitherto non-existent blindingly obvious. The cry 'I could have thought of that' is a very popular and misleading one, for the fact is that they didn't, and a very significant and revealing fact it is too. - Douglas Adams
  • Casdha
    There are solo "dungeons", they're called Delves. Dungeons are meant for groups and should stay that way.

    And that would be fine if they didn't put Main Story content in them.

    They did something similar to solo mode for Public Dungeons (I'm not talking about Delvs) a while back, there is a definite difficulty and XP difference if you do them Solo vs doing them in a Group, they use to be much harder to complete if you went in solo. That is all that needs to be done here.
    Edited by Casdha on January 16, 2019 3:32PM
    Proud member of the Psijic Order - The first wave - The 0.016%

  • AlnilamE
    Most funny is even if you run with guildies, if quest is shared then somebody simply clicks 1,1,1 on each dialogue and that's all :D
    Story mode will be nice really.

    DLC dungeons don't have in-between clickable dialogue. It's all the NPC talking. You can refuse the quest share at the beginning and read the quest NPC dialogue at your own pace. At the end of the dungeon, the quest hand-in is also individual, so you can also take your time.
    The Moot Councillor
  • StormChaser3000
    Linaleah wrote: »

    yes,. this.

    let solo dungeons not drop gear, just let us get skill points from them and be able to see the story at leisure. and it benefits players who like doing them in groups as well. cause now ZoS can make them as challenging as they like and there will no longer be any players " holding them back while doing the quest"

    @Linaleah For the first time I agree with you. One of the reasons why I waited till reaching min 18k dps to do normal group dungeons was the fact that I wanted to learn the story and the best way to do that was to burn through them solo. I did most of them solo before I started joining groups.

    But then I was never able to do that with other dungeons which had group mechanics since the group was rushing and I didn't want to make majority wait.
  • Ash_In_My_Sujamma
    @myskyrim26 So let's say there is a mode where you can enter a dungeon solo, earn no drops, no achievements and no xp no linked quest completion (like pledges). You are just viewing the story. What about the mob and boss fights? How will you deal with them? Will they be one shot? Will you recieve no damage? Will the combat mechanics be bypassed?
    If this is the case of your idea of story dungeon mode, won't that be boring? Isn't it anticlimactic?
  • Kagukan
    There are just so many dungeons in this game that I feel they should be accessible to a large part of the player base and that includes the large numbers of mostly solo players.
  • AlnilamE
    Robo_Hobo wrote: »
    Definitely agree. Although do still get the skill point since you can only do the quest once, which grants it. If you did it on story mode you'd be locked out of getting the skill point ever, unless you can still do the quest again on normal mode after?

    I would say you get the skill point if you do the quest in Dungeon Mode, which then unlocks the story mode that can be repeated if the player so wishes? Otherwise story mode would really only be playable once per character, and would that be worth the development time?
    The Moot Councillor
  • Sprotch_16_ESO
    Oh yes please !

    I can't do a lot of dungeons because of my personal situation. I can be called away from my computer at anytime, meaning I have to drop whatever and wherever I am in game instantly. Because of this I had some very nasty results with other players (I warned them before we start the dungeon but.....). So I don't group anymore.

    Please let me also enjoy the story of each dungeon at my own pace.

  • Wildberryjack
    myskyrim26 wrote: »

    Did you even read my post? Or was it just title? Seems so.

    I did read it. You're complaining about not wanting to play in a group, well this isn't a single player game, it is a MMO. There will be and should be group content. No, not everything should be soloable.
    The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls. ~Pablo Picasso
  • Casdha
    @myskyrim26 So let's say there is a mode where you can enter a dungeon solo, earn no drops, no achievements and no xp no linked quest completion (like pledges). You are just viewing the story. What about the mob and boss fights? How will you deal with them? Will they be one shot? Will you recieve no damage? Will the combat mechanics be bypassed?
    If this is the case of your idea of story dungeon mode, won't that be boring? Isn't it anticlimactic?

    There would be no need to change most mechanics or the amount of Mobs and whatnot, all they would have to do is re-scale the stats to a lower level for Story Mode much the same way early Vet modes increased them or how going into a public dungeon alone does. They do need to tweak a few mechanics like an unavoidable root with a one shot that someone else has to break, but that would be about it.
    Proud member of the Psijic Order - The first wave - The 0.016%

  • Linaleah

    I did read it. You're complaining about not wanting to play in a group, well this isn't a single player game, it is a MMO. There will be and should be group content. No, not everything should be soloable.

    it should have a solo option where half your content releases are dungeon only ESPECIALY when you tie overreaching story for the entire year TO THEM.. it devalues ESO plus and it discourages people who would rather buy DLC's outright - from buying them.
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • Reistr_the_Unbroken
    Linaleah wrote: »

    it should have a solo option where half your content releases are dungeon only ESPECIALY when you tie overreaching story for the entire year TO THEM.. it devalues ESO plus and it discourages people who would rather buy DLC's outright - from buying them.

    Plus solo content wouldn’t be a hassle to do a story mode since there’s no timer to kick you out when everyone else leaves

  • Linaleah

    Plus solo content wouldn’t be a hassle to do a story mode since there’s no timer to kick you out when everyone else leaves

    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • haloufe007

    hope that we have solo dunjon in 2019 with dificulty of 2 players ... not one player for the challenge
    or give us possibility to have 2 mercenary that we can stuff them
    i do not want someone telling me "eso is a game for group" ........ "i have to go to another game"
    eso is our game and we want to play eso

    i have played for a long time and i go dunjon with group only one time
    i have been in donjon solo one time, i succeed to kill one boss but with a very long time... it was not fun
    without possibility to go dunjon solo i left eso.
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