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Azura's Star NA PC Thread

  • Humphie
    Humphie wrote: »
    Chuga_Rei wrote: »
    Going to pass on the bads love fest. You guys have some great members and then you have



    I <3 Sub
  • Chuga_Rei
    I love you, 2! Humphie!
    MAIN: Subtomik |DC| Templar| Grand Overlord| Magicka since release(GET RID OF RD and give me back blinding flashes!)
    Scrubtomik|EP |Templar|Rerolled to help outnumbered EP
    Urban Youth|DC | Nightblade|AVA RANK 15| Stam
    Not A Racist |EP|Nightblade| Magicka| Maelstrom farmer
    Triggered Liberal|DC| New maelstrom farmer lol
    Pls Send Nudes |AD| DK

    GM of Full Metal Carebears
    No Mercy

    Gone but not forgotten, Braidas, Marku, and a dozen other heroes
    NACtron wrote: »
    ChrisXO wrote: »
    NACtron wrote: »
    Chuga_Rei wrote: »
    12 is a small man? Lol

    More like a medium group. But still not large enough to warrant bringing a TF guild over even as a guest.

    I'm sure TF would appreciate it if Pact Militia took an evening off ;)

    But yes, a full raid of PM would heavily tip the scales. Azura's typically wouldn't have enough organised competition to go against it, although I'm not sure how big Vurian's groups are now.

    Good to know, thanks!

    @NACtron Your group has improved quite a lot over the past month or so. I've noticed you guys trying to bait ultimate's against enemy guilds and try more advanced tactics. I think you would win quite a few fights on Azura if you did visit.
    NA | PC | Aldmeri Dominion
    Laser Eyes AR 26 Arcanist | Stalker V AR 41 Warden | I Stalker I AR 42 NB | Stalkersaurus AR 31 Templar | Stalker Ill AR 31 Sorc | Nigel the Great of Blackwater
    Former Emperor x11 campaign cycles
    Venatus Officer | RIP RÁGE | YouTube Channel
  • ellahellabella
    Vurian97 wrote: »
    Ugh, I can't even Imagine how anyone who outnumbers their foes 2 bars to 1 every evening and swarming them down makes them think they are eligible for bragging rights.

    Yeah, you won but it was an empty victory, much like the keeps you seige down and temples you ransack.
    Btw, this is blunt honesty. I couldn't give a toot who wins the campaign but your constant gloating makes me question where your head is right now or even if it's fully functional.

    To phrase you without having to go through your entire post; Think about how you are currently representing your guild. You are overwhelming everyone with your guild's size at oc raid hour. You have taken this game from being a fun game for those online at this time. We have a right to voice our displeasure for your guild's actions as you do to defending them. You want to win the campaign? Great but stop sucking the joy out of it for the rest of us on at this hour. Put rules in on when to stop advancing, tri keeps is a great one.

    Btw, just when I was refreshing the page, I noticed arrius flagged and You there. We have no scrolls, explain your presence here. Do you like crushing campaings to death?

    Legion of Death Gaming was AP Farming at the mine and using the flagging to bait EP into coming. We pushed the outter to get more and it worked.

    As far as telling my people to stop? I won't stop if the other factions don't stop. We won't limit ourselves because the other factions don't like it just so that they can do what we don't. We limited ourselves to the emp circle for 3 days in a row, and during those 3 days, EP decided to camp us at our tri-keeps. Lesson learned. Show respect, don't receive it back.

    You seriously just don't get it do you? 'Ep did it to me so I do it to them'. Guess what the ep said when they did it? 'Dc did it to us so we did it to them'. Doing it because they did it is the most childish excuse, it's also the oldest and an endess vicious circle. Do you know how many ep I had to beat over the head when JP temple was in AZ who wanted to gate dc? I had to keep telling them: The dc online right now are not those that you're angry at so don't punish them.
    GG punishing me for actions that I haven't comittied against you. But the quick 20k that I got from your 'farm' at Arrius was much appreciated.
    Also you were on the inner front door. 6.2k dee tick
    Edited by ellahellabella on December 25, 2016 2:08AM
    Try to read everything I write with an Australian accent

    PC NA
    Full faction locks are only further dividing an already dwindling pvp community

    Ebonheart Pact
    Sophis (M. Templar), Lilivah Rallenar (M. Sorcerer), Diakoptês (M. Dragonknight), Pins and Needles (M. Nightblade), Claws-your-Curtains (S. Sorcerer), Raan-Mir-Tah (M Warden), Hezik (S Warden)

    Aldmeri Dominion
    Sophis-ticated (M. Templar), Tis not easy being Green (S. Dragonknight)

    Daggerfall Covernant
    Sirius Delatora (M. Nightblade), Ellaberry (S. Templar), Ellabear (pve tank) Claìr De Lune (M. Sorc)
  • ellahellabella
    @Chuga_Rei Come over to your ep more and show me how you templar. Everyone embraces the art of the Plar differently.
    Try to read everything I write with an Australian accent

    PC NA
    Full faction locks are only further dividing an already dwindling pvp community

    Ebonheart Pact
    Sophis (M. Templar), Lilivah Rallenar (M. Sorcerer), Diakoptês (M. Dragonknight), Pins and Needles (M. Nightblade), Claws-your-Curtains (S. Sorcerer), Raan-Mir-Tah (M Warden), Hezik (S Warden)

    Aldmeri Dominion
    Sophis-ticated (M. Templar), Tis not easy being Green (S. Dragonknight)

    Daggerfall Covernant
    Sirius Delatora (M. Nightblade), Ellaberry (S. Templar), Ellabear (pve tank) Claìr De Lune (M. Sorc)
  • Chuga_Rei
    @Chuga_Rei Come over to your ep more and show me how you templar. Everyone embraces the art of the Plar differently.

    I'm not even sure how I Templar most the time haha

    But lately it's been a lot of fun. As much as I love to talk about the old days and no mercy it was honestly stressful back then at times. Now I just have fun and try "crazy" builds I enjoy(example, I don't know many templars running scathing in pvp)
    MAIN: Subtomik |DC| Templar| Grand Overlord| Magicka since release(GET RID OF RD and give me back blinding flashes!)
    Scrubtomik|EP |Templar|Rerolled to help outnumbered EP
    Urban Youth|DC | Nightblade|AVA RANK 15| Stam
    Not A Racist |EP|Nightblade| Magicka| Maelstrom farmer
    Triggered Liberal|DC| New maelstrom farmer lol
    Pls Send Nudes |AD| DK

    GM of Full Metal Carebears
    No Mercy

    Gone but not forgotten, Braidas, Marku, and a dozen other heroes
  • Zander98
    Chuga_Rei wrote: »
    Going to pass on the bads love fest. You guys have some great members and then you have

    Us LOL members are quite proud of being Lol there buddy.
    You act like it's an all bad thing. :(
    Zane Altise- The Drunken Sorc

    "The truth may be out there, but the lies are inside your head"-Pratchett
  • yodased
    This thread being 70 pages is all of our christmas presents to each other.


    Merry Happy holidays to those who I fight along side and those who I fight against.
    Tl;dr really weigh the fun you have in game vs the business practices you are supporting.
  • NACtron
    NACtron wrote: »
    ChrisXO wrote: »
    NACtron wrote: »
    Chuga_Rei wrote: »
    12 is a small man? Lol

    More like a medium group. But still not large enough to warrant bringing a TF guild over even as a guest.

    I'm sure TF would appreciate it if Pact Militia took an evening off ;)

    But yes, a full raid of PM would heavily tip the scales. Azura's typically wouldn't have enough organised competition to go against it, although I'm not sure how big Vurian's groups are now.

    Good to know, thanks!

    @NACtron Your group has improved quite a lot over the past month or so. I've noticed you guys trying to bait ultimate's against enemy guilds and try more advanced tactics. I think you would win quite a few fights on Azura if you did visit.

    Thanks for noticing! We have taken a lot of steps to make our guild more competitive over the last while.
    Edited by NACtron on December 25, 2016 5:37AM
    Pact Militia GM
    Nikolai the Nord - Stamplar

  • Cypriot122
    Merry Christmas fam
  • NightSquirrel
    Cypriot122 wrote: »
    Merry Christmas fam

    To save gold I'm giving out Soul Assaults this year in lieu of gifts.. I know you'll love it! Happy Holidays!
  • Scamh
    There's literally no strategy or motive behind what lodg does. It's not revenge, it's not "let's show them who's boss". Would not even argue about it.

    Ps: what is up with all the t-bags tonight, is this the true christmas spirit? You've all left me crying in my Taylor Swift pillow.
    The Upside Down (Stamplar) - Osaka Sewers X (Stamblade) - A Scanner Darkly (Magblade) - Taylor Swiftborn (Stam sorc)
  • Taylor_MB
    Scamh wrote: »
    There's literally no strategy or motive behind what lodg does. It's not revenge, it's not "let's show them who's boss". Would not even argue about it.

    Ps: what is up with all the t-bags tonight, is this the true christmas spirit? You've all left me crying in my Taylor Swift pillow.

    I was going to whisper someone "good fight" after they killed me in our 3rd or so fight... then they started tea bagging.
    PvP Defensive Set Comparison
    Firestarter MagDK 1vX
    - build and gamplay!
    LagPlar Ranged Lag Proof(ish) Magplar
    - build and gamplay!
    ShadowGaurd MagBlade Group Utility Tank
    - build and gamplay!
    Oncoming Storm No-CP 11.6k Ward MagSorc - build and gamplay!
    My YouTube Chanel

  • Scamh
    Classy. haha.
    The Upside Down (Stamplar) - Osaka Sewers X (Stamblade) - A Scanner Darkly (Magblade) - Taylor Swiftborn (Stam sorc)
  • Vurian97
    I wasn't online last night to partake in any battles as I was spending time with family, evidently didn't miss much because my AP Rank is still fairly upfront.

    Merry Christmas all, I hope it is everything that you hoped it would be and that you get what you wanted.

    As far as Pact Militia goes, @NACtron, you would easily defeat LoDG. I have played on Trueflame in the past and witnessed the glory that is the organized guilds over there. LoDG in no way compares or competes towards those guilds. Feel free to come to Azura's Star, as they could always use more Ebonheart Pact population wise, but as far as organized guild fights go, you may have to wait. LoDG doesn't have a core guild group, nor do we ever intend to have one. We play the game solely for entertainment and so we welcome any and all (new or experienced) into our groups. We definitely do field 24-man groups (Large groups) majority of the time, and sometimes we get as low as 6-man, it would be neat and very fun to fight a skilled group like yours a few times around to see what the receiving end of Trueflame fights are like without the lag.

    Azura's Star does not have coordinated guilds besides Tertiary Meat (TM), who uses their skills and capabilities to AP Farm instead of helping their faction. Majority of the time they go somewhere to AP Farm and leave their faction to get AP Farmed.

    A lot of people like to highlight LoDG and myself, @NACtron solely on the fact that it is easy to anger them, not because we are skilled, according to them anyway. The thing that I believe we excel at is this: Having fun. We win during prime-time, we control most of the map after that, even. It isn't morning-capping or night-capping majority of the time, as the Ebonheart Pact often have a guild already in wait, intending to do the same if we don't. Often though, we come out on top because we manage to have just enough people to outnumber them by roughly 5. (Often 15v20 roughly)

    As far as what people say on the Forums though, take it with a grain of salt, I definitely do think you should visit Azura's Star sometime and join in on the grand ol' fun. Just beware, there are a lot of salty pickles who enjoy whispering you if you manage the kill on them or they figure out who is leading groups.

    Once again though, Merry Christmas to all, I hope it was great for you like it was great for me. (Got a new computer chair!)
  • ShadowFire829b14_ESO
    Vurian97 wrote: »
    I wasn't online last night to partake in any battles as I was spending time with family, evidently didn't miss much because my AP Rank is still fairly upfront.

    Merry Christmas all, I hope it is everything that you hoped it would be and that you get what you wanted.

    As far as Pact Militia goes, @NACtron, you would easily defeat LoDG. I have played on Trueflame in the past and witnessed the glory that is the organized guilds over there. LoDG in no way compares or competes towards those guilds. Feel free to come to Azura's Star, as they could always use more Ebonheart Pact population wise, but as far as organized guild fights go, you may have to wait. LoDG doesn't have a core guild group, nor do we ever intend to have one. We play the game solely for entertainment and so we welcome any and all (new or experienced) into our groups. We definitely do field 24-man groups (Large groups) majority of the time, and sometimes we get as low as 6-man, it would be neat and very fun to fight a skilled group like yours a few times around to see what the receiving end of Trueflame fights are like without the lag.

    Azura's Star does not have coordinated guilds besides Tertiary Meat (TM), who uses their skills and capabilities to AP Farm instead of helping their faction. Majority of the time they go somewhere to AP Farm and leave their faction to get AP Farmed.

    A lot of people like to highlight LoDG and myself, @NACtron solely on the fact that it is easy to anger them, not because we are skilled, according to them anyway. The thing that I believe we excel at is this: Having fun. We win during prime-time, we control most of the map after that, even. It isn't morning-capping or night-capping majority of the time, as the Ebonheart Pact often have a guild already in wait, intending to do the same if we don't. Often though, we come out on top because we manage to have just enough people to outnumber them by roughly 5. (Often 15v20 roughly)

    As far as what people say on the Forums though, take it with a grain of salt, I definitely do think you should visit Azura's Star sometime and join in on the grand ol' fun. Just beware, there are a lot of salty pickles who enjoy whispering you if you manage the kill on them or they figure out who is leading groups.

    Once again though, Merry Christmas to all, I hope it was great for you like it was great for me. (Got a new computer chair!)

    Merry Christmas!
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<UNDYING SPIRIT>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Makayla - LV50 Breton Magicka Sorcerer (DD) - EP Azuramari - LV50 Breton Magicka Dragonknight (Tank/DD) - EPShadowFire - LV50 Dunmer Dragonknight (DD) - EPKatarina Zelonis - LV50 Breton Magicka Templar (DD/HEALS) - EPBrenna Gwyn - LV50 Bosmer Stamina Nightblade (DD) - EPVeronika Zelonis - LV50 Breton Magicka Necromancer (DD) - EPTalyanna Zelonis - LV50 Bosmer Stamina Templar (DD) - EPAurorale - LV50 Nord Stamina Sorcerer (DD) - EPKody - LV50 Breton Magicka Warden (DD) - EPCelestia Cloudstride - LV16 Breton Magicka Nightblade (DD) - EPFreyja Cloudstride - LV 50 Nord Stamina Dragonknight (DD/Tank) - EPStirs Fear Among The Dark - LV34 Nord Stamina Dragonknight (Storage trunk) - EPRIP - B A D S
  • Alishka_Gunter
    Vurian97 wrote: »
    I wasn't online last night to partake in any battles as I was spending time with family, evidently didn't miss much because my AP Rank is still fairly upfront.

    Merry Christmas all, I hope it is everything that you hoped it would be and that you get what you wanted.

    As far as Pact Militia goes, @NACtron, you would easily defeat LoDG. I have played on Trueflame in the past and witnessed the glory that is the organized guilds over there. LoDG in no way compares or competes towards those guilds. Feel free to come to Azura's Star, as they could always use more Ebonheart Pact population wise, but as far as organized guild fights go, you may have to wait. LoDG doesn't have a core guild group, nor do we ever intend to have one. We play the game solely for entertainment and so we welcome any and all (new or experienced) into our groups. We definitely do field 24-man groups (Large groups) majority of the time, and sometimes we get as low as 6-man, it would be neat and very fun to fight a skilled group like yours a few times around to see what the receiving end of Trueflame fights are like without the lag.

    Azura's Star does not have coordinated guilds besides Tertiary Meat (TM), who uses their skills and capabilities to AP Farm instead of helping their faction. Majority of the time they go somewhere to AP Farm and leave their faction to get AP Farmed.

    A lot of people like to highlight LoDG and myself, @NACtron solely on the fact that it is easy to anger them, not because we are skilled, according to them anyway. The thing that I believe we excel at is this: Having fun. We win during prime-time, we control most of the map after that, even. It isn't morning-capping or night-capping majority of the time, as the Ebonheart Pact often have a guild already in wait, intending to do the same if we don't. Often though, we come out on top because we manage to have just enough people to outnumber them by roughly 5. (Often 15v20 roughly)

    As far as what people say on the Forums though, take it with a grain of salt, I definitely do think you should visit Azura's Star sometime and join in on the grand ol' fun. Just beware, there are a lot of salty pickles who enjoy whispering you if you manage the kill on them or they figure out who is leading groups.

    Once again though, Merry Christmas to all, I hope it was great for you like it was great for me. (Got a new computer chair!)

    In the spirit of day, I'll lay off.

    Merry Christmas Vurian
    GM of Einherjar (EHJ)

    Alishka Gunter - Stamina Nightblade
    Gunter Smash - Magicka Dragonknight
    Alishka Tempestas - Magicka Sorcerer
    Alishka Arrowflinger - Stamina Nightblade
    Alishka Hides In Bushes - Magicka Nightblade
    Gunter Hearts Blueberries - Magicka Templar

  • NACtron
    Vurian97 wrote: »
    I wasn't online last night to partake in any battles as I was spending time with family, evidently didn't miss much because my AP Rank is still fairly upfront.

    Merry Christmas all, I hope it is everything that you hoped it would be and that you get what you wanted.

    As far as Pact Militia goes, @NACtron, you would easily defeat LoDG. I have played on Trueflame in the past and witnessed the glory that is the organized guilds over there. LoDG in no way compares or competes towards those guilds. Feel free to come to Azura's Star, as they could always use more Ebonheart Pact population wise, but as far as organized guild fights go, you may have to wait. LoDG doesn't have a core guild group, nor do we ever intend to have one. We play the game solely for entertainment and so we welcome any and all (new or experienced) into our groups. We definitely do field 24-man groups (Large groups) majority of the time, and sometimes we get as low as 6-man, it would be neat and very fun to fight a skilled group like yours a few times around to see what the receiving end of Trueflame fights are like without the lag.

    Azura's Star does not have coordinated guilds besides Tertiary Meat (TM), who uses their skills and capabilities to AP Farm instead of helping their faction. Majority of the time they go somewhere to AP Farm and leave their faction to get AP Farmed.

    A lot of people like to highlight LoDG and myself, @NACtron solely on the fact that it is easy to anger them, not because we are skilled, according to them anyway. The thing that I believe we excel at is this: Having fun. We win during prime-time, we control most of the map after that, even. It isn't morning-capping or night-capping majority of the time, as the Ebonheart Pact often have a guild already in wait, intending to do the same if we don't. Often though, we come out on top because we manage to have just enough people to outnumber them by roughly 5. (Often 15v20 roughly)

    As far as what people say on the Forums though, take it with a grain of salt, I definitely do think you should visit Azura's Star sometime and join in on the grand ol' fun. Just beware, there are a lot of salty pickles who enjoy whispering you if you manage the kill on them or they figure out who is leading groups.

    Once again though, Merry Christmas to all, I hope it was great for you like it was great for me. (Got a new computer chair!)

    If we ever come over we might just bring over a 12 man :) appreciate the info. Hope you have a good Christmas!
    Pact Militia GM
    Nikolai the Nord - Stamplar

  • Remorseless
    merry Christmas, may you all get a potato


    Love Palace
  • kpittsniperb14_ESO
    Vurian97 wrote: »
    I wasn't online last night to partake in any battles as I was spending time with family, evidently didn't miss much because my AP Rank is still fairly upfront.

    Merry Christmas all, I hope it is everything that you hoped it would be and that you get what you wanted.

    As far as Pact Militia goes, @NACtron, you would easily defeat LoDG. I have played on Trueflame in the past and witnessed the glory that is the organized guilds over there. LoDG in no way compares or competes towards those guilds. Feel free to come to Azura's Star, as they could always use more Ebonheart Pact population wise, but as far as organized guild fights go, you may have to wait. LoDG doesn't have a core guild group, nor do we ever intend to have one. We play the game solely for entertainment and so we welcome any and all (new or experienced) into our groups. We definitely do field 24-man groups (Large groups) majority of the time, and sometimes we get as low as 6-man, it would be neat and very fun to fight a skilled group like yours a few times around to see what the receiving end of Trueflame fights are like without the lag.

    Azura's Star does not have coordinated guilds besides Tertiary Meat (TM), who uses their skills and capabilities to AP Farm instead of helping their faction. Majority of the time they go somewhere to AP Farm and leave their faction to get AP Farmed.

    A lot of people like to highlight LoDG and myself, @NACtron solely on the fact that it is easy to anger them, not because we are skilled, according to them anyway. The thing that I believe we excel at is this: Having fun. We win during prime-time, we control most of the map after that, even. It isn't morning-capping or night-capping majority of the time, as the Ebonheart Pact often have a guild already in wait, intending to do the same if we don't. Often though, we come out on top because we manage to have just enough people to outnumber them by roughly 5. (Often 15v20 roughly)

    As far as what people say on the Forums though, take it with a grain of salt, I definitely do think you should visit Azura's Star sometime and join in on the grand ol' fun. Just beware, there are a lot of salty pickles who enjoy whispering you if you manage the kill on them or they figure out who is leading groups.

    Once again though, Merry Christmas to all, I hope it was great for you like it was great for me. (Got a new computer chair!)

    Complete BS this post, except the fact that Pact Militia would easily defeat LoDG because everyone else does. I suppose the term "prime time" is open for debate as it is always prime time for someone. TM doesn't care about the campaign in the sense of winning or pushing the ring to emp because this campaign was sunk months ago with DC Oceanic "prime time" zergs (and I mean zergs baby, rolling 4 full raids deep) sweeping the map blue each and every day against maybe 15 AD and 5 EP on the map. Any gains made the night before gets wiped and you start at your gates each day. Now that the previous morning cappers have moved off with server having a chance to rebound a bit and become healthy, you and your BWB morning capping shenanigans have begun. During NA prime time DC gets pushed and ends up humping the last emp keep with 2-3 bars of population balling around Aleswell with the EMP and his buddies against a 12 man TM group until we logged at 3:30 EST with DC still at 2 bars of pop. I'm sure that you retook the map after that against the staunch opposition of the 15 AD or so that remained. Keep winning during prime time though.

    Magicka DK-Rowsdowerr
    Tertiary Meat GM
    "they're going to say, there's Daniel and he has 20 people with him, I want to kill him and there's
    40 more behind me."
    "I'm tired of the BS excuses, if you're going to do what you do at least admit what you're doing"
  • Munavar
    Just for some factual reference ... (for those that believe TM only runs a full raid and/or only PvDoors ...)

    9 TM vs 28+ DC
    3 or 4 tries on Bleakers
    Wiped on defense

    12 TM & 6 - 8 other AD vs. 46+ DC {final count}{@Kartalin may have video of counts of the specific fights}
    1 fight outside of Ash front door .. Fengrush and Friends pushed AD back to Milegate - DC wipe

    3 fights outside the Milegate ...
    1 DC wipe
    2 DC partial wipe as 1/2 stay inside the gate waiting for more to show up
    3 AD wipe

    3 or 4 fights outside of Nikol
    4 DC wipes. 1 fire ballista setup by a Random on the 3rd or 4th fight

    1 fight near the goblin tower ... Fengrush's group only ... DC wipe (5 other AD wiped at a tower and again at Ales LM)

    3 fights at Ales ... 3 AD wipes. Fengrush's group specifically felt the need to use Fire Ballista at the Mine at the last fight since, you know, they only use them when they are overwhelmingly out numbered.

    And yes, there are screenshots to verify the counts.

    Edited by Munavar on December 25, 2016 5:15PM
    Dae - TM
  • Adenoma
    For what it's worth, DC is the oceanic time map sweeper in BwB right now too. It's just the progression of things.
  • Chuga_Rei
    If it stays this blue unfortunately me and the guys will take off again. Im a man of my word and i refuse to contribute to the imbalance
    MAIN: Subtomik |DC| Templar| Grand Overlord| Magicka since release(GET RID OF RD and give me back blinding flashes!)
    Scrubtomik|EP |Templar|Rerolled to help outnumbered EP
    Urban Youth|DC | Nightblade|AVA RANK 15| Stam
    Not A Racist |EP|Nightblade| Magicka| Maelstrom farmer
    Triggered Liberal|DC| New maelstrom farmer lol
    Pls Send Nudes |AD| DK

    GM of Full Metal Carebears
    No Mercy

    Gone but not forgotten, Braidas, Marku, and a dozen other heroes
  • Hashtag_
    How do you CC break? :'(
  • Alishka_Gunter
    Chuga_Rei wrote: »
    If it stays this blue unfortunately me and the guys will take off again. Im a man of my word and i refuse to contribute to the imbalance

    Get your guys to reroll red. Problem solved :)
    GM of Einherjar (EHJ)

    Alishka Gunter - Stamina Nightblade
    Gunter Smash - Magicka Dragonknight
    Alishka Tempestas - Magicka Sorcerer
    Alishka Arrowflinger - Stamina Nightblade
    Alishka Hides In Bushes - Magicka Nightblade
    Gunter Hearts Blueberries - Magicka Templar

  • PenguinInACan
    Chuga_Rei wrote: »
    If it stays this blue unfortunately me and the guys will take off again. Im a man of my word and i refuse to contribute to the imbalance

    Get your guys to reroll red. Problem solved :)

    Why only red? AD can be just as fun.
  • Alishka_Gunter
    Chuga_Rei wrote: »
    If it stays this blue unfortunately me and the guys will take off again. Im a man of my word and i refuse to contribute to the imbalance

    Get your guys to reroll red. Problem solved :)

    Why only red? AD can be just as fun.

    True but that doesn't solve MY problem of still facing Sub :)

    That and strawberries > blueberries > bananas :D
    GM of Einherjar (EHJ)

    Alishka Gunter - Stamina Nightblade
    Gunter Smash - Magicka Dragonknight
    Alishka Tempestas - Magicka Sorcerer
    Alishka Arrowflinger - Stamina Nightblade
    Alishka Hides In Bushes - Magicka Nightblade
    Gunter Hearts Blueberries - Magicka Templar

  • Chuga_Rei
    I dont have an AD but as long as i play with the other carebears idc what faction
    MAIN: Subtomik |DC| Templar| Grand Overlord| Magicka since release(GET RID OF RD and give me back blinding flashes!)
    Scrubtomik|EP |Templar|Rerolled to help outnumbered EP
    Urban Youth|DC | Nightblade|AVA RANK 15| Stam
    Not A Racist |EP|Nightblade| Magicka| Maelstrom farmer
    Triggered Liberal|DC| New maelstrom farmer lol
    Pls Send Nudes |AD| DK

    GM of Full Metal Carebears
    No Mercy

    Gone but not forgotten, Braidas, Marku, and a dozen other heroes
  • Grunim
    Chuga_Rei wrote: »
    I dont have an AD but as long as i play with the other carebears idc what faction

    With the New Life festival double xp bonus this is a great time to level up a new character from scratch. Just sayin :)
    Am a whimsical Generation Jones gamer. Online RPGs hooked me since '94 and no sign of stopping soon...

  • Chuga_Rei
    Grunim wrote: »
    Chuga_Rei wrote: »
    I dont have an AD but as long as i play with the other carebears idc what faction

    With the New Life festival double xp bonus this is a great time to level up a new character from scratch. Just sayin :)

    Already done one, doing another tomorrow.

    It's not the levels, it's chasing lorebooks, undaunted etc that's awful
    MAIN: Subtomik |DC| Templar| Grand Overlord| Magicka since release(GET RID OF RD and give me back blinding flashes!)
    Scrubtomik|EP |Templar|Rerolled to help outnumbered EP
    Urban Youth|DC | Nightblade|AVA RANK 15| Stam
    Not A Racist |EP|Nightblade| Magicka| Maelstrom farmer
    Triggered Liberal|DC| New maelstrom farmer lol
    Pls Send Nudes |AD| DK

    GM of Full Metal Carebears
    No Mercy

    Gone but not forgotten, Braidas, Marku, and a dozen other heroes
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