How would this "tagging" by enforcers work?So I'll repost feedback I was writting when your previous topic was shut down.
To the FUGITIVE level ,I'd add UNDERCOVER
So i'd scrap the automatic "detection refresh" of enforcers.Check
The criminal awareness would only become active if the criminal player is either tagged by another enforcer & comes in short range of another enforcer.
Remember that only NPCs can spot crime, not players.Or when the enforcer catches the criminal commiting more crime.
Although open world would now have PvP elements, it should be restricted to Enforcers vs. Outlaws. There should be no fighting among other players, regardless of Alliance.Since each aliance would have their own justice system and agents coming after fugitives,the fugitive also gets a few escape manoeuvres to play with."thats where ther new "undercover" joins the game.
(like we discussed with the different aliance agents coming after a fugitive who've commited crime in 2 or more alliances,being able to pit them against each other and use the chaos to escape)
Also knocking npc chasers out with a blackjack weapon,using certain environmental traps,..So it would become an exciting cat and mouse game for both the fugitive and the enforcers.
If the player is caught, they have these option;
-Pay their bounty
-Attempt to flee (the more innocent option where the players who do this remain fugitive as long as they are not arrested, pve-only.Resist arrest impossible if caught.
-Resist all(the "you call this a crime?you can all kiss em" pvp choice) wich enables the wanted mode.The reward will increase over time for the wanted player depending on how long they can stay
out of hands of the enforcers and guards.As the reward will increase for the enforcer depending on how long a criminal has been wanted.
Since enforcer flag themselves to hunt down criminal players,and the criminal chooses the "you can all kiss em" option.It is consensual pvp.
@Dubhliam "Although open world would now have PvP elements, it should be restricted to Enforcers vs. Outlaws. There should be no fighting among other players, regardless of Alliance."
Its not between different players ,a fugitive could shake off multiple aliiance agent groups of npc agents by ptting them against each other in order to reduce tag time on the map to go undercover
'How would this "tagging" by enforcers work?"
tagging has little to do with pvp or pve.So the pve players that attempt to flee can still be tagged
as well as the players that resist all.
Its works pretty much like when a witness has " last seen" a criminal.And it shows them temporarily on the map.
For the fugitive there will be manoeuvres to reduce the awareness tag.
And enforcers can prolong the criminal awareness by refreshing the tag.
If you could use such terms while describing your suggestions, I believe there would be much less misunderstandings.I am using names like Outlaw, Enforcer, the Iron Wheel guild, Prison etc. as general terms that most forum users will recognize and understand instantly. That does not mean some other names could not be given that are more appropriate.
Opted-in players will be referred as Outlaws (or Outlaw Criminals), while opted-out players will be referred as Criminals.
This is recreating a moderated thread (which may be in breach of forum rules) and in any event serves no purpose after the proposal was fully aired and debated last time. I don't propose to contribute any further as my final thoughts on the matter were expressed in the penultimate post of that thread (although towards the end I mistakenly put "PvP activites" when I meant "PvE activities" as will be clear from the context - unfortunately I only realised after the thread was closed and it was too late to edit it).
In any event, this proposal is going nowhere and the whole issue of PvP in the Justice System having been clearly rejected by ZOS really does now deserve to be put to rest.
I like how you extended a personal invitation to the posters that liked your idea, but conveniently left out the several posters that were opposed but still offered constructive criticism to it, like @Tandor , @STEVIL , and myself.Since the mods did not grant my appeal, this will be a new, clean thread.
@IndyWendieGo , @Tipsy , @NeillMcAttack , we can continue the discussion about PvP Justice here.
Since the mods did not grant my appeal, this will be a new, clean thread.
@IndyWendieGo , @Tipsy , @NeillMcAttack , we can continue the discussion about PvP Justice here.
Since I already made some changes today, I'd like some feedback on a particular problematic:
-added this line in the General section:
- If a player does not have sufficient gold to pay his bounty when either being accosted, or killed by a Guard or an Enforcer, he is then transferred to the Prison instance to wait out his bounty.
This will actually make non opted Criminals able to enter the Prison instance where PvP penalties are applicable.
How can we prevent this from happening?
How would you deal with opted out players not having enough gold to pay their bounties?
How would this "tagging" by enforcers work? Remember that only NPCs can spot crime, not players. Although open world would now have PvP elements, it should be restricted to Enforcers vs. Outlaws. There should be no fighting among other players, regardless of Alliance.
I have considered the "PvE flee option" before, but in the end decided to go with the opt-out route because people need to have an option that has zero interaction with other players.
I'm not sure if your suggestions have opt-out in mind.