Solo dungeon mode, please

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  • Skwor
    Necromancy is illegal in Tamriel

    Edited by Skwor on January 18, 2020 12:41PM
  • Everstorm
    What annoys me is that I can actually solo quite a few of the bosses in dlc dungeons on normal difficult but pretty much all of those dungeons have one or more bosses with a forced grouping mechanic.
  • TheFM
    jainiadral wrote: »
    Yes, please!

    I'm the solo player myskyrim26 is complaining about. I like doing things at my own pace, on my own time, with my own stuff in my own way. I can adapt to the whole group pace and mentality, but it takes the fun out of the content and destroys my soul. If I ever hear "spacebar pls" after listening to a single line of dialog after spacebarring a whole flashpoint dungeon again, I'll shoot myself :D

    I can sort of solo dungeons (normal FG1), but they're no fun at current difficulty levels and with group-adapted boss mechanics. And I'm guessing since these dungeons are DLC, they'll be a lot harder.

    Socialising destroys your soul?
  • Lisutaris
    I am pretty sure storymode ppl will find "soul mates". Even as soulless ones.

    As I can understand that it is annoying... Be happy that eso is even featuring a norm mode. Sometimes ppl/players have to follow game rules. In this case it is grping up with a tank, heal and 2dd to finish your awesome and heroic mission.
    As most mechanics are very forgiving (norm) I am pretty sure everyone can do it with some effort. There is also a friendlist, guilds...

    Playing with each other in a mmorpg should be natural. At least for grp content. To find nice ppl (same playstyle, goals,...) is part of it.
    If 4 solo players are complaining together that it is not soloable/do able with "i play like i want" mentality.... Too late for any help.

    I Support the idea of extreme easy modes of dungeons (cp150loot for example) , BUT would include grp mechanics, so that they are not soloable.
    Grp experiences should be what they are.
  • Nairinhe
    TheFM wrote: »

    Socialising destroys your soul?

    You obviously realise that's not about socialising
  • MyPrist
    myskyrim26 wrote: »
    Please READ the post before posting commets, not just title

    And again. PLEASE READ before commenting. PLEASE.

    Guys, we have a team now. If you are on PC EU, join us for slow dungeon runs! Please PM or send a message in game: @MaximilianLares

    Dear ZOS,
    A lot of lore already hidden in 4-player dungeons. It is even worse for the Wrathstone dungeons, as they are a part of the story. Please make a solo dungeon mode for players, who are not able to do dungeons in a group.
    Let this solo dungeon mode be purely story oriented: no sets, no motifs, no achivements, no skillpoints - nothing that could make this mode a kind of a cheating one. Nothing to grind. It should not be a part of Undaunted pledges and whatever else - juts a story to do.

    To all who want to post some answer like "find friends", "find a guild", "learn to play", please read this: I play since 2016. I tried hard to find people like me to do dungeond for a story. And here are the results:
    1. We are 4 and we all want to do a dungeon for a story. I'm a tank. Other players are: a healer who sees a restoration staff for the first time and 2 DDs running around a dungeon like mad chickens. These people never did dungeond before, and will never practice - they are focused on quests only. They don't want to spend their time learning how to play in a group.
    2. I found 3 people who agree to change their playstile. We live in different countries - thus it is hard to set a time for dungeon runs or practice. More - even if we all 4 are online, these players are busy doing something. As, you know, there are a lot things to do. And the most bad thing: I can be forced to log off at any moment because of my job.
    3. Many players who want to do dungeon stories refuse to change anything. As a master crafter, I offer them free sets, food, glyphs. I try to explain their skills gently. I try to explain dungeon mechanics. But solo players are SOLO players. They don't want someone to be a leader. They don't want to learn a crazy rotation piano, they don't listen to a team mechanics. "I'll go see what's there!" - types my teammate in chat. I start typing "No" in respond, but the teammate is already dead, and mobs are running at us.
    4. Guildmates do agree to do a dungeon with me. Sometimes they even give some time for me to make screenshots of dialogues. Sometimes. But the rest of the time they just rush through a dungeon. I don't want to rush! Dungeons are beautiful, I want to enjoy them! I don't want to make dialogue screenshots, I want to LISTEN to them!
    5. I tried to do dungeons solo with a petsorc. My results: Fungal Grotto 1 and another "beginners" dungeon with a spider boss. I know - some players can do a lot of dungeons solo. Not me, unfortunately.

    I assure you - I've made every effort to find players like me. A lot of people want to do dungeon stories, and it is impossible to become a team. Please @ZOS, give us a possibility to enjoy dungeons!

    What normal danguan is impossible to make solo? May be only some, where you need 2 players to open the dore ... .

    I can do a lot of veteran solo already.

    Very strange request for people like me. But if nothing will be broken in content before it, have no problems with it.

    But is it really so hard for some people? It is really unexpected.
  • Galwylin
    I'm not sure that's worth the effort since it would entail a nice bit of work for something everyone would only do once. I've started just click click click through the quests in dungeons I have done since I've gotten tired of trying to stay with the group and listen to what the dungeon is about. The amount of work should go into segmenting the population for ques into those that have completed the dungeon quests and those that haven't. Which just makes running them worst for everyone in the long run probably since the finder has enough trouble plus what happens when its only a few who haven't done them? Do they sit in que for days?

    The problem is the dungeons are designed like all players are listening as if for the first time when that's just not how players play. Those few who don't care for quests run us all at their pace not ours until we're all running at the same pace. I just accepted it and if I really cared I'd read over the quest on UESP. Turns out, I haven't once so I guess I didn't care that much. Even the new DLC dungeons that are part of the story. You get the gist of it without care.

    What they could do is require every player to finish the dialog (or have the dialog finish if its not also written) to access the next part of the dungeon to slow everyone down if that is what they want the playerbase to do. And of course if no one is on the quest then access is always open. That would probably be a easier fix than turning dungeons into delves. Part of what is fun about the dungeon isn't just looking at them. Its the action taking place in them. Which you could have if they turn them into some kind of delve.

    Personally, I'd prefer if quests weren't in dungeons and we'd just pick up the start quest at the beginnin, the dungeon itself would just be dialog telling me how its moving along and at the exit (or end I suppose with using the finder) you complete it with a short wrap up. I'm not thrilled to here dungeons are going to have this big massive story component that I know someone in group is just going to clickclickclick through causing others to clickclickclick. Even if you take the time to go through them you feel the peer pressure of I'm holding this group up.

    So really the only solutions is for people to change how they act or just stop putting storylines in them. After five or six times through one, everyone wishes they'd just shut up and move things alone. Repeatable content should have massive text components. A couple of sentences and off to the races. Dungeons are basically a form of daily quests (or probably simple repeatable quests). Once you have the big story reason why you're there you don't need to pay attention to it anymore. If you want it to carry your story then its going to have to gate the areas to all players so you ensure all players (even those that don't care) get that story injection. I'm doubtful it will change so might as well bookmark UESP (and maybe stop kicking people out at its conclusion and kill everything inside so those that want can go look around).

    Sort of hope they listen but then I'd really rather the resources go elsewhere. The story hasn't been super interesting in some time to warrant the change in my opinion.
  • Geekgirl
    I haven't read through all of these replies, but my husband and I duo almost everything. We just duoed Blessed Crucible yesterday.

    It is possible to get through dungeons in a smaller group. The KEY is a tanky healer and a DPS with at least one sort of heal.

    We have done it on a Templar Stamina DPS and DK healer tank but it's almost a cakewalk with DK DPS and a Templar healer/tank.

    We're slowly working through all content as a duo. We started doing this because we LOVE opening all of the things and most groups are not interested in exploring.

    That said, too, OP - please message me. My in game name is the same as the forum one. We are SO game to explore the world slowly. US EST players.
    PC/NA - Perpetually casual. Furniture and fish collector. Lover of exploration and opener of urns.
    Maxed CPs, still no clue how to endgame, too much time opening urns, prolly.
    Eve Morrison - Templar DPS - Furniture Crafter/Maker of Arms - Co-op w/hubby/achievements/crafting
    Jilly Narraway - MagDK DPS - Delves/Dungeons/Dolmans - She murders ALL THE THINGS!
    Fynn the Lucky - Warden Tank -- Seer of things/Explorer of places - RP/Solo/Storyline/Completionist
    Siluna Southpaw - StamDK DPS slippery-fingered type/Murder hobo - RP/Solo/Storyline
  • Ozby
    Yeah I've seen arguments that ZOS cater to the casual players to much and now I see this and I have to agree the Dungeons have been getting harder and harder and I solo a lot of dungeons myself but there are some you just cannot solo at all.
    I do not see a story mode of a dungeon hurting anyone so I agree it is a good idea but you should get a reward at the end.
    Unfortunately it is the other way around ZOS caters to the 1% of player who do 70k+ dps by making everything harder each time and with nerfs which really only hurt the people who do less than 50k DPS.

    I see a lot of people here agree with you OP so maybe your not as alone as you think.

    Good Luck hope things get better for you.
    PC NA
    Aurora Bravepaw (Healden), Basks in Fire (DKTank), Bran Artlion (Magplar), Brindel Seedthorne (Stamden WW), Brugo Gargak (Stamcro), Casimir Delmar (StamDK), Falco Bastion (Stamsorc), Fus Ro Dah (Stamplar), Gandalff the Gay (Petsorc), Jo-Qinan Betula (Magden), Laveera Hex (Magcro), Raine Whitestag (Stamden), Raised by Bears (Wardentank), Ralak Rotheart (Healcro), Selene Sunshadow MagDK), Shadow Mirage (NBTank), Slythe Rattlebone (Healplar), Ulfnor Dragonslayer (Tankcro).
  • Drakoleon
    I really don't see why not! Group dungeons are there in order to promote group they? I don't think so! unless you are a guild member and you can follow the dungeons schedule.

    For solo players is toxic! Fake healers and tanks elitist kids etc etc.
    I was in many dungeons with different toons and i couldn't even finish the quests cause the rest were doing the dailies in fast forward.
    So YES dungeons should include solo option!
  • Dusk_Coven
    Galwylin wrote: »
    I'm not sure that's worth the effort since it would entail a nice bit of work for something everyone would only do once.

    But that "everyone" includes every new player entering the game throughout its lifetime. There is present and future utility in such a quality of life feature.

    As for everyone saying it's not necessary -- yeah, we hear that you don't care. Fine. But that's no reason to oppose a feature you're not even going to look at. Why you are even trying to block this quality of life feature? Why are you even in this thread? To post "solutions" that don't work so you can farm your forum star score?
    Edited by Dusk_Coven on January 20, 2020 1:39PM
  • Dusk_Coven
    Nairinhe wrote: »

    Maybe, because
    Also some of the dungeons are impossible to solo as is because of mechanics.

    And because you shouldn't have to be CP 160 to experience at Level 10 entry level dungeon story.
  • Galwylin
    Dusk_Coven wrote: »

    But that "everyone" includes every new player entering the game throughout its lifetime. There is present and future utility in such a quality of life feature.

    As for everyone saying it's not necessary -- yeah, we hear that you don't care. Fine. But that's no reason to oppose a feature you're not even going to look at. Why you are even trying to block this quality of life feature? Why are you even in this thread? To post "solutions" that don't work so you can farm your forum star score?

    I'm not saying I oppose it. If it was available I'd use it (at least the first time). Just saying my druthers would be spend the resources elsewhere. What I'm saying is sure its a nice idea but maybe the solution isn't something to that extreme. There's lots of things I think the game needs if we could have everything. And its for something that isn't really that good. If these quests would found out in the world, once you completed them you'd think meh.

    I really feel this is brought on by the announcement. Now I know everyone heard the dungeons were going to be more important to the overall story than previously. It happened last year too. Lots were upset about the dungeons being part of the overall story and it really turned out to be so short of what people thought they were going to get. And I'm almost positive the same thing is true this time. What the devs think as more connected to the story is probably much less than what players are hearing.

    And not to be an *** but you posted on the forum of which I belonged so I thought I had the right to comment even it I wanted to talk about growing daisies in the winter. So loosen up the boss man attitude.
  • JanTanhide
    Just read your entire post. I agree there should be a solo (story?) mode for the story at least. It would be nice.

    As for soloing not sure why you cannot solo most of the dungeons since you have been in game since 2016. You definitely should be able to solo every dungeon that has the mechanics for solo in normal (except some of the newer DLC dungeons perhaps?)

    Not sure what your build is but on a Pet Sorc it definitely is doable. If nothing else just craft New Moon Acolyte and Ancient Dragonguard. If you need more protection make five in Heavy and two in Light and make sure to unlock all the heavy armour passives. Fire staff Nirnhoned and Lightning staff Sharpened (or whatever you want). Enchant Fire staff with Spell and Weapon damage and Lightning with Crusher or whatever you want. Setup your CP accordingly (can't help much here since it is a personal thing in my opinion).

    Run one or two Bloodthirsty and one or two Arcane for jewelry enchanted with Spell damage (or whatever works for your play style).

    Easy setup (no shield) is Matriarch on both bars for healing and some damage. Surge, Lightning Form, Daedric Prey, Matriarch, Inner Light (or whatever you wish) with Lightning staff on this bar. Other bar is Fire staff with Crystal Frags, Endless Fury, Crushing Shock or whatever you wish, Matriarch and Inner Light (or whatever you choose).

    Destro ult on Lightning staff bar and Shooting Star on Fire staff bar or Attro or whatever you choose.

    Any race works but High Elf, Dark Elf, Breton preferred. This setup with max CP will get you around 21K health (using Red Frothgar) with plenty of mag regen and around 35K Magicka (in 5 heavy) and about 11K Stamina. In Lightning form your Spell resistance is around 25K, Physical is around 20K (depending on CP allocation). Spell damage is around 4250 on Nirn staff and procs to close to 4700 spell damage. Now if using the Group Finder your spell damage will be a lot higher due to the buff.

    If you want more protection run Iceheart Monster set. If you want more damage run Slimecraw. Try to get only five heavy with the other two in Light or 5 Light, 1 heavy, 1 medium if you don't want to run heavy.

    The build is really simple and tough as nails. If you keep surge up and apply crit damage(heavy attack with Lightning staff works to keep you alive quite well) you won't die even soloing some Vet dungeons. And you always have the heal from the Matriarch.

    There are many other builds that people run of course. This is my own personal setup for the hard stuff. I've soloed Vet dungeons and even some in Hard mode using it. It isn't a high DPS build but it will survive and is a lot of fun.

    But yes, I agree, there should be a solo selection. Would be nice!
  • benstuartyoungs_ESO
    Just chiming in to say, yes please!
    @BenFosse Silverlight Brotherhood guild PC|NA
  • Lisutaris
    Grp dungeon = grp dungeon
    The word group is the important part.
    There are already 2 (3with hm) difficulty settings.

    They changed the auto teleport after grp disband. Only thing left is to find other ppl which share the "no rush, quest reading" mentality. To rant about the design is sad, because it can be easily solved with more communication and less whining/complaining.

    If everyone who complains about difficulty would spend half of that time to improve their characters.....
    ((--> NON vet dungeons (4ppl) are do able for EVERYONE. - > with 3 other ppl that dont give up after 1-2 wipes, looking at the screen and listening (yes it is helpful) to the boss.))

    Not wanting to be sould elitist here... But gearing up and learning skills/your character is part of most rpgs. Sometimes I wonder how ppl got past the frost troll in skyrim.
  • snoozy
    Dusk_Coven wrote: »

    But that "everyone" includes every new player entering the game throughout its lifetime. There is present and future utility in such a quality of life feature.

    As for everyone saying it's not necessary -- yeah, we hear that you don't care. Fine. But that's no reason to oppose a feature you're not even going to look at. Why you are even trying to block this quality of life feature? Why are you even in this thread? To post "solutions" that don't work so you can farm your forum star score?

    PC EU
  • TheFM


    Like, wut?
  • max_only
    TheFM wrote: »


    Like, wut?

    Story players: I’d like to see this at my own pace, no loot required. The story is it’s own reward.
    Hard mode overland requests: I want better loot and elite bragging rights so I can dump on normies when they try.
    #FiteForYourRite Bosmer = Stealth
    || CP 1000+ || PC/NA || GUILDS: LWH; IA; CH; XA
    ""All gods' creatures (you lot) are equal when covered in A1 sauce"" -- Old Bosmeri Wisdom
  • Lucious90
    What I find funny is if a Pvp player did this for a neglected part of the game, we get crucified, but since its PvE its now okay.

    its an online game guys, with that comes with the assumptions of group content and peer to peer intereaction. TES already had years and years of Solo content for you to explore. And lets not forget the delves that are in each zone which are already solo content
    Naturegoat - Stam Warden
    Healgoat- Mag temp
    Staticgoat- Stam Sorc
  • WiseSky
    On PC/NA there is a Guild Dedicated to doing Slow Dungeons. And there is a discord too. Message me if you want in.
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