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Azura's Star NA PC Thread

  • bitaken
    @yodased I am guilty of one of those and will own it to some degree.

    You see I recall last map when Arrius was a daily battle for EP. When there would be 12 AD there in moments after it would get lit - and having to cap and defend both bleakers and sejanus just to get Arrius. Mind you - there were no scrolls in EP temples at any time.

    So while we absolutely plowed you and a couple guys at BB yesterday - I did not REALLY feel bad about it.

    Don't accuse me of the rest of it though. EHJ typically is 6-12 people and 12 is about as many as we get. We have taken in some recruits lately to ensure we can get to 10 - but they are still learning to operate within the system. Yes, we use voice comms and we co ordinate attacks - but if people are not doing this it is entirely their fault. There are so many free voice comms programs out there people could use there is really no excuse at this point.

    PvP Lead Officer for Einherjar

    Member of Einherjar and associated guilds since 2001

    A multi Gaming community of players.
  • yodased
    bitaken wrote: »
    @yodased I am guilty of one of those and will own it to some degree.

    You see I recall last map when Arrius was a daily battle for EP. When there would be 12 AD there in moments after it would get lit - and having to cap and defend both bleakers and sejanus just to get Arrius. Mind you - there were no scrolls in EP temples at any time.

    So while we absolutely plowed you and a couple guys at BB yesterday - I did not REALLY feel bad about it.

    Don't accuse me of the rest of it though. EHJ typically is 6-12 people and 12 is about as many as we get. We have taken in some recruits lately to ensure we can get to 10 - but they are still learning to operate within the system. Yes, we use voice comms and we co ordinate attacks - but if people are not doing this it is entirely their fault. There are so many free voice comms programs out there people could use there is really no excuse at this point.

    I'm not accusing you or anyone of anything, I am stating my opinion of 'hard fought' battles as you requested.

    The campaign is a farce and defending some insinuated non-attack is just removing attention from the fact that there are a bunch of people bringing un-needed things to the campaign.
    Tl;dr really weigh the fun you have in game vs the business practices you are supporting.
  • zyk
    yodased wrote: »
    I mean what they possibly could need more ap for i dont know, but I guess it makes them feel better being the biggest kid in the playground.

    Generally speaking, ESO has a bully culture, not a competitive culture. 1.5 EP was the most blatant example of this -- with enthusiasts from AD and DC switching to EP to join the clusterf**k. Many of those players and guilds milked that scenario for months before they became bored and left the game.

    Competitors enjoy fair competition, win or lose. The closer the fight, the better. Competitors do not enjoy frequently facing weaker opponents. Bullies care only about the spoils of victory--points, status, etc--regardless of how it is achieved.

    @ZOS_BrianWheeler I think one reason why ESO PVP is less popular than it could be is because the game has absolutely no competitive balance mechanisms. New players are thrown to the wolves. The scoring systems encourage the best to feast on the worst. This is toxic to growth and why established sports segment competition based on ability. No one wants to see Lebron James beat highschool players. But in ESO, that's mainly what the Lebrons are doing.

    The key is to make it less worthwhile for the experienced to seek out the inexperienced.
    Edited by zyk on June 30, 2016 6:48PM
  • PenguinInACan
    zyk wrote: »
    yodased wrote: »
    I mean what they possibly could need more ap for i dont know, but I guess it makes them feel better being the biggest kid in the playground.

    Generally speaking, ESO has a bully culture, not a competitive culture. 1.5 EP was the most blatant example of this -- with enthusiasts from AD and DC switching to EP to join the clusterf**k. Many of those players and guilds milked that scenario for months before they became bored and left the game.

    Competitors enjoy fair competition, win or lose. The closer the fight, the better. Competitors do not enjoy frequently facing weaker opponents. Bullies care only about the spoils of victory--points, status, etc--regardless of how it is achieved.

    @ZOS_BrianWheeler I think one reason why ESO PVP is less popular than it could be is because the game has absolutely no competitive balance mechanisms. New players are thrown to the wolves. The scoring systems encourage the best to feast on the worst. This is toxic to growth and why established sports segment competition based on ability. No one wants to see Lebron James beat highschool players. But in ESO, that's mainly what the Lebrons are doing.

    The key is to make it less worthwhile for the experienced to seek out the inexperienced.

    I completely agree with that. However in the case of overpopulated factions with the majority of inexperienced players, all that will happen is that faction, when experienced players decided to help, will continually push the objectives not necessary for healthy PvP. I know we rolled EP this past month just to help balance the AD that was on BwB and Azuras at the time, but have had conversations about jumping back on AD now that AZ seems to be balancing out and AD is the least organized (from what I can tell) of the factions.

    Mind you our entire group composition for the past few weeks usually tops out at level 46 with 8 people, but I will say our impact as EP has been pretty large considering.
  • Draxys
    yodased wrote: »
    Running over solo players trying to take home keeps from an all one color map opposite your own home keeps with 12 players is not hard fought.

    Resource boosting to get 1m AP in less than 1 day is not hard fought.

    Empower groups exploiting into keeps is not hard fought.

    Farming inexperienced players at the last held alliance castle is not hard fought.

    Having organized pvp groups plowing through the map against people 10x less their skill is not hard fought.

    The people who have come into this campaign have come to farm ap pure and simple.

    Has nothing to do with supposed quality or lag or any other ***

    Azuras is invariably goong to have the easiest AP for people to farm and that's why they are there.

    I mean what they possibly could need more ap for i dont know, but I guess it makes them feel better being the biggest kid in the playground.

    Just dropping in to point out that farming anyone, regardless of experience, at a last keep (emp or overall), is definitely usually hard fought lol

    rip decibel
  • bitaken
    The complaints are because EP has a presence now. Azura's was ALL yellow for the first non CP campaign. Second campaign a friend asked me to try it out and we did and originally - we hated it. It took some adjusting too he said give it time he said.....and we did.

    We fell in love with it - realizing it was what we wanted from ESO PvP - it felt like original release PvP.

    But then....as we played our DC characters and took more of the map daily - the server went all blue - all the time.

    We hated it.

    We took a week off - it went all yellow.

    We flipped it back...it was fun...sort of...but then it was all blue again.

    We decided the only solution would be to play EP toons on the campaign. The only way to truly balance it out was to enforce the balance.

    I see all factions at 2 bars now. Nightly. That is as perfect as it can be. I have zero complaints about the state of the server. There is an uber group from each faction - they fight each other regularly - and kill the "non elites" regularly - while the non elites fight each other all the time and win some and lose some.

    That is as close to balance as you can get in sand box PvP.

    Aside from the PvDoor and night capping / early morning capping - the server is damn near perfect.
    PvP Lead Officer for Einherjar

    Member of Einherjar and associated guilds since 2001

    A multi Gaming community of players.
  • Outer_Rim
    This thread is funny it's like Blackwater pvp thread... just kids playing backroom gangsters on a server that don't matter.
  • Caza99
    I miss old Azuras Star already D: I logged on yesterday and thought I was in TF.
    You EP guys talk about a 'competitive hard fought campaign' - what is competitive and hard fought about farming a bunch of pugs at aleswell farm? When you eventually wipe, you farm Bleaker for a bit then push back to ales farm and do it again. An organised raid in TS vs a bunch of unorganized pugs with a few experienced players here and there is not competitive or hard fought. I was excited when I heard DR and EHJ were coming to EP on AZ. I thought 'finally EP and actually do something'. But honestly you guys are just making things worse. AD and DC have both owned AZ in the past now EP are doing the same. I don't see how you guys can enjoy that >.<

    PC NA - @MercerESO
  • Rylana
    Outer_Rim wrote: »
    This thread is funny it's like Blackwater pvp thread... just kids playing backroom gangsters on a server that don't matter.

    Implying any server actually matters.
    @rylanadionysis == Closed Beta Tester October 2013 == Retired October 2016 == Uninstalled @ One Tamriel Release == Inactive Indefinitely
    Ebonheart Pact: Lyzara Dionysis - Sorc - AR 37 (Former Empress of Blackwater Blade and Haderus) == Shondra Dionysis - Temp - AR 23 == Arrianaya Dionysis - DK - AR 17
    Aldmeri Dominion: Rylana Dionysis - DK - AR 25 == Kailiana - NB - AR 21 == Minerva Dionysis - Temp - AR 21 == Victoria Dionysis - Sorc - AR 13
    Daggerfall Covenant: Dannika Dionysis - DK - AR 21 == The Catman Rises - Temp - AR 15 (Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade)
    Forum LOL Champion (retired) == Black Belt in Ballista-Fu == The Last Vice Member == Praise Cheesus == Electro-Goblin
  • Minalan
    When a huge Zerg group of inexperienced players hits your keep.. Is it your fault that most of them stand in the red circles and most of them don't even bother to siege? Having better players is not the issue.

    The only benefit you have on this server is gear (which is good but not uber) and a little experience. You don't have immortal builds with 500 CP more than the guy you're fighting. Just level 50. That's it.

    Azuras is as level as you can get in ESO PVP.
  • Azurethe
    Azura's is a ton of fun, lots of AP to be had on there, but if you run or bring a 20+ group of people who are just half competent on to that server, might just need to uninstall. No need for 12+ to take large keeps, and fight numbers x3 your size. Ive literally never seen an easier server to do anything on since many of the players on it are new to the game, and the ones who have CP for the most part just seem to be new to it. If you run 20+ or really maybe 16+ on this server and it is remotely hard to do anything, but just need to log out, maybe reconsider the error of your ways

    Need Publius RP
  • NBrookus
    Heike wrote: »
    NBrookus wrote: »
    There are rumors that MORE DC are switching to Haderus.


    After EP paid that group of big guns from Haderus to come wipe, DC then brought half of a 500 man guild to AZ... and you think that DC are "leaving"? lol

    I was referring to DC leaving TF for Haderus.
  • Zuvanov
    You're welcome! <3
  • exiledtyrant
    Azura has really shaped up after the DB launch. The map can sometimes change color 3-4 times in a day. Everyone seems to have a fighting chance so far. I also like how the battles can shift from small scale to large scale and back again so seamlessly without lag. I am having a great time in ESO now. I'm on 3-5 times a week now where it used to be only 1-2 times. The PvP has taken a hold of my interest again where the PvE never could.

    It's also good there is a EP presence this campaign. Now DC finally has a third wheel to play off of and everyone can have their share of large group pushes. I hope this keeps up 20 days + in!
    If all are brethren
    How could my hands not tremble
    As breath fled my prey?

    What blinds my vision?
    My hands are tools; it must be
    The haze of blossoms

    -Salous the Penitent
  • Minalan
    Great fights with EP at Chal last night!

    You guys almost took it from us, I thought we were done when the inner door was smashed open.

    <3 all you reds, thanks for making AZ fun.
  • KenaPKK
    I think you meant to say EP in that second to last paragraph there. Just got around to reading what this was all about.

    Go Azura's, yay..
    Former Class Rep
    Former Legend GM
    Beta player
  • LeifErickson
    I use to exclusively play in Azura's when it first came out for a few months. I ended up getting convinced to play in the cp campaigns, but went back to Azura's last night because I wanted to. A half hour later I was wishing I never left. Azura's is so much fun. I am ep as well and managed to have a good time even though we didn't own a single keep until some other EP started to take back a couple of them.

    One of the problems I noticed with this campaign is that there seems to be a very large skill gap between the players here. It's great that this campaign is a good place for new players, but I am seeing players anywhere from cp rank 10 and ava rank 40. There was this really tanky trollplar dc that could stay alive with 10 ep on him. He couldn't really kill anybody of course, but there was an ep in zone saying the guy was cheating because he could tank so many people at the same time. These newer players haven't learned about some of the different builds and mechanics in the game yet and because of that they think players like this trollplar are cheating.
  • Taylor_MB
    DC Emp defending gate keeps. GGWP Azura's star.

    Also, killed in load screen as they repaired inner, still can't believe those load screens are a thing that happens.
    PvP Defensive Set Comparison
    Firestarter MagDK 1vX
    - build and gamplay!
    LagPlar Ranged Lag Proof(ish) Magplar
    - build and gamplay!
    ShadowGaurd MagBlade Group Utility Tank
    - build and gamplay!
    Oncoming Storm No-CP 11.6k Ward MagSorc - build and gamplay!
    My YouTube Chanel

  • Kartalin
    Tay, you forgot the groups of DC attacking us inside our gates after the scroll was already gone.
    • PC/NA
    • Karllotta, AD Magplar, AR 50
    • Hatched-In-Glacier, DC Magden, AR 44
    • Miraliys, EP Warden, AR 35
    • Kartalin, AD Stamblade, AR 35
    • Miralys, AD Magsorc, AR 35
    • Milthalas, EP Magblade, AR 35
    • Kallenna, AD Magcro, AR 34
    • Lyranais, EP Magsorc, AR 33
    • Lemon Party - Meanest Girls - @ Kartalin - Youtube
  • Minalan
    Kartalin wrote: »
    Tay, you forgot the groups of DC attacking us inside our gates after the scroll was already gone.

    You mean after farming us all morning yesterday between the glad and rayles home keeps? Logging in with a yellow map and no scrolls? Its a problem when both sides do it, not just blue. We both need to sort of stop it.

    PS: great fight today at Roe with AD. That was amazing fun, especially after you broke in. Lots of back and forth, over and over. I thought you guys had us five or six times.
  • Taylor_MB
    Minalan wrote: »
    Kartalin wrote: »
    Tay, you forgot the groups of DC attacking us inside our gates after the scroll was already gone.

    You mean after farming us all morning yesterday between the glad and rayles home keeps? Logging in with a yellow map and no scrolls? Its a problem when both sides do it, not just blue. We both need to sort of stop it.

    PS: great fight today at Roe with AD. That was amazing fun, especially after you broke in. Lots of back and forth, over and over. I thought you guys had us five or six times.

    Yeah agree, every side does it and I'm sure on every campaign on every server on every platform, it's stupid arguing over which side does it worse. But was the Emp gate camping you? They should definitely be held to a higher standard then random puglets.

    When we took the scrolls from temple we spammed chat telling people not to repair the walls of gate keeps and not defend once we got the scrolls (we tried, sorry, not everyone listens. We did this consistently in the time I was Emp also, back before AS had this massive influx of random players, it actually worked then). But when the Emp gate keep camps it will actually kill the server.

    I'm sure it's stupid of me even trying to bring this up, the Emp and Emp group clearly don't care about sustainable PvP. I disagree A LOT with Bitaken, we've probably just found our first common ground though.

    Edit: spelling
    Edited by Taylor_MB on July 5, 2016 7:00AM
    PvP Defensive Set Comparison
    Firestarter MagDK 1vX
    - build and gamplay!
    LagPlar Ranged Lag Proof(ish) Magplar
    - build and gamplay!
    ShadowGaurd MagBlade Group Utility Tank
    - build and gamplay!
    Oncoming Storm No-CP 11.6k Ward MagSorc - build and gamplay!
    My YouTube Chanel

  • Heike
    bitaken wrote: »
    Heike wrote: »
    NBrookus wrote: »
    There are rumors that MORE DC are switching to Haderus."


    Seems they all went to bed early to flip the map early this morning. That's pretty much garbage play...but it is what it is and I welcome to continued fights...

    it's hard to fight here - but it can be done if done with tactics and proper positioning....

    You don't have to come here and cry about it.

    Bitaken, you talk about flipping maps early, and yet you were on 3 mornings of a week, at 4am, PvE'ing keeps, just so you could get Emp. lol

    And you talk a good talk here in Forums, with your "boldness," but you haven't run solo, since your first port to Cyro. When's the last time you ran without a group of 20+...? That's laughable.

    And where have you been THIS week...? "Big corporate meetings in RL?" "Teaching at a war college?" You're certainly not in AZ, dealing with DC's handling of the map.

    What's wrong, Bitaken? Your "good tactics and positioning" not enough to beat Braidas? lol

    You're unstable.

    And without your hired hands around, you're losing.

    ME butthurt? No... that's all you. You live your life and your personal shortcomings through hateful vendettas, against a group of players in a GAME. lol

    Save your reply. Nobody - and I mean NO one - cares about you, let alone respects you, in-game. Your minions here will reply to this comment, but probably only because they don't want to hear your tirade in zone chat. I know DC got tired of it, when you were Blue.
    Mihail Heike
    (NA AD CP1800 Templar - DD/Heals)
    Heikers | The Hive Mind | Dead Nirn Dealers | Bowz N The Hood | Tertiary Meat
    "Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi"

    "I will see you, galloping across the green pastures and through the timbers. I will watch, from my shadowy crouch under the rocks at Greenmead, as you race past the dolmen, with thoughts of Altadoon in your head. Yes, I will see you. And your journey will end there..."
    ~Mihail Heike
  • Heike
    NBrookus wrote: »
    Heike wrote: »
    NBrookus wrote: »
    There are rumors that MORE DC are switching to Haderus.


    After EP paid that group of big guns from Haderus to come wipe, DC then brought half of a 500 man guild to AZ... and you think that DC are "leaving"? lol

    I was referring to DC leaving TF for Haderus.

    My bad.

    Probably evens out, though, with this many players leaving Had to come to AZ. At least in this campaign.

    Mihail Heike
    (NA AD CP1800 Templar - DD/Heals)
    Heikers | The Hive Mind | Dead Nirn Dealers | Bowz N The Hood | Tertiary Meat
    "Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi"

    "I will see you, galloping across the green pastures and through the timbers. I will watch, from my shadowy crouch under the rocks at Greenmead, as you race past the dolmen, with thoughts of Altadoon in your head. Yes, I will see you. And your journey will end there..."
    ~Mihail Heike
  • Stridig
    Outer_Rim wrote: »
    This thread is funny it's like Blackwater pvp thread... just kids playing backroom gangsters on a server that don't matter.

    Easy now. Most of us in BwB are not kids. Our victories are earned. 12 pugs can't run over the whole map in BwB. Don't agree with me? Roll a new toon and come fight.
    Enemy to many
    Friend to all
  • bitaken
    Heike wrote: »
    bitaken wrote: »
    Heike wrote: »
    NBrookus wrote: »
    There are rumors that MORE DC are switching to Haderus."


    Seems they all went to bed early to flip the map early this morning. That's pretty much garbage play...but it is what it is and I welcome to continued fights...

    it's hard to fight here - but it can be done if done with tactics and proper positioning....

    You don't have to come here and cry about it.

    Bitaken, you talk about flipping maps early, and yet you were on 3 mornings of a week, at 4am, PvE'ing keeps, just so you could get Emp. lol

    And you talk a good talk here in Forums, with your "boldness," but you haven't run solo, since your first port to Cyro. When's the last time you ran without a group of 20+...? That's laughable.

    And where have you been THIS week...? "Big corporate meetings in RL?" "Teaching at a war college?" You're certainly not in AZ, dealing with DC's handling of the map.

    What's wrong, Bitaken? Your "good tactics and positioning" not enough to beat Braidas? lol

    You're unstable.

    And without your hired hands around, you're losing.

    ME butthurt? No... that's all you. You live your life and your personal shortcomings through hateful vendettas, against a group of players in a GAME. lol

    Save your reply. Nobody - and I mean NO one - cares about you, let alone respects you, in-game. Your minions here will reply to this comment, but probably only because they don't want to hear your tirade in zone chat. I know DC got tired of it, when you were Blue.

    Run Solo? I can't run solo. As soon as I log in my guild members join me and we go out to play.

    EHJ hasn't had more than 13 in a group since I don't know when.

    EP dethroned Braidas for you poor poor AD that were getting gate camped. You started siege at Ash - and we finished it.

    Don't come at me with anything other than - WE ARE AD WE RUN 40 MAN ZERGS AND U WILL LIKE IT!

    Because nothing else you say will be anything close to true.

    Respect? I don't want your respect. I want to defile your dead corpse at my feet. For real respect?
    Edited by bitaken on July 6, 2016 12:28AM
    PvP Lead Officer for Einherjar

    Member of Einherjar and associated guilds since 2001

    A multi Gaming community of players.
  • bitaken
    Taylor_MB wrote: »

    I'm sure it's stupid of me even trying to bring this up, the Emp and Emp group clearly don't care about sustainable PvP. I disagree A LOT with Bitaken, we've probably just found our first common ground though.

    Edit: spelling

    I been saying this to you since I entered the campaign. NOW after you get relentlessly punished by a DC emp you agree with me?

    PvP Lead Officer for Einherjar

    Member of Einherjar and associated guilds since 2001

    A multi Gaming community of players.
  • Alishka_Gunter
    Heike wrote: »

    When's the last time you ran without a group of 20+...? That's laughable.

    Saw you after we killed 40 or so AD on our long walk to Nikel. Thought I'd leave this with you .... its the same group we dethroned Braidas with. If you'd rather video, let me know as I have both.

    You'll notice that my group/raid window would overlap my player information if I got over 18 people in group. We never have more then this. Seriously.


    GM of Einherjar (EHJ)

    Alishka Gunter - Stamina Nightblade
    Gunter Smash - Magicka Dragonknight
    Alishka Tempestas - Magicka Sorcerer
    Alishka Arrowflinger - Stamina Nightblade
    Alishka Hides In Bushes - Magicka Nightblade
    Gunter Hearts Blueberries - Magicka Templar

  • Darnathian
    Stridig wrote: »
    Outer_Rim wrote: »
    This thread is funny it's like Blackwater pvp thread... just kids playing backroom gangsters on a server that don't matter.

    Easy now. Most of us in BwB are not kids. Our victories are earned. 12 pugs can't run over the whole map in BwB. Don't agree with me? Roll a new toon and come fight.

    Isnt bwb suppose to be for new players?
  • Stridig
    Darnathian wrote: »
    Stridig wrote: »
    Outer_Rim wrote: »
    This thread is funny it's like Blackwater pvp thread... just kids playing backroom gangsters on a server that don't matter.

    Easy now. Most of us in BwB are not kids. Our victories are earned. 12 pugs can't run over the whole map in BwB. Don't agree with me? Roll a new toon and come fight.

    Isnt bwb suppose to be for new players?

    Says who? It's for sub level 50 players. It's for players who like good fights with minimal lag. It's for experienced players who like to show new players how to PvP. It's for players who enjoy the community.
    Enemy to many
    Friend to all
  • Heike
    bitaken wrote: »

    I want to defile your dead corpse at my feet. For real respect?

    Anyone playing in AZ this week is laughing as they read you calling out people for zergs, with the pug groups that EP is running.

    It took you an ENTIRE raid of 30 to try take Allessia mine? Only to get wiped? lol

    Oh yeah, and saw you teabag me, after your group of 8 killed me at the LM.
    Wow, Bitaken... congrats. 8v1. And you're teabagging. But, I guess you weren't expecting TayTay to rezz me there, huh? Oh, and I noticed that when he and I then wiped your 8, you released immediately.

    You had nothing to worry about. I don't teabag like you do. We all thought that was funny, though. Thanks.

    And oh, thanks for the 20k DTick there. :)

    Edited by Heike on July 6, 2016 7:38PM
    Mihail Heike
    (NA AD CP1800 Templar - DD/Heals)
    Heikers | The Hive Mind | Dead Nirn Dealers | Bowz N The Hood | Tertiary Meat
    "Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi"

    "I will see you, galloping across the green pastures and through the timbers. I will watch, from my shadowy crouch under the rocks at Greenmead, as you race past the dolmen, with thoughts of Altadoon in your head. Yes, I will see you. And your journey will end there..."
    ~Mihail Heike
This discussion has been closed.